1919 JUL 16 CC MINaegular meetin- of the
was --ailed to order in the
of -"-h:--
M Segundo, Cal., July 16th, 1919.
of r- ;=steel of the C-It•- of -11 tie -_nmdo
1 "hamber of -he mall a" 7:30 o'cloc_�-
eti= @44 Qi-_&aP4@Lm 9; *ar iimi by 3,7-I_vIe7
11311 'm _* TiT.
and '..:arti*--..
--T"- T?TTTrt�,Q -0-=TrTn'-,-
r2he mi—c-'eS of th:_% o the-- -`_a- of 1919
erro-2 -.Zs-
d a a. d
'n 3 1; 1 7 . _Z7 o c 1 o c
out V error
-,1 7-,:
-)'h `:� '-T-
th _L_Y D - V 1919
L I �a t 7- a Z, .:roved -be ru s -
t t I a,.-. - e be as read.
a t` j,- s t3 his fra:_e
L. J :)t. aveaes.
t'h;-- __acific their speed re stri ot- on
-io wDuld be otskl�-_,.��'.
-O-r :.,iiles --.er hour over h- --ed
-. i, Le outside doors
66honey quoting 13 . 0 -i for rev, m L
of the Cit; , V-1L. 80 for scraping off and refinishing gent's toilet
-;.-ith two co=wls ena~,.el, and 0" for re-ena_e'": ladies rest
ro o.il with
one coat.
f 'o furnish
-a b o Lout::_- :P-1 -)--rnia o_.L-_�rin LI fu
ell-4C-Ie act i�� the Bo�xd of
L _ _L _L U
certain tr_�:f-fic -si qo_ as requfrer7
agree to wa T _or the, of
-7 that -L
.:oved '�y I-rustee '#a-_-d, seconded by -_r,�.stee 'i i o r4'a: he coiLmunicat-
I 7
O'arr_ e, ".
liL2 '2 6 "L i
r e jo o rt e d
e e S,_� -7
or, aCCO r14' 0l
7� Tja.L C;Q
c o --1,2 -_ e
m,p "' _- t e
o._ e a 3 h
-1 -
a elect: " Tiers to be installed
-U---L'u 'u'-,,.a'U certain grading was
side or street, before the
tl- -,, �e
Of of o of t. and Z;eZund 0
L ersect-il Dn for the purpose of i.Irl-
ul� e
C,-.- ema of W�de
4- _n
haza-_-d to x-, was '.,ad, and by general con -
1 -he
-!I!-- ---,ctr-,)ctions to hale t
e - - re, d t c L: e ., 0 rz� V; L
-or e:l _U , -_.-ith as S 0 as Ooss"-
- _L-
4 - 4- o _-g of a street through a
1, - 1 -4-- -7 e:r
�_)art of acrea_-e in- -)ortio-n of the present,
nd EL
the ---*t.-;- ttor--ey ',he;:. that co e= n :roceedings were
Office or the purpose
Lo,�7, _--nd il-,ey ;;e:.,e offered +".-.e :,fiery' - - L I
_L c;l
Of havini:- -'- --or-f ere -1--ce a�Ljn.- t-.ha:a s e I-, �_ S t' 0 S�_�e i-f the c0 _L a-reer- upon
'1� to co-le to an a-ree.-_-.ent, and
so:..e _;.:?oced-_,,_re. L_;:<- ::er- L
-0 h )rz) -osed
-or d t'-ne 33oard t- e-7 would ::-eet _!-m Sa- n, on the site o f
r3ad, -7::!a- 9 4- j, n
s tv --h; �h th '.-I"ald try aurae, and would
U i-
0--e - e f A-I -
c 0 111 r a _Q7;3 in at s 0:11n later date.
I, :owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trwatee Work, that Ordinance i�o.
r• y,t It /�. - . 1-, '1 n ,n. F -�1 TT.� ,n _ -� -�.T 1 rr
53, entitled: A: v..111..n��v�. 0� lr:• .,IlI 0� L S�^.�L -N V C.u.L! �t.,1�,
I�rv, :?-:� Y�DI1,s 0a ai:7 �iTI:�,: ::OiI..L 0:j 3 02LC AL LLZ. TIN' TO 3.-d i NLD I:;
SAI CITY Oi: ii;::SiiAY, ice. SEC +D DiiY Or' Sr._'iLilS.L =c, 1919, 0-1 THE 2LiL20SL
02 SL73iaT Ii:O TO : LECIT,J_ S Or adlL THE QLJ S1IOL
.lu:.r Oit
T-OT C :Rjjjtd i1E�'+ UiYIi riil7I A :i% TLyRITOnY Th ;IiJ DESCRIBED SiLiI�L
3E lair's: r; iv, t v IIMDR2O1: iIL.I. IiY ai111) A .ART Or Si!I.0 _U4% C bL COtZ-
O�TIO�T. which said Ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meet -
ing -of the 3ourd of Trustees held on the 2nd day of July, 1919, be adopted.
