1918 FEB 20 CC MIN%U4EB
gundo was held
called to orde:
of the Board.
E1 Segundo, Cal., February 20th, 1918,
meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Se-
in the City Hall of said City on the above date, being
r at 7:30 o'clock P. L. by Carl Ernest Rueger, President
Trustees present: Coward, Smiley, ,lard and R'ueger,
Trustees absent: Lartin.
she minutes of the previous meeting were read without error or
omission being noted, and upcn motion by Trustee Ward, seconded by
Trustee Lartin, which carried, they were approved as read.
Trustee Martin appeared during the reading of the minutes, at
7 :45 o'clock P. LI., and took his seat.
_; letter was received from the Good Roads %achinery Company advis-
ing t�:.at the heating kettle had left their factory January 31st, 1918, and
should reach El Segundo in a few days. Moved by Trustee Ward, seconded
by Trustee Coward, that the communication be filed, and the motion car-
T, one.
I;oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the Board
take up the matter of the consideration of the bids for the erection of a
city hall and the awarding of the contract of same. The motion carried.
L1oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the follow-
ing resolution be adopted:
"IN LEREAS, pursuant to notices duly given requesting the same, the
Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo upon the 13th day of February,
1918, received bids for the furrishinr.- of all labor and materials neces-
sary in the erection and completion of a municipal building to be erect-
ed in said City of E1 Segundo, and
"':E=. S, on said 13th day of February, 1918, all bids received
for doing said general sorork were opened and publicly declared in regular
sess _r. cf said Board hud on said date, and,
"W',F.REAS, at said regular meeting said bids were by motion duly
:made, seconded and carried taken under advisement for the period of one
wept_ erL. until the present meeting of this Board, and,
said Board has du1J considered each an,"- all of said bids
sr submitted icr doing; said work,
TH71:;EFC T, 31 IT L?SCLVED: That all bids received for the
f1z_.is ?.ink cf all labor arc. :materials for the erection and completion of
s .�c' gere.r�l work- . u f said m ricipal building, except the bid hereinafter
r _rtlior_ed, be and the same are hereby rejected, and that the lontract
for the far isY ing _f all labor and materials necessary for the erection
and - omT)letion of said general ,-cork be and the same is hereby awarded to
the lowest responsible bidder therefor, as determined by this Board,
t .
at _ . ._c`;. r1azjed Li. �.•i l i? '-,, 3:_.�d general 4:'or.�
as determined by said Board, to -wit: Fifteen Thousand Nine Hun,red
1615,900.00) Dollars, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in-
structed to return the checkcs of all unsuccessful bidders,
IT �= BE I'' Fuazi :za _ 201VEL that the President of the Board c.-
Trustees and the City Clerk cf s:3id City, on behalf of the City of E1 -
Sec; judo, be and they are hereby instructed to enter into a, contract with
the said Darrell Condley for the doin of said general work in the man-
0 required by the plan; and specifications therefor as prepared by
er 4', . Glidden, an architect of Los Angeles, Celiforn ia, and in accord-
with the ordinance; and resolutions of this Board.''
Thn motion to adopt the same was carried by the f-%i lowing vote.
Aye : ��'r�z: tees Coward, martin, Snile;
"lard and P,ueger.
I;oe:. None.
�bser_t: None.
I._oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the Board
proceed to consider the plumbing, gas- fitting and heatingbids for the
cit; hall, and the motion carried.
Iv:oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the fol-
lowing resolution be adopted:
" :':L�.tli, pursuant to notices duly given, requesting the same, the
Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo upon the 13th day of Febru-
ary, 1919, received bids for the furnishing of all labor and materials
for the erection and completion of the plumbing, gas- fitting and hat-
ing of s municipal building to be erected in said City of El Segundo,
and ,
or_ said 13th day of February, 1918, all bids received
therefor were opened and publicly declared in regular session of said
had on said date, and,
at said meeting said bids were by motion duly made,
seconded and carried taken under advisement for the period of one week
and until the present meeting of this Board, and,
"BiEE_Rr.t1S, said Board has duly considered each and all of said
bias sc submitted for doing said work of improvement, and,
"'ME? AS, said Board has determined that the action hereinafter
taken is for the best interests of the said city and will best subserve
the public interest and necessity therein,
"11.0':1, TiEFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED: That all bids received for the
fTarnishing of all labor and materials necessary for the erection and
completion of the plumbing, gas- fitting and heating of said municipal
building be and the same are hereby rejected and the City Clerk is here-
instructed to return the checks of all of said bidders."
