El Segundo, California, March-13, 1918
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1
Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. in the City Hall,
by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board.
Trustees present: Coward, Martin, Smiley =d Rueger.
Trustees absent: Ward.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. No error or
omission being noted, it was moved by Trustee Coward and seconded by
Trustee Li,artin that they be approved, and the motion carried.
Communications were received from the following:
011ie Fellison and others, petitioning the Board to accept
deed to a strip of land to serve as a continuation of arena Street
from Palm Avenue to Belleview.
Waterhouse- 11ilcox Company, requesting permission to submit
prices on culverts to be used in the improvement of Ballona Avenue
and Main Street.
ia'oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the
communications be filed, and the motion carried.
Trustee Ward appeared at eight o'clock P. M., immediately
after the reading of communications, and took his seat.
Mrs. Fellison addressed the Board relative to the petition
concerning opening of Arena Street and after some discussion the
matter was referred to the City Engineer for report at the next meet-
Mr. McKnight, District Manager of the Southern California Edi-
son Company, informed the Board that the County Street Lighting Fund
would be exhausted about March 24th, 1918, and that he would like to
have the City Engineer enter into a short term contract for the
present number of lights at the present rate, without anticipating
any large extension of the system. He stated that he would have
counsel for his company prepare the necessary contract and submit the
same to the City sttorney for perusal so that the same might be exe-
cuted at the next meeting.
Er. E. 0. Lewis and 1'b7. Phil Hall addressed the Board relative
to insurance on the new City Hall.
N one .
It was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley,
that the consideration of the manner in which uork is to be prosecut-
ed on Ballona :venue and Main Street be made a special order of busi-
ness to be taken up immediately after the close of new business. The
motion carried.
:coved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Martin, that
010,000.00 insurance be taken out on the City Hall to be divided as
One policy with the Board company represented by Mr. E. 0.
Lewis, X3,000.00;
One policy with the board company -represented by iwr. Vl. E.
1�organ, �3, 334.00;
One policy with the Fidelity- Phenix Fire Insurance Company,
The motion was carried by the folloving vote:
_yes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Toes: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustees None.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Com-
mittee on Finance and Records, were read:
Herald Publishing Co.
Mnite &: Leach
Victor D. McCarthy
Standard Oil Company
Clyde 1loodyard
Standard Oil Company
R. -. Davis
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the
foregoing demands be allowed and warrants drawn for the same. The
motion carried by the following vote:
-yes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Rueger.
Smiley, Ward and
Noes: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustees None.
Moved by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the
Good Roads Machinery Company be granted an extension of time to and
including the 10th day of April, 1918, in which to make delivery of
the patching kettle as per award made them by this Board of Trustees
on the 12th day of December, 1917. The motion carried.
I'Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that
J. C. Hesser be appointed Street Superintendent and City Marshal to
hold office until th_ further order of this Board, said official
to receive no compensation as Street Superintendent but his compensa-
tion as City Marshal to be in full for all services, salary to com-
mence upon filing of proper bond. The motion carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward,-Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustee s None.
Loved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that
;3500.00 insurance be taken out on the fire wagon, the same to be
equally divided between E. 0. Lewis and W. E. Morgan. The motion
carried by the following vote:
-yes: Trustees Coward, hartin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Does: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustees None.
There being nc further new business, the chair then announc-
ed that in accordance with the previous motion of Trustee Coward,
the special order of business, to -wit: the manner in which the im-
provement of Ballona Avenue and Main Street as contemplated by the
plans therefor could best be prosecuted to subserve the public in-
terest and necessity of the City of E1 Segundo would be immediately
The Board then proceeded to discuss the said matter and inas-
much as said Board had not cted u o ropp� s *tions submitted by
any contractor or any perso eri to o bic� Dior it was moved
by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following
resolution be adopted:
ti_e Board of Trustees of the City of El SeEunwo has
heretofore by notices duly given and published in the E1 Segundo
Herald and in the Southwest Builder and Contractor of Los an eles
invited sealed proposals or bids for doing the work of improvement.
on Ballona Avenue and Main Street by grading and macadamizing the
same, to the extent contemplated in the plans therefor on file in
the office of the Cit -- Engineer, and
"V,EE EJ ^, on the 13th day of February, 1918, seven bids were
received by said Board for doing said work of improvement, and,
"IH�EAS, said Board thereupon by resolution duly passed took
said bids under advisement until the regular meeting of said Board
held on the 20th day of February, 1918, and,
"17JHEREAS, upon said 20th day of February, 1918, said Board by
resolution duly passed determined that the public interest and
necessity demanded the rejection of all bids received for doing
said work, and,
"WHE_EI , said bids so received were by said Board in said
resolution rejected and the matter of the manner in which said work
could be performed to best subserve the public interest and neces-
sity was taken under advisement, and,
"1 °JE�EAS, this Board has duly investigated and considered all
mannersof causing said improvement to be made,
"I-OW THEEIREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That in the opinion of this
Board and of the whole number of members thereof, to -wit: five, the
necessary work and labor for the construction of said work of im-
provement upon said streets as contemplated by said plans can be
more economically performed by day labor and that the materials
and supplies necessary for the proper construction and completion
of the same, except the rock and asphaltum therefor, can be ob-
tained and furnished at a lower price in the open market,
"AIM BE IT FURTHER 23SOLVED: That said work shall be peformed
on force acc oant by day labor and that the materials and supplies
therefor, with the exception of the necessary rock and asphaltum,
shall be purchased in the open market unless this Board shall, in
its discretion expressed by resolution hereafter, otherwise deter-
The motion to adopt the same was carried by a vote of more than
four - fifths of the members of the Board of Trustees, the vote being
as follows:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
110es: Trustees hone.