Carry ed by the following --ote:
_�.yec : Tr ,steeS , rd and 11 T
IJoes: Trastees :one. Zirti�.
Abse_t: Try_: tee 3ryson.
Traste red orted that he was investigatin~ the best Method of
wtt: chink ra.c::s to the =ire engine for the purpose of carrying close, but
as ,yet had not decided what to do.
--ved by ru ,",ee :;ors, seconded by Trustee � a_�d, that t e toilets in
the City :all e ordered repai'^ted, at a cost not to ekceedw5.00.
Carried by try f olio -,, ing .-o to
Trustees -, ..ard, ;or:�, and :,iartir..
i:oes: era: tees lore.
zse t. Trustee
Trustee i ori-, secondef �y Tr: s tee :;:_� la, that the following
r ems•V __t i31-. .) adop V�d:
„ j,,,,, C;l*fu_.iiC_ ie :icly act as w__.erided by the Legis -A. U e of
tl.� ate of Cfornia ;.t its lest se: sign will on and after Jkly 22, 1919,
c__ 7 ___:Y _ate the a:re- dWe__ts to ., ;id a beco:_es effective, require the
t� ._�d .._;.i,: te_.;� ;e L-7 ti1C. ariou�, co �Y�ties d mur_iciyDalities of the
� of wii_o i of :ertain s�?ead limit signs as a condition prerequis-
ite to th enforcing of the re;;ala Lions of the speed of vehicles contained
l .,Oc3^tion of said tact, and
Tui:; .mow, the City of S1 Segundo is desirous of enforcing and complying
v: -L th this lawn' and
the Automobile Glut. of Southern California, an incorporated,
.. - profit association of motorists residing in Southern California, has
arecle� w sign po::li :a sTste : :_ covering all of the principal highways of
, if :)rni and the �crinci pal highways leading into Southern Cal -
I.- -nia throughout the western states, and is therefore particularly well
equipped and gj.alified to perform the work of erecting the signs which the
ornia "'eti :icla act requires, b;T :ectios 1, Subdivisions 5 and 6 of the
met, t1-ie various counties and cities to erect, and the said Automobile
Cl� of ; oatrcral Cal- forr_ia ha^ing offered to erect in the City of El Segundo
free of char all sins necessa �`- for a full compliance with the law upon t
1' Nae.. °_,t of the s °id vi t- Of ..l to e� :.��loy said Clab to maintain
igns and tc ��ay said Club the :actual cost of replacing or repairing
s ~ch si�'r_s of the posts on ;: *rich they are erected whenever such replacing or �
re iris - be--o--.e nece ss ii--.
_. :_.;_.�_6: J: Ii ...J....y tr>_t tris yc sd does hereby authorize its
to execute a contract o--,-L behalf of the City of &I Segundo with the
Sato�o,ile C ub o- So-L, .l C���fori.ia, a corporation, for the perform -
ce of the - e3assar7- jrorr- and the f-_._rnishin~ of all necessary materials for
`h ,�,ecticr_ of the si�_'ns requi „e3 in Subdivisions 5 and n of Section 1 of
Cwlir,r ^i ;'ericle act as a::.ended by Chapter 147 in the Statutes of 1919,
� r.•� , id ,,o__ t_ 't sha7 ” '.ro71de that all of such signs %,,ill be erected free
of cha -e to the Cit:T of` L-.! Se�-,kndo by the Auto: .aobile Club of Southern Cal -
ifOr'_i�", oration, that-- ch si- -s shall be the propert7 of the said
Cytd° of El Se��.._do shall agree to e:noloy said Club to - maintain
a._ 2 t _ate_ Sam-- �a - _or tr :.-aintenance of such signs on de-
of s: id corporate or: t'r:a �ft l cost of the r.:aterial used in replacing
or re; __ri' =__ -uch siYrs or the post on ;:high they are erected; said contract
shwl,- aIS,o yr ride that said to::obi1e Club of :southern CaI if- orrnia shall
lacy the fr.: �r of s7.,-,h -i� -s tha words and figures required by law, a3id
r. t1 eVe :=.,_� _ i0: Z ��Ortio :_ Or `1�e fa. ":0 Of such °i- �? , the C; ^rdS, "The
' - Of Southern Cwl ifornia ", or a,n abbreviation thereof, above
nu _ v_,.J_ 1.. r L v
which on .:.11: "uu .:.ile speeu li :._yt'' sins shall be inscribed the name of the
City of Se-ando. Carried by the following vote:
e s• Trustees Smiley, .:- -3.rd, '. *orh, and 1.1artin.
oes . Tr,, stce: I:o ne.