The motion to adopt the same was carried by the following vote:
-Lyes: Trustees Coward, Idartin, Smiley , Ward and Saeger.
oes : Trustees Pone
:absent :Trustees I1.one.
Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the follow -
�ng =esclution be adopted:
RESOLVED that bids for the fur lishing of all labor and materials
rlececsary fcr the plumbing, gas- fitting and steam piping of the municipal
wilding to be erected in the City of E1 Segundo according to plans and
specifications for the same prepared by Homer ?',. Glidden, architect of
Loa _,ngeles, California, be received up to the hour of eight o'clock P.L.
on "ednesda -y, the 27th day cf February, 1918,
fT u"_ .� Tn FTJRTHE RESOLVED That the City Clerk be and he is here-
by instructed to publish in the El Segundo Herald at least once before
the receiving of said bids, a notice calling fcr said bids, substantial-
ly in the following fcrm:
otioe is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the City of
E1 Segundo, California, will receive bids for the furnishing of all
labor and materials for the Plumbing, Gas - fitting, and Steam Piping
of a municipal Building to be erected in the City of :1 Segundo,
California, according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer 7% Glidden, ..rchitect, 704 Wright & Callender Building,
Los ..ngeles, copies of which plans and specifications may be obtained
on application to the Clerk of the City of El Segundo or the Archi-
111 bids must be submitted on blank forms prepared by the
architect and must be sealed.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's
chec, or a bidder's bond in an amount of not less than five per cent
of the amount of the bid, which check- or bond shall be giver. as
evidence that the bidder will enter into contract if awarded tr.e wort:
and which will be declared forfeited if said bidder refuses to enter
into such contract upon being formally requested to do sc.
L.11 bids submitted shall_ be marked "Bids for the Plumbing,
"Zas- fitting, and Steam Piping of a Municipal Building ", and shall be
filed i,,ith the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo on or before the
hour of eight o'clock 1. Li'. or :Vednesday, the 27th day of February,
1918, at which said time, and in the City Hall or said City, said
bids will be opened and publicly declared. The successful bidders
will be required by the Board o£ Trustees to carry Workmen's Com-
pensation. Insurance upon all empIo;yTees engaged in prosecutinE any.
work or construction hereunder during the full period required for
the erection and completion of said work.
all rids. The 3oard of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or
By order of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo,
Jet °`: El SeSa do, Cal., February 21, 1913. "
The motion to adopt the same was carried by the following
..yes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: Trustees None.
"bsent:Trustees None.
Iaoved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ilartin, that the
Board proceed to consider bids for the installation of electric wiring
in the said City Hall. The motion carried.
Loved by Trustee Smile;, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the
following resolution be adopted:
"-b'J=EdS, pursuant to notices duly given requesting the same,
the Board of Trustees of the City of 7-1 Segundo upon the 13th day of
r ebr-.:ar- -, 1918, receive:: bids for tl�e furnishing_ of all labor and
Materials necessary in the installation, erection and completion of
try electric wiring of a municipal building to be erected in the City
11" :: EP,EI�S, on said 13th day of February 1913, all bids re-
cPi'%d fcr dci:�g sw_l got erul �''ork were opened and publicly declared in
F u, sessi= or said Board had on said date, and
meetin said bids were bd motion
said regular � � r �-
du1d- dr , seconded and carried taken =doer advisement for the period
and until the present r.:eeting of this Board, and,
:.pip: , said r;:;ard hac duly considered each and all of said
:.ids so submitted for doing said work,
i.v.'.', TT �.;: zr'I, 7`-): That all bias received for
. u_^ - shiM of a-7! iau aT ,5 materials necessary ir, the installation,
ereot` On =I cc mpletio._ of saic electric wiring of said municipal
building, except the bid hereinafter mentioned, be and the same are
hereby rejected, and that the contract for the furnishing of all labor
and aateMiais necessary for the installation, erection and completion
of said electric wiring be and the same is hereby awarded to the low-
est responsible bidder therefor, as determined by this Board, to =wit:
F. E. Dewberry Co., Inc., at prices named in their bid for
said electric wiring, as determined by said Board, to -wit: Sir. Hun-
dred Eighty -three !4A83.00i Dollars, and that the City Clerk be and
ho is hereby instructed to return the checks of all unsuccessful
"AID 3E IT Fn. TEES RESOLVED That the President cf the Board
cf Trustees and the Cit;,- Clerk of said 'City, or- behalf of the City of
�1 Segundo, be and they are hereby instructed to enter into a con-
tract with the said F. E . I1eti.bery Cc., Inc., for the doing cf said
electric wiring in the manner required by the plans and specifications
therefor as prepared by Homer T. Glididen, an architect of Lcs ..ng=les,
California, and in accordance with the ordinances and resulutions of
this rc�:rd•"
The motion to adopt the same was carried by the following vote:
-yes: Trustees Coward, ?1artin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Toep: Trustees alone.
