1918 OCT 30 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal., October 30th, 1918.
?ems lar TMiectl'_2_ �r
the oa-_d o ^ f '-he wit" o� _ n o
�i tee. .3
.mss 3a 71 ed t •0C o o__ c_ or ±re above date in, the lowl-
I, f V• T-�� '
� the he i t v� =-��, s by n = &�', _ ._,r:_est $ae��r, ?.•.- ,S_�.lerla; of 'he
lr� steeti resert. tsl:_ _.o d:^
or 47n ._._eta =, he id on the 2 1'7:a a f
t err --r or `ssyo ?. bey__ _�te", i`_ :o c
b7 mn-,Stee :w, °d L?at the a-._c be as
gyre--° _- read
;.e ac. parr: e3.
`n -•- -"y 3t .�"'. ^_e IeE;t =��• a==- ^�11- `1"'t; �'e.l:��:�` .7 the min-
......_ Z. _.-1w �_ - - - .-. vim_ _. T1I_ -_ .
_iJU •
]Ir•._ctee .'gird, that 3rdinarce No.
c h 'a :is +rJduc e and r ° s..,d `�:+ egKZ�r meet- of the :3oard held
of O'c+ob :lr, ;916, t =+le a 10 o� :S. nazi O�:I�Iietii CiL'
_-LJ •.3__L) - v _ Ti 14 2 0 - S
..__ -.., T' , •+ ��_.T-* .•ry- �1-, .. - --- `T•r•.. +•,T TT'r -. -.Tr +3 .., n
�._. __1...1- ti V•_ _. _ _ ,,.r,_... _. .. _. _� . vYav ,� l_..L _. _._r.... - - � n `T' . ` " 111 C U_ST1L ^ V ITY %\-,
A. vS: y Y 0
f, Carried _by the lo vo'�e:
Z_ -_ t:
- -- - - f - � .. _; _. v._ .. ----' - -" --' •- _ -�'^ _ - -- Ciu �: •. _.._.�:.; :.:�_�1u Jam_ J _ Vl).i�� c,v.a,
__v ... V .. _ .. _ .. ... __ _ ._ ._ .. .. w _ _. .!__ • -.�J v..t 1 .- - ... _ v ly:: _. �.._, s�...'',�iV �J_ -LL •vii Uy
� _ .. .. •• _. �. w__ �_ , �__..,� L+ ___: ... �,-.� _ �. v— �. _. .. ...r l./ V.;•r. v V — .1.I• • • .il ... v__ _...•.1 'v �. 11
�'-- ..0 _ _ _'...�+, _ .,t t•_� dedu tui thc: r e �i;- 11,2'ed ieea,
1vyyY u� .re �,_---. d J�J Elie -- -..., -id
• �; - ',' �L .. ___ ._:; it : _.ia y. =y ~y,. 0 1r::.__ J.i ti:e grey-
�� �.0:__•_i .� c ': :E; - '� - -o' -= rote
w �._.__.._ _ -� v_y vv .y ..-_ _ -Jv • .. li 1.u�_1 ___�.k 1• Y1 :..1►.__ YlJ.
7 5
�0 1C 1otai31
4- � •r_ieu by the
�Gt c•.. ti . _ . _ 1r,'- �J_:,.w t _- = �Eili_1cJ , . :rC�, w.d zue�er.
y ,
• The City Engineer reported that he had received a arorm_unicati on from S
the aUtO ;Obiie Cl: .r ..J�it :rn :_rJrn�c ._�'1' for _J
da o_
impr :, -e, str et_ in E.I. e~ _._3 :�. --mod b^
LL ��� _ �:. .. �. , �� y lr�_s:,ee Ward, seconded by Tras-
t=ce 'i47 eer be i o+ ad t0 f rniSh t
„ �y r roc he ^ to: obile
Club with the d =ata red -ested in titer iette, Jr ;4-2tob =_. ^�':
_ � _, 1 1�. , add-
ressed to sidginee =, �t cc_st nct to emceed 4.5G. Carried by the
t�r in + T- Yy.. _� }� r7E l ,, p y e- ' 'ara 2nd -',-
��JYY�:. YV lie• L��IVt+: '1_..� - -�eeS Jl�. uJi +, l._.:yr Viu, tl(..�d11 �, i1 , i1 wl .Q v,�•
. i�one.
li.:,' r '.cif' ? of oilas for Co:zpleting if the Stea resting sys-
te:- in the City :fall, having heretofore beer made a special order or bus-
for hour of 8:00 o' ci :ck 2. :. at this meetir.- P-_rs�antl to
pre? Jam.:. _ctiJr_ Or tile of lrws tees and notice to t1-_:.t effect dkly
`� the r vin a tl r �^ f i n -
pnblisea, �__ �hai arose ayd a:�r.J�t_.veLL �_e ..oar o� 7 ;59
and staled that any person or persons desiring to file bids for the work
hereinbefore :iertioned, should present the same i,:-.:ediately. The hour of
8:00 o'clock 2. i.:. Eaving arrived, and all beds beiL` in, the _resident
y, ^ 1 n- � th t the fOr f r .. r r materials for
3 V1 -.: GQ _ _ /rl bids _„� the y:�.�is �n� Ot 311 labor and rii: u
co:..pieti-zg the Stea: Sea tin S;ste: in the City- '.'_�.li of the City of -E1
i1ir0r , a2- ad- ertised, viere closed.
