1918 JAN 16 CC MINyr' s;- -'- - -�: .,. .a. - y�+�r. s„tl.�`1�� • �� El Segundo, Cal., January 16th, 1918. Regular meeting, of the Board of Trustees of the City or E1 Segundo was called to order in the Cite -_all at 7 :30 o'clock Z. :.. on the above date by Carl purest :;we er, preside, -it of the Board. Roll Call. Trustees present: Coward, :.:��rtin and _'.weber. Trustees absent: Smiley and ;lard. RAJ .,.1.7 The niirutesof the previous meeting were read witti.out error or omiss- ion beinz noted and upon motion. by Trustee i:;in-rtin, seconded by Trustee Coward, they were approved as read. ;'ore. ORAL CO_12.:L- t1I,^,A 1 O1?S . ,7RIT2MT 0O:, :__,UYIC_1T _1OI 13. Letters from the California Corrugated Culvert Co. re posts for signs; from 7oodhill ulse re rectifiers; from General Eleettic Co. re rectifiers; from Westinghouse Electric F: L:fg. Co. re rectifiers; from League cf California L:unicipalities re unicipal election. to be held April 8th; from American Radiator Co. re Boilers F: Heaters, and from _:. C. Lewis re auditing City Off'icial's Books were read and upon motion by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee ?:Tartin, which carried, same were ordered filed. SPORTS OF Si�Ii1G C0i.,S:IT E 3. 1. one. RE?ORT 3 OF Sr 0,1AL The president reported that contract for the erection of a municip- al shed, beti7een the City of E1 3egundo and C. L. Edinger, had been signed and the work would proceed immediately. The Clerk reported that Deed to the City hall site, together with title guaranty had been received and he was requested to submit them to Attorney 1Yimmo, acting for City Attorney Woodworth, for perusal and approval. UU-PINISHM, BUSINESS. :::oved by Trustee L:artir,, and seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Clerk determine the number and lengths of sign posts required and order same from the California Corrugated Culvert Co., per their letter of January 12th. :.'otion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, 11artin and ' ueger. toes: -one. Absent: Trustees Smiley and lard. "oved by Trustee :.:artin and seconded by Trustee Coward, that this Board extend thanks to :'r. '"red C. Spreng for his assistance in securing City mall site, and that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate the action of this Board to said Fred C. Spreng. Carried. : "oved by '"rustee Coward that the following resolution be adopted: "RESOLVED that 7. 0. Lewis be and he is hereby appointed to audit the books and accounts of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer and the City :,arshal of this city, and that he received as full compensation for such audit and a written report, the sum of `35.00." Trustee :.:artin seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Lartin and Rueger. roes: Trustees Tone. Absent : Trustees Smiley and ;lard. :oved by Trustee Coward and seconded by Trustee i.artin, that the follow- ing resolution_ be adopted: "RESOLVED that the bond of the City Treasurer, submitted in the sum of - 23,000.00, with the FIDELITY r'-ND D=- OSIT COY:- AITY OF as surety, dated January th, 1916, be and the same is hereby approved. The motion carried and resolution was adopted by the following vote: 122 Ayes : Trustees Coward, 1artin and - L'ueger. Noes: ?`;one. absent : Trustees Smiley and 1.7ard. PAYIi;G BILLS . The following bills, having had the approval of the Committee of inarce and n.ecords, were read: D. C. Lewis Mauling larbage ?- Cans "; ^ John J. Tilligan, ?remium Treasurer's bond 12.00 I'erald %blishing Co., ? egal publications 26.2.9 Total 11181i2- 1,oved by Trustee :"artin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the bills be allowedand warrants drawn for same and the motion carried by the followi r.� vote Ayes: Trustees MhMM H[ Coward, Martin and _'ueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and 77ard. Trustee Coward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "R;; OLVED AAT Victor D. 1:IcCarthy be, and he is hereby appoint- ed to the office of Plumbing Inspector of the City of M Segundo, Calif. The said official shall immediately assume the duties of his office upon his filing the required bond for the faithful performance of his duties. Said officer shall receive no compensation for any services rendered in the crzpneity of Plunbin; I, of the City of E1 Segundo until the further order of this Board." Trustee �,Iartin seconded the motion and the same was adoptea,by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 0-ward, 1,1artin and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Tru.stees arniley and ';lard. Trustee Coward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "17HEREAS, the City Attorney of the City of Hl Segundo was, on the 22nd day of January, 1917, appointed by this Po rd to hold office for the term of one year, and, WHEREAS, said year will expire upon the 22nd day of January, 191£3, NOW THEREFORE BE I'1 R='SOLVED, that Clyde Woodworth be, z,,rd he is hereby appointed as City .Attorney of the City of El Segundo, California, eo .mencing on the 23rd day of January, 1913, until the further order of this Board. The said official shall receive as compensation for his ser- vices in the ordinary matters of the City the sum of Fiftjr ($50. 0) Dollars per month, payable at the same time and in the sane manner as other city salaries are paid; said att-,rney shall be entitled in addition thereto to the reasonable cost of stenographic services in the (;reparation of all city matters, and additional compensation to be determined by this Board in extraordinary matters such as litigation in which the City is a Marty or interested ". Trustee 1.1artin seconded the motion to adopt this resolution and he same carried by the following; vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Lartin and : ?ueger. Noes : 11one. ✓ A,)sent : Trustees SffAiley and Ward. It had been reported that several fire plugs are in positions danger- ous to pedestrians and the Board requeoted -the St. Supt. to look after these and remedy the conditions. Health Officer Davis filed a letter with the Clerk which he desired published in the "1711 Segundo Herald and printed on dodgers for distribut- ion, and Trustee Coward moved that he be given authority to do so. Trustee i,artin seconded the motion which carried by the Poll ')wing; v)te: Ayes: Trustees Coward, I,iartin and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and ,7atd. Loved by Trustee I,iartin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that 'the `meeting adjourn and the motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ,pproved : City perk. President Bo'aru of Truste -j