1917 JUL 11 CC MINd ; "`^"��'k�' -• ._ .... ir`i�k�.-+'IT��'�'�r� sw � -Cc: :" s�vs e4.. c2'E. .'�Y. -?'[y1 - .. r 'E'1 S , CSE .1., Ji_ly llth, 1° _ y r +, r ii __ r oa --,d of .'� es o_ e o_ - e`t_, yras _e 3 a11ed o c r d e r a 7 :3 c cIoc__ _ on --the ab-,re date, in the City, ��- �resider� :;. �. - L =ueaer. 30T? CA L. Trustees rresert : _._artir. Sriile r -and =ueger • Trustees assent : Coward an _ '..e previous meeting were read. 'o errors or 0-- ,issiors - u :r ;earin—, it ;.-as noveu '��- - rustee 5._ile- , secor .e', '0�- Trustee _._art in, at ti-e same be apnroved, an:: the motion carried. '� or e • . Cral Comma= nicatiors . _`.nerican La Trance :Fire Ln� ine CompLln�- subn.L V d a ver -Dal pro- ,osition to the 3oard of Trustees, concerninZ the purchase of zi.,tonobile Fire 'pparatus. (Trustee Ward appeared at the meeting at 8:10 o' clo ck ._.:. ) It was moved by '-Irustee ';mile-,t, seconded by Trustee .lard, that the following -resolution be adopted: It appearing that the _imerican La France :ire 3noine Company- has made the r_-nost advantageous proposition concerning fire ap�,aratus, noel therefore, be it R3SGi'I3 �` tyat t "r_e Cityr �fttorrey7 be instructed to confer with the _.mer- i - ,, ° --, -ce Fire 3n.Uine Conpar:y, , relative to the lemality of the prono- sitior offered this City ". 1'he resolution carried. = 27'0 =,T C� 7_ _:I1'T33 � _o,,r;. S?_CI_A I; CO'.-.ITT U'_ "FI 'I j .IED : U SIDE:.:! . Fore. lyI %:,l BILLS . The following Demands were approved by the Committee of Finance and records, and read: $14.00 Herald Publishing Co., Su' :plies for Clerk & Health Board A TV 'V TV Publication of Ordinance #16 5.00 Total 1 9.00 ...oved by '."rustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee ;ard, that the above :errands be allowed and warrants drawn. for same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees idartin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent : Trustee Coward. _ _ 7E1..7 BJSI L'4ESS . Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance '_'o. 17, entitled: An Ordinance of the City, of El Se ,,undc authorizing the making of certain improvements within said city upon certain streets and street intersections therein, by the County of Los Angeles, California. ADJOLTRNi1T . .'roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee i,iartin, that the meeting ad j ,)urr . Carried. Respectfully submitted, Annrovea : o(/ C r . (2 A Presi ent ^oard of Trus es,