.a.Lsent: 3y,7 .s..'.or..
Moved by Traetee Smiley, seconded 'by " Trustee Work, that Louis Erb be
granted permission to alter his .building pTi. the East side of !lain St.,
between Grand and 2ranb1ir. Avenues, as prayed for in his applicatior
e� r +, a 3 „,xd of Traz tees +,�; s date. Carried.
pr �e 1..;;,, to the � �_._ �� a_ried.
?AYIIt C 3I -T .
The followin: de-r- ends,
ha?ing had
the a.:_ royal of the %,xanittee on
Zinance zd Records, were
Victor L. tl---
Ada 3tzbaash
C. _.. :.- &.hone :,
'. ::. Gilbert
SoK VI. _.i Cal. Bdis __
30a. Cal. E1:ison Co.
19. i5
Tel. L Tel. Co.
The `erican dubber .,:fg.
Ge _._�. �0.
a."ce _�:C �.L_31ne
Co. 79.56
s. A. '.;etherbee
::. 2wr_.�...
=c .
n. ._i ler
. Y
C. Sleigh
2. p. C_ c e s
2C .35
yarl Chabb
1-. -. _._& Utl__�l.y-
... ... 'dar_s
3. 6C
'. T.. vreer_
J. :.. Orr
�. �. Gilmore Co.
Fac. Electric B<y. Co.
' ll 39
:. "ov e d
4 . c e d an
f J....J �::rL
T - stee 'yard, sec nded by "Trustee Jorh, that the demands be
d warrants for same drawn -n the seneral -7u2d. Carried b T the
;-ote : eyes: Trustees Smilev, .lard, :7o rk, and :.:actin.
Noes: Noce.
.;bsert: Trustee 3r;
The City Clerk asked permission to remit to the Rebekah Lodge, the
proportionate rental for the one night, i. e., July 11th, 1919, which
they were unable to use the auditoriurrr for lodge purposes account of
the hall bein- used by citizens for a public meetin~. ..:r. _.:arvin Griffin,
a mer.ber of the yod:za beir.� present at the meetinf ,stated that the lod :-e
des-_red no remand inasmuch as they ;,ere able to hold their meeti :;; in the
Council _�haWber on the .i2 ^ht in question, but that their coW-plaint was
that no notice had beer. giver_ the: until the night of their ..eeting.
the n_ ty lier'e-_ then explained that fhe day followin, the :ceeting of
the 3oard, at which per: isslor: to use the hall VMS the citizens
etit' onin such use, he wrote a letter to the lodge advising the circum. -
stan2ez, ar_d kno -inj that their meetings were held on �rida7-s, ai-i-I believ-
in" 1hst the -'ost Office c, ;ul } c closed Z_ °'j.k.`.,y, LU3y 4th , in :�3 :1Cr. case
le d . of ue "Or c � _ tii de � ^`. =_ o'` in ere r_ t lodge --on --ened
on � w��- t';, he had del ivare � to an active ._.ember yin said lodge, ire t?:
^e t1 l ;± �+ ? ry '�.e �; °� f °�' t +h'. t the *' er had
g o�� l a r the °o o fi , bu u„ ir.e_,�
le t t e ,-' to v_.e J eCSretar,-- until a fei. .::inu v
,. _ � CS rr10r
�U t�iG �...� of 4-he- r me-J -4 �' on v:._ ' l l th•
she _`luLbing Tnspecter as"_ _ad permission to purchase necessary
for tetitiny Gas ?icing. I._oved by " :°ustee ;Olard, seconded by
�r"kstee �r. :, Lh" t the ?lu,_.bing Insr;ectcr be authorized to rurchase
equi -omert nsces„,�ry for t_otirl -as oirin ~, also a ha:,-:er and wrenches
for the :,treat De�D Est :_renLIP at a t 3t al cost not. to exceed
arr1 ed b,-- the fo ll -m- in2 :'o to .
A; es: �staes S::;iie--, �_� ors, and ITa -tin.
..oei-: i'Crle.
:J'..�'.-1i it Zl S r OVed b7 Trustee ►�: ��v'�r,
sec,_ c tee _rte, u_.a4 , e meating adV ourY. Carried.
. j-
reside d '2L _ yeas tees.