1917 NOV 07 CC MIN8 - E1 Segundo, Cal., November 7th, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the abare date, in the City hall by Carl Ernest Rueger, president of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Coward, 13CEM, Smiley and Rueger. Trustees absent: Ward., artin. READII,,G 1.;I1,iUTES RE7VICUS I: EETI1`G. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. No errors or omissions being noted, Trustee Smiley moved that they be adopted. Trustee Ca7ar'd seconded the notion, and upon vote, the same carried. Trustee ',_artin _ , y e.;.ra a V 7:50 o' clocif TT T :'.FI E7. U1v'ICF_TIOi,S- RE -CRTS CF STA',DIriG COL_i,:ITT -_ES. .!'.one. RE_ G=LTS OF S=_ ECIAL CO::1.ITTEES . .The City Clerk reported that the _acific Telephone Telegraph Co., had-been requested to remove the telephone from the residence of the former ,..arshal, ; " ;. Jackson and to install one in the residence of the present 1- arshal, Louis V. Green, and that the required deposit of $3.50 had been forwarded to the Telephone Company. The City Clerk reported that as directed, he had purchased a Royal Ty ewriter, - rice of same being X100.00 less 10; and 10,-",' net cost to City being .;81.00. Typewriter had been delivered to the City Clerk and was awaiting disposition from the Health Officer, for whose Dep^rtment the machine is intended. The City Engineer reported that to improve Richmond Street, from curb to curb, with material as is to be used on Ballona Avenue, would cost not to exceed x$,2.00 per front foot. UnFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance ido. 24, entitled: "A1 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AhaNDING O DI:: ?:CE NO. 5 OF SAID CITY ASSED ON THE 14th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 191711 , which was introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 31st day of October, 1917, was read. Trustee Smiley moved that this ordinance be adopted. Trustee Coward seconded the motion and the ordinance was r assed by the follcwing vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, I.:artin, Smiley and Rueger. Hoes: Hone Absent: Trustee ard. The follo:-:inz resolution was .introduced by Trustee Coward, who moved the adoption of the same: , "RES TI T-T� '� , that from and after the 1st day of 1vov. 1917, and until the further 9,r4er this Board, the Health Officer of the City- of Ll Segundo, California, snail receive the sum of Ten Dollars (;10.00) -per month as compensation for his services as such officer, and said sum shall be payable at the same time and in the same manner as other City salaries are paid." Trustee Smiley seconded t:e motion to adopt this reso- lution, C.--rid the same carried by the following vote: A ' _ s : Trustees Coward, L:artin, Smiley and P.ueger. ::oes : 1�one. Absent: Trustee - A_ "I11G BILLS. The followin-- Demands, having had the approval of the Co::�mittee of Finance & Records, were read: Clyde ' oodworth Attorney's typewriting expense i. ''23.53 Victor D. cCarthy petty cash expenditures 9.90 Royal Typevyriter Co. 1 Royal Typewriter #10/305643 81.00 Standard Cil Co. Labor & , -.aterial furnished-Sect. 1917. 3 8.87 Trustee Coward moved that the Demands be allowed and warrants drawn for the several amounts. Trustee Smiley seconded the motion and the same carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, ; :artin, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee hard. NEB BUSINESS. The fact that the Street Superintendent needed tools with which to drawn trees was drawn to the attention of the Boars by 'lresi dent Rueger, following which Trustee Sriiley moved the adoption of the fo lution: llowing reso- "RESOLVEL, that the Street Superintendent be authorized to purchase tools necessary for trirrjning trees, at a cost not to exceed -J25.00." Trustee :.: actin seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and the same carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Caard, Lartin, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee 17ard. Trustee Coward introduced Resolution 1:o. 10 a'ertitled: "A RESOLUTI�1? 0- T: BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T.T� CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RE= EALING RESCL L?TICT` 1,,-.o. S OF SAID BOARD _ ASSED ON THE 17th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1817. ", and moved that it be adopted. Trustee 1;artin seconded the motion and the resolution_ was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Elartin, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: 1,one. Absent: Trustee lard. Trustee Smiley introduced and moved the adoption of Resolution Np. 110 entitled: "A RESCLUTIO11 OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTIEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING A CERTAI"', FRANCHISE FOR TRANSI,:ITTING AND DISTRIBUT- IIiJ ELECTRICAL KvTERGY IN SAID CITY, TO BE ADVERTISED FOR SALE." Trustee :::actin seconded the motion to adopt this resolution and the same was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, i ?lartin, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee 7,ard. ADJOURNI:ENT . Trustee Smiley moved that the meeting adjourn. Trustee " artin seconded the motion, and it carried. '�,RITTEN COi..:UI ?I CAT IO1,S. A .letter from the k- ierican Rubber :anu.facturinJ Company, advising, of an advance in ,orices of hose, as of 1;ovember 15th, was read. Trustee Smiley moved that the sa,. -e be filed. Trustee .:arrtin seconded the motion which carried. Respectfully submitted, A :. Lo'VEL City Clerk. C reei,_fer_t :-,;oard of Trustees