1918 JAN 02 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal., January 2nd, 1918. Regular meeting of the Beard of trustees of the City of 1 Segundo was called to order in the City Hall at 7 :30 o'clock P. L. on the above date, Carl Ernest Rue ger, president of the Board being in the chair. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Coward, Liartin and Rueger. Trustees absent: ffiffi Smiley and Ward. READING ;:INTTES PREVIOUS L ME, TING. The minutes of the previous meeting were read without error or omiss- ion being noted and upon_ motion of Trustee Coward, which was seconded by Trustee '..:artin, they were approved as read. 7RITTEN COL:-'IIITICATIOTTS. Were received - Fron::.:r. ^rark 1. Perry, relative his proposed action against the City of Los Angeles in connection with abatement of Hyperion nuisance; Fron, The Austin - Western Road .:achinery Co., relative substitution of Steel Tans_ Sprinkler for Wood Tank Sprinkler; From the 1. Young Lachinery Co., relative delivery df Road Roller. These were regd and upon motion by Trustee Coward, which was seconded by Trustee 11artin and carried, they were ordered filed. Tone. ORAL COLli:ZUI CATI ONS . SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - RECEIVING OF BIDS. As the receiving of bids had been made a special order of business for 8:00 o'clock p. rr., President Rueger at this point asked if there were any persons present who desired to file bids for the Electric Franchise, or for the construction of the mtinicipal shed as advertised for by the Board. Promptly at 8:00 o'clock p. m., -the President declared the bids closed and announced that the Board would proceed to open and publicly declare the bids received for the Electric Franchise, as advertised for sale by said Board, which bids were determined by said Board to be as follows: Bid of Southern California Edison Company, as follows: Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 31, 1917. To The Honorable 3oard of Trustees of the City of -'1 Segundo, 31 Segundo, Cal. Southern California Edison Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, hereby offers tine sup of -.250. cash in Gold Coin of the United States for that certain electric franchise, bids for which are to be received by your Honorable 3oard up to 8 o'clock P. on the 2nd day of January, 1918. closed please find our certified check for $250 in favor of the Treasurer of the City of E1 Segundo to cover the amount of the above bid. Respectfully submitted, Southern California Edison Company, signed) By R. r. Ballard Its Vice- President. That being the only bid received, it was moved by Trustee I:Iartin, and seconded by Trustee Coward, that the bid of Southern California Edison Company, in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars, for that certain electric franchise as advertised for sale by the Jity of E1 Segundo, being in all respects regular, be tend the same is hereby accepted, and the City Attor- ney is hereby directed to prepare an ordinance granting said franchise as advertised, to said corporation. t _ The motion oarried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Liartin and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and Ward. Trustee Coward then introduced Ordinance No. 30, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE GRATING TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO.PANY, A CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE OF THE RIGHT, FOR A PERIOD OF FORTY YEARS FROM T EE GRANTING THEREOF, TO ERECT, LAY, CONSTRUCT AND L:AINTAIN POLES, CROSS AIMS, CONDUITS, CABLES, TIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES, EXCEPT AS =EIN OTHER - :TISE PROVIDED, OVER, IN, ALO?:G and ACROSS THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES 017 EXISTING OR oHICH LiAY EXIST DURING SAID PERIOD OF FORTY YEARS WITHIN THE PRESEIT OR FUTURE LI1ZTS OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUIIDO, CALIFORNIA, AND TO USE ATID OPERATE SUCH POLES, CROSS AR:::S, COND- UITS, CABLES, "TIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES FOR TRANSLaTTING AND DISTRIBUT- ING EV CTRICAL E.ERGY TO BE USED FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES, "which was read. The president then announced that the Board would proceed to open and publicly declare the bids received for the construction of a municipal shed, as advertised for, which bids were determined by said Board to be as follows: Bid of C. L. Edinger, as follows: TO 7= 11101I0_-'.A=E BOARD OF TRU STE::S OE ^EL CITY OF ::L SEGUYDO , CAT, Gentlemen; I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials and erect and complete a one story frame and corrugated iron Na rehouse at E1 Segundo, Cal. according to plans and specifications prepared for the sane by Homer 7. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Six Hundred Ten Dollars. Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's bond for �'?'35.00 Dollars, being not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid. Respectfully submitted, (signed) C. L. Edinger Dated January 2nd, 1918. Except as to amount of bid and amount of enclosure, all of the follow- ing bids were worded as above, being on forms furnished by Homer W. Glidden, Architect: Houghton and Anderson bid $724.00 enclosed check for $37.00 C. H. Hoogenboom & J. J. Meyerhoven bid 745.00 enclosed check for $38.00 Allen Bros. bid 9794.00 enclosed check for $80.00 Darrell Condley bid $835.00 enclosed check for $41.75 It was then moved by Trustee Coward, and seconded by Trustee martin, that all bids be taken under advisement until 8 o'clock p. m., January 9th, 1918, and the motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees ' ooard, iartin and 3ueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and 77ard. REPORTS OF STA: DING COii;,Z[TTEES. none. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COLZaTTEES. The City Attorney rep -rted that the manager of the Telephone Co. had promised him to have the I.:arshal's fone installed the following day. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. ;:roved by Trustee :martin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the Austin - ,Vestern 'Road L:achinery Co., the rood Roads 14chinery Co., and the A. L. Young i.:achinery Co. be granted to and inclusive of the 2nd day of February, 1918, for delivery of road machinery ordered from the respective companies by the 'Roard of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote: 'yes: Trustees Coward, ..:artin and Rueger. Noes: Trustees Tdone. Absent: Trustees Smiley and ;lard. It was moved by Trustee Coward and seconded by Trustee ilartin, and carried, that action on the letter of Lr. Frank L. Perry be deferred one creek and the City Clerk instructed to advise I1r. Perry of their action and opinion concerning the proposition submitted. TFU A � L l6 116 PAYING BILLS. The following demands had the approval of the Committee of Finance and Records and were reads Clyde Woodyard Tearing and labor X18.00 White & Sweetman Stenographic ;Mork 10.89 Andy B. Powell Salary as Recorder December 1917 10.00 Clyde Woodyard Installation & rental telephone gong fore Fire Department 2.15 ' Victor D. LrcCarthy Petty Cash ;expenditures 7.91 James. Sowell Salary as Treasurer December 1917 5.00 Victor D. LoCarthy Salary as City Clerk, December 1917 and as Street Supt. Clerk 12/15/17 to 12/31/17, inclusive. 57.50 Louis IT. Green Salary as City I,iarshal December 1917. 90.00 R. F. Davis "ilk, analysis 1.50 . F. Davis, Health Officer, Salary December 1917 10.00 Clyde ,'Voodworth Salary as City Attorney December 1917 50.00 Total 262.96 Trustee Coward moved that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn for sane. Trustee I:artin s ec irded the motion, which carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin and Rueger. None: done. Absent: Trustees Smiley and Ward. NLrY BUSINZ -33. The president announced that while the Standard Oil Company was oil- ing their property adjacent to the Coast Boulevard, he had arranged for them to oil the City's portion of the sand hill on both sides of the road, as it would be considerably cheaper to have it done at the same time, while lines were installed for the purpose. The president stated also that complaint had been made to him about • fire hydrant in the alley in rAar of the L. 0. Lewis residence being in • dangerous position and liable to injure pedestrians using the alley at right. The Street Superintendent was instructed to investigate the con- dition and report to the 3oard. The City marshal was instructed to have the wastepaper removed from back room of the City Hall. The president asked the Board's opinion as to allowing the Clerk :nileage for the use of his automobile, when in his opinion it was necessary or economical to do so. It was agreed that there would be times when it would be advar ± ^geous to do this and that an allowance of five cents per mile would be rade. The 3oard concurred in the opinion of the president, that it would be advisable for the Street Supt. and City Clerk to visit neighboring cities with a view to learning their nethods of street repair and accounting and they were instructed so to do . Homer 77. Glidden, _ ,.rchitect, presented a sketch of the. changed plan of the City Fall, made necessary owing to the change in the site for same. The City Attorney announced that the Bonds would be ready for signatures at 9 o'clock a.n. Saturday and asked the President Clerk and Treasurer to 7-,e at - -is office at that time. 2 ere being no further business, Thustee Coward moved that the meet- ,in- adjourn. Trustee :,:artin seconded the :notion and the same carried. 'espectfull7T submitted, 4 y `f npproved: 1 lerk. -:resiaort 3oard of Trustees.