1919 FEB 19 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal., Feb. 19th, 1919. Regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called t order at 7 :3C o'-lo-'- 2. on the above date, in the Coun- cil Chamber of the City mall, by Carl Ernest 1,uezer, ?resident of the Board. RO "L CALL. Trastees present: 3:-1-son, i =art in , ,dor:z, and 1fiueger. Tra2 lees absent: '. .rd. -2- L�11yJ.li.l .I.IlYU1��J .l`:•J.r Ire of adjour�_ed ra ula-r .::e ping of the 3o_-rd, held on the 1 °t:: da o 'ebruar - -, 1919, were read withokt error or omission rein noted, w;-id it ;as coved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee : artin, that the sa:._e be approved wti read. Carried. T12 C0 7 IC_;II T"r.e fo= lo�,�n_, c�ritten co::­:_anications were read: ron-. the 3oard of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, urging support in prever -tiny passage of an Assembly Bill, aiming to a-lend the I,iotor Ve- hicle Act, so as to ::.ake payacle to incorporated cities, 50" of the net collectyons of fees fror- motor vehicle licenses. 2ro.,L the le-­ orary Cor,=ittee on Statewide Organization ?er:�.anent High - way into '_rose:.:ite Talley, requesting that a representative be sent to an informal confere�:ce to be held in Fresno, _rida77, Februar- 28th, 1919, for the purpose of securing a permanent highway fro:: '.-erced into Yoser,.ite Talley. �-Iro. the Teaice Chamber of Commerce, soliciting assistar_ce in an en- deavor to have completed, that t portion of the Coast�3oulevard, extending accross the �iyperion property of the 8ity of Los Angeles. :]L.i:�iaii'• :d: ;.i'•:;.�L La: ;:i f�..t: R.L:I a. i�: iii �74ha:A: .t :•t: :.:owed by Trustee ',:artin, seconded by Trustee Mork, that the co:_zmnications be filed. Carried. '.Tr. Vorce of the Burr 3oard, prices on Burroughs a seven column machine and the difference in price on _:one. ORAL oughs Addin: Lachine Company, submitted to the Adding :.'ac Ines, quoting $175.00 to 4225.00 on 4225.00 to X275.00 on a nine column r;acrine, either machine depending upon the equipment. Reports of Special Committees. i -iroStee :ork reported t: -1 for the che:i:_cal fire engie, for the acid, after which the the atandard Oil Co. at in coy: 'he City supplies section with a supply of soda and acid would have to purchase a container may be obtained advantageously from uIJ= II:I ,h L 317S L,E3S. the City ,.ttorney asked an additional wee =-_ in which to prepare the ordina:.ce re: ai ting traffic, zhich was ranee: . I_ the _ atter of t .e letter of the Te nice Chamber of Co:_;r.:erce with ` reference to co-pletion of the Co --st 3o;�levard, which was read at t'r_i.s meet - i�„ i t '­ti - -07ed by Trustee ,i0rk, seconded by 'y'rastee �rvsor., that the City Clerk reo1 7T to sa_.,e, suggesting that the cities interested get together again, and t--al; the City -H-all of t'r_is City be of-fered as a place of meetin't. Carried. which was read at the last meeting, with reference-to annexations by' the City of Los n::geles, the Board made no recommendations or su-z est- ions, but indicated, b:r general consent, that they mould assist reason- , able efforts to prevent additional annexations in this section by the said city, and the Cit77 Clerk was instructed to co.,_:alunic -z.te this infor- mation to the "ienice Cha:..ber of Com.:_erce. rafter consideratio�� of the Natter referred to in the letter from the Beard of Supervisors of Los Lngeles County, it was moved by Trustee 3- -yson, seconded by "rushee :oak, that he following resolution be adopt- ed. Zr i;, that fhe pe.ssWge of assembly Bill ; :o. 459, relating to a ZD :vision of :motor vehicle license fees would not result in benefit to the public of the ',t ate of Califzrn.21a, and that this Board is o,1_-)osea to the rwssaze of the said bill at this ti.ae, and be it further that a copy of this resolution be immediately forwarded by the City Clerk to Senator Charles Lyon, and M'ssemblyian 3eor -e Carried by the 'followin- vote: �t -es: Trustees 3ryson, Kartin, 0i 'or and ' :oes: None. nn t. _r 1 , ­07`,3d by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trustee '.�ork, that ordinance dq .., +�+ d tt -� - -/"1 -, �,^ ,,••, •^� , '� - -'+1_ - - -.,r h -T ;' ) ..T j 1 _.-* e_: ale , r,LI�._�..., 3� 0-. I ,-T LJ _�.:., � -__ _.1 .1.� � S �0 ? �.Y.0:.�'J_ _-7 J� , 0_ iHz =�I.T -1 _ J.: � ?�:IJL J� : Jt�iY :S yT _ ...__ -.- . -�,T TT •} ^'___. -•- --� r±-• — 1V /�.I +T ..t ,.. -- !17`x:'. �'' cV JJLl_ , U11 J� -ll Cl, :..nl- .1nI.. 1li.J% V��1_.�l aJ �is- T 1I= LI.J I'', � L �: ;:_; ,Jl: s i'= 2U3LIC T, -i:Ta, FIB - IL T J- yiL U1J.r vl.u.l, Ca..:I -�, .J .. .2 7.. li x ­Z­ vl � .a..� li J I1. .