1919 MAR 05 CC MINRega.lar meeting• of
was called to order at
,� r a
cil . ry.I.a*�.ber o� i „y
Trustees present:
Trustees apt sent :
the Board of Trustee
7:130 o' clock -0. on
Hall, by C rl Ernest
Brys or , I-iork, and
,'.astir, and '.lard.
s of the City of El Segundo
the ab ,0re date, in the Coun-
I�ae� -er, Bresident of the
Ruen7 er.
`the ::_inate: or the regular :pectin- held on the 26th day of Tebruary*,
1919 here rea :. --o errors or oT :1ssion yam. r171^ It ?. ° ?
_ _ _ _ _ ._ ale e.. _ _ moz ed b.,T 1'ra s t e e
Bry sow -, seco nded stee _.j rte -i , (who appeared at the 7 eetin~ an-"' took.
I_is se_ t _ed4= tel:, after tti_s roll call. the ho-,-r ceinM 7:33 0` cloc1=
that the,- be approved as read. the motion earri ei .
_he co___: :.nica ions .ere read.
fro T. fiarric, re r -7e ti2a- t :37 erw1 d I i s in D,- fan ?T, gaAin
� __tes for a--e_ tisir_~ in the special ed=ti on of the -1 ae�_ndo Herald. to
be issuer woo t :._march 15th
Le,a^ue of CL;,- li -ornia c;:a.11inl:- attention to a measure
now before the la% r :aY >ers of this :state havin:I to do with the distribution
of :1nds r:.ceived froL motor vehicle licenses ana urgin_ the _3o�.xd to take
s-acr _action as their intler�st de :-ark-1, and to co-_-.:_unicate the same to the
this dictrl c+, at : acramer_to.
o--+-=_ _ -'al- forr_ia Jas Cor nary acceptinz the franchise of the
right to distribute gas in the City of El Segundo under the provisions of
Ordinance _'i o. 49.
I.'oved b7 Trustee ILartin, seconded by 1'rustee 'dork, that the commun-
ications be filed. Carried.
• ?one .
Tru tee Tyson, or the ?ublic ..or: =s Co�,�ittee reported that good pro -
~ress is beinJ - -.ade rlith the i.m-orove::.ent of ?al.._ 'venue, which is about
yready for' the soreadin- of roc'-, :rI_icr :rculd be d one dUrin- the coming
. ee_�.
The 0it7T miler': TC:OOrtez:', t_':at ce?"t -- ) a r t c Of t s- 3eedoT :_eter for the
truck had no-_- arrive :�?t that the El Se- :,undo Carafe e__% Dcted they would
", :e sa- -e _:_lct ^e mou__te- oi_ L=c'_ co:lin-
a �o :�._ -.era rwd in. galled door r meter in , u1__
t = :c i±^ call.
�i i.ti,�rr_ utton at ..-cin t. a'_�.. "r')iid _�verae had been moved and
.,a.s it o = - ti
- - _ � � - r r - e T
�':,_ :129.59 �. 'raw i,et�i rrc _. f o:. the ywci�ic L1 ctric R� .
0 �l_�.: _ ., iC e c L.,. e -al U h c a CtU_.1 COS t
±^ ":: Ct""lli= U S-, -)ur t_racl_ '_ ar "-'l :.e -undo revenue and
ti-:e the :_ :�c dw._:isi„- or �" �e�^a2.�o aivelae rows ur_der
- �n :_ tr "O _nt Of - 1:C.^C Qe` Oti1t0_. b'� tti1S C1iTT with said co: pan-
_ _
111.E ra l_ S Qe e- . :e :.'e the Jsrd
�Z .. �:�__, secolida" :1,. _r v. :�t'�.G _._;,'..r V1..7, L�.G.V V: e `�'i' vlert►
e i st_ l ae_ ot s_ 1rea7 's Kadin _._ac _lne a� a cost
e �a �- i� - - 7To U
Tr_ ^tomes - -/•T7LD__, _. rte :^ :or-= ana = ,ue�er
1 _ .. .
foes: I: , e. Absent: 2rastee a.rd.
Publishing Company supply a one page write -np in the Victory Edition, to
be published durinz the month of I' -arch, 1919, at a total cost not to exceed
75.00. Carried b7 the foll=iny vote:
ry eS: iraS leev ?r-'SO__, �_`1: ^, :Ora, Gr:ZQ _-RL'e -e-r•
_TOeo . O C.
he ''it: ^ler' wwr; ti e` tr V t - -- . ?lip :e_ as to off r sub ~e tio_.: as to
trar_sor_ lilts and c.'clior_ or the ~utter was deferred.
state-' .4 -z -� for re v.,o-;-ld
delive--ef. it
' ' o ass` . ^sea it ,)s -, '^lied th'=t
nJ 0':? On } :? tw .en v.:tll tr r J - 1 _ 0 I_1 .. _ t'• r =_ _ e ,flt a t i v e of
the ;raS to -
1�_.� OO _ _ti_o --- .-.= L -n`e -0� �h:i :. r rr�cc�' 0 t1:'e t0 Oet
1 .. - -
Cit-T Oleri: :r2s ti. Goodrich concern -
i: imr,edi �`e coTM� l �l, e of t'- -e Ste-am _ewti�i- in 17all.
