1918 JAN 23 CC MINM. El Segundo., Cal., January 23rd, 1918. _e�-ulc r neet- r.g of t :_e -`oard of - 2n,,eteeS of t1_e Cit j' Of .:1 egund0 vzas calle- t_o oruer _ ?.ZO o'cleci. r.:. or. th above date ir_ ti :e City . all, Garl .arrest -LLteger, president of t: e hoard :Del7s• ir_ the c:r_air. ,L 01 '1:11 L 2-c-,- tees prese' vows_ -_;4. __artin, Jr :ile - :, and TaF ;er• Trustees ajsent : '7ard. —_:]A:)-="r 37 1 a_.', _ 1. U :_` i._ . -.TI_. -7 • The _''t" ;es or L':e Irevi : ils :._e.-tirg ,ere re: ad ziitnout error cam'' oy"i8s- ior - ,e -_-= noted, arCI uror rioti.or -by 'T ;;_stee _,_artir, secordeCA. 7rastee e „:.i:I-_ carried,�t :.ey viere apj.r:,ved as read. ry 717117r:_' Tetter was recet'.*eC? _ -,n r 1_1 :eodo3'e Powell appl;Tin- for a license to .la+ rli �.c ar-e f- rearrs for t- at purpose within the I-L -Mi.ts Cf the � � gin.: w��.. -- - -1 .,_: � 1 �i u "- of _.i 3e "u '^d, o • :ovP..''. '' - - -stee )r:ile c-r.d secoraeu oy '2 r1a stee :.:artiY ,at the coy n- uric-t-4 on oe _ led and the rotL c- r -_ied. Trustee 7ard a_,peara at ti.e meeting and took his seat at this point, it .rein t1.e hour of 7:45 0' c10c.� :. :. :_eaith ;!fficer Davis advised the hoard that the "it-- of Ios :,nC -eies i:a,- sEt -7e')ruc.ty 17t1:, 011, as the date u, or w }:i cans dunpeu on tliat c_ pro.:2:- it t e s "d hills must e covered up. Street Supt. Greer repo te& t at it ;;.., _la cost -:')out ;i00.CC to cover these cans and upon motion -br Trustee �.:.lel; , secordel b4r Trustee Coward, the matter was re- to Olt;;- At -orney for in?e tigation ar.d repert. "r. o,.,:e 11 of the ' . ? , Young i.achinery Co. stated that the road roller expected by the 29th of the present month, but that if one was recded for iY,,r :.ediate use, he wiuld furnish a five ton roller. it was roved by Goviard, and soco ~ded by "'rustee 77ard, that t e offer of the y. young :.:acr iner�� Co. to furnish the City of "l ,Segundo the use of a five ton road roller temporarily, be accepted, it being understood that use of said roller is to be furnished the city gratis until such time as the 3oard of 'Trustees shall no longer desire the use thereof or until the delivery of the 12 ton roller heretofore contracted for with said firm. The motion carried. Tire Chief Draggoo informed the 2oard that t"-.e Volunteer Fire Dept. desired to take over the furnishings and .property of the Club Del T:iar and` requestea financial assistarce to that end. The City attorney proposed that persons having title to the furrishir_F s involved submit offers in writinE, to the '3oard and further action was postponed for one week. �;20 i3 Or 3r -CI yL CO- .:IT'T:Ij -_ S Attorney '7ondc�orth reported t hat . :r. Day of the acific electric Ry. 'Co . had told him, that the lease w -,uld be received_ by him this day, but it had not. Olerk reported that President of the 3oard, Tire Chief, and himself had gone tc Los Angeles for the purpose of ir_vestigating the merits of various rectifiers, and they had determined that the one best suited for the needs of the .:l -jegilndo Fire Department was a -_otor Generator Set, offered by 7o -)dhill . Tulse aectric Co. Inc., for .0ved b, Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Ol:rk be instructed to purchase a motor generator set as reco=iended by "loodhill r pulse Electric Co. Incor,-.orated, at a price not to exceedN105.00. Tile not i)n carried by the following vote: Ares : 'Trustees Coward, :. :artir_, Smiley, :lard and aueSer. "oes : none. Trustees lore. The rresident reported that the 6154,000 municipal improvement bonds had been sold and that he and the Treasurer and Clerk had received the 54,789.00 and had paid the same into the respective proceeds amounting to improvement funds. UP -2 r; I s iizD BL SIli 5;; . r �rastee ::art in, that Theodore Y.oved by Trustee Swile; , and se- o-nded by Powell be granted permit to disc'r.ar5e firear�orti +atperiodeof112 monthsSe- gundo, in accordance w-Ith Ordinance The T�:otion carried. „r �. rP t -.at the Deed to lots 9 f= 10 in Block 21, 3tt�.ne,, ported t---e Citl- of was 0. 