-�_- _:✓�1 .1,J :., IT &J :L llrl 1 LIGHT- 1 Ii : O HLI 2TJ120.j� , .'J=. ..iiIC T.­ :L: Y 3:; U;.�_,L which was _ -.d re-ad at an ad -our red regular meet-in- of the 3oard of Trus- tee:., 1.,eld on t :e 1 th day of 2ebr ary 1919 be adopted. The motion carried by the follo,rir_g vote: Ayes: Trustees 3r;rson, .:artin, tlorh, and Steger. i oes: Lone. -�bsant: Trustee ',lard. Trustee Work reported that the Standard Oil Company could make a writin;- desk for use in the library at a cost between X20.00 and ;25.00. :. :oven stee :oak, seconded by "Trustee 3r7, son, that the Standard '1 Co. be given an order to :lake a writing; desk, at a cost not to exceed ;25.00. Carried by the following vote: -4?Tes: Trustees 3r , uey, , ger. :does: .'done . absent: Trustee Gard. The letter : f the Her =alb Pub- ishir Co:apany requesting the Board to ,-subscribe fog• a page in a sy)e.cial edition to be run in I'Zarch, the amount beir_M N150-.CO was discussed, and it ::"as pointed o _t that an e._penditure of the ind had not been conte __plated when the budget was -made up. The City Cler'_ was instr::_c ed to obtain the cost of one page write -up without cuts of city officials upon which the : 15C. CC price was based. T 2—L 11^ S J .UJIJ. `The fo?1m*:in:^ de_ands, having had the a roval of the Committee on � inar- ce and :L'eco - ^as, were read: E10 �. d:e 1�.so _'ari sh 29.50 K. .3rice 5.50 . 3a 5.CC _oven b,- "�rustee 3ryson, seconded be allowed, and vigrrants for sa :-,e drat�rn _the fog- lor;inv vote. des: Trustees Noes: :done. _,bseza Trustee IdL6f BUa Ii�:SS . Brant Eartnell Standard Oil Co. Jac': Zivalic Standard Oil C:,. Total by Trustee ',Mork, that on the General Fund. 3ryson, :.- artin, fork, '.lard. 46.30 30.60 60.22 le. 90 99.66 :277.38 the demands Carried by and RueVer. :. :oved by Tr -nstee :.astir., seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the City ClerL be instructed to _curcrase a speedometer for the Ford truck, at a cost not to exceed N30.00. Carried by the followine vote: =eyes: Trustees 3ryson, :. "_artir_, iior k, and Rueaer. ir 2 IT Tt' � 1Yit- . u Ji 1J0 -.. The Chair announced that Health Officer Davis had consulted him in the matter of the expenditure of F'5.00 as a fee for a course of lectures in Rublic Health matters being giirren by the County Health Officer, a demand for which had been presented at this meetin-. The location of the street indicator at :.-air- St. and vrand Avenue was discussed, and it was moved by Trustee 7-lartin, se onded by i'rustee ;Tork, that the Street Superinte_l�dent- be instructed to move the button from its present location to the center of the intersection of Lain St. and Grand Avenue. Carried by the followinc vote: Ayes: art ?titees LIartin, 7or�., and Rueter. noes: Tr.: tees 3ryson, Absent: Trustee "Oard. The Chair a- n- -j_rced t i._r. Griffin had measured up the Council Char:eer and _our_d that tables for banquet purposes, which rlizht be used in said roo:L, could be made by the Standard Oil Com4:an,7 for about :65.00. 3y general corise__t, Trustee ;7 rk was inv-tructed to loc'�- into the matter and re-oort bacs to the Board. Trustee :._artin introduced Ordinance :o. 50, entitled: "Ai" C11 CITY 03' ZL Ss 3JITDO, CAZI J �;IA, �'TI�IITG O =�IITsITC 1 0. 5 of SAID CITY yAU L�: OIT 14`h day of February„ 1917, which was read. Moved by Trustee T._artin, seconded by Trustee :7or1'_, that the following resolution_ be adooted: It appearing that a great amount of wor:_ is being done by the Street .ie oart:::ent, thereby greatly increasing the duties o= the Street Superinten- dent, ISOui.D, ti-at the City Marshal be, And he is hereby appointed Asst. Street Suoerir_tendent, to hold office during the pleasure of this 3oard• of Irustees, and to receive compensation for services rendered as such Assistant .Street :superintendent at the rate of X25.00 per month, payable monthly as other city salaries are payable, fror and after m=arch lst, 1919. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees yryson, .._artin, ;pork, and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee ;'lard. The Cit.-,r Clerk announ _ ed that .. :r.. i. cl:ni_.-ht of the Southern California Edison Company had called upon him this day, and stated his desire to have the 3oard decide upon what additional street lights they would require when the new contract is entered into in Larch, and that he would meet with them at their pleasure, to discuss the details. ITo further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, second- ed by Trustee L_astin, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfull7 submitted, ICI Flor Io,,4 A-11 _ 1 A3proved: r n --)resident 3o.:.sd o� lruste� s.