1919 FEB 13 CC MINFl Segundo, Cal., February 13th, 1919.
An adjourned regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of
31 Sep: undo, was called to order at 7:30 o'clot -� p. m. on the above date,
in the 'Council 'ha::ber of the 'it- ;=all, by Carl Ernest Rueger, pres-
ident of the 3oard.
Trustees present: 3ry son, L.artin, and aeger,
.�r:stees absent : :yard, and ",nor :.
The n_inutes of the rezular - ,eetir.; held o the 3t,, day of February,
1 19, were read t+ithout error or or_ission bein. noted, and it etas r1oved
by 2rastee 3ryson, seconded b^ Trustee i.iartin, that the same be a-pproved
as read. Carried.
The ;lin,;_tes of the regular meeting held on the 12th day of February,
1?19, were read , ^ithout error or olrission being noted, and it was moved
by 'rastee --artin, seconded by ` Trustee 3ryson,vthat the same be approved
as real:. Carried.
;l3IT �l� CO_.1._UitI CAT IO.":a.
The follo,,Tin:- co_ :...anicat; ons were read:
y T. Jones , asst. Librarian, assenting to the su- estion
of the Cit:T Clerh as to unifor: library hours for Se:rando Library,
- -; z. , 2 . '' to :00 a:.r� 7:G� to 9:00 p. M. da 1,y e °dept Saturday- and
Sunda; -, and stating that there would be no ob jectior� to pls.cing a writin;
des' ir. the librar` if there is roo-. for same.
?rom a. I. fiarris, for the Herald ?ublishing Company, asle_ing for a
subscription from the 3oard of Trustees in the sun: of X150.00, to a
special edition of that paper, to be known as a Victory Edition.
Fron: Clark S. Green, City 1.arshal, submitting for the Boards approv-
al, the vanes of thirt ?r -two deputy marshals.
,ro- the Venice Cha —.-ber of Co=erce, submitting a map and pamphlet
relative to annexations by the City of Los angeles.
:.:owed by Trust L
ee Bryson, seconded by Trustee artin, that the com-
:unications be placed on file. Carried.
Healti Officer Davis as- .ed the 3_,ard's attitude in getting through
the °tate, experts to '•:ill gro�._nd squirrels in the nearby Coastal cities.
Trustee ',s`ork a- ooeared at this tile, the tour being 7:40 O'clocL P. m.
and too' his seat.
In answering the quer:, of the realth Officer as to a-pproving the
cost or el�ter _insting squirrels, the Chair a n.:o�_ ced that no provision
-or such. an expenditure had beer. conte :plated in making up the budget
for this Near, but t1rat t':e ~e w,_.�. no ob;- ection to ascertaining the cost
o the pro -o sed wor'.
�h, = eaIth .;fficer as'--ed ^as an; ob, ction on the part of
the 3oard, in his annou_.cir_^ that all privies rust be abated not later
Char tie end of t? is :-ea_�. The .Toard believed that to be az-ole time to
allow: -pro,_ert.- owners to arral,7e ffor the installation of proper plu..iring
facilities, and agreed to adoygt an ordinance covering the matter, prior
to date :.entioned.
i��vi iJ Jam, �_L.1%I1:G CO..._Il'i:a.
::roved by Trustee Bryson., seconded by Trustee ciork, that the appoint-
ments of the follo,:in~ persons as deputy m-srshals, be approved:
Eleveland, John I:lusmeyer, seo. F. -I�eechert, n. E. Gunn, "�T. D. i:�c-
Carthy, x. Ileal, Whitney , J. Holland, A. E. Green, J. IrcCulloch,
J. W. Oartlow, T. li. Kincaid, J. E. i'. cE1wain, J. T. 'dair, 0. Bullis,
3ardelius, Z. E. Campbell, S. `T. I -illin -ton, F. ?I. Stanton, H. J.
Ji'lson, C. _' Br7a17, T. il. :1ich:_o- :d, ?ayne, rad1e,-, C.
