1919 JUL 23 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal., July 423d, 1919. f:;:0 z,e0:1Uiar 2, C 7 had s--arted *-h,-- D_ D th--- t they had re�.ef the t, _LO t'-- n,� a b i,� �_ 7 1.�t'er r)-_ e-7- t e s i .D 1 f t '-�D h--*-- absence 7es a .7 ee4 or Soo 40 J r e S e S t is the U c o n- , m_-, h the e :3 o ar d 2 o n 2 _n i r_,:� f 1- • ...._.'.�iK o -':in 7 :;a irk 3 'h r­L-,c'eeS 7.:artin - L ard and --U E to c. rw ?:.e b",-,- 1d- 3-: - v Le .ropy e a LI C _­_ s w o, U. 'J'; -he it wLs inte-_­.ded to -lace on the -fire en. 4 4.1,+ this added to the wD�ld mah,e it Uo_- --.e t 6" o t f T-I 0 17 7, e e Ij 0 a V I' s t ca Z- ard to further and deter- f:;:0 u- 0 1 -D ',7 -y— d r 7 had s--arted *-h,-- D_ D th--- t they had re�.ef the t, _LO t'-- n,� a b i,� �_ � 1 - - 4:) - e ' - - _� -at 1.�t'er r)-_ e-7- .D 1 f t '-�D h--*-- absence 7es a .7 ee4 or Soo 40 J r e in 7- t. ;! 11) e r T is the U c o n- , m_-, h the e :3 o ar d 2 o n 2 _n i r_,:� f 1- • ...._.'.�iK o -':in 7 :;a irk 3 'h r­L-,c'eeS 7.:artin - L ard and --U E to c. rw ?:.e b",-,- 1d- 3-: - v Le .ropy e a LI C _­_ s w o, U. 'J'; -he it wLs inte-_­.ded to -lace on the -fire en. 4 4.1,+ this added to the wD�ld mah,e it Uo_- --.e t e tu I t i 0 n t f T-I 1' 17 7, e e Ij 0 a V I' s t ca Z- ard to further and deter- e a e s -:L,.ae stayed th,"�t he 1--ad attended :.! meetin- 0.-L' the mnti- t -I or. - , C, - � at which _�-_etin-- the League j­ 177- '2--d ae the - ceded t3 _eet &'U a n d 3 on 'h:-- 29th inst.; that he had arranged with bee­ to -:.se Ih- +le-r Tneet -a,.; with permission of i I Z- s, ea c o d 31 b 7 ::tee the 7e e ' o L� s e the 'ity U U S S :Pollo�; ng Corcl­s- 3f the _,ieetin- of the t0 be held in said hall on D -7­111.,._i ,�_ t :_L:j.Ld -L-4 1. J J action or that ,'the oet f` n - o1 e­,ze , be deterred cn-_z wee._ uo 0,11--11 )rD o­ anotlier -part of street. UO f1le -0- L 0f this other port4o:9 SO th^t r 7 had s--arted *-h,-- D_ V. U Z; a =r4 w a s e 2?2 c 4- e d K but that he dezired 4- 1 f t '-�D h--*-- absence 7es a .7 ee4 or Soo r e e d I-D" t h e C i t,, 1"13iol: to have U c o n- , m_-, h the e :3 o ar d 2 o n 2 _n i r_,:� c 1 `7 he e I e o)ur.,j ,c 3, -arrying :;a irk 3 'h r­L-,c'eeS 7.:artin - L ard and i 7-h o d a; Ana 3-: - v Le .ropy e a LI C _­_ s w o, o -he it wLs inte-_­.ded to -lace on the -fire en. 4 4.1,+ this added to the wD�ld mah,e it Uo_- --.e is =. t- i d e t -,.Veli as in'er_-�'erin:- th the e L z� U a•_d by 7; to further and deter- -7­111.,._i ,�_ t :_L:j.Ld -L-4 1. J J action or that ,'the oet f` n - o1 e­,ze , be deterred cn-_z wee._ uo 0,11--11 )rD o­ anotlier -part of street. UO f1le -0- L 0f this other port4o:9 SO th^t favorable actioid is taken Y the oi�'i�i F—Tr-ust ee s,' the work of impro'v- ino- P both sections may be prosecuted at the same time. Carried. secinde,4 b-7 c Jr —ts -or e rj:Li s S r- IUCI 4% n betu­t� b e t e Ca _-L e that the a jpli- rlter Li one s 'so- -, 2­7 ao an d ine 4- ,2 e d --d 11.7Y c c er 4- f +1 e 7 'T 77 77 j- 1919 '7 02, E_IIUFdIiiI3 O."L_ Y "Cc4 Z' ,..L J, d V C T ZA. 21L�3ZI C 7 LT A_j_ wh i ch LI by Irastee ­'orl- zec-onde-d by Trustee Z�_ilpy, that the "ity Clerk -3 request _�erican "�a :ra-nce 'ire -rgine Co. to have e U -he ra'_ d ­1 _e i__34 r,.; c t 4 U Xma-, e a thorouL7-h inspection of the fire engine to class condition, a cost not to exceed �he sta-�ie jr, first U V U a r i e d b - t 1-1 e 1137.' L'I:�' Fore Llr�� S t e e S .Lb &en t .Lrustees 3r--sor I U following :urtee '.'o:,�:, seconded b-7 -ee ey, that the --oved b;� s'l E 4 so z3a tf on be ad oq te d that 'Lroi%-- and date after this e the Street .6 U be, and he is hereby au+hDri::ed to employ common laborers U.- to be compensated at the --,-:,te o i-, his deoart-,ent f V4=.CO per day. Carried ire fOl— vote: T:ustees 2nd 7 d I-artin. :Yoe_: ' r!b s e t I- e r _I 2 - _ , b7 Trustee a -- —e haz the Co=itt-ee on 2 _Z111 J 00 Total ;e316.37 t the d e-,.,-- I' CL S the 1 2 a---d . d t __e6 U 'ee- 0-- 4— and -.0es 4- ,2 e d --d 11.7Y c c er 4- f +1 e 7 'T 77 77 j- 1919 '7 02, E_IIUFdIiiI3 O."L_ Y "Cc4 Z' ,..L J, d V C T ZA. 21L�3ZI C 7 LT A_j_ wh i ch LI by Irastee ­'orl- zec-onde-d by Trustee Z�_ilpy, that the "ity Clerk -3 request _�erican "�a :ra-nce 'ire -rgine Co. to have e U -he ra'_ d ­1 _e i__34 r,.; c t 4 U Xma-, e a thorouL7-h inspection of the fire engine to class condition, a cost not to exceed �he sta-�ie jr, first U V U a r i e d b - t 1-1 e 1137.' L'I:�' Fore Llr�� S t e e S .Lb &en t .Lrustees 3r--sor I U following :urtee '.'o:,�:, seconded b-7 -ee ey, that the --oved b;� s'l E 4 so z3a tf on be ad oq te d that 'Lroi%-- and date after this e the Street .6 U be, and he is hereby au+hDri::ed to employ common laborers U.- to be compensated at the --,-:,te o i-, his deoart-,ent f V4=.CO per day. Carried ire fOl— vote: T:ustees 2nd 7 d I-artin. :Yoe_: ' r!b s e t I- e r _I 2 - _ , b7 Trustee a -- —e