1918 FEB 13 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., February 13th, 1918.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Se-
gundo was held.in the City Hall of said City on the above date, being
called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by Carl Ernest Rueger, President
of the Board.
Trustees present: Coward, Martin, Smiley & Rueger
Trustees absent: Ward.
The minutes o-° the previous meeting were read without error
or omission being noted, and upon motion by Trustee Coward, seconded by
Trustee Martin, which carried, they were approved as read.
Trustee Ward appeared during the reading of the minutes, at
7 :40 o'clock P.M., and took his seat.
Letters were received from the Los Angeles Foundry Company
relative to collection of cans, and from A. E. Graber, making applica-
tion for permit to move a building within the City of E1 Segundo.
Moved by Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Ward that the
communications be filed. The motion carried.
The City Attorney reported that it would be necessary to ap-
ply to the State Motor Vehicle Department for a license for the fire
truck, and that the same would be furnished without charge.
The receiving of bids for doing the work of improvement on
Ballona Avenue and Main Street within the City of E1 Segundo and the
receiving of bids for the construction of the city hall and fire sta-
tion; electric wiring for same, and for the plumbing, gas fitting and
heating equipment thereof, having heretofore been made a special order
of business for the hour of eight o'clock P. M. at this meeting, pursu-
ant to previous action of the Board of Trustees and notices to that ef-
fect duly published, the Chair then arose and announced the hour of
7 :59 P. M. and stated that any person or persons desiring to file bids
for either work of improvement as here inbefore referred to, or for any
work connected therewith as requested in the notices calling for bids,
should present the same immediately. The hour of eight o'clock P. M.
having arrived, and all bids being in, the President declared that the
bids for performing the several works as advertised were closed.
Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Martin, that bids
for the improvement of Ballona Avenue and Main Street be opened first,
and that bids for the erection and completion of the municipal building
and for the electric wiring for same, and the plumbing, gas - fitting and
heating equipment thereof be opened thereafter at this meeting, and the
motion carried.
The Board then proceeded to open and publicly declare all bids
received for the improvement of Ballona Avenue and Main Street within
the City of E1 Segundo as contemplated in the notices calling therefor,
given pursuant to resolution of said Board passed on the 23rd day of
January, 1918, and now of record on pages 125 and 126 of the minutes
of the proceedings of e id i?oerd.
Ii EB;
Said bids for said work of improvement were found by the said
Board to be as follows, to -wit:
Bid of Goo. R. Curtis submitted on the regular form therefor, de-
termined by the Board to be as follows:
"1. Grading, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 7,141.75
2. Culverts, complete - - - - - - - - - - - 1,200.00
3. :Shaping Road bed, and laying Asphalt Macad-
am Pavement, complete - - - - - - - - - 21,782.50
4. Cement Curb, complete - - - - - - - - - - 102.00
5. Cement Gutter, complete - - - - - - - - - 191.40"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $3500.00
with the said Geo. R. Curtis as principal and the Fidelity and Deposit
Company of Maryland as surety.
Bid of E. SchAlling submitted on the -regular form therefor, de-
termine$ by the Board to be as follows:
111. Grading, complete - - - - - - - - - _ - - 5700.00
2. Shaping road bed and laying asphalt macadam
pavement, complete - - - - - - - - - - - 33250.00
3. Culverts, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - 1400.00
4. Cement curb, complete- - - - - - - - - - - 110.00
5. Cement gutter, complete - - - - - - - - - 190.00"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $5000.00
with said E. Schelling as principal and George Bryson and F. J. Siefer
as sureties.
Bid of M. S. Cummings and W. 11. Hendricks submitted on the regular
form therefor, determined by the Board to be.as follows:
"l Grading complete Eighty two hundred dollars 8200.00
2 Shaping road -bed and laying asphalt macadam
pavement complete Thirty Seven Thousand Dollars 37000.OQ
3 Culverts complete Thirteen hundred ninety -
three dollars 1393.00
4 Cement curb complete One hundred sixteen 80/00 116.80
5 Cement Gutter Complete Two hundred thirty nine
dollars 239.00"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $5000.00
with said M. S. Cummings and W. N. Hendricks as principals and M. A. Cum-
mings and L. F. Hendricks as sureties.
