1918 JUL 19 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., Duly 1yt1, IvIbe
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
El Segundo was called to order at 12:00 o'clock noon on the above date in
the City Hall by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board.
Trustees present: Bryson, Coward, and Rueger.
Trustees absent: Martin, and Ward.
Loved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the regul3F-r
order of business be dispensed r•ith. Carried.
The mf- tter of the a-_ plication of 0. Z. Carr for permission to remodel
a class "D" building how within the limits of Fire District ITC. 1 was di S-
and it was moved by Trustee Coward, - seconded by Trustee Bryson, that
the applicant be granted permissionto remodel the building, providing the
same strictly complies with the provisions of Ordinance No. 31. Carried.
B rler Bros. sub:.itted. a price of $104.00 for installing and furnishing
corrugated rubber matting for the hall and stairs of the City Hall, and a
price of k97.55 for covering the same area r: ith X105 cork linoleum. After
discussion it 'Vas decided that the cork linoleum would be superior to the
rubber. It ryas also decided to have additional linoleum laid from the main
stri -1, in the to the various doors, -and to have the kitchen in the
auditorium: a_ad the kitchen in the fire:.1an's quarters also covered :with the
same material. The ruotation for the latter was 4 1.85 per yard, 18 yards
bein- necessary.
by 2: ^-ostee 4.1 seconded by Trustee Coward, t--at Barker Bros.
be a ar?ed t-� ''or'' or fur�i� ^ins and la -Iin— linoleum in the Hall and on
the stairs in
Apprtments of
by the follow
the City x;.11, an
the fireman, at a
Ong vote:
Trustees Coward,
Trustees I:iartin,
3L in the kitciens in the Auditorium and
total cost not toexceed $146.00. Carried
Br7Tson,and Rueger.
and "lard.
1-oved b-- ^r -_titee Corr�.rd, seconded by Trustee Br�Tson, that the follow-
ing resolution be .adoptetl:
71E EREAS it appears that it will be necessary to transfer money from
the General Fund to the City Hall Bond Interest s.nd Reaemption Fund, 1918,
in order to meet expenses accruing against the latter fund, amounting to
�1526.57,now therefore be it xzXX&XEat (erred to the
FESOZ'7 that the said sum of 1,526.57 be trans City
H-,ll Bond I-- Iterest and ?Redemption Fund, 1918, from the Ger -eral Fund of the
Cit-- of El Se -undo. Carried by the follc--,in�: vote:
--e---: ^err C t e rd Br?s on and Rue,ger.
�.. e s C owe__ _
Yoe s: IT one .
r, seat. Tr,:rteeL I•Tartin, and Ward.
ITo f r .er t; �: inec: �r "G�• -� i �, it
c _ ,owed J, - —tee Cow -rc1_ second -
Carries .
C4 I
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