1917 MAY 23 CC MINa
91 Segundo, G.1. , :::ay 23d, 1917.
Reg:%_lar meetir;; of the Board of trustees of the City o= Rl Segundo
was held in the City Hall on the 23rd day of :.:ay, 1917, with President
Rueger in the chair, and was called, to order at 7:30 o'clock Z. :.:.
Trustees Present; Coward, ..:artin, Smiley and Rueger.
Trustees Absent : lard.
R� dIP's :Si:U'� S
the minutes of the previous neetirg were read without error or omiss-
ion beir- noted and it was moved b-° - 'rustee Smile; seconded - rustee
Co,rard t:iat ti_ey be appr07ed. Carried.
'�I- I0i'::
T .
?ror: the �l ae -urdo lard E_ Improver.ent Co. praying for easer:erts.
7ro- Yran':el w ?rankel corcerninz dedication of property, as ar ex-
terzior of Corcord Street.
rOr t e '71endale Chamber of Cormierce inviting the cor.' .unity to be
present in that city duri,-�- the staff, of the rreparedness Trair.
nor t I_e ...a7%or of San Diego inviting the City to send a rerresenta-
titiTe to t' -�t city' On t:lE occasio -� of the �riendsI- Mesta•
:._Ove - '2--us tee :�::ilp ', secondeu bI% - rustee Coward, that t 'ey be
file'.; --"or future -_,'e-f-_--e--_e and consideration.
i I07 U
nutsor on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, requested
the use of t_'e •City :ail tiro rid :hts each month for that bodly.
_._owed b-% rustee ..:artir, seconded by Trustee Coti:'ard, t.:at the Char:ber
of Cor:nerce be allov,e." t _e use of tr_e %its- :all, every alternate Friday
ri ;ia each .:.orth co.- :::ercir� :._ay 2,-t-,- _, 1 °1 ". _Carried.
`c ^e 31:"_ 0= Jf_e _ubli^ .do :s voiLL tee reported ti:at =:E
U_ -E �l arl u 7 t v02._Zr wee'.-. Gr'» V:ifwl
_.r1Zo -a e .es 'i3O'.ild _er proceed.
_: o
7SS .
:._aved b�.� '-rustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, t_lat the Demand
of. tine 'eBald -Publishing Co., in the sun of' "49.05 be allowed and a W arrant
r ,�r for same. Carried by the fo11) :-'in; vote.
'-yes: .'Irustees Coward, :_anti -, .:mile 77 and :;ue-,er.
oes ; ;:ore .
bserit : Trustee HXKgKX :lard.
';l Bu SI ±S
:..o 7T rut ee ile; seconded rustee 0oward, that theappli-
ver - :- a, -
cation of t:_e -1 Se;ur:}o Lard s- Improvement Company, for easements request-
ed in their letter be granted, ,rith t ,e proviso that when it is desired
to er�OrTM: wer_. of a si :.ilar nature it the future, a bond of ?1000.00 to
i -sure rol er rester :tio-n of street surfaces, would be required and that
3treEt be no — f- ed when such wor'r'_ is- cor_n,e:'lced• and
Car= �ea.
_ 7-e_ _ee . eco �. -= ti'�ee ..:u =tin teat the
>_ >
0:.....i t�G 1)e at'- _- i.J .. tc asCertair fron ar ca i e0t,
4^ ;__6C, on su,, piers,, cost. Of 11r _'_l ire,
E:_., i= 'ems -_Oo6 ai ct:_ equip: ant '_':ecessary for a :ire
u tFE J.'.1_�'= , r c:3J Ci 7�' :'L''_ e ter.
:)z),3-.ors u' .- ...�; ^11 =s:0 +' _�E� �e referred to �ttor . :tarried
-_-e i... ' y w Cam" li.-_ 1 ^1�
-'a VGe v0''.! ��w, CE �7'. � _ u`Ee 31..11 , � ^u
rec,ue ��a obtain estimates on cost of repairing
c _ u . -- s _re et- s as enti0red �� -:= as bee Coward.. Carried
.� :�LL�� , secor...ed b„T -L uo ueE v0'r ;cCrC1, t..at Vt_(' v1
;l O E: a tyro ti;ee_.s ieuT. cf a "Dserce front rune 4th, 1 °1"'• tarried.
6E C _.i lE: sec - _..__ by - rL_stee ::art-r, t:_at t ::e 'r. ei-
�1_ e c. U_ , , at ci .- v
:ems_ -OFul LC s« ..._t U k,