Bid of The Redondo Construction Company submitted on the regular
form therefor, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"1. Grading, complete- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4820.00
2. Shaping Road bed and laying Asphalt Macadam
pavement, complete- - - - - - - - - - - - - 25575.00
3. Culverts, complete- - - --- - - - - - - _ - - 1468.00
4. Cement curb, complete - - - - - _ - - - - 125.00
5. Cement gutter, complete - - - - - - - - - - - 170.00"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $3300.00
with said The Redondo Construction Company as principal and Matilda C.
Ford and Charles T. Smith as sureties.
Bid of Fred Hoffman submitted on the regular form therefor, deter-
mined by the Board to be as follows:
"1. Grading, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 109000.00
2. Shaping road bed and laying asphalt macadam 299000..00
pavement, complete - - - - - - - - - _ - _ -
3. Culverts, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,300.00
4. Cement curb, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00
5. Cement gutter, complete - - - - - - - - - - - 200.00,'
Said bid was accompanied b; a bidder's bond in the sum of $4500.00
with said Fred Hoffman as principal and National Surety Company
as surety.
1 4 :
Bid of A. McCray submitted on the regular form therefor, deter-
mined by the Board to be as follows:
"1. Grading complete 12,674.40
2. Shaping road -bed & laying asphalt
macadam pavement complete 410374.48
3. Culverts complete 19099.00
4.. Cement curb complete 191.40
5. Cemment Gutter complete 78.60"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $6000.00
with said A.;;3. McCray as principal and Ella McCray and J. I. Courtney
as sureties.
Bid of Edward Gyles submitted on the regular form therefor, de-
termined by the Board to be as follows:
"1. Grading, Complete - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12,062.55
2. Shaping Road bed and laying Asphalt Macadam
pavement, complete- - - - - - - - - - - - 249923.37
3. Culverts, complete - - - - - - - - - - - - 111365.00
4. Cement curb, complete- - - - - - - - - - - 87.60
5. Cement gutter, complete- - - - - - - - - - 194.40"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of
$3900.00 with said Edward Gyles as principal and W. Rae Robson and
C. 71. Sparks as sureties.
It was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that
bids received for the improvement of Ballons Avenue and Main► Street be
held under advisement for one week until the next regular meeting of
this Board on the 20th day of February, 1918, and the motion carried.
The Chair then announced that pursuant to the notices calling
therefor and the motion of Trustee Smiley heretofore made in connection
therewith at this meeting, that all bids received for the erection and
completion of the municipal building and for the electric wiring for
same and the plumbing, gas - fitting and heating equipment thereof, be im-
mediately opened and publicly declared.
The Board then proceeded to open and publicly declare all bids
received for the general work as contemplated in the notices calling for
bids, given pursuant to resolution of the Board of Trustees directing
the same, passed on the 23rd day of January, 1918, and now of record on
pages 124 and 125 of the minutes of the proceedings of said Board.
Said bids for said general work were found by the said Board to
be as follows, to -wit:
Bid of Darrell Condley, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen: -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the "General Work" of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Fifteen Thousand
Nine hundred and 00 /100 Dollars($15900.00).
Enclosed please find a certified check for $825.00 Dollars
($825.00), being not less than five per cent.(5 %) of the amount of the
-In case of "Alternative Proposals" as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows : -
I Changing Division Wall from 13" Brick to
8" Tile in 2nd Story
Fifty Six and oo /100 Dollars ( 56.00)
II Omit all cases & shelves in library,
Seventy Five and oo /100 - - -- Dollars ( 75.00)
III Omit hinged & movable platforms.
Eighty Five and oo /100 - - -- Dollars ($ 85.00)
IV Change Maple Floors to 7/8 X 21&- O.P. Floors.
Seventy and oo /100 - - - - -- Dollars ( 70.00)
V Change Plate glass to 21 oz.
Four Hundred and oo /100 - - -- Dollars (400.00)
VI Omit Batechelor Tile & use muslin.
Three hundred and oo /100 - -- Dollars ($300.00)
VII Tint walls instead of Paint.
Two hundred fifty and 00 /100 Dollars (250.00)
VIII Omit Paint in Apparatus Room.
Fifteen and oo /100 --- - - - - -- Dollars ($ 15.00)
IX Omit Button Lath & use O.P.
Four hundred fifty and oo/ Dollars (450.00)
X Use 34" face O.P. Floors -
one hundred and oo /100 - - - - -- Dollars . ($100.00)
Respectfully submitted,
Dated 2/13 -18 "
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check No. 2233, in
the sum of $825.00 on the Continental National Bank of Los Angeles.