bsEnt:Trustees none.
::loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that bids
for the improvement of Ballona avenue and rain Street be nog: consider -
od. The motion carried.
?:loved by Trustee Liartin, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
f4llo :i�.g resolution be adopted:
pu- rsuramt to notices duly given requesting the same
the Board of. Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, upon. the 13th day of
ru r`-, 1918, received bids for the doint; of certain Mork of im-
rovamert apor Ba.11ona -'--venue and 1Lain Street within said City, and,
on said 13th day of February, 1918, all bids received
therefor were opened and publicly declared in regular session of said
oa:rd had on said date, and,
"iTLE�.EGS, at said meeting said bids were by motion duly made,
soconded and carried taken under advisement for the period of one week,
and until the present meeting; of this Board, and,
"'','HER - S, said Board has duly considered all of said bids so
submitted for doing said work of improvement, and,
,HE?.ELS, said Board has determined that the action hereinafter
ta_Len is for the best interests of the said City, and will best subserve
the public interest and necessity therein,
TfV07, T BEFORE, BE IT RE;,CI,V= That all bids received for doing
±=_e r:ork of i- ,provement upon Bc:llona Lverue from the west line of Vir-
- nir Street to the easterly- city limits of tare City of L1 Segundo and
uran :ain Street from Ballona "'Venue to E1 Segundo ave.;ue within said
.,it;;-, as req 1 red in the notice in~iting the same, be and the same are
T y., n +pr_
+i s e gas carried by the fall:��-.ing v� ±e
the ��1 t ti Y �
oward, i.: trt4n, Smile- and R�a °g'_'
I" D,v e .
Ti o r --
. _., e'y __ zzc:, : oward, : °ended qy Trustee i:_wr tln, tha.t the
l;zti';:. bed'opted ,
or. the 171th d �; of Fehr �
a„ uar�-, ...91 ° , the B o .rd o f
-='1�5 Cr t'�<' v���" i' 71 JG'_�uii 1iui:ned clad declared 1r1 resltic3r
svJtilo . `r L d w wra __mod o: : �_d a-'e, .�_1 bias received fur ac_
`1r' Jre.: :e'_ "y -Lzooi, :!.. enue .lid Lair- Strut with in
i -d City , as required , -r. the notices calling for s�._id lids, author -
ize said 7—oa,rd, L�nd
''`-S �id:.. sere .:.1 said r::oeting duly t - ,-,,,_ der a,d-
L :_:
9UHEB 1�
visement for one @reek and until the present meetin. - : oa,rd, and,
_ r ie z r
w- Lou -`, considered each and.
�'.. Sa : U1 >- i vtj G a.Ld has determined ed t a- t. it is for the be"-.'. .'. r � �c�
0 - s.��L �,, f +1- �. i -- ere. , s
Ci �.� � 0 r 1 ,,
u� and �a�ec each a::c �1 f -
- sCIc
TrVF - L 'teas
uL , each and a�i cf sale "Lids ha-7e beer re jec +_,
a ,
Ty I-
I , Ri _.y�� .: i=. I!' `.... ►7 V.�.+Y 1 ?`:, .t for the'. ' -� � -�"" f b. 4
47-1'e r,- �-. • =. 1 a - -
�•�p 17 --S�
c 1. .:ll el'c <St n n•3CeSa1 ±' r
ee..stuera ±io c_ swims -
-N!] ^„ _ a ...e ic•er�.L -: al o_ , fQr �.::. r,en,- a::: a ;:- -t }
o- ;:Ara.r I:Petin_, +_- e""ecf, te.e Cju`.3tij+.__ C-p tr: y_
d 1 C 8 :1d ll:� ro @ c� C -J �. .: -
.. eC, an--' Uhtn ..:c1.::lcr � °C C,_1 i 1.. ,._'-r L'
Opl .Ivn nf said y C`rd, best SUG�.' °rVE' Sc^.•.:.� �t2i.r1C 1�tel''St'�;;;,� �.CeSsi.iJ .
