1918 APR 25 CC MINA-06 +
E1 Segundo, Cal., April 25th, 1918.
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
El Sendo was called to ord-r in the City Hall at 12:00 o'clock noon on
the above date, President Rueger being in the chair.
R011 CA T1.
Trustees Present: Bryson, —ard, and Rueger.
Trustees Absent: Idartin and Coward.
The only business transacted was the ordering• payment of the following
demands on the Street Improvement Bond Interest & Redemption Fund, 19189
which were approved by the Finance €: Records Committee, ar,a read:
err: i. D. Ti&ls"L - - 1i 4, `l .. �l
C erda 15.00
F. `', rden 21.00
Total y4T 62.50
1.'oved by Trustee Br;;son, seconded by Tr -astee ,yard that the demands
be allowed, and warr,-nts for sa:-e dram on the Street Improvement Bond
Interest aand Redemption. Fund, 1918, in payment of same. Carried by the
followir.�,- vote
A--e c : Trustees Bry son_, "; ar d, and Rueger.
laces: Done.
Absent: Trustees Co- a^d, and Iaartin_.
.'o further business appearing, it was moves by Trustee Br;Tsor,
seconded by Trustee Ward, thpt the meeting adjourn, and the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
President Board of Trus es.
W I _