Robbins, D. Sennett, a). fait, J. a,-.,ens, n. G. BOgan, C. D. ..,et-
calf, s. n. ,_arphy, C. .j. Berry.
The motion carried oy the foilouinc vote:
A,es: Trustees Bryson, L—artin, iior',, and Rueter.
Noes: bone.
'bser.:t: Trustee .lard.
The receiving of bids for a franchise granting the right for a period
of forty .years, to lay, construct, maintain and operate a system of pipes
and pipe lines in the city o= E1 Segundo, for the purpose of supplying
the said eiLy and its inhabitants with gas for lighting, heating, and all
other lawful purposes for rrl:ich gas may be used, having heretofore been
made a special order of business for the hour of 8 :00 o'clock p. m. at
this meeting, pursuant to previous action of the Board of Trustees and
notice to that effect duly published, the Chair announced the hour of 7 :59
o' clock _ p.:.:. , and stated that an�T person or persons deli ring to file bids
for the gas franchise hereinbefore mentioned, should present the same
i=ediately. The hour of 8:00 o'clock having arrived, and all bids
bein- in, the ?r,_:sident declared that the bids for the gas franchise in
the City- of y egundo, hereinabove referred to were closed.
oved by Trustee 'Iarti. , seconded by Trustee Bryson, that all bids
received to date, for the gas franchise, be immediately opened and pub -
licly declared. Carried.
The only bid received for said gas franchise, was found and deter -
mined. by said Board to be as follows
"February 13, 1919.
To the = onorable
Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo,
Cen tlen_en :
,ie, the undersigned, hereby bid D
Dollars, accom_panyir.� same with a certified
hundred Seventy-five (4275.) Dollars, for a
properly advertised and this day to be sold
California. Said franchise is described as
vo hundred seventy -five (:275.)
chec�, in the a:.D .nt of Two
certain franchise already
in the City of E1 Segundo,
follows, to -wit:
franchise grantin the right for a period of forty (40) years
to lay, constrcct, maintain and operate a systery of pipes and pipe lines
under and along the public streets, highways, alleys and places in
the City of E1 Se undo, for the purco se of supplying the said City and its
inhabitants with gas for lightinM, heatin- and all other purposes for which
gas maZ,7 be used - and continued as advertised.
.�,espectf:,.11y submitted,
SJJir .. i; UPI_ u..I In u.M ., " .
Si -ned) By - �arnhaw:
;:aid bid was accompanied by chec- Ido. 7013 of the Southern California
Gas 0,02,110wn7, dated Eebri_ary 18th, 1919, in the sun': of Two hundred Seventy -
five and Eo/101 Dollars, (.p275.00), which said check was drawn on and certi-
fied ty E_.rr.:e-rs and 1• erchants I?ational Bane, Los _LnMeles, California.
Moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Work, that the following .�..
resolution be adopted:
R::SOLTID that the bid of the Southern California Gas Company, deter-
mined by this Board to be in the sum of X275.00 for
the gas franchise advertised for sale pursuant to resolution of this Board
duly* passed on the 18th day or Decer::ber, 1916,be and the sane is hereby
accepted, it being the only bid received therefor, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the City Attorney present to this Board, an ordinance
grantinz such franchise to such corporation, upon the terms and conditions,
as set forth in the notice calling for bids therefor.
This resolution was adopted by the fol l orring vote:
Ayes: Trustees = ?ryson, ,.:srtir_, Wor., and -;ueger.
Eoes: Ii one.
Absent: Trustee 'lard.
.roved by Trustee ►7or., seconded b:- "_'rustee Bryson, that the Bond of
Southern California Gas Company, submitted in the sum of Five i:Undred
Dollars („;500.00) , with the Southern California Tas Company as -principal,
and United States Fidelity w Guaranty Company as surety, dated �ebrt;,ary
13th, 1919, and being for the proper performance of all conditions of the
gas franchise, be and the same is hereby ap_croved. Carried by the follow-
ing vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, i:_artin, Work, and Rueger.
Noes: hone.
Ab sent: Trustee Ward.
