1917 OCT 17 CC MIN21MEB- Regular was called. to date, by Carl l Trustees Trustees A. ,ar El Segundo, Cal., October 17th, 1917. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the -City of E1 Segundo order in the City Hall-at 7 :30 o'clock P. i.:. on the above Ernest Rueger, president of the Board. ROLL CALL. Present: Coward, L:artin, Smiley and Rueger. Absent: Ward. READING KINUTES PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. No errors or omiss- ions being noted, Trustee martin moved their adopts &n, the motion be- ing seconded by Trustee Smiley and duly carried. Tor "Written Oorr;-unications "see foot -note 1#1 ORAL COLD VNI CATI ONS . Health Officer Davis stated that there were a number of open toilets in the city which were a menace to health and requested the Board to pass an ordinance regulating the same. He stated also that permits should be issued to all persons vending articles of food. He stated also that the Wealth Department was in need of a typewriter and that inasmuch as he devoted about 20 hrs. per month to health department work, believed that the Trustees should compensate him t- the extent of $10.00 per month. He stated also that the people would have to cooperate with him the matter of collection of garbage and cans and that the same should be placed where the same could be easily reached by the garbage collector, ^terc,ise it will be necessary to allow additional compensation for same. The Chair suggested that :.'r. Davis file with the Board a written statement of his needs. Mr. Davis of the American Rubber Llanufactaring Company inquired as to the 3urchase of h ,se and was told by the Chair. that the City is not it the market for hose at the present time. There were none. 3EP^PTS �F STXY?DIT+G COLZaTTEES SPP.CI�_L CO. .:I7 -TEES City Engineer Cory stated that the banks of the Ocean Boulevard should be oiled and that he estimated about 200 bbls would be suffici- ent.President -Rueger stated that the Standard Oil Company would be oilin;c, the sand in that vicinity in the near future and suggested that he would make arrangements to have the City's oiling done at the same time. City Attorney Wnodviorth reported that he had interviewed the officials of the Pacific Electric and they informed him that owing to 'he slight amount of traffic on the E1 Segundo Stre t car line they could not grant less than a lOr rare within the city limits. City . tto �ney rc �rted also that the ";ells cargo E7press Company could not See their way clear to furnish an as l ticrai_ in+C) T1 SeC7zzrdo as requested by the - erchants. '?-- Gene, al cnr.se it vas un'erst,nd that ' oth matters were to V be arnped TJ'I:'ISHED BUSIlESS The question of su jscri',ing for lil,ertlr Toan Pond was discussed, .o7, which Trustee C^T,rard moved that the matter ')e referred to the r!��, r . for re.:ort at .e._� -+ meeting. Trustee ; ?ard seconded the ..,h- ch carried PAYI: s 3I LLS "he following demands haling been approved by the Committee on finance and record were read: Overell's - furnishings for Fire Dept. $26.53 D.C.Lewis - collecting garbage 30.00 R.F.Davis - car rare 1.00 Total ................... 57.53 Trustee Coward moved that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn for the several ar:_ourts. Trustee 1:artin sec - -nded the potion which carried by the following votes:- - Ayes: Trustees Coward, T.lartin, Smiley, lard & Rueger. "'o es : None «bs ent :Hone . 77771 7, TTSI7ESS Trustee Coward in trod its adoption: RLSOLVED that warrant accrued interest of the City -ank and that the City Clerk deliver said warrant to said of said notes. aced the following resolution; and moved be drawn for the payment of n,,tes and of '_;1 Segundo due the El Segundo State be and he is hereby authorized to bank upon cancellation and surrender Eotion to adopt this resolution was seconded by Trustee !;artin and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Liartin, Smiley, "Hard & .?ueger. roes: ;;one Absent :Hone. Trustee Martin stated that he had received complaint from people in the acreage concerning damage that was being done to streets and trees by persons hauling supplies to the los Angeles Sever Construction carp. The President of the -oard stayed that re would instruct the 1darshall as to the w_ethod -)f procedure to abate the nuisance. ^rustee Smiley moved the adoption of 3esolution 17, as follows: ",ES ^LVED, That sealed bids for the purchase of the Improvement _onds of the City of El Segundo to the amount of $54,000.00 be received up to the ho;7r of 8 :00 P.1'., on Wednesday, the 31st day of October, 1917. -ids shall be addressed to the City C ;erk, endorsed "Proposal for the purchase of bonds," and each proposal shall be accompanied a certified check to the amount :,f -"500.00, conditioned that the purchaser will take and pay for any and all bonds that may be sold and twarded to him, or otherwise be forfeited to and become the property of the City of E1 Segundo; provided , however that toe no certified check shall be required of the State of California. The City Clerkis hereby directed to publish for one week a notice of such sale in the ^il Segundo Herald", a newspaper of general circulation pu':lished in said City. Said notice shall give a general description of the bonds and information that they were authorized at a special election held in said City, October let, 1917, and that five of said bonds will mature on November let of each year there - after for a period of twelve (12) years; then six of said bonds on the same day of ea ^h year therafter for a period of eight (8) years; that they ',ear interest at the rate of five percentum per aiium, payable semi - annually; also a statement that the right to reject any and all bids are reserved by the Board of Trustees. The City Clerk will send a copy of said notice to the State -oard of Controll at Sacramento." Trustee, 1iartin seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution and the same passed by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, '"artin, Smiley, 'lard and Ruger. '_"o es : done Abs ent :11one . 2UREB Trustee Coward introduced 3eso -ution f, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE T?)ARD OF TRUSTEES -F THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF0.1 -MIX, DIRECT- ING A CERTAIN FRANCHISE FOR T3A TSY-ITTING AND DISTRIBUTING EL;;CTHICAI. Li GY Ii SAID CITY, TO 3E ADVIIERTISED FOR SALE." and moved its adopt- ion. Trustee Ward seconded the motion to adopt the same and the Resolution was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, hartin, Smiley, .lard r, auger. „oes : None Absent: None . Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance #22, entitled; "A�. 03DI�4'ANCE CF TH7 CITY OF LL SEGU17DO, ESTA 71SHING THE GRADE 1F A F:?RTION OF BALLOTTA AVENUE "WITHIN SAID CITY, AND FIXING AND ESTAELISHING THE !'-'�RTHERLY CURB ZIPM - '=MON." Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance ,'f'23, entitled: "AST :