1918 FEB 06 CC MIN;• Vq 0100_0_2(E M Segundo, Cal.; February 6th, 1916. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cit,. of El Segundo, California, was held in the City Hall on the above date, being called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. r,. by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Coward, Smiley, Ward, and Rueger, 7rustees absent : I artin. �ADIIT� P E7IOU.S `•-�J T Gr The minutes of the previous meeting were read without error or or:iss- ior beinf; noted, and upor_ motion by Trustee Coward, ssecondec' by Trustee ;yard, which carried, they were approved as read. ',V_RTTT � � COi : UN1 CAT 101,73 A letter was received frog the i'.1 Segundo Land & Improvement Co. containir_ ; a copy of a letter they had received f rom the City Clerk of Los Angeles, Cal., having reference to the completion of the Coast Boule- vard. One from E. Jersey, Redordo Beach, aplying for position as street Ins:ector. One fron City ngineer Cory, having reference to the payment of contractor or, the ?a'lona Avenue job, as the contractor completed certain units of the work. :.loved '=y Trustee Coward, and seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the comr.unicati.ons be filed and the motion carried. ORAL C©I.uVNICATIONS. :::organ advised that the rate of fire insurance on the Tool House and Tools would be $2.35 per hundred for one year. F. Davis stated that people had been after him for copies of the circular he had distributed a few weeks ago and asked permission to have more printed if it was found necessary. By general consent the Board agreed to this. The City Clerk reported that I.:r. Day of the Los Angeles Foundry had been out to make a survey of the can proposition and had stated that the Foundry would pay the City, 42.00 per ton for cans and take them away themselves. Tyr. D. 0. Lewis stated that L:r. Day had been to his place and asked him to advise the Foundry when enough cans were on hand to make it worth their while to come out for them. REPORTS 01F SPECIAL CrK'LJT T ZES . The City Attorney advised that a letter would have to be written the management of the P. E,. from i,:r. Day's office, and that it would take several days for this to go through all channels, for this City to obtailL permission to store distillate on the leased property of the P. but it was thouPht permission would be o'ttained all right. UTIMINIS ED BUSINESS. Idoved by Trustee Coward, and seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the Board refer back to "Reading Unapproved I::inutes" and the motion carried. The rinutes of the Special ;:ieeting held in the City Hall on the 2nd day of February, 1918, and called to order at 12.00 o'clock noon by Pres- ident of the Board, Carl Ernest 7,ueger, were read. No errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee 'yard, and seconded by Trustee Smiley, that they be approved as read, and the motion carried. The President then stated that the meeting would resume under the head of "Unfinished Business ". The matter of purchasing the furnishings of the Club Del Liar was then discussed at length, and before the same had ended, at 8:10 p. m., the chair declared a recess of five minutes. At 8:15 1'. ::., the chair recalled the meeting to order and resumed under the head of "Unfinished Business ". : -r. George W. Draggoo, on behalf of the M Segundo Volunteer Fire Dep- aetment, proposed to deliver to the City of E1 Segundo free and clear of enoumbr%nee, all of the furniture and furnishings of th oluding two pool tables and equipment,therefor, and to to furnish a good and sufficient !','ill of ^ale therefor, of "M Segundo pay to the said 71 Segundo 7olunteer ''ire such persons as it might order, the sum of ''100.00 Club Del Mar, in- ."arnish a good and provided the City Department, or to Trustee Smiley then moved the adoption of the following resolution: 7r,SOLVF,D that the proposition of the 21 Segundo 7olunteer "ire Depart- ment submitted to this Board this date by Chief George T7. Draggoo, whereby said department offers to furnish said City a good and sufficient Bill of Sale to all of the furniture and furnishings, pool tables and equipment therefor, heretofore owned and used by the Club Del 1;ar, E1 Segundo, Cal., for the surf of $100.00 be and the same is hereby accepted provided said property shall be free and clear of incumbrance of any nature whatsoever, and be it "LTRTHBR RESOLVED that a warrant or warrants in the sum not exceeding !100.00 be drawn therefor payable to daid E1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Depart- ment or to such person or persons as the said organization may designate. Trustee :lard seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution and the same carried by the following vote: Wives: Trustees Coward, Smiley, "'and, end Rueger. Uioes: Trustees lone. Absent: Trustee ":artin. Trustee Coward was excused from the meeting at this point, it being 8:20 o'clock p. m. - The President then announced that Ordinance No. 32 would be discussed and asked if any one present had suggestions to offer. - Several amendments were made thereto, and the said ordinance as amend- ed, was introduced by Trustee Smiley and passed to a second reading. During the discussion of the ordinance ' Trustee Coward returned to the meeting and took his seat at the hour of 9:60 o'clock P. The following. demands and Records, were read: Victor D. 1.1c0arthy TV it tf tf n It rr rr rr tt tr n Louis V. Green Herald Publishing Co. tt ft It PAYING BILLS. having had the approval of the Committee on Finanoe Romer '7. Glidden I.:rs . J. . Davis James Howell Clyde Woodworth John J . Gilligan Davis Standgrd Oil Co. Clyde Woodyard Standard Oil Co. Andy 3. Powell C. Ganahl Lumbar Co. Southwest 3uilder & Contractor 7.84 65.00 25.00 2.27 1.05 2.40 5.65 90.00 7.25 52.10 183.75 10.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 103.85 13.49 2.30 10.00 5.24 21.00 Total, y98-97719- i -oved by 'Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Coward, that Street Supt. be instructed to make repairs of R1 Segundo Avenue, between I.:ain St. and Grand avenue, on the south side of road, by scarifying, rolling and ^-ling same at a cost not to exceed $225.00. 1': -.e motion carried b .7T the follD inc, vote: A; es: Trustees Coward, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. Toes: Trustees Done. A bsent: Trustee I,artin. HIM By general consent, it was decided to hire a grader man recommend- ed by EX. Reed, Redondo Reach St. Supt., so that our St. Supt. might familiarize himself erith the methods pursued at Redondo. President announced that complaints had been registered concerning the dumping of ashes containing rails, and other debris in alleys, and the Llarshal was asked to look into these matters. There being no further business, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, and seconded by Trustee ':hard, that the meeting adjourn, and the motion carried. Respectfully, submitted, City ler . Approved: ' .7. President Board or- Trustees.