1918 NOV 27 CC MINgas El Segundo, Cal., !Tov emb -)r 27tha 1916. t 1 0 A- A-1- A� E: �1, 2 Iv-, s a. 0 Z e L 7 Z :7 e C; f e lc 7 - I — Lve to inste'llat- on .7- 1-: :.t e r i -.-177 -_:_C J1. J:1 El _i6 an exa..-A!I-.&t_*LOII om-` _2 4- U 0 cl.;._3'17a"_.3es -IDr stat`iig that 'lie- c-os, i-.1- at u ir 21 e_ ::c; red. t i t 10 ]:1 zi-red by L. axd otherv:, requesting a ban on publici -1 'a afflicts cte" wi th "Spanish InfluenZa.", -,.therin'-s �.xid auaranti2 of . -.Alias af- JL o v b- 3--son, seconded b-; -L:%istee that the coT=unicat-- 3, C; - - .- -,LC " jCj ', gi 1, 44 � 6 a,:I j.L. io • opinion with r: 1' -":[f-*.-cer Da7is adliresced the -.1jard concerning his opi to clos-Ir.z- and quarantila-inn- account '%jjo&_,i`sh I.Lfliaenzall, stating that Le tho-L-.7ht the of deputies to 'A ___ U - co-,-,Oer-ning preren'Itive -ii.eas-6.-_res, and care of *Iv,2ve sJLcI: viol,:,.ld be more 4. t -* the -oatticn of j -cai,tin-�- influenza J j -t - t j ;r victin,s be referred "-I U v j r 3 1, Y E 1 t- j. t o c.o:,.­'Jera4`cn f • "LL `U-hcreo.L. %.d th.3 :j_� 0S 4-he City _L I �'i'7- Of t1 --e o I t 1je 0 -!­--d thro u.-I this City 1 Z e r'- viL - to ad- U� �7 E w:)- e L-ore-ct .1 le - a -,v e 2i t e Co:,-,-nittee or. z iiance -.pr - %7 11 e e T Z-'3- C thij t -'1 e de__­ds be foll- ra t 7 C --,i 17 . j C- 7: Z1. • t L _ _ r __ L� . - . Lid • ­; , - _. The a-reet Super-.nte,-,3crt rey,_ested to be he —, r:i. C..,k a S)-'u-e1 the Ji:..,1t01" Stated 1:o—.e1 b—y th Cit, : C1 -1= Le to d�_rcrlwse these c teed V1E.0C• '.a_r_ _ b7 �`hr -- r.::1i0. -Ti POte: .:-es: Tn7 s t e e s s 0 n :.' rd, .x,d _uec'er. goes: d.seiit . J. ct ,,e: _._wr *_r , =.nd :.icdrle:; . Arai seed v., ith a Spi r� t that he vias in need o� I,-,- Trustee that sui�Llies at a cost rot to 1 -- • 1 81 - i1 t 1. ^_e C 1ectro ie rs a V i1 v.l.Q r.L v • _rw L' I1�ie�Jcc3 -�.` ac..U.. not being ro_ r� - 1i'tec,^the 3:)L;.-'L.!7 ` 4- 7- n- • _ r..L i�-- vt L 1i'1 -v L Jr., V V • �i - -_ i:.� ted to eau's .�o +h C) r`' ar 3 ov ea b = r��_stee �7. second - ti: ° 11� c�u�J i�_ . viir�'14: • alffl_`!1 i J J u r d� f 1 i'v_ �..: s•