Trustee - 1 -artin introduced Ordinance ilo. 49, entitled: ''AI1 CEDIIIANCE
G:) A '_I ='C `_''�
SOT y ; CA__,I�'0 u:IA �S CO:_'Ai'Y, A CJE?O ��'rIO� ;, A FRA1:CF�ISE
COIIS TEE �...AI�,'l., , �;D 02�_:ALL n .?,YSl.E".: 0. =7'3 ?I_E LII;LS IiI, UTdDM"
r�71 t�._ 20E, HEzLIi..1 SID nll, 0'11 ,n _UR_ 0S S OR
I- . .._:Y 3E �:ED. ", which was read.
company ,
r The C__ty Cler_ reported that the telephone had promised to have the
Larshal's and Street Superintendent's telephones installed during the
coming weep.
The matter of keys for the door to the Council Committee Room, and a
writing desk for the library was referred by the Chair to Trustee Work.
._oved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee L-artin, that the matter
refe =red to in the con:,unication from the Herald ?ublishing Company be lai4
over for one c =reek for consideration. Carried.
The Chair announced that complaint had been made about several minors
having been seen on the streets under the influence of liquor. the City
Attorney advised that the persons responsible for this condition were sub
iect to arrest upon the complaint of any person having sufficient evidence.
I ?o action to - -en .
?a;;ing Bills.
The following de.,iunds, havir- had the approval of the Committee on
ina-r_ce and _:eco =r?s, mere reed:
John J. silligan
E1 Sezundo '.rater Co.
Aas s tern Road L:ach:T%. Co.
?ac= fic = ocn sravel Sc.
::. Converse
:.:. '.;ebb
:3. Farris Lumber Co.
.'ove4 b;- Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trtastee .7orl-, that the demands
be allor:ea, and -7arrants for se: :_e dravrn on the General Fund. Carried by
the folio :in T.-ote: A;; es: Trustees 3ryson, iLartin, 70_: and ='ue~er.
= oes : -''one.
:resent: TrL_stee ,lard.
The :.:arshal requested the passage of an ordinance regulating traffic
in E1 SeSundo, and by general consent, the City Attorney was instructed to
prepare an ordinance covering the matter, for approval.
Moved by Trustee Work, seconded by Trustee Martin, that the Street
Superintendent's Clerk be, and she is hereby granted a leave of absence
for three weeks fromn and after February 17th, 1919, provided that a com-
petent person is famished by said Street Superintendent's Clerk to trans-
act the duties of her office while she is absent therefrom, at the expense
of the said Street Suyaerir_tendent's Clerk. Carried.
The Clerk stated that the 3oiler:aker's Union had requested use of
the City -Hall on the eveninz of ::arch 8th, 1919. 3y general consent, the
request ;-,,as granted, providing the rental as heretofore deter-l-ined by this
Board, is -paid in advance.
"the _.:axshal requested °r ::fission to purchase a loci, for the City ?ound.
:.fovea br 'Trustee .7ork, seconded b;,r Trustee 3r7rson, that the Ci `;T Cler
be authorised to _ourchase a Lock for the City ?ound at a cost not to ea:ceed
.00. Carried by the follor,rin:� vote:
;yes: -2r7;2-tees 3r ?soii, _.?rtin, Orr and Ruezer.
11oes: None.
Absent: Trustee ':lard.
!.roved by Trustee 7:artin, seconded by Trustee 'cork, that the City Clerk
be authorized to ourchase letter heads in form to be used in connection
with ma ',ing collections in connection with proposed street imzrovements,
at a cost not to exceed :5.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson '_.lartin, ilor ?:, and Rue CD
oes: None.
^_bse�;t : Trustee '.lard.
--_rt "r business appe :ring, it etas moved by Trnctee _,crtin, second-
ed b-7 Trustee '.7or'�, that the meeting adio_: rri, Carried.
�A-:oproved :
-Hes-oect-fully sub:::itted,
11 alij &M-ZaN G:66,XA za-.-
3resident Board of Trustees
nwr-�_ M_