±0 c.aopt th � Same wall- cc"a•rr1 °d by :
+ c. '-
-YEIS: Tr-.z_ =tees Cv�rrrd, ika.•ti -, : --
-, :ley , ri rd -1a =:ti°
�,'� es • lrastees .
}.��I —wstee Smiley, secc,_d.ed b- Trus•U: "� rl •4'„t t1'
Z' ax e is hereby- instruo -ed to ir.7-estigate the method- open,
"C`trd of trust -D +
_ees o� c ��asin^ he �:id irrprcvemar_t of 3a.11ona
�• °.sue i.:_ _,lair. Street v.ithiz. Said C4ty G.: �
ecntemplatea and the W��nrer
s2 a Crk ca.n be rao r '
U eco c_�ica e
I1S p—s c.uted tti, best su.t�sers-e
pTa;lic interest and necessity `�r saiz. cit-- and to re p Crt then e o._ -�
t-; y ^1:L r' r I eetir_z
Of --oard, and the motion carried.
y1cT *ed by =r��stc seconded b '"r,2ste
e Coward, se �� 1 e Srriier that r-
d Y_w ce :c. _ 3+ er_titied "� �rc_in,- ce of the Ci t"' Cj S Segundo Ca.11f-
e �„ o + 1 e
, rl- �_- „ins the c 7.s 'ructior_�, alter"=:tion, epair d 1711- lishir
a' -u air. �airiz._ of buildings and other structures vlith -n said City,
1- iding for the condemnation of buildings and other structures danger -
,y :,nto pro erty life, or limb, and fixing and deterr�inirg fire limits
and ivr said City ", be adopted.
she motion to adopt the same was carried by the following vote:
Ayes: T ^us tees Cor;ard, Llartir_, Smiley, 'Nard a•nd Rueger.
.ces: Trustees Done
:absent: Trustees None. .
The fcllowing bills, having had the approval of the Committee
on Finance and Records, were read•
A. -7. Graber
;:. Cickler
� . Cickler
n. L. Youz..z "�achine -ry Co.
Lerald I�ublivhii:�
E. Schumacher
Loui 0 ter 1,
Louis r'L
7. 8 7
• ^• .1.i, +-1i
2. 00
.. v • Z e W i S
P;xClilC 1�Ienc�ne
i%1�`r `�
vC 1.50
-� 'yore C,
`. • u i G.Vi
:� l. 0 0
�. �. Lesser
walc- b -7 Trustee
demand.- be L-Ilowed ar,.
Co ... ard and seconded by- Trustee V9a,rd
Warr'a,rtss drawn fc r sarr.110 • The motiol.
.,, �-'L • mr : : ; % <e; �Or; r•c , :.i rtlri, SI. :11c, J , Viard and Niue ,3er •
i; E Tru. ees Dorn
:bser I - — tee- Lone.
Tn- City Engineer recommenced the appro7al of map of Tract
3` 64. 1 It rwas moved by ' nrustee Smiles, seconded by Trustee -- artir_
t:_at the oard apprci-e the sane. Tue mctioli carried. '
:.roved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee. I "artin, that the
City Clergy; have the partition in the Cit., Nall altered t-- suit his
deeds. The motion carried by the following Tote:
.yes: Trustees Coward, Llartin, Smiles, Ward and Kuever.
I +c es: Trustees I`,one.
.Lbsent: Trustees I:one.
Loved b;;- Trustee La.rtir_ seconded by Trustee Sr. ilea; , that the
City Clerh be authorized to purchase certain necessary equipment mer --
tioned by hi=p at a yam no' to exceed Fifteen Nom, r„
M ctior. carried b�� the + r i