1917 JUN 20 CC MINRegular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P.l::_, on the above date, in the city Hall, by president Rueger. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Coward, Smiley and Rueger. Trustees Absent: 1dartin and ;-hard. 3EADIYG :.I ^UTES PREVIOUS =rTIi: ". The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th day of June, 1917, were read without error or omission being noted and it was moved by Trustee j::ile-:, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the same be approved. Carried. `"he �_inutes of the meeting held on the 13th day of June, 1917, were read. Yo errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by 7- rustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that they be approved. Carried. Trustee `'lard appeard at 7:55 o' clocr. 2. _. . common consent, the regular order of business was dispensed with and i,_r . L-ch'night of the :Southern California Hdison Company addressed the -oard relative to Illegally formed lighting districts. The City Attor- ney ren:ar_-ed brie -fly on the matter and promised to investigate and report at a later date. Ill= ::i�..Ui. ./ =ice 10 i. from =uy Barnes, asking Board's permission to install slot machines and punch boards. The Board did not approve of these and instructed the clerk to so advise 3a.-nes. 'rustee 1 -artir appeared at t,_e meetin. at 8:20 P. �.:. r� ORAL 00 101 IOC.:, . one. OF Trustee - Jr-ile-1 for the -ublic ',7or�-.s committee, reported that "rand :venue was in now in fair shape and the work was progressing and that he thought the work on lirizona St. would be complete by the end of the week. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COI.u.:ITTEES. ---'he City attorney read the letter he addressed to the Venice Cham- ber of Co=erce, stating reasons why E1 Segundo objected to annexation to the City of Los Angeles, whereupon it was gloved by Trustee Smiley, second- ed by astee Coward, that the Board approve the same. Carried. i'3.7 3USI1 LS -oved by Trustee Co-,-i_:rd, seconded by -Trustee 1.:artin, that ZXFXXI " V: from and after June 1st, 1917, the salary of the Superintendent of Streets be fixed at the sum of(.�?500) Five Dollars per month, to be paid until the further order of this board. The motion carried by the following vote: 'yes: Trustees Coward, i.:artin, Smiley, ;Turd and 3ueger. ;oes: _.one. 'Ibs en t . Y4 or e . 'rastee :ileT introduced the folio�rin5 resolution and Moved its ado_. tion . ?EaOI'TES that the ?resident of t_e Board of ^rustees and the 'Merl,, be and they are 'r_e-re'oy aut_o-rized to borrow the sum of rive ^`red Dollars, (`,500.00', frog: the El :Segundo State 3ar_lt, for the period Of six nont _s and to e_�.ecate a promissory note therefor in the name of its' 0 :1 `e "11'.? 0 by S4i reSiGen and ity Clerl_.' Said loan shall �v ei, es t a a ..:_C r ce of se -v e": pe_ cer t per aN nun "Y . .. and Shall be the :-ali �,.� sa��si s ti�� _ Obl� �_.' _J . 0_ ic.. city.- oft 8e;undo until fully Ee �. (:.r -1- vi n i' the Told o..ing _ as a .;e fL .e :_o . �o �___ ,,. carried l �:1ile;r, ;urd and __,ue_;er. 1 1,10, 1 Ll I .-, an c e o 16, e r, t- i t I e d 7 C) :D7---`:C-- THE - z - V. USE OF FIRE CFACKERS, TORPEDOES, FIREWORKS AlTD DISPLAY =,,L0SIVES OF ALL KINDS WITFIN SAID CITY. -e-eral --o--.-- s Qer 0 "b s -4 -n e s s ch w a 8 oZ e e e 'n i e e t "I J, U.. ewi s -37 �Tf-�, sel-c-- -�el -i- the sun--. of �30-0", 1�7o r :--.rba-e anc-L cans ^i r- the mon�',, b �-; --- I �l 6— 0 " -.*a-7,, be allo,.-,,ed, a-- rt ara�--- for sane. -the mo-vion carried 11 a ,,.,arr a. bY the folllov.-!-r- -rote : e E; rustees .-artin e- e L yard a d e; er . o-e e, ')TT-- --7 -7 -77. -'-ee ...artir tha. the r.eet- ove- e U ov,- d: ct-f'ull,-- subr.d-ttea, -�,. e - — e4wv-r ki UW 'der� - Lees. 2 r e s L -1 sard of ll�ust tT L• ^SS