1918 MAY 29 CC MINRegular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock F. Li. on the above date, in the City Hall, Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board presiding. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Bryson, Coward, and Rueger. Trustees absent: Martin and Ward. READING I:INUTES PREVIOUS METIIJG. -The minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd day of May, 1918, were read without error or omission being noted and it was moved by Trustee Cm ard, seconded by Trustee ".7ard, that.the same be approved as read. Carried. readirg of the Trusteee Ward appeared d =ing the/minutes, at 7:40 o'clock P. M. and took his seat. "IRITTEN COItI_'UNICATIONS. A letter from James E. Ho;;ell, Chairman of the Local filar Savings Com- mittee, rcauesting the use of the Auditorium in the New City Hall on June 28th, for social purposes to stimulate the sale of War Savings Stamps was read; also the application of Norwood J. Elwell for the position of Fire Engine Driver. Loved by Trustee Uard, seconded by Trustee Bryson that co -ilmunicEtions be filed. Carried. IT one . IT one . ORAL 001,21. iNIC1' 5. TIONS . ^PORTS OF STt'i'DI1 G COI'•= T::ITTEES. Reports of special committees. Trustee Bryson.reported that he had looked into the matter of shades _d found that-there is only one fir-- ma]-ing the style of shade desired, the Venetian Blinds, and that the prices received from the Western Blind and Screen Company are t'he belt to 'te obtain_ ed# these prices being as foll^ws : 17 Blinds covering windows in Private Office, library Clerk's Office, Council Chamber and Committee Room ------------ - - - - -- 120.90 17 Blinds coverinm lower section of wir_dor's and also transoms ir. the Auditorium ------------------------------------------- 684.00 4 Blinds c over inp_- ind ow s in arras ement room X25.10 £ hse co e d b- Trustee ' tt the report Trt- et e e C owar d, a , of the Co=ittee be accepte?_, and that the Architect be instructed to order the blinds. Carried by the folloc:irg vote: Ayes: Trustees ?3r- -soli, Co-. -ard, 'lard, and Rueger. Yoez: Trustees i'one. Absent: Trustee _wrtin. Tl'rFII;I=—D ?JAI? BSS. i.:oved bv= Trustee Ccvard, seco -nded by Trustee Ward, that the map of Tract No. 3288, which was presented to this Board for consideration at the last re - -ular meeting, be not approved. , Carried by the folliwing vote: A - -es: Trustees Bryson, Coward, gland, and Rueger. ,r . roes: yone. insert : Ir;st Martin. rain. I: owed by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Coward, th�.t Ordinance No. 36, entitled: "AN O:.DI TA.TCE OF Ty CITY OF EL SEGUI'D0, CALIFORITIA, RELATING TO TUIe JRI 'G OF BJILDIYGS �_•D P OVIDI2TG FOR THE PUNISHI4:-:ITT OF THOSE 71"HO VQOLATE ITS PROVISIONS ", which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 22nd day of May, 1918, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Ward, and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent Trustee Martin. Moved- by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the request "T1 of the War Savings Committee, for the use of the auditorium in the City Hall on the evening of June 28th, be granted. Carried. The City Clerk reported that he had not received any definite figures from the Telephone Company relative to the cost of telephones in the new City Hall and the Chair appointed the City Attorney and the City Clerk a committee to obtain the necessary information. PAYING BILLS. The f o ll owi n�z Demands on Redemption Fund, 1918, having and records, were read: PACIFIC ELECTRIC RY. CO. r n n Will H. Sanders E. J. Pascoe California Corrugated Culvert W. L_. Street J. Rangel E. P. Bosbyshell Co. the Street Imrrovement Bond Interest and been approved by the Committee on Finance 4382.10 422.07 2.00 5.25 Co.26.71 27.19 3.06 12.16 William D. Walsh Austin - Western Road Machinery Company Standard Oil Company C. ILor ell o Felix Ramirez I":. R. Carillo Total Moved by Trustee ;Tar d, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that allowed and warrants for same drawn on the Street Improvement and Redemption Fund, 1918. Carriea by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, ;"yard, and Rueger. Noes: i,;one. Absent : Trustee L:artin. The following demands on the General Fund, Committee on Finance and Records, were read: PACIFIB Telephone and Telegraph Company "�. S. Stinnett Benjamin D. Block Standard Oil Company Stan,�.ard Oil Company 4492.50 .1.26 22.05 21.94 6.19 3.00 41427.48 the Demands be Bond Interest having been approved by the Total .30 8.15 19.92 136.06 -- 16.01 180.44 Moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the demands be-allowed and warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Ward, and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent:- Trustee Maxtin. NEW BUSINESS. 121oved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City Clerk be instructed to write the Sales Department of the Standard Oil Company at Los Angeles, requesting more promptness in rendering bills. Carried. The City Marshal was instructed to have a notice inserted ih the El Segundo Herald informing dog owners that all dogs not wearing proper license tags after June 8th, 1918, will be impounded.. The City Clerk was instructed to obtain figures on the cost of build- ing a cess -pool in the rear of the City Hall, same to be 16 feet deep with a minnimum internal diameter of 4 feet. President Rueger reported that he and Trustee Bryson had been in Los Angeles securing prices on chairs for the auditorium and found that some second hand chairs could be procured for 4.10000 per doz., another chair could be obtained for 80 cents each, and still another, known as a Govern- ment Folding Chair could be had for 412.50 per dozen. A canvas covering for the floor could be had for 85 cents per yard, and the brass eyelets_ and anchors to hold same in place would amount to about 10:00. after discussion it was decided that there would be too much uncertain- ty as to the condition of all the second hand chairs which Inight be obtained and it was moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Clerk be instructed to order 20 dozen folding chairs at a rice not ex- ceed 012.50 per dozen, from the Foley Furniture Company, L Carriea by the following vote: Abe erit : Trustee Martin. Moved by Trustee Coward, that the City Clerk be instructed to order necessary canvas floor covering for the Auditorium $n the new City Hall, at a price not to exceed 85 cents per running yard. Trustee Bryson second- ed the motion, which carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Ward, and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Martin. * and an additional stun not to exceed 010.00 for eyelets. Moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Surd, that the monthly rental of the auditorium in the City Hall, for one night each week, be set at $15.00 for the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Masons, and 07.50 for the Maccabees and Rebeccas. Carried. The ?Marshal was instructed to investigate a report that reducers were being used on fire hydrants, and to report back to the Trustees. No further business appeasing, it was moved by Trustee Ward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn until Saturday, the ist day of June, 1918, at 12:00 o'clock noon.' Carried. Respectfully submitted, Cit C1 ark. Approved this day of June, 1918, cAal "4 A- IA N President Board of rust s.