_e f o_lo. --
ha.'iry had I:e ��±��._ of the
�_..___�ttee oil 1-
u a= ce _
0. J. _ _ _s._
cry : ;e
y._�t•e�_ .,e .
Df -_i arts ,.sus _ __ted.
w_ t
_ ._ ri _ _ o .
e s
1'C. 0C
r 1_ ...,.... .. v ...... . _
_ „-
J V . V' V
tl. _ u ..T ,J • l .7 .. r y l
10 • 00
L r
... v.ti. .r ... .�.._t v_. .ice•
v• �i. .a .�CeL
t.. ✓. V.
�. ;. and
:_. ;. ZL L: 77
�Jw is
1C. CC
_:. au=
V (
1 7 . C
' r
dr Shur .; . � o r°
N. :._. rinderso,-
Virginia ±'itz�erald
�. sreeu
"oble ? r ha:;,
�',: '.. J• .__ :�l.+w.
37.57 C
;3'.ai:d`:rd vil Co.
:,okll.er-� Cal. .-dison .,.�.
2nastae 3ryson,
br,T r:atitee ._arti:_,
that the de:::ands be
w_ ^c: ;r -wrr is -or sa::e
on the 2 -and.
Carried by the
-�` rye , - -�.
__, , r_
i:1 1or' a a :. �e -er.
"To es: ..o__e.
Ciui f, C ' aho= _-e, -- for -i ss for trwliSom 121
as discussed, and it�v:�.s decides t'r:wt s_.._.:e woald be all -
t- C', ' _ _cic:, to h- plain o -� seT. _rc _ trans'o:ls
_ -- =_w� � to s-7 a i= t: =; :0__1: o_ _ - LIe
i__ tr__% ` tc _riy pw. for
kJu _ oYe in �_ 1i for t -- _ = o� �s o n a lr line
1J -. y: L- -- +' ..'de - :.
il- tr.Ict ._. -de o. ation
,cr _:s_ c� l = z _ 'cN =�;__ o -- _ o, ' e.._ t'_., �*rY_ich eras �r�.:1ted.
e� N
._se the wu;�lt �_ _: :_ on
f l_� w, - - :o
_.:�_ cr l� t -_,n : �crr__isti ion
fo_ the
cry : ;e
y._�t•e�_ .,e .
Df -_i arts ,.sus _ __ted.
The Inglewood
the - eve.Iin~ of t 1e
.7omens Club made application to use the auditorium on
17th_ 'o- - --arc I, l 'l9, By general co--,Ise.—.t c,ar-L _ss_or. VI s
tiJJ% t'r_e - .),y ... e_I, of t._c s�)ecifldd rental if �" =
_._r. -•- _S�J:_ req�- _.'te e_ �cr -0:_ t., r "2 tree the _lei 1L"
the rear of" his d - : /el, ink on �21c rd, e s the- sa --:ie was in -`r -- v.,a:- of, a c Jnte_--
? ted e:Itension to his ^r�_e. = 2r= ._�ss�orl �� s _ t2 _.
-• -= . �. he jwrd ...ada 7 e rb a_ _ _�1�cwtiJ.. t,,, the e-tor
.. J I,z a 're.:._., a L" t' o_, i ,,: w - rw_�, u - il,? ir: � ' L --in
_- .`...... .+L. ._ -. yr.. .✓li ire �t rLe ,v' � c L 5
. -.. - � t ....
�r_ .'t -ae J��, 5e : -: LJ.. p -r 1 r- _ct='c $ _3rtiT2, Li_' t l�.e J 1�! in
�.;S-__ e yJ� i .t fo-1;- the wor_= Ol arried
t'ee s ~e:: o -_�_ed 7, _- - ee -.ti.� lr,. __ t__... V t}�e .,1 ✓?T
f f
wL Iti,_'orise -I to order 530 requisition bl:.nri:s in triplicate, at a
„o t .-1 C:)St not to e:_o'eed 412.5C. ..urried btT the _ol.�J.: i - ^_ v� va .
,'as. rastees Bryson, —artin '.;ors, w.d --tuevery
I -oes: gone.
t: lrlas tee ..' -rd.
_ _rt'r12r b i:Iess ape rin_, it .: s oi-ad stee L� ^;;son f seconded
b�- i�-astee nor :, t ?.' t the r..2eti:. d,; o-- -n. .,arr- ed.
itesaectfull7 sub e---it-tai,
C i L,4
reside It _.SJ " -rd of 'Trustees.