1919 FEB 05 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., Feb. 5th, 1919.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo
was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock 2. on the above date, in the Coun-
cil Chamher of the City Hall, by Carl Ernest Rueger, .'resident of the Board.
Trustees present: Bryson, ISartin, and Rueger.
Trustees absent: ;lard, and o7or_:.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 29th day of January,
1919, were read without error or omission being noted, and it was moved
by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Martin, that the same be approved
as read. Carried.
The followin communications were read:
Letter from T. .'loodman, %ayor and Bert L. Farmer, president of
the City Council of the City of Los Angeles, requesting the efforts of
the Board toward having amended, certain sections of the Motor Vehicle
Act, to provide that one -half of the net receipts under the aot shall be
paid from the motor vehicle fund to the incorporated cities and towns
from which the moneys were received.
Petition from J. 1-7. ?artlow and others, requesting the improvement
of Vir?inia Street, from Grand Avenue to E1 Segundo Avenue.
Petition from J. R. Coward and others, requesting the improvement of
v7hiting Street from 1:ariposa Avenue to Grand Avenue.
Moved by Trustee LIartin, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the com-
munications be filed. Carried.
Trustee Bryson, of the Public 4orks Committee reported that he and
Trustee York had been unable to interview lvlr. Bennett concerning the im-
provement of Palm Avenue, but that the Street Superintendent had done so,
and that l:r. Bennett had already furnished some teams with which the work
had been started and was satisfactorily progressing.
The City Clerk reported that Darrell Condley had not as yet, sent
a carpenter to repair, or make suggestions as to remedying some of the
windows in the City Hall, *ich will not slide, but that Itilr. Condley prom-
ised to do so, as soon as he had men at Inglewood to start the erection of
some buildings for the U. S. Government at that place.
The following demands, having had
Finance and Records, were read:
Victor ). '.""cCarthy ; 75.00
James Howell 10.00
Andy 3. ?owell 10.00
"J. S. Stinnett 25.00
H. C. Radney 11.67
the approval of the Committee on
Estate of Idartin B. Knutson 48.30
Clyde Tloodworth 60.00
Clyde doodyard 1.00
C. C. Beard 100.00
Frank Dyer 5.00
ffi 3egvM6"Wate* Company
Ib:?' `
Pioto -D: 'McCarthy
R. F. Davis
10.00 ,
K. - Chagvno " "
Arthur R. Gunn
Virginia Fitzgerald
G. I;. Eason
Jack Zivalic
S. Chabrajez
L. V. Green
Arthur 'J. Cory
G. A. 'Jetherbee
S. L. Anderson
Pony Leo
J. Lopez
I. Anguiano
C. Ganahl Lumber Co.
Pacific Electric Ry. Co.
?acific Electric Ry. Co.
Sou. Cal. Blueprint Co.
445.00 'r
Loved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Talartin, that the demands -
be allowed, and warrants for same drawn on'the General Fund. Carried by the
following vote:
dyes: Trustees : 3ryson, Martin, and 3ueger.
idoes: None.
Absent: Trusteeis 'hard, and Work.
The matter of enforcement of the State Dwelling house and State Ten-
ement House Acts, and the local Building Ordinance was discussed and the
question raised as to approving certain construction not in accordance with
these laws, by the Board of Trustees. The City Attorney advised that the'
State Laws set forth the minnimums allowable and that no one had authority
to permit any form of construction contrary thereto, but that certain seo-
tions of the Building irdinan ce permitted approval of different forms.
The Bullding Inspector explained to the Board, the difficulties ex-
perienced by that department, if the laws are not uniformly enforced, with
contractors and owners, and it was generall y understood, that pending the
request of property owners for the establishment of a third fire district,
in which building of a lower standard than required by the local ordinance,
the present laws would be lived up to, except that in the case of an applic-
ation to repair or remodel a building now existing, the Board would consider
permitting the same to conform with the balance of the building proposed to
be remodeled or repaired, if it were outside of Fire District Lo. 1, provid
inb the applicant presented a petition or document signed by all of the
property owners in the block effected, signifying that they had no object- ;
ion to the contemplated :,,ork. -
The President proposed that the Trustees provide a writing table in the
Library, for the use of persons who have no convenient place to write letters,
and the City Clerk was instructed to write the County Librarian, to learn if
there would be any objection to placing such a desk in the Library.
Trustee Bryson stated that cans and rubbish had been placed in the alley
from Grand to Holly Avenues, between Concord and Virginia Streets. The Chair
suggested that he instruct the Street Superintendent to notify the offenders
to remove the same.
Trustee Bryson reported that a Mr. Hunter had asked permission to re-
move a eucalyptus tree from his property, which in falling, would lay across
a portion of Lariposa Ave. It was generally understood that the tree might
be removed if the owner would arrange with the Street Superintendent so that
no property would be destroyed, nor the traffic obstructed.
No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Kartin, seconded
by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
?resident Board of Trustees.