1917 JUN 20 CC MINRegular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo
was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P.l::_, on the above date, in the city
Hall, by president Rueger.
Trustees Present: Coward, Smiley and Rueger.
Trustees Absent: 1dartin and ;-hard.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th day of June, 1917, were
read without error or omission being noted and it was moved by Trustee
j::ile-:, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the same be approved. Carried.
`"he �_inutes of the meeting held on the 13th day of June, 1917, were
read. Yo errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by 7- rustee Coward,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that they be approved. Carried.
Trustee `'lard appeard at 7:55 o' clocr. 2. _. .
common consent, the regular order of business was dispensed with
and i,_r . L-ch'night of the :Southern California Hdison Company addressed the
-oard relative to Illegally formed lighting districts. The City Attor-
ney ren:ar_-ed brie -fly on the matter and promised to investigate and report
at a later date.
Ill= ::i�..Ui. ./ =ice 10 i.
from =uy Barnes, asking Board's permission to install slot machines
and punch boards. The Board did not approve of these and instructed the
clerk to so advise 3a.-nes.
'rustee 1 -artir appeared at t,_e meetin. at 8:20 P. �.:.
ORAL 00 101 IOC.:, .
Trustee - Jr-ile-1 for the -ublic ',7or�-.s committee, reported that "rand
:venue was in now in fair shape and the work was progressing and that he
thought the work on lirizona St. would be complete by the end of the week.
---'he City attorney read the letter he addressed to the Venice Cham-
ber of Co=erce, stating reasons why E1 Segundo objected to annexation to
the City of Los Angeles, whereupon it was gloved by Trustee Smiley, second-
ed by astee Coward, that the Board approve the same. Carried.
i'3.7 3USI1 LS
-oved by Trustee Co-,-i_:rd, seconded by -Trustee 1.:artin, that ZXFXXI "
V: from and after June
1st, 1917, the salary of the Superintendent of Streets be fixed at the
sum of(.�?500) Five Dollars per month, to be paid until the further order
of this board. The motion carried by the following vote:
'yes: Trustees Coward, i.:artin, Smiley, ;Turd and 3ueger.
;oes: _.one.
'Ibs en t . Y4 or e .
'rastee :ileT introduced the folio�rin5 resolution and Moved its
ado_. tion .
?EaOI'TES that the ?resident of t_e Board of ^rustees and the
'Merl,, be and they are 'r_e-re'oy aut_o-rized to borrow the sum of rive
^`red Dollars, (`,500.00', frog: the El :Segundo State 3ar_lt, for the period
Of six nont _s and to e_�.ecate a promissory note therefor in the name of
its' 0 :1 `e "11'.? 0 by S4i reSiGen and ity Clerl_.' Said loan shall
�v ei, es t a a ..:_C r ce of se -v e": pe_ cer t per aN nun "Y
. .. and Shall be the
:-ali �,.� sa��si s ti�� _ Obl� �_.' _J . 0_ ic.. city.- oft 8e;undo until fully
Ee �. (:.r -1- vi n i' the Told o..ing
_ as a .;e fL .e :_o . �o �___ ,,. carried l
�:1ile;r, ;urd and __,ue_;er.
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-i- the sun--. of �30-0", 1�7o r :--.rba-e anc-L cans ^i r- the mon�',,
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e; er .
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