:absent: Trustees None.
Mr. William i. Walsh, who was present, then addressed the Board,
and inasmuch as his previous proposition had not been accepted or
acted upon by the Board, filed with the City Clerk a new proposition
for supervising the said work, which was read to the Board, the same
being as follows:
11E1 Segundo, California.
lilaxch 13th, 1918.
Honorable Board of Trustees,
E1 Segundo, California.
Leari#ng that you are seeking a competent man to
supervise the construction of a macadam pavement on Ballona
Avenue and Main Street within the City of E1 Segundo, I respect-
fully tender you my services, and in that c cmnection make you
the following proposition:
I will supervise and direct the construction of the entire
work of improvement as conte::plated by your Board in the
plans and specifications therefor heretofore adopted b;y your
Board and will devote my entire time and attention to the said
work during the prosecution .thereof and will use my best ef-
forts to bring about an early and satisfactory completion of the
same, in consideration of all of which I shall be entitled to re-
ceive remuneration as follows:
In the event that I am able, under the immediate instruct-
ion of your supervising engineer, to cause said work of improve-
ment to be performed promptly and in a manner satisfactory to your
Board and to said engineer, for a total cose including materials
to the City of E1 Segundo of not exceeding Twenty -seven Thousand,
Nine Hundred Fifty -two Dollars and Fifty -four Cents (t27.9-52.54).
then and in that event I shall receive as compensation for my
services in full a.sum equal to ten per cent (10%) of the cost
including materials to said City; provided, however, that should
said cost exceed said sum of Twenty -seven Thousand Nine Hundred
Fifty -two Dollars and Fifty -four Cents ($27,952.541, then and
in that event my compensation in full for all my services shall
be the sum of five per cent (5 %) of the said total cost; and pro-
vided, further, that said City and your Board shall not be
liable to me for any compensation whatsoever for any services
as h9reinbefore referred to so rendered or to be rendered by
me, unless there shall at all times during the prosecution of
said work be available for the use of your City, at the request
of your said Board or your said engineer, all or such part of
the equipment mentioned in the schedule hereinafter contained
as your board or said engineer may require at prices not to
exceed the rental prices set forth after each respective item
in said schedule mentioned, for the period so required, and
it is so expressly understood and agreed in the event this
proposition is accepted.
The schedule above referred to is as follows, to -wit:
2 Rollers as required at $5.00 per day per roller min -
nimum initial requirement 30 days.
Necessary Dump wagons as required at the rate of V;12.50
per month each.
Necessary Water wagons as required at the rate of X12.50
per month each.
1 Steam Shovel as required, minnimum rental for first
month y400.00, thereafter as required at "14.00 per day
Necessary two inch pipe as required at one cent per foot
per month.
Necessary Road Flows as required at the rate of w6.00
per month each.
Necessary Fresno Scrapers as required at the rate of w6.00
per month each.
Necessary Four -wheel Scrapers as required at the rate of
t'30.00 per month each.
Necessary Graders as required at the rate of 125.00 per
month each.
One elevating grader as required at the rate of ,,10.00
y e day.
One complete idess Outfit if required at the rate of 925.00
per month.
One complete Blacksmithing outfit at the rate of 'A.00 per
month as required.
ecessary mules as required at the rate of X15.00 per head
per month.
Necessary horses as required at the rate of '15.00 per
read bier month.
Yours very truly,
( Signed) Wm. D. Walsh."
After considerable discussion, it was moved by Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Coward .
that the following resolution be adopted:
"RE'SOLVED: That the proposition of Lir. Vim. D. Walsh, bearing
date Larch 13th, 1918, and submitted to the Board on this date, for
supervising anL directing the construction of the entire work of im-
)rovement of Ballona Lvenue and Lain Street, subject to the direction
of this Board and under the immediate instruction of the City Engin-
eer of the City of El Segundo, California, be and the same is hereby
accepted upon behalf of the City of El Segundo, California,
" U D BE Im F RT =R RESOLVED: That said work of improvement shall
proceed immediately, it being urgently necessary to construct the same
in order to properly preserve the public peace, health and Safety of
said City,
"AIID BE IT FURTIEER HESOLVED: That warrants in payment of said
work of improvement as the same progresses shall be paid, unless
otherwise directed by this Board, out of the Street Improvement Bond
Interest and Redemption Fund, 1918.11
The motion to adopt the said resolution was carried by the fol-
lowing vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, ',lard and zueger.
I;oes: Trustees Tone.
..bsent: Trustees Toni.
_fter the above action was taken, Itilr. Walsh stated that the said
work would progress immediately under the direction of the said Board
and the said engineer.
Loved by Trustee Lartin, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
City Clerh be authorised and instructed to purchase not exceeding
-99.00 orth of feed for the stock to be used in the prosecution of
the a b o ve work.
The motion was carried by the followin vote:
_:yes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Toes: Trustees Uone.
Absent: Trustees Yone.
Lowed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the
Clerk's petty cash fund be increased from ;;10.00 to X50.00, to be
used by said City Clerk for the ordinary expenses for vrhich the same
has been used and for emergency purposes in connection with the im-
provement of Ballona Avenue and Train Street.
I o further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Lartin, that the meeting adjourn, and the motion
Respectfully subrn��itt;:d,
12�c� off. i�
City Clerk.
president Board of Trustees.