1919 JAN 15 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., Jan. 15, 1919. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o' cloc_> P. I.:. on the above date, in the Coun- cil Chamber of uhe City Hall, by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Bryson, Martin, a.,d Rueger. Trustees Absent: Ward and Works. Iii '1 i.:1�71UT ES 23EVI011- S ::=TI'L1G. the minutes of the re:Tular meeting held on the 8t'r� day of Jairaary, 1919, were -read without error or omissions being noted and it was moved by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the same be approved as recd. Carried. None. ORAL COQ :.:uI1ICA1'IOi1S. i3ED ORTS OF CO_.''ITTEE. Trustee 3ryson, Chair.-an of tn— 2ublic 'hor s Committee, reported that he and other members of the Board had been in conference with hlr. A. B. Bennett on Monday relat: -ve to ti__; improvement o- Palm Avenue; that i�Tr. Bennett seemed satisfied with t _e grade of t =-_e said street as estab- lished and that i_e would 'be prep -rde to furnish teams io prosecute said wor'_ abo;;_t - 'ebruar.-- lst. R EPO::`,S 02' S_2ECIA:, COILdITTE,ES. City Clerk reported that the metal covered trap door leading from the cellar to space under City Hall had been pulled off by workmen. B.y - �zeneral consent of the Board the same was ordered replaced with the addi- tion of suitable latch to keep the door closed at all times. PAYI_� G BILLS. The following demands,having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: The Orchid ----------------- 810.00--ES2ATE 02, 1Li`2L1 Z_'1UTSJII ----- 413.75 ESTATE OF :,iA_RTI1T 3. K_dU`TS01 - 40.88 - -E1 Segundo State Bank ---- - - - - -- 35.00 Victor D. McCarthy ---- - - - - -- 14.74 - -C. E. i.lahone.y ------------ - - - - -- 18.15 L. V. careen ----------- - - - - -- 42.75 - -J. A. SHANAr.A.L1 ----------- - - - - -- 21.83 Carl Swartzbauall ------ - - - - -- 13.05-- STA11D_ iD OIL 00.-dPAi1Y------ - - - - -- 98.12 Total $314.27 It was :_loved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Martin that the demands be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried 'by the follo%,iin�z vote: Ayes: Trustee Bryson. I.Iartin and Rueger. Uoes: None. Ab .sent: Trustee Yard, and Works. mile _'resident stated that he had been informed that a fire hydrant for".erl7 located at Sheldon and Penn Streets had been dismounted and the stand -jipe coped. The Board then requested ti_e City Clerk to request the El Segundo r7a-er Company to furnish them with a list showing the loc- ations of the h Tdrants for which they will require rental and that each be designated by number. 1 L -. %-loved by Trustee Iiartin, seconded b7, Trustee Bryson, tiha t tr_e South- ern California Edison Compan:7 be notified to install three street lights of the type at -oresent in use. each supplied with a 40 �Yatt lamp at the X. respective locations--: one a-v iv,-Lain Street and 'vialnut Avenue; Dne at Main Street and +maple Avenue; one at !:lain Street and Collin -z —wood Stre.,t; Said motion carried by the following vote: A:5Tes : i'rustees Bryson, LILartin, and Rueger. floes: i %Dne. Absent: Trustees lard and 'morn. The ?resident reported that he and ti-e Street Superintendent had gone to Pasadena on Tuesday to consult aiti :Tr. Byers tr_e Street Supt. of that Cit.-,- concernin methods of street improvements. They were tai:en over the _it T bz� fir. Byers; s'r�own various kinds of road;- and 1.1r. Byers stated that he ard _-7-. Allei., City Co =isionero= Pasadena, !-could be glad to come to L1 Segund.: at any time to look over and make suggestions relative to local conditions. No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee i,iartin, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: Respectfully submitted, jz-�� OtJ n ?resident Board of Tr4ytees. City Clerk.