1917 NOV 14 CC MIN81-- 9eguniio , Cal. November 14th,1919. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7;30 o'clock p.m. on the above'date,in the City ::all by Carl 'rnest :;ueger,president of the Board. The City Clerk being zbsent,the ?resident appointed Trustee Coward clerk pro tem and he immediately took up the dunes of clerk. ROLL CALL. TRUSTEES PR23MTTJ : Coward,ldartin and Rueger. TR' STE S AB3FIIT : Smiley and 'e7ard. Trustee ;lard appeared at 7 :40 o'clock p.m. READII? I.2I:UT ES PREVIOUS IMET I I: C . The minutes of the previous meeting were read."ilo errors or ommissions being noted,Trustee '.lard moved that the;; be adopted. Trustee i,:artin second- ed the motion,and uion vote the same carried. ;7 ITT 00i:..UUICATIONS. The Western Lithograph Company concerning the engraving of Bonds, E.T. Barnum Iron Ilorks regarding the purchase of jail equipment. ._ierican Radiator Company relative to installation of radiators in the proposed City Hall. �.0. Lewis presenting statement of Interest on City Account. 'Loved by Trustee :.:a-rtin, seconded by Trustee 7iard that the communications be - 'iled,ani t'_e - -otion curried. OR_ : Cl IC Z1.7 i0113. :,:r. ','Im. '7ITga1 ad resse:I +-,-.e 3oar3 in regard to the licensing of wagons. City- A`tcrn.ey read the Ordinance paragraph concerning same and ui�on his sug- gestion the ratter was referred to t',,--e City _.:arsrall,who was instructed to sec into t' -_e __.after imrrediately. "one. REPORTS OF STANDIN s C01­17'27-EES . R 20RTS OF S ?ECIAL CO:.L.:ITTEES. City __tto_ --n0 stated that he had been informed that the tax money collett ed -or the City had amounted to the sum of = 254.00 in the month of October. As November has not as yet been compiled it will be impossible to get-any definite information concerning same till the 9th or 10th of December at the earliest. UI:FII +ISHM 3USINESS. The City Clerk was instructed to com.,:unicate with the Pacific Tel, and Tel. Co ir.- ediately askin , for the _nstallation of the phone ir. i. arsgall Tree::': residence as soon as possiole. "'re folio, irg demands being approved bythe Com_:-:ittee of Finance and Records were read: D.C. LE,7IS- sarbage collection for 'y CO. Publication. D i'L BLI a: :Ii' s Publication ?I 3., lii:D0 1_�RA ;.Storage s ^r Fire TE1.00. P? one R.7. _eam and driver --.ours. dr$^n for Sam tiE ­L r4 ­es: lrusteesCowar -3 - -arti^ ..oe o.^e. -,'&bsert:T1•ustee Y:-_lel . resident _'ueger Board of _rustees,sc cussed at leneth..'.i't gree upon t iat they I:ove'eez month ending Iiove=ber 14tg, :30.00 of Ord. 2' 2- 38.25y of Or3.�2,3- 6.75) :5.00 Dept. Sept 26th,to ITov.26,1917 16.00 Jackson Oettber account 2.00 a.l..oticn carried by J. a ever. stated that t .e wealth Board desiz ud trait i,._r _::_gin;- mattez "s 4.7p ortant to D er consiaeratle discussion concerning s^c" ith the Health 3oard on .. u_� ...tee � �:• 3.75 Total -- - ,077, Ll_e above demands foilowing vote: �o gee -u :; i uii t:.° :)fh might be dis- same, it was a- Friday evening, 2UREB . _ Sr4 Tt� ,ae,_ g6ved s e Coward, seconded by Trustee Martin that the BONDT ; n he F D3 T A�� D ;POSIT C0I.' -1Y OP 'LURYI,A1 D as surety, dated October 31st,1917 ,submitted in the sum of�'500.00 be and-the-same is hereby approved. Carried. 1.:arshall 3reen was instructed to speak to motorists,v,ho do not comply �7 ith the law re,;ardinb mufflers.. _ toad 1,:achinery was discussed,but action was deferred upon City Attor- ney 7 oodworth's advice. :.:cued b;7 .trustee ',ard,seconded b- trustee 1,_artin,that the meetir,2 -. ad- journ. Carried. I espectfully submitted, City Clerk pro-tem. A "resident Tfoarcl of 7ruotees.