Bid of Houghton & Anderson, determined by the Board to be as fol-
lows: '
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
I hereby propose to-furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the ' General. 1'Pork' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect for the sum of Seventeen Thousand
Nine Hundred Ninety -five ($17995.00) Dollars .
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for Nine Hundred - - - - - -- Dollars ($900.00 -), being not less than
five per cent. (5%) of the amount of the bid.
In case 6f ?Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:-
I Seventy -two --------------------- - - - - -- Dollars (72.00
II One Hundred Seventy- three-------- - - - - -- Dollars ( 173.00
III One Hundred Nine ---------------- - - - - -- Dollars 0 09.00
IV Seventy - two----------------------- - - - - -- Dollars ( 72.00
V Five Hundred Fourteen------------ - - - - -- Dollars ( 514.00
VI Six Hundred Fifty---------------- - - - - -- Dollars ( 650.00
VII Four Hundred--------------------- - - - - -- Dollars ( 400.00
VIII Twenty - six------------------- ---- - - - - -- Dollars ( 26.00
Respectfully submitted,
Dated Feb. 13, 1918. Houghton &Anderson,
by Luke Houghton
143 Rose St.,
Los Angeles, Cal."
Said bid was accompanied by a Cashiers Check, No. 94678, in the
sum of $900.00, on the Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank.
Bid of B. D. Kronnick, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"Los Angeles, Cal. Feb. 13, 1918.
To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of-the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'general Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to
be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave.,
E1 Segundo, Ca.l* according to Plans and Specifications prepared for
the same by-Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Eighteen
Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars, ($18,200.00)
Enclosed please find a bidder's bond for one thousand dollars,
019000.004 ; being not less than five percent (5 %) of the amount bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46
and 47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:
One hundred and twelve dollars - - - -
- ($112.00)
One hundred and twenty three dollars -
- (123.00)
Seventy four dollars - - - - - - - -
- ($ 74.00)
Two hundred and eight dollars - - - -
- ($208.00)
Five hundred and fifty five dollars -
- (555.00)
Nine hundred and seventy dollars - - -
(Pa-e 2)
"Los Angeles, Cal. Feb. 13, 1918.
(Bid - E1 Segundo City Hall)
VII Six hundred dollars - - - - - - - - - (1600.00)
VIII Thirty six dollars - - - - - _ _ _ _ ( 36.00)
Respectfully submitted,
By A. C. Kronnick"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of One
Thousand Dollars 01000.00) with said B. D. Bronnick as principal and
National Surety Company as surety.
Bid of W. M. Bell, determined by the Board to be as follows:
'To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., El
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden Architect, for the sum of Eighteen Thousand
Two hundred ten Dollars Isle,210.).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for One thousand Dollars ($1000), being not less than five per
cent. (5 %) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
9L11 {EgK �u�
47 of the Specifioations, deduct as follows:-
I Dollars ( 40.00)
II Dollars ( 30.00)
III Dollars
IV Dollars ($200.00)
V Dollars ($548.00)
VI Dollars ($600.00 )
VII Dollars ($595.00)
VIII Dollars k, -- )
Respectfully submitted,
Dated n
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of
$1000.00, with said W. M. Bell as principal and S. G. Lindsley and D. J.
Pitts as sureties. (No justification of said sureties being attached to
or made a part of said bond.)
Bid of Jacobs Construction Co., determined by the Board to be as
"Los Angeles, February 13, 1918.
To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect and com-
plete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be erect-
ed at the northwest corner of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue, E1
Segundo, California, according to plans and specifications prepared for
the same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Eighteen
Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty -nine Dollars, ($18,949.00).
Enclosed please find a bidder's bond for One Thousand Dollars, ($1,000.00.),
being not less than five per cent (5 %) of the amount of the bid.
In case of alternate proposals as called for on pages 46 and 47 of the
specifications, deduct as follows : -
I. Eighty -seven Dollars ($87.00).
II. One Hundred and Thirty -two Dollars, ($132.00).
III. Fifty Dollars, ( $50.00).
IV. Three Hundred and Twenty -six Dollars, (d'326.00).
V. Five Hundred and Forty -eight Dollars, (548.00).
VI. Five Hundred and Forty Dollars, ( $540.00).
VII. One Hundred and Forty -eight Dollars, ($148.00).
VIII. Forty -five Dollars, ($45.00).
Respectfully submitted,
By James H. Jacobs.
Dated February 13, 1918."
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $1000.00
with said Jacobs Construction Company as principal and Fidelity and De-
posit Company of Maryland as surety.
