1917 NOV 28 CC MIN•?UKEB r V1 9egundo,Calif.,r1ovember 28th,1917. 3eaalar meetin.:- of t::e P? rd of Trustees of the Citu�; of _+1 Segundo,was ca1.1ed to order at ^;=.5 pIcIocr p.m. on t'r_e above date,in the City Fail a ^I_t. (resident acpointed t e :)w1. a­.4 he imnediately o__ 1., t._e duties L-_.e �le_l,• ^r :wtees 'resent : Ccward, "ar i and Yaeger. .trustees nbse_ t : I.:artin and ;.'miley. . .•IIs II1�t;l1:3= I1�IOLS she mirules ti'.e - revious r:eetil'' wer6 read. l+o er ="Ors or omiS _� ; 'lOn$ 'Je7T1._ ?-CtF,_ "Iruste� ' r l .. =e %ed `_.a1 L..e�' be a zopted �'r-.St E COtattru second .- Eu upon vote ti -e sa'::e carrie unanimously. _.ore. :one. TT lion. ;i - ttorne; rJou %orti reported ti -at he had ta_.en the ::latter of :':3rshail ;reens p.-one a --•it_- the i':ana;er of t c ?r� _e,.-.ocd ranch and had de�:anded ,. 2;5-_'v iCe. rer0rt had been that she was i::fc=ed than t-he outlas :ould amount to E0.00 andthat di,. not c•isi. tc .T irst�:11 t-:e ::hone r:less t.Le :it : :ouid stand -lie difference be'ween t eat anc or . :oald� receive f_r he tvio T­_---s phone service yT - - ai =� � is 0 ?1 e . 2AYI li* x 311I. S . statement from the La prance sire Engine Co. was read and the City' ClerI was instructed to , :r to them and tell them the Cits . - ;ould pay the bill as per their contract with them. the finance coin- .ittee ;,,as not '-resent- there were no warrants apprbved. Iu::: �LSII.ZS: :. the Strret Superintendent states that I. :r. Phillips had informed hin that concrete : oxes v:oulf_ '�e ced over all valves ir. culverts. ^. e City motto rney stated that he was reparing a '?uildin�; Ordinance and Y_oy e L to .:ave i'; read; for the next meetin J. 1'I_e Zit; .'tor -ne ,T also s'-&"Ued t'_at he hoped to hr_ -.ve ti'le _ "lumbing ^ rdinance read; `or introduction next - ednesday evening,. 1�t :6 Llu'l� ^i L;rofile 'or 7�allona :ve., a poricn of :.:ain Street, were ^Led b,. t_.e board upon present-at --- by the Cit`,7 'ineer. he_ Street Supt . , reported the condition. of (, :Gin atreet and 'rand � :sae, as -eund '" I-IU i- s.:eC' io' and it �7 S �': ea ^`' Trustee Coward seconded by = �stec• ` th, ___ L2eet- "u_. t., .:.ale necessary repairs or.:- -air street �. on 7 ran,:, _'ve. , u_.e cost rot to exceed e _ of nor. . _ i _ folly. !' vote eS; = :11SteeS 'i7C,'rirCi, .� �'Q �:ni: :ues. se - ru ees, " : -ile; a d L artier _ :e:'e ' ^ei. v ,o ` �rtl�c ).sines _ to c ::.e e±ore t..e -oard tl_e notion was made µ S:,s•e „�rw, Sege' :e:: bpi �'r;�StBv �0�7tird �i: @�; ad�0:�rn, an` the 7notio7 an • * 1 :'.espectfully submitted, City Clerk pre -tem. _'resident oar:, of Tru tees. E1 Segundo, Cal., December 5th, 1917. Regular . meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. L1. en the above date in the City Hall of said city by Carl Ernest Rueger, President of the Beard Of Trustees. Trustee Ccv7ard was aprcinted City Clerk Fro tem. ROLL CALL. TRUSTEES PRESE;;T: COWARD, SUII:EY AUD. P.UEGER TP,USTERS AB SEAT: ; "ARr ADD UTLRTIN. Trustee Idartin appeared immediately after the calling of the roll and took his seat. READI.IG iiINUTE'S OF PRYVICUS LEET11NG. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and no errors or omissicne being noted, upon motion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee LIartin, And unanimously carried, the same were adorted as read. WRITTE111T. COLUMNICATIONF!. A communication from R. F. Davis, Health Officer of the City Of El Segundo, bearing date December 5th, 1917, .making certain recom- mendations relative to building regulations within the City. A communication from the County Auditor of Los Angeles County enclosing warrant for x;737.35, being taxes collected to November 20, 1917. From the B. F. Goodrich rubber Company relative to street signs. From Mr. J. H. Chittick elating to cement work. From the Southern California Edison Company relating to trim- ming certain trees, Upon the communications n Trustee Smiley, onswereorderedfiled. seconded by Trustee Martin, , Carried. ORA! COMUTIICATIONS. None. REPORTS OF S TAIMING C OIMITTEES. None. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COIJUIITTEES. Trustee idartin reported that he had heard from the Telephone "ompany relative tc installation of Marshal Green's tele stated that the same would be installed at once. phone and HCEIVING OF BIDS. As the receiving of bide was made a special order of business fcr 8 O'clock P. i,%, President Rueger at this any persons who desired to file bids for the improvement bondseof thee City of El Segundo or any persons who desired to file bide for furnish- ing the City of E1 Segundo with road machinery as advertised for by the Board, and promptly at 8 o'clock P. M., all bide being in, the President declared the bids closed. The Board then proceeded tc open and publicly declare all bide received for the improvement bonds of the City Of Segundo _ ly advertised for sale by scid Board, which said bide were determinedoby said 3oard to be as fcllows: to -wit: Bid of Blyth, jitter & Co. , .Los Angeles, California, as follows: