1919 MAR 12 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal., March 12th, 1919.
eSv lw :: Cet i` Of `y �- z 0r �_ t03S Qf she "]_tyy of
-i: s -mileµ t girder _t 7 C- ey j - f
yr ly'e ... �.
. -- , _ f rJ��- - L
_Jt- .rC.`.
�2 : --Etee z }' we__l. -,- j-, =11_ and 6?eI
e: a..Se'_t.
�- thG
UCH- -e b
- Orevlo, __eetin- rea__
croved a-- read "wr- f
o-rc� �t __
f' -- - : r i n -. t
-� _e -.estin- re fro._ the
t, b h id ir_ " e, ---i e ?- r c h loth, =or the
or-wr_ization to co_J.at the ef-:rts of the
Cit,- �. _ - - _ . e ch citieti
..1. _ � 1G .. 111 "��_i e'_Zi_y l•h'� ie.
.. _._ _ v.• _.• a .`�i... riw s- .:..'l -r' ;, ,y. c'L - 1-' "Z �.1 ,-- p s-
_c�h �.:�:.. u he i70 1�: 0� )Q S2 JaS..
-e c-- 11 neffDre -he le�isla - :re A,)rov_ - �: =or the division of fees
cei-Tew _ o,- ?:- 31 s, e
the .Mate, .Mate, Cities wi:d •Count-
ies .
_a =e-T ti t'--at he had not had ti. :e to send :lien to
�l tee - :ii: _ `� _ e . ed t?:e fault :' 0 era �r_ o, several ���indovTS, but that he
G ould�d c' so before his crew leaves In- lei:,o od .
?'r_illiyos for -oer- ission to remove a/tree from
- r__in- in fr - r t of his Jr J_ erg-- o f --,ac i - t _s give
_ _
:.:owed by - rast3e ,.wrd, seconded by 3ryso --., that the co : =n-
icwtions be filed. Carried.
l C Oi,: � %COwU� JL
- - -r.
alfred T.'. S.::iley, presented t o the 3oard , a petition si-ned by
himself and others, requestinz the annexation of Tract 17?. 3300 to the
Cit T of �1 ae.ui :do, e�y�lairin�" thct this was a -niece of la--rid purchased by
�` —dard ^il CoL,- a-:7 subseTnent to incorpora - ion of this city, and in-
as it djjcirs the cit- or, the Louth, they desired t_ -at it be taken
_._ to the cite. i. :ove._ by 1'r__,stc'_. ; ,r, , seco_,idec "ay 'Trustee 3r7: on, thwt
l'_:= -eti-- 0, c� ileT ��.. ot/�hers, "r-�-ir.~ the �_n .' Li on to the
Of _;l :, o o_ r°.. 'c. be _ r-r -a to the Ci Uorne for
o i_Zi c ?, __. re-cc ^t -t ne:Lt _.. eti: "a-rri
:, o-..: .
'one .
L;-;-7j ;I
-07e:; . c'7 __ _ _ se c o e by „ ti -ee ryson, „h�-t the �, U-.
be Z- _._Lr.'.Ote.i to L.__ v._•.�.Je iii - ,i -C ?.r.lv.`."..L :iGe: uric viJihl .., ta'u, :.rci__ the _
__- _• t 1CF 2+o U l l r,.�'eE'iu T ✓• fir, f•0•U• LQ� -L,7 eleS, nQ to
f _
ha7-z- l? :e ir:; "a, lie at a cost not to el:ceed ,;10.00. Carried by the
f07 10 j.
J_. v
The letter of the Venice Chamber of Commerce re meeting in Venice
on the 15th inst. was discussed, and by general consent, it was decided
that all of the CitT- officials should attend the saz.e if _-possible and
that the preSS be -reqj_ested t0 _L the :- t ter -publicity, , inviting as
:n� citizens as pos sir l e to atye-_ ^_d the sc_::e. 7:15 0' c1ocL p. m. was the
ho, -r a ,t -- -
Gi' �� _
XI la;7i e_a:_ao
v e d b:� _ r,,,_ tee 2r
i :s be r ^ anted �oer::issi
in front- of his pro - -D Art- -
.-sor_, seconded
to -reL:ove on(
b.7 ^ ::stee _-rd , that .hill-
,- r:
.��calnpt.:s tree fro-- the - oar':ir~
Drive, as per hi C, 2 y :lieat -ipn on
to the �...tG._.o� ile rise i_.Z-nrance�)cl_Jc_es on t "e
in the s _._. of �,3000.00 dividing she
n t,..� + 1 G. :.e�T S'Zra�: ^, e . J. , a �.1 th ° � L�rGr?1;_ T _S :_rance v0::: :?'', at
tot -al s- t- -act to e1_.:eed �E7.5 0���._ °G the fo11o: i. vote.
: 'es. 1N. t e^ 7,
C.3 :a," e_ ~er.
_ ?oe S . i. o11e .
: ''Glee
moose- U _
_LYI,._T 3I L ;.
fol_o??Tir -_ de..Iand:
h 7i. had the a� the
proz-_ _ Gf
�o on
_a. r_ -I_ce �. :_d = :ecordc ?�vere
, •�.