Bid of C. D. Goldthwaite, determined by the Board to be as fol-
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of El Segundo, Cal.
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to
be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave.,
E1 Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Nineteen Thousand
Two Hundred Eighty -three and no /100 - - - Dollars ($19,283.00 .
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for Eleven Hundred and no /100 Dollars ($1100.00), being not less
than five per cent. ( 5 %) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46
and 47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:
One Hundred and no /100 - - - - -
- - - - Dollars
( 100.00)
one Hundred Sixty and no /100 - -
- - - - Dollars
( 160.00)
ne Hundred Twenty and no /100 -
- - - - Dollars
(s 120.00)
One Hundred and no /100 - - - - - -
- - - Dollars
( 100.00)
Five Hundred Fifty and no /100 - -
- - - Dollars
( 580.00)
Sig Hundred and no /100 - - - - -
- - - - Dollars
( 600.00)
Five Hundred and no /100 - - - - -
- - - Dollars
( 500.00)
Twenty and no /100 - - - - - - - -
- - - Dollars
( 20.00)
C. D.
Dated February 13th, 1918."
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $1100.00
with said C. D. Goldthwaite as principal and National Surety Company as
Bid of John B. Dawson, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal..
Gentlemen : -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared :far the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Nineteen Thousand
Eight Hundred Forty Dollars ($19,840.00)
Enclosed please-find a certified a bidder's bond for Ten
Hundred forty Dollars ($1050.00), being not less than five per cent.
( 5;`a) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:-
I Sixty - -- - ------------------ - - - - -- Dollars (L 60.00)
II Eighty --a -------------------------- Dollars ( 80.00)
III Fifty ----------------------------- - Dollars ( 50.00)
IV Four Hundred fifty ----------- -- - - -- Dollars (9450.00)
V Five Hundred fifty- _____ ____________ yolla.rs ( 550.00)
VI Two Hundred fifty-------- -- ------ --- Dollars 0250.00)
VII Six Hundred --= --------------------- Dollars (600.00)
VIII Fifteen - - - -- ----- ----- --- ---- ------ Dollars (V 15.00
Respectfully submitted
Dated Feby. 14/18 JOH4 B. DAWSON.
(No plumbing & heating or electric work.)rf
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $1050.00
with said John B. Dawson as principal and the American Surety Company of
New York as surety.
Bid of M. N. ;esberg, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect and
complete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be erect-
ed at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1 Segundo,
Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the same by
Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Nineteen thousand three hun-
dred Dollars($19,300.00).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for One thousand Dollars ($19000.00), being not less than five per
cent. (5%) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:
Fifty - - -
- - - - - - Dollars
(� 50.00)
One hundred
sixty - - - Dollars
Sixty -five -
- - - - - - Dollars
(0 65.00)
One hundred
thirty -five Dollars
Five hundred
forty -eight Dollars
Four hundred
sixty -five Dollars
Three hundred ten - - - Dollare
( 310.00)
Fo=ty - - -
- - - - - - Dollars
( 40.00)
Respectfully subipitted,
Feb. .th, 1918."
Said bid was aeompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $1000.00
with said M. N. esberg as principal and National Surety Company,as
Bid of Edwards & Wildey Co., determined by the Board to be as fol-
'To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
I hereby propose, to furnish all labor and materials, and erect and
complete the 'General Mork' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Nineteen Thousand
Five Hundred Sixty and no /100 Dollars ($19560.00).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for $980.00 Dollars ($ ), being not less than five per cent.
(5 %) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:
One hundred ninety eight and
no /100
( 198000)
One hundred seventy five and
no /100
( 17'5.00)
One hundred forty and no /100
( 140.00)
( )
Five hundred twenty five and
no /100
(1 525.00)
142-= _ ..
VI Seven hundred twenty five and no /100 Dollars (0725.00)
VII Three hundred twenty five and noJ100 Dollars ( 325.00)
VIII Twenty five and no /100-------- - - - - -- Dollars ( 25.00)
Respectfully submitted,
Edwards & Wilde Co.
By L. E. Dixon
Dated Feb. 13 -1918 "
Said bid was accompanied by a Cashiers Check, No. 23430, in the
sum of $980.00, on the Hibernian Savings Bank of Los Sngeles, Cal.
Bid of John R. King, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of El Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
I hereby ropose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave. E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared far the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of NINETEEN THOUSAND
EIGHT HUNDRED & NINETY Dollars. (19,890.).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bid-
der's bond for NINETY -FINE DOLLARS & FORTY -FIVE CENTS Dollars. ($99.45),
being not less than five per cent. (5%) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46
and 47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:-
I Ninety- five---------------- - - - - --
II One Hundred and Six------------ --
III Eighty- five---------------- - - - - --
IV One hundred and Forty---------- --
V Five Hundred-------- ---- - - - - --
VI Five Hundred--------------- - - - - --
VII One Hunlred ----------------------
VIII Fifty--------------------- - - - - --
Dated 2/13 IT
(995,00 )
(P5. 00 )
( 500.00)
( 100.00)
( 50.00 )
Respectfully submitted,
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of
w99.45 with the said John R. King as principal, and National Surety Com-
pany as surety.
Bid of The Kling Company, determined by the Board to be as fol-
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees of the City
of E1 Segundo, Cal.
We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'General Work' of a two - story "Munici al Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St., and ranklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal., according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Twenty Thousand
Seven Hundred Seventy --five- - - - - -- Dollars (20775.00)
2UliEB -
-� rt "`�+�.W:'�:� iT`'�. 't�- s,,,,g�'jyM�; *r w . - - �uY�::.� ,� °'�� '� •3 %'tea' o�'�'x.�?*. �:� � .;. F „hi µ� ,
Enclosed please find a certified cheek•for Eleven Hundred Dol-
lars (51100.00), being not less than five per cent (5%) of the amount of
the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46 and
47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:
I Sixty------------------ .- - - -- Dollars (0 60.00)
II One Hundred Fifty----- - - - - -- Dollars (3150.00)
Sixty -six ------------ - - - - --
( 66.00)
Two Hundred----------- - - - - -- "
Two.Hundred Seventy- five - - -- "
Four Hundred---------- - - - - -- "
( 400.00)
Three Hundred Seventy - five -- "
( 375.00)
Twenty- two----------- - - - - -- "
( 22.00)
Respectfully submitted,
By S. J. Kling.
Dated February 13th, 1918."
Said bid was accompanied by a Certified Check in the sum of
01100.00 on First National Bank of Los Angeles.
Bid of K. R. Bradley, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the Cit;,! of El Segundo, Cal.
I.hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'General Work' of a Two Story Municipal Building to
be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave.,
E1 Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for
the same by Homer W. Glidden Architect, for.the sum of Twenty one
Thousand Dollars ($21,000.001.
Enclosed please find a.certified or cashier's check or a bid-
der's bond for Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100.00), being not less than
five per cent. (5%) of the amount of the bid.
In case of 'Alternative Proposals' as called for on pages 46
and 47 of the Specifications, deduct as follows:-
Fifty - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Two Hundred & Fifty - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Seventy Five - - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Seventy Five - - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Five Hundred - - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Seven Hundred- - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Three Hundred - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Ten - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - Dollars (
Respectfully submitted,
Dated February 13- 1918"
Said bid was accompanied by a bidder's bond in the sum of $1100.00,
with said K. R. Bradley as principal and the Globe Indemnity Company as
The above being all of the bids received for doing the general
work: the Board then proceeded to open and publicly declare all bids
received for the electric wiring for said municipal building, which
said bids were found by said Board to be as follows, to -wit:
Bid of F. E. Newbery Electric Co., determined by said Board to
be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City.of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'Electric Wiring' of a Two Story Municipal Building
to be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave.,
E1 Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Sig Hundred eighty
three Dollars ($683.00).
Enclosed please find a certified check for Forty Dollars (40.00),
being not less than five per cent. (5°%) of the amount of the bid.
In case the wiring is done on the 'Knob and Tube system ", as
called for on page 7 of the Specifications, deduct the sum of One Hun-
dred ninety six Dollars (196.00).
Respectfully submitted,
By R. C. Spilsbury,
Dated Feb. 13- 1918"
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check, No. 1501, in the
sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00), on the Merchants National Bank of Los
Bid of 0. J. Crow, determined by said Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal,
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'Electric Wiring' of a Two Story Municipal Building to
be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave.,
E1 Segundo, Cal. azoording to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Six Hundred and
ninety three Dollars ($693.00).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for thirty four 65/100 dollars, Dollars ($34.65), being not less
than five per cent. (5f ) of the amount of the bid.
In case the wiring is done on the 'Knob and Tube system', as
called for on page 7 of the Specifications, deduct the sum of one hun-
dred and fifty six dollars ($156.00).
Respectfully submitted,
0. J. CROW
1842 W. 41 Place
Dated Feb. 11 -18 Los Angeles, Cal.
Said bid was accompanied by a cashiers check, No. 67233, in the
sum of X34.65, on the Hellman Commercial Trust and Savings Bank.
Bid of Thos. F. Marshall, determined by the Board to be as fol-
"k'�'�'�i-'�'l?�A�+' ^�am' �C o �y,�"Yi - �.'�`�.�.►"�?' �'x&':, r r f'�A.4 t'-Ya.ta, -c' �•.-Xr ,w.- 'y$'!"..f� ., ��..
40,4--e e �F .- dl" i . .�L
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal,
Gentlemen : -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect and
complete the 'Electric Wiring' of a Two Story Municipal Building to be
erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1
Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and Specifications prepared for the
same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of Nine Hundred thirty
seven Dollars ($937.00).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for Fifty Dollars ($50.00), being not less than five —per cent.
(5%) of the amount of the bid.
In case the wiring is done on the 'Knob and Tube system', as
called for on age 7 of the Specifications, deduct the sum of Two Hun-
dred Dollars (1200.00).
Respectfully submitted,
Dated Feb. 11th. 1918 "
Said bid was accompanied by a cashiers check, Teo. 13638, in the
sum of ,$,50.00., on the First.Rational Bank of Hollywood.
Bid of Aylsworth Electric Co., determined by the Board to be as
"To the Honorable Hoard of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen: -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'Electric Wiring' of a Two Story Municipal Building to
be erected at the northwest corner of Richmond St. and Dranklin Aveq,
E1 Segundo, Calo according to Plans and Specifications prepared for
the same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of One Thousand
three hundred Dollars. ( ).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bidder's
bond for Dollars ($65.00) , being not less than five
per cent. ofthe amour of the bid.
In case the wiring is done on the 'Knob and Tube system', as
called for on page 7 Of the Specifications, deduct the sum of Eight
hundred fifty Dollars Dollars ($850.00).
Respectfully submitted,
Dated 2/13-18 "
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check in the sum of
$65.00, on the First National Bank of Inglewood.
The above being all of the bids received for doing the work of
electric wiring, the Board then proceeded to open and publicly declare
all bids received for the plumbing, gas - fitting and heafing of the said
municipal building, which said bids were found by said Board to be as
follows: to -wit:
Bid of S. Hill & Son, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the ' Plumbing, Gas - fitting and Steam Heating' of a Two
Story Municipal Building to be erected at the northwest corner of Rich-
mond St. and Franklin Ave., E1 Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and
Specifications prepared for the game by Homer W. Glidden, Arch iteot for
the sum of Four Thousand three hundred fifty -nine Dollars ($4359.00).
Enclosed please find a certified or cashier's check or a bid-
der's bond for Two hundred eighteen Dollars ($218.00), being not less
than five per cent. (5 %) of the amount.of the bid.
In case the 'Burning system' for distillate, as called for on
pages 16 and 17 of the SPecifications, is installed deduct the sum of
Three hundred fifty Dollars ($350.00).
Respectfully submitted,
A. F. RM
Dated Feb. 11. 1918. "
Said bid was accompanied by a cashiers check, No. 6641, in the
sum of $218.00, on The California National Bank of Santa Ana.
Bid of Lohman Bros., determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of El Segundo, Cal.
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'Plumbing, Gas - fitting and Steam heating' of a Two
Story Municipal Building to be erected at the northwest corner of
Richmond St. and Franklin Ave., E1 Segundo, Cal. according to Plans and
Specifications prepared for the same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for
the sum of Four Thousand four hundred and twenty -eight Dollars
Enclosed please find,a certified or cashier's check or a bid-
der's bond for Two Hundred and Twenty five Dollars ($225.00), being
rot less than five per cent, (5 %) of the amount of the bid.
In case the 'Burning System' is for distillate, as called for
on pages 16 and 17 of the Specifications, is installed deduct the sum
of Four Hundred and Seventy -five Dollars 0475.00).
Respectfully submitted,
�i:� ••�
Dated 2/13/18
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check in the sum of
$225.00, on the Citizens National Bank of Los Angeles, Cal.
