1919 DEC 16 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., Dec. 16th, 1919. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. Ii. on the above date in the Coun- cil Chamber of the City Hall by Sydney R. 1yartin, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees prevent: Bryson, Smiley, Ward, zzat 11artin, and Vandervort. Trustees absent: None. The City Clem announced that Perry Vandervort had taken and subscribed the Constitutional Oath of Office and was duly qualified to sit as a Trustee of the City of i:l Segundo, READING IrIIIdUTES PRESTIOUS MEiETII'1G. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 3d day of December, 1919, were read without error or omission being noted, and it was moved by Trustee lard, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the same be approved as read. Carried. V RITTEii COi, LIMICATIONS. The following letters were read and disposed of as indicated: EL SEGUUDJ VOLUIIT EER FIRE DEPARTMENT, scheduling certain furnishings need- ed in their quarters. Ordered filed. L. A. BORDER and other$, a petition requesting the improvement of Franklin Ave., between Concord St. and the alley West of IThiting St. Loved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the follow- ing resolution be adopted: "WHEREAS, it appears that certain residents and property owners of the City of E1 Segundo are willing to pay certain moneys inthe sum of $172.50 into the Treasurery of the City of E1 Segundo, California, and into the General Fund thereof, for the purpose of causing certain street improvements within said city to be made, and WHEREAS, said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk of said City with instruction to pa,* the same into said General Fund upon the adoption of the following: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to cause that portion of that certain public street within the City of El Segundo, Cal., known as Franklin Ave., lying and being between Concord St. and the alley West of IThiting St. to be improved by the construction therein of the following improvement, to -wit: To be sur- faced with rock and oil similar to improvement on Whiting St. between Grand and Holly Avenues. The resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Smiley, Vandervort, 17ard, and Martin. Noes: None. Absent: None. None. None. ORAL C O.'. I MN I CATI Oil S . REPORTS OF STAi1DING COI:IITTEES. v"ORTS OF S?ECIAL COaITTEES. The City Attorney reported that he had prepared the lease between the City of E1 Segundo and A. B. Leasure for the second floor of the Leasure building, and certain grade ordinances as instructed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance ido. 57, entitled: "AN ORDII,Ai10E OF THE CITY OF EL S Ix-1.4 , CALI?JEi1IA, DLCL3EIi G VACAi1T FOR PUBLIC ZZIM ALLEY PUR 3SES, ALL OF THE PUBLIC ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 83 and 84 OF EL S. 3iTNDO, AS SH37I` UPOII SHEET 3 OF EL S 3UNDO, R ECORD ED IN BOOK 20, FAGES 22 AND 23 OF MAPS, RECO-1 -D3 OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF iF..E COUNTY �.ECORDER OF SAID COUi�'TY� WHICH SAID ALLEYS ARE SITUATED IN THE ,The City Engineer explained that-throughneing the original map o-f E1-Segando when making up the official map, a portion of one alley in Block 84 was overlooked in the description of the alleys abandoned as given in the preceding proceedings, and that it will be necessary to take proceedings on the particular portion. The City Attorney and the City Engineer were instructed to prepare the proceedings necessary to close the alley referred to. Moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the ?resident of the Board of Trustees, and the City Clerk, be and they are hereby instructed to execute the lease of the Leasure Building presented to the Board this date by the City Attory ney. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Smiley, Vandervort, ,.Va-rd, and 1r a.rtin. Noes: None. Absent: None. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. The receiving of bids for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with one self propelled, seven or eight ton tanderl road roller, having here- tofore been made a special order of business for the hour of 8 :00 o'clock B. 11.. at this meeting, pursuant to previous action of the Board of Trustees and notice to that effect duly published, the Chair arose and announced the hour of 7:59 o'clock P. 1.-. and stated that any person or persons desiring to file bids for the equipment hereinbefo re mentioned should do so immediately. The hour of 8:00 o'clock P. Ii. having arrived, and all bids being in, the 'resident declared that the bids for furnishing the said equipment, as advertised, were closed. r Bids received were found by said Board, to be as -follows: Bid of(United 1drecking Co.)United tiachinery & Supply Co. determined by said Board to be as follows: EIGHTEEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLI�S,(4850.00)for one eight ton Austin Road Roller, three wheel macadam type, driven by a 15 h. p. Fairbanks kiorse heavy duty gas engine. Bid was not aceofapanied by certified or cashier's check. Bid of The Austin- 'lestern Road I'da.chine ry Co., determinell by said Board to be as follows: FOUR THOUSAND 11I11E :rT_Ui1DRED DOLLARS, (44900.00) f. o. b. El Segundo, Cal., for one Austin eight ton tandem motor roller. TV-10 THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS, (iP2600.00) f. o. b. E1 Segundo, Cal. , 4 for one eight ton Austin tandem motor roller second hand, not guaranteed. Said bids were accompanied by a certified check on the Humboldt Savings-- Bank, San Francisco, Cal.,, in the sum of 4490.00. Bid of Buffalo Springfield Holler Co., determined by said Board to be F' as follows: FOUR 210US_ iD T1110 D =.rte FIFTY DOLL -aS (411250.00) for one eigh€ ton Hell,y- S orin?g -filed motor tandem roller. FOUR l�r_OUS,La J O ; � RU1:D . , 'IFI ' DOL% .S (w4150. CC) for one eight ton L"ell�7 Sorin: field Stearn taru-- e::: roller. ,,may ' - ( 1 ^^ CC) for o?te ei�,ht tor. I�e117 a -field 1 U ' i, n nC r :.:' 1 v c1- 11: Elie ;x;�l.l V L y,= _�.,...0 J v T 1_, . ..:e des• i_._,.. ,CC. :._i_- , �_:U rv_�t, .r ,:Q �2Vi:i• -T` �. 40.00 3e _ia o Mate :Jank 35. CC :. 3. ~"e sure 50. CIO �l e =undo >wtar Co. u3.75 3ta1 lord Oil Co.. 14'.11 Standard Oil Co. 187.55 a t;_e a,)jiro7�1 3L t7 %e __._itt­e orl ?i- Herald 441.35 ?fidelity L Deposit Co. 50.00 Converse 20.17 " 1. .. - - _ wttin ~1!y 4.00 U ur ';7. Cot;y 40.00 standard Oil Co. 60.54 Union rock Co. 279.60 _ Paadi'ie Lleotria CRY... Co. ; 41.16 .. A*.,Xller 54.00 m L. Gutyeh ' 48.50 E.. _RI. Ledbetter 12.00 L. M. Shields 24.00 Geo. I. Price 3.50 I. i�. Sumner 14.00 D. Cannon 22.00 � . Coughlan 26.00 J. 3. Orr 178.38 D. C. Lewis 2.50 Total u X1,418.66 Moved by Trustee -.lard, : 2econded by Trustee Vandervort, that the de- mands be allowed, and warrants for same drawn on the general Fund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Smiley, Vandervort, Ward, and I.:artin. Poe s: done. Absent: I;one. NE"'7 BUSINESS. The Llarshal announced the appointments of frank L. Puller and G. T. Llattingly as deputy Marshals. Moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the said appointments be approved. Carried. Do further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectiull.7 submitted, Approved,