:.:owed by T KS•`ee :Tartin, seconded by Tr,istee ��adne-,-, that bids for
t'_"_e � r._iS �r_� -o-a, labor aid r::ateri lS for the compl -4 Z` of the
>teaW .:wtin~ L-! ste::. -in the Cite- Nall of the City of El S- 5undo, Cal. ,
be o.� - =.ed �_.d ^.��licl,,r declared. Carried.
Said bids for to mpleting the Steam Eeatir- :, *ste::. : i the City Eall
of s:;.id City , ,:rere fo..znd by said 3JarM to be as follows:
or YY. iocdr_ch submitt9d on the reg^.�lar ford provided there -
lUr, ae ter_::.'.ned by -hG Board to be as follows:
Oi ;L TnJu3AiyC EIOn L-U:;Dn,:.L Tr,;E ;IY '1 10 Ai .-D 20/100 Dollars.
(1,822.20) Said bid was accompanied by certified check on the California
Savings &c Coy _:Tnercial Bank, Los Angeles, Ca1. , in the sum of 492.00 �
Deduct for alternate23C.G0.
Bid of Th=as Eaverty Co., in letter form, determined by the Board to �
be as follo s :
TriG uJ� lirli T� ti;. ::Tu��L +ti.L TE : A`:L :u j 1CG Collars. ( 4F.,310.00)
Deduct for alternate proposition, :"240:0G.
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check on the Citizens Nation-
al Bank of Los Angeles, : ;o. 1433 in the sum of :125.00.
Bid of i7. C. Morgan, submitted on the form provided therefor, deter-
by the Board to be as follows:
TWO 1 .JuSA: +C -,ja E HU:Ta.j...D SiX'1'Y :;I:3 : DOLLA ?S. (42,369.00)
.iied;:_ct for alternate proposition X159.00. Said bid was accompanied by
r, �- t + +t f 'he
cert.�f led chec -- 52o, on h.a 1sY, Tis� 1 B�:. of L.A. , in l,he sa:� of 1��.00
Bid of ::itting� .n letter for-., 381erl:: J
lned by the �ard t0
Lie as ot':S:
12VJO 1�OU:,A:�� oUn r u..Dn:.0 r i �Y ..1i.i L'oL :a.
Se id 'ciL` eras ac Jr..pnz ed by a certified checr� on the :. erchants
:rational 3a__k of Santa l.:onicw, _;o. 839, in the sum of 125.0
di -cussion, it ::as --o-,e-fl by l_ -stee seconded by
that all bids rece -ved ror the co- _pletion of the Stesm
1.2�.' the �itj Eail, be t .per and er advise': enly by t�il$ 03rd
i�rlt i it.�r�d3y, h 3ls' do of Jcto -ar; 1 -18, at tale holr Of l2:Gv
J' . lucL �::, az_s tha'� v.hen tLis - eetin ,� wd;;o:.r,;, J t adAoitrn to meet at
said hour, s--id dat• -. Carried by the fo'_lo :ink vote.
S I, �:.tne: ter:. _ _ -, _er±�r�, dne- Ward, and ueger.
}T r
ir3e ..c:: ,:ore.
�:�Yi B..YU Ilri.0 Yd.
It h vi :� Cce:? bro:'. •ht to the a-"e .r 'd-e iJ` =rd, t'fiss ''t t
11I.e 111J i...r rJiJmer:t of -)U7 L� v ei v7.3.s under Cray, excess dirt was
-•a ;- i�.V �- -'_ O f - i,-•1^:: and ►i Jreet near the E1 Se�l�nd0 Hotel,
thereby caasin storm ti�:ter to run into the yard (ff said hotel, the
to rave the eme removed.
Street S:�peri:.te_ ;cent- s:a a instructed
��— ����� �� �.. � � �Vr ��.0 .V �a_v ivV v va.M v Y rViW •.N YVi iiNY ► /Q1.711GLL
the earth from the sides of curbs on Virginia St.-, between Holler and
?ine Avenues, during pest winte:^s, and that if the same are not at-tended
to soor_, the.,, nzy be entirely, wished out this -'ear. Street °riritendent
W::_:," 11: :J± t t0 r Le ue-e55 rr' -
he FireL.a_l lh -± the bell on te1e hone in the it q �r, tees
d es _i:lL rin .Swrfln.i �1�t 1^ to :_.., to be ha`�:rl. 1'_. LrG ll1 rf ereiiv �^r`
V7 S•
Cit: �1 r:: waS i1:::t� a t to wri tE �sl i:o_lE : c;�p - relative to renew 1
o f -
u 't _ .6 "- ' 6 S.
:hair t-1-at Ce_ tuir, street ' iz"ns hw� __�' C: = e:i y -_ ced On
Yd2 are: :.nd Tr --.stee _.wd --,er stated t T, + sa-:i_ hai :1Gt b en re-
� ted, b7- . o�� Iu s _�oL be reed;- :"• pLeir;7.
11tr eel i;_v �: L °:, c^ a r + ,. -`, +n c n; Nc �1 a
.o'' E a �he �Vn o r 1 �a UJ-
--�- -Jaw iv 7enioe, Which �r�.: yJ� e' on t:E South
side Jr �1 :.ez� trf_o tom. s :J _. _._G l Jt• �U r J +rte S v^rii�r .7 said
S t _ . C, .
v �. U, ... ".. 1 v v _.r•w J _._ 7
the Z-12t
.L.p. r oved :
ess ap�3'.....
that t' :e
L:7 f
:es ._j'-ed byr�s'easecons-
i'res_..ent Bowed 0� ly,;-s Ue '