1918 NOV 20 CC MINRegular meeting of the Bo:-zd or Trastees of the City of El Segundo was •alled to order in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 7 :30 o'clock on the above date, by Carl Lrnest Rueger, 2-resident of the 2-oard. ROLL 0"ALL. 1rkS ±eeS v'� t': 50:x, _.; Ytin, Hadney , c 1f_ r :'Key °�• Trustees en : *4:ark9 t?.r"DIiY Cr i lt.0 __ Juz �• ~ 1lll lx • ::i_,ates of the :reeling held on the 13th da;- of love:lber, 1918, were read thout error or omission being noted oild it was �.ozed by Trustee nadne; , seconded by Tr'astee :.:artin, that the same be approved as read. Carried. 1WRI'i iE CO .I:UI;ICATI XLI S. A letter from the Southern California, Edison Company, advising of the. t i thdraaal of the restrictions as to display lighting by merchanst and .L s was read, and upon : :otion by Trustee Radney, seconded by municipa 1* —L Ir:, titee r--son, x1d carries., the sa:::o was ordered filed. ,, .. } A 0 O.l:�i�I�_�v�YU. ,i f cep 2. .aavls requested the Board to tare definite action J : saV estion he :..zd_ o,.. Leptember 35th, relative to placing the respon- iL- it :i.t.)' __� rba e collection directly upon the He31t•h* Officer or Board or :. �l `'r�, giving s--. -h person or body the authority to employ and discharge colle_ tors, as in their opinion seemed advisable, without the necessity of coiaferrin�z with the Board of `Trustees in each instance. The City Attorney - z.37ised the Board as to the legal status of such proceeding, and action was deferred until Unfinished Business should be taken up. Rr..�Onl3 0 : L1 �; ijIIIO C O: I1 RL'O.tiS OF S23CIILL M-L-IT'TLIES• r. The ."L l', Clerk reported t�_at he had secured prices of X148.80 and Nl 1.00) frog: the C. Je.ral_1 Lur.:Ucr Wo., and the E. B. Harris Lumber Co., res�oectivel:,-, for umber required b�,- the St. Supt. in the construction of es o ::.:air. 3t., :;egar.3o ravenae, and that the lumber had bv_.. �"d-red °r. -_. the . H:��rIs �.afb3r C�. the C'- also reported that for the ste ri�cg1 c��l. o:. the ?ire ::nvi -re from ._r. a... =1.... ��.:._�.... . �,__., .,.r, :.Ul. -� v_•, 1:....1.1 _no the the a7;�„�t�Gr.ri v.11.1i'r:la tl e e'' ec:troliers Ll :,e -'and0 �.v6• _.._..LL ___v 1- - �-•w _.vLL.V. _. ... ,. �V_.� _ r.1, ..-.. 1lu. Vl _ VTrl VV�li V.. �.iC _. 1V +-_. �i -�• ..• -v` .. ...i: V lT:.. ..rJSI_.� �- 1il�iF._^'..�u17 ­ •, ...._ drizon, V ..-- _. .� . _ _ ... v _ .:. _ Gam.' _ _ _. _ lei �. n _ r. . _ . • v • 1 i:w. •�i 11 :: J ... - - _ _ .. i _Vl_ III Vh ,.- .✓v�.w.. _ -... ,. r_ ... _ v .l _.�- 1._. V C+l - •i V v ✓1 ..._ LL :�.. J1I. ✓ -•- .�. v_... _ , _._ .._C. h -- /� 111 ... _..y .. , _.v .._ .. ..- .. __ .. .•.. 1__u _.. _ _... . -_v ... l)1_��. ... t...i� ve c o' laotur 0 f the City 11.... _1 the 1`••11 ,.- .✓v�.w.. _ -... ,. r_ `...- y .. -_. _ -._ _ c t - X. -+ .. �- c._ ..�t.. ...b'�l, 1��J, ..._ LL :�.. J1I. he ,,���_ 1- ti: to .� o� ve c o' laotur 0 f the City on as the said ?Board pen"tion to be paid for each garbage dolleotion in ash one month to any person or persons so emlployed, shall not exceed in the ag -regate the sum, • �" of 3G. CO. The Bowrd of _•:sLees of said City further resar —ing the ri6ht in to allow or re�e::t in Thole or in Asst a:y de:: -.d preseata;i a`;ai ::sl the City lreasurer7 for any aerrices pe�for__ed h._ek : :c:er 1 • _e re J on was a3o, ted by the °o1I vote. ��.s 1x st CG'S, 3, y0r.' ._.:..1.