.. mah one:-
si_fecti._ -
_ � � .
., . 5 C
� . .�. ,rr
_U0. L_eC. :; ,G.
-_,_, -7 _r: tee w� , s co _'r:_stee that the de: f-.nds
er .� rr1Gd by
-es. __tit etirTscr, _actin, .:ard, and 3ue ger.
�.Ge one.
zi ;; e t : 1'0::e.
— ,
=_i a_"shal a.Ir.o__,ced the revocation of t _e ayp,�Gintr:ents of James
cC- -1loch .•d :'. -2obbins -s Le- L^ -- rshals.
Trustee 3rvson brought up the matter of the purchase of a lire Engine
which was discussed at some length. Trastec .;ueger stated that the Board's
pror._ise to erect an amusement room for the 7olunteer lire Department would
have to be redeemed before they could consider the purchase of a fire engines,
?t was finall7 decided thst if the 2iremen would file a written petition s
rith the -:-�o:.rd requestin-- the purchase or a fire engine and consenting to
the a,bandonemert of the ar_.u^ -:pert roof,: pro "ect, the matter would be con-
sidered if it -•ere prat -er facil-. ties are adeauate to make
_L en�-lne asef - -l. Fire 1-Ens aut" orized to circulate a petition.
ee sGr stated that t'__ere had veer so-:e a7•;tation concerrir,T the
ti et,.- ,. _�� ih . 'ihe_.tre �iwildir , an 1.t E;GS . = :OVed by i "� ystee ._ stir, ,^,econded
+ - _.- a- -
;y 1 =_ ._ ee G1 _r,i? :7tee ;cr__ be. a pointed a cor::..;itt:e of one to in-
-esti� _:.d r ; t at .e._t ..:eeti _;. i'he G tion carried.
o-.�__.i.: , a b made abou cG�,s being
in lac . t lots it as t:, a11or; the:._ to cross sidewalks.
;a calleu �•o ":e -_w ^s__µ1 s a,"t•e:�tio.i v;iti� intitr :c ti on: t0 pre-
. � -.t ... = '•'c-- �'e''Oe 1� J�ti:.�Ola.
-tee :_wrti._, see-or,.ed by ',r:, stee '. :or_-, that the .street
eri_ t_ y he ins -C +o rem37e the debris ca-ased bTT the recent fire
-rc-. t? _ _de - :.• 1 -= on ±r' __.wst sine G� -.ich .ord St. bet:;,een 31 :.eoundo and
to fill _ c`..'Pd cess oJl near the a,11P - or, the ;ast
a.ra , seco : :ied b - ''r stee :._arti_:, --r-Tson
be a_� i:'ted c co :.�� :'_ytee of one tc rrar.?e for the enclosure of a portion of
t''° -1 tr r= c- a-Z _ r; e-,ti -Te ::ensure, at a cost not to
_ _ _ 1 __ G_ _ =ire ��_ �7 li r
r ec c,"
�a•_d, .;Grp., and _ u,._
The City Clerk was instructed to communicate kith the Los Ann•eles
i. -ana er o-° the 'acific fe,ephone L 'r'elezrc.ph Co. relative to ravines a nub-
lic lonE distance tele- o'r_one installed in the -i4-- 7all
J w." •
t ,Ia s u� _ U -U'-,-,-+, s
I ; 'e °fed ebl ti:.` cri'n17e7*S On ire: = boil: ln. -.S in y'ire
Listrict 1, should be investi, ated and ordered repaired where necescar;-.
�res_del.tueer thOU�,nt fret i� the �?reSS Trade "E i7ti0L of the matter, OFnlers
would t °':e steps to remedy hazardous conditions, and no _:_ether action was
ta._e -.
� hap � _ou �r_ es __,tea Uee alo::,ri dorm, and across the
,e a j:: L treet
_ o:. pus �_ u ._•. V. a� = the recent grinds and tl_e L
rr s in :,. � hf � � Sup
s� ~�?cted to log_ into t .::atte rritl tY_e tiiew o re-Dlanti.r~
-Jre S nr vin tee trees lr pOS � %le , and if not t'J the sa:_.e • V
2 -.e Vii" _tS of �ytllias ra--in- �de a.) j. -�tioY .Or the :.se of the
Cif, _ -all ��c�itoriu . o n tip eve: izi { ^�_ _:arch 2`�nd jl�l� it ;;mss .:.peed
, b,
'z~_ctee �r.-so, , seconded by r�_stec ;cr'- ± al and
�, r -oe=f S_�cn be granted,
the c�_:.to_: r;, rent�.l of 27.5C collected b`r the Cit:� Clerk. Carried b� the
-0�,' c; vote:
.Aye s. 1- - steps wry son., anti: rd ork and 'Hu e-e
IJcec: :'or, e.
ao se:t . one .
Ilo bv sine Ss appe - rin -•, it was ToT-ed by 'ir:_ _'tee .:artin, seconded
fl=at theTeEt1T1_ ad:0�^I7. Carried.
a -ter o7era
�'a . 0 F/% . - A*— P)A A 0 - fA
?resi ent 3o�rd o+' Tras ti.