Bid of J. G. Morgan, determined by the Board to be as follows:
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
gentlemen: -
I hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the 'Plumbing, Gas - fitting and Steam Heating' of a Two
Inasmuch as he had had no opportunity to inspect the same he request- h-
ed that a report be given thereon at a later date, which request was
The President announced that he and the Clerk had signed the
contract with J. G. Morgan for the installation of the plumbing, gas -
fitting and steam piping in the municipal building, following which
it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the
following resolution be adopted:
"RESOLVED: That the action of the President of this Board M
and the City Clerk in signing the contract with J. G. Morgan for
the installation of the plumbing, gas - fitting and steam piping in
the municipal building to be erected for the City of E1 Segundo
which said action was taken pursuant to resolution of this Board of
Trustees passed on the 27th day of February, 1918, be and the same
is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed."
The resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: Trustees None.
Absent: Trustee Ward. to
The Clerk reported that he had endeavored to obtain informa-
tion concerning a Rothweiler pump and a Watch pump as recommended by
Trustee Coward. It was found that Chanslor & Lyon, agents for the
first mentioned pump, had none in stock but they offered to furnish
a Stevens pump for the sum of $8.00, the regular list price of this
pump being 918.00. He was unable to secure any information from
the Pacific Hardware and Steel Company concerning the Watch pump.
By general consent it was decided to postpone action pending further
The matter of improving Ballona Avenue and Main Street was
then discussed at some length, following which Trustee Smiley moved ax
the adoption of Resolution No. 13 entitled: tt,
"A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 I
-- Segundo, California, adopting Specifications No. 2 of said City
for crushed rock or broken stone to be used in the construction
of macadam pavements in the City of El Segundo" 1
Trustee Martin seconded the motion to adopt the said resolu-
tion and the same was passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: Trustees None.
Absent :Trustee Ward.
Trustee Smiley introduced Resolution No. 14 entitled:
"A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1
Segundo, California, adopting Specifications No. 3 of said City
for asphaltum to be used in the construction of macadam pave-
ments in the City of :1 Segundo"
and moved its adoption. Trustee Coward seconded the motion to
adopt the foregoing resolution and the same was passed by the follow- 009
ing vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Mbxtin, Smiley and Rueger.
Roes: Trustees None. L 1
Absent:Trustee Ward.
Trustee Smiley moved the adoption of the following resolution:
"RESOLVED: That sealed bids or proposals be received up to
the hour of eight o'clock P. M. obi Wednesday, the 27th day of March,
1918, for the furnishing to the City of E1 Segundo, California, of
all crushed rock or broken stone necessary for the macadamizing of
Ballona Avenue and Main Street within said City as required and con- ='y
templated in the plans therefor on file in the office of the City
Engineer and Specifications No. 2 on file in the office of the is
prepared for the same by Homer W. Glidden, Architect, for the sum of
Four Thousand Seven Hundred Forty seven Dollars (4747.00).
Enclosed please find a certified check for Two Hundred Thirty -
nine 05/100 Dollars ($239.05/100), being not less than five per cent,
(5�fo) of the amount of the bid.
In case the 'Burning system' for distillate, as called for on
pages 16 and 17 of the Specifications, is installed deduct the sum of
Two Hundred Dollars (;200.00).
Respectfully submitted,
Dated 2/13/18 "
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check, No. 174, in the
sum of $239.05, on South Pasadena Savings Bank of South Pasadena, Cal.
Bid of The Kling Company, determined by the Board "to be as fol-
"To the Honorable Board of Trustees
of the City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
Gentlemen : -
We hereby propose to furnish all labor and materials, and erect
and complete the *Plumbing, Gas - fitting and Steam Heating' of a Two
Story Municipal Building to be erected at the northwest corner of Rich-
mond St. and Franklin Ave., E1 Segundo, Cal* according to Pland and
Specifications prepared for the same by Homer W. Glidden Architect,
for the sum of Fifty Three Hundred Fifty -seven Dollars (65357-.,00),
Enclosed please find a certified check for Three hundred Dol-
lars ($300,00),, being not less than five per cent, (5f) of the amount
of the bid.
In case the 'Burning system' for distillate, as called for on
pages 16 and 17 of the Specifications, is installed deduct the sum of
Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00)
Respectfully submitted,
By S. J. Kling
Dated February 13th, 1918. "
Said bid was accompanied by a certified check, No. 28105, in
the sum of $300.00, on First National Bank of Los Angeles, Cal.
No further bids were received for said work of plumbing, gas -
fitting and heating of said municipal building.
All of the bids received for work on said municipal building.
having been publicly opened -and declared, it was moved by Trustee
Smiley and seconded by Trustee Martin that all bids received for -the general
work, electric wiring, plumbing, gas- fitting and heating for said build-
ing be taken under advisement for the period of one week and until the
next regular meeting of this Board on the 20th day of February, 1918,
and the motion carried.
