1918 JUL 10 CC MINRegular r.:eeting of the Boar' of Trustees of the CitT° of ��'1 Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. L:. on the above date, in the City Hall, by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger. Trustees absent: 'lard. RE DI_1 'G 1._I1tUTEG PREVIOUS TT;,ETI11G. The :;inutes of the regular meeting held on the 3rd day of July, 1918, were read, and it appearing that a resolution authorizing.an increase in the salary of the City Attorney, passed at a regular meeting. of the Board held on the 3rd day of Ji;1y, 1918, was not sufficiently explicit, by gen- eral consent, the City Clerk ras instructed to supplement the same by the addition of the following words: "And to receive the reasonable cost of stenographic services and additional compensation in extraordinary matters handled for the Cite ". It was then moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee ??artin, that the minutes be approved as corrected; Carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 5th day of Jul- -, 1 °19, were read. ITo errors or omissions appearing, it -was moved by rl - -1-ee Co-,:.rd, seconded by Trustee 1:a,rtin, that they be approved as read. Carried. The - inutes of the adj our ned re.-r.1= meeting, held on the 8th day of Jul,_, 1918, were read rithout error or omission being noted and it was moved by TrLnstee Martin, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the same be ar_,proved as re^d. Carried. 7 .ITTw ,T 001:L_UYICATIONS. .one. ORAL C0.1.MLTICATIONS. Health Officer Davis addressed the Board concerning his findings as to the handling of-garbage in other cities and proposed the passage of an Ord= inance regulating the handling of same: He v,-as instructed to take the :natter up with the City Attorney for the prepatation of the ordinance. None. Done. REPORTS OF STANTDING COMMITTEES. REPORTS OF SFECIrT, 00.2 -:ITT ES. UT_'FZITIS�T' BUSK ASS. Roved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Tr -stee I.Ma.rtin, that Ordinance 'o. 38, entitled:"lt1 03DIi'n.'CE OF THE CITY OF EL S�GUI,JO, CrTIFORRIIA, C .1:1?GIi;G THE I'3I.y OF A FOKTIOI, OF EL SEGLEEMO AVEIMI-2: WITHIN SAID CITY, TO SIE_!U FZACE", which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 3rd day of July, 1918, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger. "Toe s : Done . Absent: Trustee ward. Trustee 'Martin moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 39, entitled: "AN OPLII: _ "CE OF 7.717E CITY OF ::I SEGUITDO, CALIVOP. ?IA, CHANGING THE NAT,M OF A FO' T OF El S3GIJ'?DC AVENUE TITHIN SAID CITY, TO GRAND AVENUE ", which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 3rd da`T of July, 1918. Trustee Coward seconded the motion which carried by the follov ing vote: Ayes: Trr_steesVBr;; son, Coward, 11artin, and Rueger. Noes: None. Ab sent: Trustee ►`ard. Trustee Bryson moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 40, entitled: "AN ORDINAItCE OF THE CITY OF El SEG=C, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE NAL*E OF BALLONA AV- =, AS THE SAIZE HAS HERETOFORE EXISTED 7ITHIN SAID CITY, TO EL SEGUNDC AVENUE" which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 3rd day of Jul-­, 1918. Trustee Martin second- ed the motion which carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: - Trustee Surd. Trustee Coward moved the adoption of Ordinance ITo. 41, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL Sii;GU1,DO, CALIFORNIA, AI1EI7DING OF.DIItAFCE N0. 24 OF SAID CITY, PASS ON TIE' 7th DAY OF I�OV~L.TIvR, 1917" which was intro duced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of 'Trustees held on the 3rd day of July, 1918. Trustee Ilartin seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: A ; , ard, Curtin, and Rueger. w Noes: Id one. Absent: Trustee Ward. The following- demands on Redemption Fluid, 1918, having and Records, were read: A. luezinber E. Tracy S. Lopez Valdevia PAYING BILLS. the Street Imrrovement Bond Interest and had the approval of the Committee on Finance 019.43 i.m. D. Walsh 35.00 Frank Castro 27.56 S. Aguilarra 27.56 E. Tracy $250.65 18.38 27.56 3.44 Total :� 09 I,:oved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee 11artin, that the demands be all ed and warrants for same drawn on the Street Improvement Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote: A,7-es: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Lartin, and Rueger. Noes: None. ti Absent: Trustee Ward. The following demands on the City Hall Bond Interest and Redemption __- Fund, 1918, having had the approval of the Corrr.:ittee on Finance and Records,. were read: J. Sr. Gilbert $297.00 Herald Publishing Co. 131.50 Total '428.50 Loved by Trustee Idartin, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the City Hall Bond Interest and Re- demption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, L:artin, and Rueger. I1oes: None. Zos erlt : Trustee Ward. The following demands on the General Find, having had the approval of the Committ ne on Fin - -nc e and Records, ^ ere re!nd: John M. Gilbert 2.31 Dr. Clarence R. Griffin U4.50 Victor D. :::aCarthy 2.45 Total- - - - - - - - - - 49.26,- loved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands e a11-,:ed and .-aura is for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by the fo�lo. i7i< rote: Ages: Tra tees Bryson, Coward, I.Iartin, and Rueger. r. V IT o e-.:c . . 17 o e . Arsen . : Trustee lard. V C .YE� Ir E'�7 ., :. J AI 3 . The T:e.rsh 1 o- nc ea the a gointment of C_-_ester Denton as a de uty and it was ,owed by Trustee bar_ _,, seconded by Tr:�ctee Bryson, tha the ar_ oir_tre t be axrroved. Carrie(1. TIC f-:.rther r-- sines arse rin it wf s moved by Trustee Co z:ard, seconded wy Tr - -stee Martin, that the meetin^ ad ourn, Carried.. Resl)ectfully submitted, U a 4 -Z-" _?� C i y erk. Ar:rr Ov e a_ : /LI��i IRMIDt._TT