1918 JUL 05 CC MINEl Segundo, Cale,. July 5th, 1918.
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to
order in the City Hall at 12:00 o'clock noon this date, by Carl Ernest
Rgege ;, President of the Board.
Trustees present: Coward, y:artin, Bryson, ar id Rueger.
Trustees absent: Ward.
L:oz ed -b`> 'art. st ee I:�artin, seco -.ded by Trustee Br�-son, that the regular
order of business be dispensed rith. Corried.
Loved b-T Trustee Bryson, seconded by 'Trustee 12rtin, that the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
"F 50= that the bond of S. Stinnett as City ''Marshal, submitted
in the sum of �250.CO, with the FIDELITY - AIID DEPOSIT COETA:7 OF LURYLL -1 D
as surety, dated July 2nd, 1918, be and the same is hereby approved.
Carried by the following vote:
A?es: Trustees Bryson, Coward, 'L. rtin, and Rueger.
floes : Ilnne.
A'",sent : Trustee 'lard.
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands
be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by
the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, & Rueger.?"
Noes: done.
Absent: Trustee Ward.
The following demand on the City Hall Bond Interest and Redemption
Fund, 1918, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Re-
cords, was read:
H. Schumacher X3.80
Koved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Martin, that the demand
be allowed and warrant for same drawn on the City Hall Bond Interest and
Redemption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger. /--
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee !lard.
The following demands on
Redemption Fund, 1918, having
and Records were read:
the Street Improvement Bond Interest and
had the approval of the Committee on Finance
Wm. D. alsh
"W $37.50
A. F. Gilmore Co. 178.00
E1 Segundo Land & Imp. Co. 15.50
J. r. Of futt 6.38
El Segundo land & Imp. Co. 17.55
L:. Lindsay 45.50
Pacific Electric Rye Co.
77m. D. Walsh
77m. D. ,7alsh
J. Ruiz
C. L. Cochrane
A. T7. Cory
Moved by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the
al-lowed and warrants for same drawn on the Street Improvement
and Redemption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger.
Noes: none.
Abs ant : Trustee 'lard.
V1, V11 .i'r
demands be
Bond Interest
Yloved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the applicate.
ion of Charley Chin for a permit to move a house within the City of E1
Segundo, be der_iedj and that a warrant in the sum of 024.00 be drawn in his
favor on the General Fund, in payment of the sum deposited by him for such
rermit. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Ward.
she following de7,-�ands
on the General Fund,
having had the
approval of
the Co:�mittee on Finance and Records, were read:
Charley Chin
$24.00 John J. Rilligan
James E. Sowell
1, 620.00 Arthur r"•
7. S. Stinnett
gl, 661.35
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands
be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by
the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, & Rueger.?"
Noes: done.
Absent: Trustee Ward.
The following demand on the City Hall Bond Interest and Redemption
Fund, 1918, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Re-
cords, was read:
H. Schumacher X3.80
Koved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Martin, that the demand
be allowed and warrant for same drawn on the City Hall Bond Interest and
Redemption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger. /--
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee !lard.
The following demands on
Redemption Fund, 1918, having
and Records were read:
the Street Improvement Bond Interest and
had the approval of the Committee on Finance
Wm. D. alsh
"W $37.50
A. F. Gilmore Co. 178.00
E1 Segundo Land & Imp. Co. 15.50
J. r. Of futt 6.38
El Segundo land & Imp. Co. 17.55
L:. Lindsay 45.50
Pacific Electric Rye Co.
77m. D. Walsh
77m. D. ,7alsh
J. Ruiz
C. L. Cochrane
A. T7. Cory
Moved by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the
al-lowed and warrants for same drawn on the Street Improvement
and Redemption Fund, 1918. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger.
Noes: none.
Abs ant : Trustee 'lard.
V1, V11 .i'r
demands be
Bond Interest
Yloved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the applicate.
ion of Charley Chin for a permit to move a house within the City of E1
Segundo, be der_iedj and that a warrant in the sum of 024.00 be drawn in his
favor on the General Fund, in payment of the sum deposited by him for such
rermit. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Bryson, Coward, Martin, and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Ward.
The Marshal announced the appointment of Arthur R. Gunn as Deputy.
Loved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the appointment
be approved. Carried.
No further business appew ring, it was moved by Trustee Partin, seconded
by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn until Monday, the eighth day
of July, 1918, at 12:00 o'clock noon.. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved this 10th day of July, 1918.
F�resident Boyd of Trustees.