1918 NOV 13 CC MINMY.. -iV Y.,., iviW•
�Z.ti: :,f yl,�e so =�- of mr:- -st-es of the ^it,^ ^fI :>d4�LLndO
on the alo— v lal, ±'��, by Curl
1r.:.0 Vwyle�t , _ _, LL<_r .:•:V (.vV o v_V..__ _._•
yrn est- Sae �, 77 =s e ;,- the r:2 .
a0j:L v=.
nic .` fr -m Li _ i
A �o- ...�. ._ __ _ ., _ _ ..�. �e�.�_r.do .:'3jc" Con .t� e �o
vitV Wo.: :.�; r ,�lwl L:: the use of fire Lydra.Lta bras read.
na ;
Lee i;wrc., SB:J_.;:�a -so_., t.: e SsWe be filed
rlyi `/ � i V V� Ia/ li;_,1�lir s ,./ Vl•WLil1L......
U��r IuI.:�.:c:ii 3USuyl.3S.
in i._vh b,..ar-7 of. 6e&uiLdo sivenue and -lain St.,
s ill tti }. Jf ;,.�i::r� arare aathGriZed by t1 ".e yJ :ri at meeting held
ore t�-.e loth day of October, IJlE the :street Su pt. submitted an estimate
of the tools ar:.d .raterials Whi ^h will be rewired. Yoved b Trustee
.iU!:LI, seconded by Trastee 3r sort, that the City C1-!rk be authorized to
secare bids for fu =fishing the t -ols and materials as per the list pre -
sen -ed by the Street Supt., and to order same fro;_ the loaest bidder, at
a tot--I goat not to e2zceed '220.00. Carried by the follJ�:n
VN. 1 .Ls ees ..r-,-so:., ...:r- _ \ad , .ilird, and L ►aeger.
,; J a : _: one..
�. s a- " : r one .
iL:e :_'-ter of the rega?at of the . 1 ae u ldo mater '10:aj?L y to r.:a'_-e a.
:._.... :.: _ . ie C 'yOr .S of i: lc S tjO2ed
__` u:'
dLl..i 3i__ -a
ti hid +:".e aij,rG'.'a` the _ Li3
a vG: e on
E6 uw Ve of 3. rnutso:a
3al. LdisJ'n
C. I... ., ebb 4.
Total 4
t`t. L-;Zea lire bon, $euonaea Ojv 1- v:.v Niaiu, t.1 a*r, thc4 de:ilandS
1 "° by
w �._� ti for s :e dr�� ;.__ n .,he 3rener l '_d. ��.rrried
.'. �..��. .,ard Fx itueger.
�.oes: L,oue.
Lhi_t the s-
r r i e4 l�
rtiu a too": Lis se_. t t t'_-is �ti
.ate -e
pp 4iud
-T ni.r'
nic .` fr -m Li _ i
A �o- ...�. ._ __ _ ., _ _ ..�. �e�.�_r.do .:'3jc" Con .t� e �o
vitV Wo.: :.�; r ,�lwl L:: the use of fire Lydra.Lta bras read.
na ;
Lee i;wrc., SB:J_.;:�a -so_., t.: e SsWe be filed
rlyi `/ � i V V� Ia/ li;_,1�lir s ,./ Vl•WLil1L......
U��r IuI.:�.:c:ii 3USuyl.3S.
in i._vh b,..ar-7 of. 6e&uiLdo sivenue and -lain St.,
s ill tti }. Jf ;,.�i::r� arare aathGriZed by t1 ".e yJ :ri at meeting held
ore t�-.e loth day of October, IJlE the :street Su pt. submitted an estimate
of the tools ar:.d .raterials Whi ^h will be rewired. Yoved b Trustee
.iU!:LI, seconded by Trastee 3r sort, that the City C1-!rk be authorized to
secare bids for fu =fishing the t -ols and materials as per the list pre -
sen -ed by the Street Supt., and to order same fro;_ the loaest bidder, at
a tot--I goat not to e2zceed '220.00. Carried by the follJ�:n
VN. 1 .Ls ees ..r-,-so:., ...:r- _ \ad , .ilird, and L ►aeger.
,; J a : _: one..
�. s a- " : r one .
iL:e :_'-ter of the rega?at of the . 1 ae u ldo mater '10:aj?L y to r.:a'_-e a.
:._.... :.: _ . ie C 'yOr .S of i: lc S tjO2ed
__` u:'
dLl..i 3i__ -a
ti hid +:".e aij,rG'.'a` the _ Li3
a vG: e on
E6 uw Ve of 3. rnutso:a
3al. LdisJ'n
C. I... ., ebb 4.
Total 4
t`t. L-;Zea lire bon, $euonaea Ojv 1- v:.v Niaiu, t.1 a*r, thc4 de:ilandS
1 "° by
w �._� ti for s :e dr�� ;.__ n .,he 3rener l '_d. ��.rrried
.'. �..��. .,ard Fx itueger.
�.oes: L,oue.
Y,oved by Trastee Bryson, seconded by Trl.stee Radne- , that the City
Clerk be instructed to order one carload Ito. 2 Crashed Rock and one
carload Ito. 3 Crusted i:oc1:, from the ':�cifi c cV travel Co:4- r.y, at
4 price not to exceed. .70 cents p�: toy., f.o.t. paint of sLipment.
Carried by the foilor:in~ I o to :
Ar -,res: r:zstees L -sore, ." -artJ n, : adne-, _srd, and
I;oes o_ie.
L'- ,s.;nt. ao:_�.
The City eery as::ed the Josrd if they ay)pro t-ad of the s:,le of rock
in small gKantities to citizens. ;,- general consent it was deciaed that
the sa--:e be apprc ^ed, provided an order fo; sa::.e be issued by the Clerl.
and the sale of said rock be ar�der the supervision of the Street Supt.,
at his con^enience, and that the purchase-1- of roc' be billed for same
at not less than act jai cost of t, 1 ' 1,
he rocs o the -1..• plus �G per cent,
it en 2al,iic Safety -_o:i :i tee by general co' sen*' , waa instructed to
arrange rJr Ll.e p'arerase of 5 gallons of Sulphuric Acid and one barrel
?dean bona', e of :oda for 2, i_ e use.
T? Cii�% Cler' was 1:�Siru,^, eu to order two springs for the steering
knuckle on the ?ire 1� gine, froc: the aiLaric 3 Za Fr:;nce Fire Eng ne C
lre �,arsh:_:l anno.�nced 'he a :)oint:::ent of h. L. 'ai'illis as a Deputy,
reY..'C'_s tii.� the 3o..rds approval. I..oved by Trastee L:artin„ seconded by
it ._ t e _.: LL ; 'h the �:��poiLt:.ent of I . �:. �,illis as a Deputy i,;arshal
was instruc ael to lo,-'- i_.to 'l:e :.after of purchasinLD
a see '^ fir �e ail 3 ,,d tv write the :'o;�thern O'..1if:,rnia Laison
c� on wjC r' ri�i. �., a t Ri ch. -_J:.d .� • a:l.�l .l;:r1�:� as bL arise, and
{ y ,ei '-
1i1_�t�t. J � ..'v a =k _one saVenua.
;ro - Partr__ bas Line ss appeari'~i;, it was moved by 2rustee bs,rtin,
secondeu by Tr -stee Rad -zee , that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
t 4zA
_aA 2k� PA--
Presi: enl 3oL-.rd Of i±Listeqf