1919 JAN 22 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., January 22nd, 1919.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo
was called to order at 7 :3C o'cloc__ B. on the above dte in the Coun-
cil Chamber o- the Citv gall by Carl Ernest �ueger, ?resident of the Board.
Trustees present: Bryson, ,lard and Rue Ter.
Trustees Absent: -art in a ?id
i -- - -m -T
The minutes of the reT-ulsi meeting held cn the 15 :.h da.y of January ,
1919, were read vritro._t error or omission being noted, and it : ;as moved by
Trustee `,-lard, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that ti_e say ,ie be approved as
read. Carried.
Trustee Martin appeared at the meeting at 7 :4__ O'clod_ ?. and
t his seat.
C2�= ::_'IC__TIOIdS
FRO-1,%7 '.!Ii: .. -, 1 =iEAD:
3r-o_. ?. S7. Stinnett. announcin - the revocation of the appointment of
fii't:= -nine Je- -)ut77' I,iarshalls.
31ro.._ . S. Stinett oeing his resi' nation as Ci L... i:iarshall to become
effective at ti_e >>leasure of 'U---.,e Board of Trustees.
2ro the Railroad Corimision of the State of California annou:.cing a
rearm - on the ._: after o.:- tl:e constraction of a Tas distribution s:yste_. in
tr. "it.- Of Seund_ to be held in ti_e office of the Cozmiiision,Jnion
L a aeBaildin Los An _•eles, California, Januar:;- 24th, 191::, at 10 :00 A. hi.
_roi: tr.e national SuretT,� Co. =gyp ...,y asing I r advice as to the date
of coripletion and ac e?tance of the contract of Darrell Condley with the
City of El Se,und- .
1'..oved b-T Trustee Bryson, seconded _UTy Trustee *."ard that the commun-
ications b- filed. Carried.
Health Officier R. 2. Davis requested the Boa - -d to adopt an ordi-
nance authorizin, him to Jlac 77 rouses in which there shall be found
certain comunieable diseases if it ap)ears after investigation by the
City Attorne -T that t e matter is not alread% cove_^ed by state laws.
Kr. L. Dale requested permission to male i :prove�ients to a build -
_—z" at pres _.t on hi,_ l,,t in this C° t -.' which improve, -ents appeared to
deviate frog: the requirements of the local ordinances.
The Cit.-,7 Cler advised t--at L-r. uouston of the Southern California
Edison had -r:een investigating the probability of installing new
street 7 izhts as had been requeste by the Board of trustees and that he
_ld infora us at a later date on the matter.
: I.' ISHT .D BliSI ESa.
-oved o:- tr,_stee Ward, second ;d bar -Trustee Bryson, that the resig-
nation of S. Stinnett as Cit-- L- arshal be accepted, sa_:e to become
effective at midni-I. -t on the 31st, da: of Janua --, 191J. Carried by the
follov,ri vo-te : z7e tees 3r. "v son, i,iartin, lard and rLueger.
.floes: i:one.
Absent-: 'rustee 'aor
.Loved b-, Trustee '.iard, seconded by 1-rustee Iiartin
That the City Attorney be instructed to looms into the legal end of
the matter o- - olaca-dir. houses as requested b:; ��ealtil Officier and to
arecare the r.a -ssar.-- ordinanca conce Wing r :ealt'r_ matters if the state
labs be four. inadequate.
The matte of the api.lication of 1. L. Bale nor permission to mace
ce_tain buildin- i:_iDroveme-_ts ;as ta,:en under advisement, the 3oard deciding
t_� vieI;v the conditions -personall. -y.
By general consent the City Clerk was instructed to have the chairs
recently ordered from the Los An- �_eles Desk Company delivered at an early
L=oved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee martin, that the City Dlerk
be instructed to order from the Standard Oil Co., one pine table, at a cost
not to exceed $30.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Martin, dlard, and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Wor _:.
The reauest of Guy Barnes for the elimination of the Business License
fee now paid by him was discussed by the Board, but the matter was dropped
as the Board could not deviate from the provisions of the Business Ordinance.
The following demands, having had the ap-proval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Estate of Martin B. Znutson $14.25
F. E. Newbery Electric Co. 23.60
John .'l. Gilbert 16.25
R. F. Davis 3.00
Clarence H. Griffin 13.50
E1 Segundo later Co. $4.70
F. E. Newbery Electric Co. 79.00
Amelia diner 3.15
Frances G. Buchanan 4.00
R. F. Davis 2.00
Total — 4163.4U
Moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands be
allowed, and warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by the
following vote: ayes: Trustees Bryson, Lartin, Ward, and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee :7ork.
Moved by Trastee Ward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the following
resolution he adopted:
WEEREAS the resignation of the pre=sent City Marshal
has been accepted to take effect on the 31st day of January, 1919, at mid-
night, now therefore, be it
,RESOLVED that C. S. Green be and he is hereby appoint-
ed to the office of Karshal of the City of E1 Segundo, to assume the duties
of said office February 1st, 1919, upon his filing the required bond. Said
official shall receive as compensation in hill for his services as such
Marshal, the sum of $25.00 per month, until the further order of this Board,
payable monthly, as other city salaries are payable. He shall hold office
during the pleasure of this Board. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Martin, I -Yard, and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Work.
T.Ue Street Superintendent pointed out to the Board some advantages to
having a one piece steel bottom on the Street Department's Truck, and the
City Clerk was instructed to obtain prices for the same from Bush & Hurlbert.
No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Ward, seconded
by Trustee l :actin, that the meeting adjourn until Thursday, the 23d day of
January, 1919, at the hour of 4 :30 o'clock 2. Carried.
Rwsoectfully submitted,
Q-4ut AA 0- (X,
Bresident Board of Tru ees.
♦ � W
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