1�. and t hat t he title .guar ant? showed title ves + �A � i Zi Segundo . P AYII' G BI %LS . D -- nv demands, having had approval of the Co����ittee of _he _0_1 71 -narce and :records , were read- ti 58.17 ta'Fdard Oil Co. 1.50 Pacific Telephore P- Telegraph Co. 185.50 Ios Angeles Desh Co . 3.00 Lawrence Triffin 29.23 ;:Tit e 9: Leach 2.45 I,. c. T a ry in 2.44 L. weer. 2.44 J . _ 2herson 9.00 Clyde " ,)od -a rd 6.00 „I . Ci ckl er 2.44 _,. - eterson 5.21 C. 7esser Total - :oved by; "_'rustee Co^:ard, seconded by Trustee 'lard, that the denards be allowed and warrants drawn for saris. The motion carried by the following :rote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, 1:artin c miley, lard and fiieger. "Toes: bone. Absent: hone. TE 3U SIrIESS . Latter of improving Concord St. and al Tepair discussed and the Street Supt, was instructed to temporaririly y moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the following resolution be adopted: of 1 Segundo receive RBSOLVM): That the Board of Trustees of the City bids up to the hour of eight O'clock F- I. on '7ednesday, the 13th day of February, 1918, for the erection and completion in a municipal ing and heat - lumbing, g g -and separate bids for the electric wiring, erected on Lots 9 and 10 in Block ing for the same, respectively, 21 F1 Segundo, California, according to the plans and specifications pre- pared therefor by Homer "i. Glidden, ranuarementstoffthe Los noticeehereinafteria. ,11 of said bids to corforn to the q set forth. :D B� IT FvT�Try:� B :SOLVBD that the City Clerk be ar.d he is hereby �l Segundo herald for at least two insertions, instructed to publish in the and in the Southwest Builder F: Cneninctsaidobids,laanotice toscont actors, the date set for receiving and opening which said notice shall be substantially in the following form: "NOTICE TO COT +i.«CT ORB . Ilotice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, will receive bids for the furnishingf all labor and materials and the erection and completion of a 1._unicipal Building to be erected in the City of Ll Segundo, California, according to plans and Secifications prepared for the same by Homer 71. Glidden, Architect, 704 p ;7ri -ht f: Callender Builcing, Los Angeles, copies of which plans and secif- icat'�ons nay be obtained on application to the ,lerk of the City of �1 Segundo or the '1rch4tect. Sei,f. rate bids 1,7ill be received for the following branches of the work: + +�, T ._.AL Ir)RK(which includes everything comprehended in the First for „__e T Plans and Specifications, except the Blectric wiring, numbing, Gas - fitting and F.eating) . Second, for the ELECTRIC '?I:�I 1G. Third, for the PLUI,iBII1G, ziia- �'IT'?'Ii: r r-D �Tiid a. All bids rust be submitted on blank forms prepared by the Architect ara r^ast be sealed. 9 EKE$ T 'Each bid rust be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or a bid- der's 'bond in an amount of not less than five per cent (5) of the amount of the bid, which check or bond shall be given as evidence that the bidder will enter into contract if awarded the cork and which will be declared forfeited if said bidder refuses to enter into such contract upon being fornally requested to do so. All bids submitted shall be marked "Bids for :aunicipal Building" and shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of 'I 3e;;ando on or before the hour of eight o'clock P. :._. on Wednesday, the 13th day of February, 1915, at which said time, and in the Uity Hall of said City, said bids will be opened and publicly declare-. The successful bidders will be required by the Roard of Trustees to carry 77orkmen's Compensation Insur- ance upon all employees engaged in prosecuting any work or construction hereunder during the full period required for -he erection and completion of said structure. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Trustees of the City of 1.1 Segundo, Calif- ornia. City Clerk. Dated, 31 Segundo, Cal., January 24th, 1918.