Trustee Smiley introduced the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
"RESOLVED: That the bond of James E. Howell, City Treasurer,
submitted in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars 02,000.00) with the Fidel-
ity and Deposit Company of Maryland as surety, dated February 19, 19179
be and the same is hereby approved.,,
Trustee Martin seconded the motion and it was carried by the following
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Yartin, Smiley, hard and Rueger
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Trustee Smiler introduced the following resolution and moved its
„RESOLVED: That the bond of Victor D. McCarthy as Plumbing In-
spector, submitted in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)
with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland as surety, dated
January 19, 1918, be and the same is hereby approved."
Trustee Coward seconded the motion and it was carried by the following
ryes: Trustees Coward,Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Moved by Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Ward, that the
following; resolution be adopted:
"RESOLVED: That the President of the Board of Trustees and the
City Clerk be and -he;� are hereby authorized and instructed to execute
upon behalf of the City of E1 Segundo, California, that certain lease,
1YO. 3,036, bearing date the 10th day'of January, 1918, and between the
Pacific Electric Railway Company, a corporation, and the City of E1 Se-
gundo, and beinz for the leasing by said City at the annual rental of
Sixty Dollars (,'60.00) per annum beginning January 1st, 1918, of that
certain_ parcel of land vd.thin the City of El Segundo described as fol-
-Beginning at the Southeast corner of Holly Avenue and
Eucalyptus Avenue; thence Easterly along said line of
Holly Avenue one hundred fifty (150 ) feet; thence
Southerly and parallel to Eucalyptus Avenue, one hundred
thirty (130) feet; thence Southwesterly to a point in the
Easterly line of Holly Avenue, distant one hundred eighty
five (185) feet from Holly Avenue; thence Northerly along
said Enterly line one hundred eighty five (185) feet to
point of beginning.
The motion to adopt the same was carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: Bone.
Absent: None.
Trustee Coward moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 32 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, regulating the sale
of bread and fixing the standard of weights therefor,", which was intro-
duced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 70th
day of January, 1918. Trustee Ward seconded the motion and the ordin-
ance was passed by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and n ueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Martin, that Mr.
A. E. Graber be granted permission to move a certain building as per
his application of this date, upon the payment of the fees required by
ordinance. The motion carried.
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the demands
be allowed and Warrants drawn for the same. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
President Rueger stated that a one hundred gallon drum, suit-
able for the storage of engine distillate, at the corporation yard,
could be secured, he thought, from the Standard Oil Company for eight
or nine dollars but that it would be necessary to purchase a pump to
use in connection with this drum. By general consent the Clerk was
instructed to secure prices on a pump for that purpose. The Clerk was
also instructed to purchase two five - gallon cans and ten gallons coal
oil. Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City
Clerk be instructed to purchase an Underwood Typew:citer at a cost not
to exceed $115..00. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City
Clerk be instructed to order one carload of No. 3 rock and one carload
of No. 4 rock. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
There being no further business,'it was moved by Trustee Smiley
and seconded by Trustee Coward that the meeting adjourn. The motion
Respectfully submitted,
ity C e
ca' �&a
President oar of rustees
The following bills, having had the
approval of the Committee on
Finance and Records, were read:
Mike Cooney
Amer. La France Fire Engin
Company of California
R. Reno
C. L. Edinger
Arthur W. Cory
C. '. Griffin, M. D.
Homer W. Glidden
White & Leach
J. C. Hesser
Louis Erb
R. Peterson
Victor D. McCarthy
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the demands
be allowed and Warrants drawn for the same. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
President Rueger stated that a one hundred gallon drum, suit-
able for the storage of engine distillate, at the corporation yard,
could be secured, he thought, from the Standard Oil Company for eight
or nine dollars but that it would be necessary to purchase a pump to
use in connection with this drum. By general consent the Clerk was
instructed to secure prices on a pump for that purpose. The Clerk was
also instructed to purchase two five - gallon cans and ten gallons coal
oil. Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City
Clerk be instructed to purchase an Underwood Typew:citer at a cost not
to exceed $115..00. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City
Clerk be instructed to order one carload of No. 3 rock and one carload
of No. 4 rock. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
There being no further business,'it was moved by Trustee Smiley
and seconded by Trustee Coward that the meeting adjourn. The motion
Respectfully submitted,
ity C e
ca' �&a
President oar of rustees