1917 JUN 13 CC MINZ-11 Segundo, C�1 ., June igi-i , e* --eE 7 - et C .1. !U S -eS s_- e - e b -er za t 7 3 J o 0 v2. Z Or L:.,Ove dnte. U a-;,ia­ onleave o-f absence t'-e __ ­Zruee Co .:a e1-:_ r c te:_. and -:-e iY--1--e-d'iatel,-, assun.-ed "I es C-1 '1er7-. 7 7 e e Z, 7- s e- mac-; ard, -L _1 --)- t i a e e2: E - L e e e e -a E; e a- - 0 7' 7_ 0'or_,.­.e1 -ce a,rd -_1 e2z"U fO I ar d a-d ii::_ rove - r e~'t o: ":,ar -we-1,e read and ordered filed. T T C) :-ea -'av-'-Q ref e�_­red several zna-'1te-_s to t-,.e and he _U e, ._ 1, lo- _e t'--e a-,­ t".e would s,and bei_ind -h-m. tee .,'al-d appearc-d -a�,- the Meeting at 8:00 U :._r. r e e in a r of the Lambert 0 spoke to the 3oard the Lanbert-Yord ?ire J 07 "DETa _%0' ITTEE3 A 3 0, its- -:I u o e­ Wo odwo rt h repo e d that he had heard fron, -rarj:e 1 .el arc that the strip: o Srourd they proposed to dedicate to the City. eras not -'U*!,.e width of the present street. the Board did rot IMNY favor cutting up the acreage unless the streets could be run straight through without a Jog and it was decided not to approve the map, as pre- 7 s e e d by -7 r rl n"z e 1 Frar:el. LT,.,FIT T I HED 3USITTESS "'he Cit'; lttorne-,j, was asir-,ed to write -"-e Chanber Of Commerce voicing __U U U U.. �j U-e 7, o :ds opposition to annexation with the City of Jos .Ingeles. U YIITl .4 �-T SILLS. --oved by Trustee .-_',ar1Ui_-, seconded by Trustee that the following aliowcd and warrants dra-.,,,-r, for sane: 7. Davis 7r erlir� 1.24 Knutson —14 .75 '20tal ,-e ­_-otiori J c,_rried ­J,�7 j_­A-Le ­-es . _r�_ tees Co%-iard, lard 0 c.71 -,- - L e Z; le. _'T v o -'U- e : and -.--uezer. C, t--o1,rEY read pro ,sed contract bet­,ieen the City of U e-, ood .­nd _Iu�, 0- -j- 3e undo coverinc- the renal u I Of Load -ach- .L-,n e was `-em moved by --r-,,,stee seconded by Trustee _L,ar • 4-- tin, 1- Uat '.De adoi.-Ued: t1hat the -r-residentZ, and '.At-y 011er7_� pro ten; be and they are 0-0 --e2eb77 authorized and instructe-1 to ey4ecute upon behal-F, o-F' the City- U­ U r CL C , the of he contract presented to the _`-oar'd this date with the City Inglewood, and bearing date tine -0 e llth day 0 June, 1917, and being U for the rent of the -Load --lachinery Of the City of Ingle rood. Carried. D � 0% C �, C- -:--a st e e 5-.-.'t i­ , s e C or d e :1 b' '2 rus t e e -.'.,a d , that t h e Tn e e t i n adjourr. t; married. -Aespectfull-7 submitted, .7 City C2:6'r;Zpr(6 ter:. -r C vc 0 3 � 7�­7