1918 OCT 31 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., October 371st, 1 011c. An 3d v?. <''.� e?"ti'_3?' meet-L-1--i.— _ r , -.e - a f 1.r. t o G _ t__ �o� ,� G _ a.s „ees o� the Cit'- or 1 J�:`;21Ci0 �'l S C3�13� t_ O er 3t• 12:OC of '� C JCS n'- -- , in Che Council C_.a ... ber o- the _t7 a„ b-- Carl --r,--ect t :.tee ��• ?re---dent, �r the . owrd. ROLL Cry ,L. stew cresei_t. �' --�-_ -w y. ' �rL. dr.��-, , i:ard, an 2"1C er. 1: ��n. i :G7aw by Tr S� - .i gee :a:..rd, .°.e ^.0�:.�::k b- ?^,.��'�` .'�.`.,Q;:rr a-' .,± '''_C � Grcer of ou sinecs be dispersed-wit h. Carried. Di scuss' 3n of th! bids uab:n itted f: ;r t ca::_ple�ing the .: eam Heati---� of the C4ity Hall then ensued, and it was moved by Tr,:.stee 3z^;sor -, ` e� ^: 3ed b Tr:<-tee ; 3rd, that action on said bids be deferred un -ii rida" e is t d - 1� at n n the C _ ii0'.'E!^ , 19 � , l2 :03 o, C JC__ :2oonI :..'2d that ;;�?:: _his :Le u�o rte, it ad; oar.: un ±_1 said ti: :e s=. °d date. ^ f&' :r' the ten Rad _e- a :.3rd ,1.7 A _Toez: _.'vrc •. . wee r. _._ :. ...i. it �tGe ..- ..rti_:♦ �1_eollJti;ir_; de:::ards, a- airginiw 2-'tzgera!1 Ands 3. ?o7.,.-ell Dyer -T ha` -i22 ° had the J f the Co:. I tee on ^S.CC v.,I de YiC�3dw'orth GO. 00 Y"^ . V^ '-' . u • Sti:nett 25.00 X5.00 Jame s Z. Hots ell 10.00 10.00 :�. .. Davis 1c.00 5900 H. c. Radney 5.00 Total 07.0 :.:owed by lrustee Board, seco: de' by Trustee Br.7son, that the der::ands be allowed, or -d warrants f--r sariie drs7rn on the 'sen --ral Nand. Carried by the fo11or:i_l: l ots : Ar es : _ Tri�S tee Er -sor -, Radne -, hard, and I'Lueger. ? I o es: : one . A*�-- er_t: Trustee i.:artin. U f`- :rther bv_.,ir_ess ap_,eari.nM it t a.; :�:o7ed by `i'r, -_stee LZadnes SecDr.ded b?' ='"_': tee Ward, tha; .,-e ed;o;zr'r. ai'til �rid3:, the i t da, 7 - ,rr_r07eitb er, l'�IQ, c°, '' v 12: C,0 t - o �lo ^'- noon. n �wrried. zes-o ectfkll�y- sub :fitted 2 £i,de:_t 3G �" o -rte J T