1917 MAR 14 CC MIN:.. > ,f� ,a REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 14th, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of 1.1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :35 P. in the City Hall, on the above date, President Rueger in the chair. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Coward, -- artin, Smiley and Rueger. Trustees Absent: Ward. Reading I.:inutes Previous Leeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. The City Attorney objected to the use of the word "January" as incorporated in the resolut- ion passed at the previous meeting approving the City Seal, and stated that the abbreviation "Jan." should have been used. It was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes be al.proved as corrected, which carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coviard, - Laartin, Smiley and Rueger. :absent : Trustee 17ard Written Communications. From the Vencie Chamber of Commerce, advising of a meeting to be held :.:arch 17th, at Venice, to arrange means for defeating the efforts of the Ci _71 of Los ,n_geles to annex beach property. ,rom James �. owell, stating that :.:r. L. L.1cCray would arrange to have a representative at the meeting. :,:otion by Trustee S: iley seconded b�, Trustee :,:artin, that the letters be filed, carried. Oral Communications, From j7. Woodard, requesting a permit to operate a Billiard Room, pend- the result of the proposed election on the matter. C From H. D. Foster, stating that the petition to call a special elect- ion on the Poll Room Ordinance was not ready but would be presented at the next meeting. Reports of Standing Committees. filing device Trustee Smiley reported that in the matter of a 1911 for the city, he would recommend a safe rather than a safe cabinet, in which opinion Trustee = .:actin_ concurred. i..oved by Trustee :,:artin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the follow- ing resolution be adopted: Resolved that the Connittee on Finance and Records be, and they are hereby authorized to order one safe for the proper keeping of records of. the Cit,T of E.1 Segundo, at a cost not to exceed X175.00. The resolution was adopted by the following vote: ',yes: Trustees Coward, :.:actin, Smiley and Rueger. IToes: More. .ibsent : Trustee ;lard. Reports of Special committees. Unfinished 3usiness. Trustee Coward moved the adoption of Ordinance I:o. 12, entitled: rT �-� Tr. -�1r "'T-1`1 O ­ry A . ..DI "A- CE Oi �r±E _�L 3 '3 —'1`DO LICEi:SIiIG AED �v.CuI_kTIi.1 T'T ,.T- 0? �L aI:TBSS IS.1C =.: � 'e- -17 :TD C 2-3 D OII IN SAID CITY AI,D FIIIIs _� PF= :�1LTY r0 :. TIOIL� ^ICi: T 3�OF, which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 7th day of i.:arch, 1 0,17. Trustee Smiley seconded the motion and the ordinance was passed by the followir.­ vote: 21.7, Tes: Trustees Coward, :,:artin, Smiley and Rueger. IToes: Done. absent . Trustee 7 ard. UNFR 21 3egula.t - .:eeting o ° ;..arcs i4t 1 °17, cost' J 1. Trustee Coward moved t'r_e adoption of O-rdina",ce --o. 13, entitled: An Ordinance of the City of E1 Se;undo, regulating the appearance of :.:irors on the rublic Streets and 'laces of Said City after 9 o' clock P..., which was introduced and read at a reV~ular meetinT- of the _-oard of Trustees held on the 7th da., of :.:arch, 1917. Trustee :.:artir_ seconded the the Notion and '.he ordinance ,r:as nass'_d by the _'o1lo:rinT vote: yes . Trustees Co -.,are , -.-cL- 3n it ey and oes: X x _Tone. absent : Trustee 'lard. :,:oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 1_^astee :.:artir, ­L-at J1_e following -resolution be ado �aed: 'J, 7 oodar ter ,plicalio � - i a �4 Clerk on t'---e 7th da-T of --..arcs, 1 ° -i7, -:as = er_aested t==at 'Sra-t ed :_ir: to conduct a _ 0 1 -i - =_ �� V ;, 01, 17 ._,e Sitaa wed on t:_e lest side of _:ich:_.o -c1 , ( 0t5 ")1 )e t,reen r ,,air an_,_ a10-,a _.-,-e.. �.:s, i ^ -_3 0- 1 Ol 0;% u "te _ ?er::assior =.1. cr- 7i,icv :a _'o�1 711i'a d O is 171 at said c_.-- r f L I Rio _, o_ o iod a� ' -on as e :_e.: J sect to -._e �i: o� " -- e -oz:rd o-' steel L,3 a 0 .1er _e; o: =a ` -: _._.:e all au provlile'a i Ordi� a -,'ce .._.® J_: al L vru s �.J I1 �1,. _._�_. _'.JJ�y'f -11✓ . a_t.`lJ J�v Jler__ Ssil 1L�.e�.�l.Z, L'elU ir3S., -e a -hitter nerr�it unto said a, c7ican_t therefor-_ The said resolution was add)pted .JET the followinz vote: .iyes . Trustees C'o,;rard, :- .:rtir , �.._ile wnd _`u es e r Does: hone. - :�bsent : Trustee - .lard. ?aying Sills. 1:oved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the follo-,T ing bills, as approved by the Committee on Finance and records, be allowed and warrants dravrn for same: Herald Publishing Co. Stationery and Office Suplies- .54.75 Herald Publishing Co. Publication Ordinances, 5,6,7, 9 and 10 38.00 S�9 75 The motion carried by the following vote: dyes : Trustees Coward, .-.:artin, Smiley and -_'Luege-r. . hoes 3bse­ _t : Trustee lard. illel:7 3'uSi neSS. The Clerk had been requested to ask the to adopt a - A7_ -da-T Closing; Ordinance. Trustee Smile-, suggested that no action taxer_ until the matter had been liven enough publicity, to permit all persons interested to express opinions; and he asked the attorney to look up the law covering the same. .Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance 'o . 14, en tit led ; Ai' 0. {DI" F 7EE CITY OF 7"' 7. - TTT �ry n r1 �� :i_,„�, 0 t,I_ �r �Z ,� .Tu1 :D0 P_.O'�I�Ii, ?0 __._� ;:;L1.I1:1 OF ELE-CTIONS III SAID CITY. The quest on was raised as to the location and accomncdations for a city -ound, and tine Natter was referred to the Committee or. Public Safety. It was suggested that the City Hall could be better ven'ii ,ted if the transom over the door were fixed and the matter was referred to the Comr.=ittee on Finance and 2ecords for attention.. Trustee Smiley su :� csted that the ._.:arsral establish an office hour w:Zicr. mid :t be published for the information. of the public.. :.loved by Trustee Smiley, adjourn until Wednesday :.:arch Approved: seconded by Trustee :::artin, that the meet - 21st, 1917 at 7:30 P.L. at the same place. rtespectfully submitted, - City Clerk. a