^ -The resolution was ado f, ted b�. the following vote: Ayes: Trustees C -ward, ;._artin, Smiley, "lard and Rueger. Noes: S;or_e. Absent : done. i:oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee ''lard, that the following resolution be adopted: =2EAS, the public of the City of E1 Segundo is in urgent need of an adequate paved highway connecting the business district of said city with the present Los Angeles - Redondo Boulevard, and, ;'h Rl1 --I S, it appears that Ballona Aveuue, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, is the street best suited for the purpose of making said connection, and, ,7H RE_IS, in order to properly utilize said Ballona Avenue when so improved certain improvements, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees are necessary upon that certain portion of Vain Street within said city here- inafter referred to, and, ''J117 R nS, sAfficient funds are now in the treasurery of the City of 31 Segundo to meet and defray the costs and expenses of making the im- provements herein contemplated, NOT% THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the public interest and necessity demand that those certain portions of Ballona Avenue and gain St. within said city be graded to the official grade and be improved by the construction therein of the improvements hereinafter in this resolution and the notice herein contained referred to, all in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross - sections hereinafter referred to on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city, and with Specifications No. 1 of said City for the grading, surfacing and improving of streets therein, on file it the office of the City Clerk of said City. .,= ?, IT FLT. T''_ER That sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor and materials necessary for the construction of said improvements and doing the work hereinbefore referred to be received up to the hour of ei,-ht o'clock '0. :.:. on Wednesday, the 13th day of February, 1918, and that the CLt;- Clerk be and he is hereby directed to publish a notice inviting street work proposals for at least two successive insertions in the E1 Be undo Herald, and for one insertion in the Southwest M000GUMM Builder and Contraetor, before the date set for receiving such bids, which said notice shall be substantially in the following form: "ZOTICE INVITIii'T ST. , , T MRH PRO:'OSaLS . Pursuant to resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, directing the same, public notice is hereby given that the 3oard of Trustees of said City invites, and the undersigned will receive, at his office in the City 'rail of the City of E1 Segundo, Calif - orr_ia, up to eight o'clock P. ;.:. on Wednesday, the 13th d4y of February, 1918, sealed bids or proposals for bonstructing and completing the foll- owing work of improvement on a portion of Ballona tLvenue and a portion of :a1 z Utreet within the said City, to-wit: 'Trading to the official grade the roadway of a portion of Ballona Avenue, from the ''lest line of Virginia Street to the Easterly City Limits of said City of EJ1 Segundo, except that for one blocg from Richmond Street to ;.:a17, Street, the said Ballona Avenue shall be graded to its full width; , :126 Also grading to the official grade the roadway of a portion of ilain Street from 3allona avenue to IJ1 Segundo Avenue, all as shown upon the plans, profiles and cross - sections for such work on file in the office of the City En`in?er of said City; Paving with five inches of asphalt macadam pavement a portion of the roadv:a of 3allona Lvenue from the "Jest lire of lirginia Street to the easterly city limits of said City of ::1 Segundo, and a portion of the ro adway of ::air Street from �allona :venue to 1 Segundo Avenue v,_thin said City. Said pavement to be of an uriforn, width of twenty -two feet., excepting at t.e intersection of ichmond Stre -t and 3allona :venue, and a the intersection of -, -air Street and '3allora Avenue and one 'dock bet- , _ ichmond Street and :, :air Street in which locations the pavement shall be of a special 17i5AI', all as shown u.