�:. -, and .. -e:;: loo- 4.ee I_h atl =_ Of 'j _f. -f!. -e �--:�,�::ts fro: t'_.� �1 :._ _.ter �o. 1:.1r 1. d 4. r Jyh Wit. _ �� TJ __. �,__- �� _ ._ y�SY:° , a or a� w, l 0 Io : _._Or_S Oi t.".e hydra ::t. e :.._ - -._ ��= , t:1 `c_tti �: i ti: 1:1r0�':: 1_ vii uz; tU the SI�eS of '__ �e o . :: :uvto Ne _e 2, t th _t a rele_ese_,lative 0 ._i.2 Co ::pan h;:.vi t.. __i .,o ac: t fo: t__e_._, to pre,,e:_„ .� t „__e :z•�._„ ....,� ��� � o_ ..he ,) o^d c-L r ctees. ?AYI. a -1 SILL6. by .2_aolee Bryso__, se^ona -:! . '�.p L r�st .e B�dne-, that t?:e de :..ands lo,. _ _. __.: fo_ s -...._ a _..t;-:. or- the man ral arid. Carried by 3sdrey, and _,aeger. 0es: none. "osent: ir_.7tee It appearing economical to have an electric water heater and tank installed while the heating apparatus is being completed, the Clerk was to obtaf.n prices or. the necessary egkip.:Ient. rre Citr Clerk tiros instructed to obtain prices on wire mats for the main entrance and side door to the City Hall, and to procure same at the lowest price obtainable. 'The Chair stated that he had secured from the Buffalo Springfield - Boller Co. the inforzati8n that Rock dumping de�rices for use in connection tiyi -h unloading of rock cars cost about x,85.00 new, -and that some very good se: o d hand equipment could be purchased for 960.00. No action taken s- mraitin— additional information. ::o fart' r b;_:iness apoe ^.ri:.g, it ^;as �o�red b;- Ir�.stee Bryson, second- ed by 1",-, stee ad:ie--, t, rl the the 22nd day Of : o��.� ;r, _t 4:30 o'clod: 1 4i - _vZ ed 1 .L_ 11 ij� • n• ht:vit:v had t'.e approval of the Zo :...:ittee on c:or3ti, 1.;E_e read. Zod �. ' �� , '. �. �. ;53.60 :state of :rlir_ 2ac3fic Telephone L iele,:rGph Co. 20.40 :.-art-in Franich 7.20 Geor~e Chilson 19.35 Bider -Lpwri :ht :.:fg. Co. 1.50 JaoL Live _ic 39.50 .h. V. Green 4f.00 :state or 18.::0 L. C. Lewis 30.00 Total XECMOU by .2_aolee Bryso__, se^ona -:! . '�.p L r�st .e B�dne-, that t?:e de :..ands lo,. _ _. __.: fo_ s -...._ a _..t;-:. or- the man ral arid. Carried by 3sdrey, and _,aeger. 0es: none. "osent: ir_.7tee It appearing economical to have an electric water heater and tank installed while the heating apparatus is being completed, the Clerk was to obtaf.n prices or. the necessary egkip.:Ient. rre Citr Clerk tiros instructed to obtain prices on wire mats for the main entrance and side door to the City Hall, and to procure same at the lowest price obtainable. 'The Chair stated that he had secured from the Buffalo Springfield - Boller Co. the inforzati8n that Rock dumping de�rices for use in connection tiyi -h unloading of rock cars cost about x,85.00 new, -and that some very good se: o d hand equipment could be purchased for 960.00. No action taken s- mraitin— additional information. ::o fart' r b;_:iness apoe ^.ri:.g, it ^;as �o�red b;- Ir�.stee Bryson, second- ed by 1",-, stee ad:ie--, t, rl the the 22nd day Of : o��.� ;r, _t 4:30 o'clod: 1 4i - _vZ ed 1 .L_ 11 ij� • n•