-.on the plans, profiles ar: Cross - sedtions on file it the office of the City Engineer of said City; ylso --he construction. to tL-e official grade of a c -: -meat curb along the nortl_er1IT _:arb lire of 7allona '"venue from the East line of -_`�ich and :street to the ':Jest line of i,iain >treet including alley returns and around the curb returr at the Yortn -west corner of :. :air St. and I.allona :'venue to T_,eet the present ;Test curb of :.:ain Street at the :orth line of 3allona .Lverue as shorn upon the plans, profiles and cross - sections on rile inthe office of the City Engineer of said City; the construction of a cement gutter three feeXt in width along the l,or -h curb of �allona 'venue from the East line or ichmord Street to the ?est line or :_air Street, said gutter to have a wi -dth of sever feet for a distance of feet between idle'- returns at the alley intersection. all 1E ,_��;^ u -o ,r the plans, profiles and cross - sections on file in the office of ,he :_`_�; :�n�ireEr Of Sal i vi �y; corstr- action of twelve inch corrugated :petal pipe culverts with 7'.­_-- _ ei;ht inch corru °-.led metal pipe inlets, concrete junction chambers with steel covers, and concrete b�_lkl_eads, win; -walls and aprons shall be con S =Cted .long the 1,crt1i side of _+ailora iverue at the intersection of :Lr eet and `fie i?i - ersectic— of :':ain street, and the construction Gf ::i:: ei;,r_teer =nc.l ara t'ir0 twelve incl_ corrugated net-al pipe culverts ,• ith concrete ead walls acro._ s the roadway ofVEallona Avenue at the loc�_-.t_ors and in the manner shown upon the plans and profiles on file ir. tl_e office of tl e �i n�ineer of said City and to the grade as given ;;aid wit-- ngineer. % or:. to be done accordir�3 to specifications 17o. 1 adopted by _ ca�lution llo. 9 of the =oard of 7rustees of the City of El Segundo; pro vi ec , r.otrever, t .at the tarelve i �.ci_ corruZate_:_ pipe to be used i_z the cc .:rc pion of culverts i.e intersection of = :ichrond Street and ;.:ain s°.;reet z:.all 'De fourteen gauge L . S. Stanaaru instead of sixteen. guage 4s provide' in said specific�:*�ions, but in all other re- s'tct ti_e said s :ec Iicatier.s s =all govern. - eference is I-.ereb- :wade tc s�;.id Glans, profiles €end cross- sections it +.._e office ^f said `n< -ineer in the Jity r_all of Said Ci t^ ' J f n.a to :,,ec:f4 c Lions .'c. 1 on file Jr a� e office of tl,e City Clerk of SL i Cite it 1'.e City. all :: Freo-� , fo: fart .er _. rt i culars . : :acl_ _ _ , must be a(;coLlpnried by & c'-.e1-I: oa. able to the Ci of =:1 'e= a -,_:o, cert - e to ' ^;T a rt- sporsible ba ^I., -_"'or leE-- �'ercert of -: e aggregate of or s -�Or - f nl S_ai'e an,)art , &nCl ?: i^ sureties .O S. ^_nL -I ` _ • m it joy_!- E Sc iG umc ur t, 0`E;' and zJ,17e all or J18 -'-S to be f urr i shei:. !01T ±' -e ii' -n- - e_ : i11 s _ . « tc w r�- foil ;or'_ :-:Qr.'s com- Gr. �.o, ,-_ 11 e: :10; e :, e -e;: at ur -J _r:1e or tl.e ior I: ein con'er..�uiL eu. er es -c _ - t to ±e j ect any and all bids construction of said -j:-rk ;;o - ;i5r :e1 efo_ ti :ete_ ^_ it said e a „' ire _ ` � _ �i' S 7e n ,)' =e" J �til :i .Q o f the c1 t-? 1 it i-J t s , BXCe. %t crher _. _.0 'V 'vim �� .i1 iG µnlo • Cit; :;lerl:. e -_ vote. :-ore. ire _ ` � _ �i' S 7e n ,)' =e" J �til :i .Q o f the c1 t-? 1 it i-J t s , BXCe. %t crher ur¢ently necessary to preserve property which may be witl:ir. the City limits of E1 :3e,undo . 2he not o ,� carried urarir__ousl,T. ;. --ovec: r' }re is be be used in inc vote: o- -'rust ee i, ^slructe saf e2,uar di .Tes . Absent: C'o lard, seco del b;y% Trustee 71arC4, ti:at tt1Q - ill,t. of to purc:_ase 100 feet of 4 x 4 redv :ood lumber to nJ fire hydrants. one motion carried by the follow - ^ru tees 0ov, ard, --artir , :�n4 7,T-rd ark ::ae�er . i, ore . 'trustee Iowa, --d irt_oluced 0rdinance ::o. 31, erti le.:: 112 1_.O_'_ .�^. .- ^:..J ,D_: ZTv, +/ _1i. .T �11ff��. LTT 1,...a .. i_�i _ T '1 //�� ��.✓_�. T.� _u,.i/ �_._..�. .�__.� Vim.. _. _.J •�y �_.11v �.J[li Jl V�r ^v ,IRO 1 -.Li _T i, \. : �__ . VV:.,� •.r nn '�T- 'r +� + - -'yn - n^1.^`fl - ��l'�7T Pl'-1 -.!� T� - n-� - ^T -.� r"1 •� y-•�- �l•-1TT ►T-�^. :D7 � i _,.. �•._:l -... . *.i � �J1_l\; 'Vl 1� N..J ^ .rte - -� �. .-+ -r - -_,� T^�_ -•. �..-. 7--T' . 1r ..i_11 JV.`� • , and. 70 art_:er ?si _ess __- ear•i, it :. noveu Tr -astee �::_i �: seconded 0 :`_'. zi uee 00i�.__'.I, t�_�. -_e i ti 4d; , ~-,._. �. 6 ? O'iur ?� '�:! .E ? - - ".0 X10 carrleQ. Les, - ctfull.7 submitted, erk . i;proved : President ?oard of TrusteesC.