1917 JAN 31 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., January 31st, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, was called to order at 7 :30 P.1,1. on the above date, in the Council Chamber in the E1 Segundo Hotel Building, President Rueger in the chair. ROLL CALL. Trustees present: Coward, 1dartin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. Trustees absent: None. READIN'3 TIUTLS PREVIOUS 1LELTIT; G . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, no errors or omissions being noted. READING `WRITTEN CO u.:UTICATIO1;S. Letter from 7.Wm. Woodard making application for Billiard Room License. Letter from 'Z:7. P. Hanton applying for Billiard Room License. Application of Arthur '.. Cory, of Inglewood, for appointment to the�- office of City Engineer. Application of Ernest H. 'Wilcox of Los Angeles, for appointment to" the office of City Engineer. All of the above were ordered placed on file. Oral Communications, The _resident announced the pleasure of the Board to listen to any one present, who desired to bring any matter to their attention. Tio one was heard from. 3EPO'RTS OF SPECIAL COii'ZITiEES. Relative to arrangements for making a loan for the city, Trustee ( dartin reported,as chairman of the committee appointed for the purpose fat the last meeting, that he had conferred with L1r. Lewis of the El Segun- do State Lank, who believed that the bank could not make the loan. True a 9r Smiley then reported that he had taken the matter up with Mr. Howell, ident of the bank, who was of the opinion that the matter could be arran a if the Board would pass a resolution authorizing such loan. He further `� reported that the rate of interest would be seven per cent. City Attorney Woodworth then reported that in his efforts to asoer tain the amount of money to be refunded tothe city by the Board of Super- " visors of Los Angeles County, he had learned from the County Auditor that the assessed valuation of city was, as near as could be determined at this time, $1,340,855.00. He also interviewed Hr. Joyner, who is in charge of this, the fourth Road District, who informed him that of the money allotted for use in this district, one -half has been expended, and it was estimated that in the adjustment of the matter, it would probably be found that a sum approximating $2000.00, would be returned to E1 Segundo. Trustee I:iartin introduced the following resolution, which was second- ed by Trustee Smiley: RESOLVED that the President of the Board of Trustees and the City Clerk, be and they are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of Five Hun- dred Dollars, 0500.00) from the E1-3egundo State Bank, for the period of ten months, and to execute a promissory note therefor in the name of the ✓ City of El Segundo by said President and City Clerk. Said loan shell bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum and shall be the valid and subsisting obligation of said City of E1 Segundo until fully- paid'an.d discharged. This resolution was passed by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Llartin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, Tone. Absent, None. UT?FIr I SHE'D BUSINESS. Trustee Coward introduced the following resolution: RESOLVED that a Street Superintendent be appointed for the City Of yl Segundo; said official to receive such compensation as the Board of ✓ Trustees may hereafter determine, and to enter upon the duties of his office immediately upon appoinjsmen:� thereto, continued on page 6. Continued" �rom' pagsr�: Trustee Smiley seconded the motion and the resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES,. Coward, Martin, Smile _y, Ward and Rueger. NOES, done. ABSENT, None. Trustee Coward then made motion, which was seconded by Trustee Smiley, that `'.. 7. Jackson be appointed Street Superintendent. The motion carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. Absent, None. Lotion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that furnit- ure necessary for Meeting room be purchased. The same carried. By common consent, The President appointed Trustee Smiley a committee of one for the purpose. Trustee Smiley made motion, which that the City Marshal be instructed to y ,ons and to have a telephone installed in the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, NOES, gone. Absent, clone. was seconded by Trustee Coward, archase star and necessary weap- his home. The same carried by yard and Rueger. Trustee Smiley moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 1, entitled: "An ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo fixing the time and place of official meetings ofthe Board of Trustees of said city." which was introduced and read at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, held January 22nd, 1917. The motion was seconded by Trustee Coward and passed by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. ABSENT, None. Trustee Smiley moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 2, entitled.. "An Ordinance ofthe City of E1 Segundo, fixing the penalty of the Official Bonds-of the Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal of said City", which was introduced and read at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 22nd day of January, 1914. The motion was seconded by Trus- tee Ward and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward,-Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. Absent. None. Trustee Coward moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 3,`entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of El Sep— io electing to avail itself of certain provisions of an act of the ature of the State of Cal- ifornia entitled: " AN ACT TO PRO`s" LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES BY AND FOR THE USE OF r0'" IONS AND CITIES INCORPOR- ATED UNDER THE LAWS OF T HI` EXCEPT MQNICIPAL COR- PORATIOTIS OF THE FIRST CIA. 'R THE CONSOLIDATION AND ABOLITION OF CERTAIN I,u"UNICl ROVIDE THAT THEIR DUT- IES MAY BE PERFORMED BY CER. '.OUNTY, AND FIXING THE CCMPESSATION TO BE ALLOWED F ,„RS FORTHE SERVICES SO RENDERED TO SUCH iu"UNICIPAL CL _.e.ROVED MARCH 27th, 1895,and ALL ACTS A210DING.THE SAME", _.&nee was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board _rustees held on the 22nd day of Jan- uary, 1917. The motion was NIUSkad seconded by Trustee Smiley and the ordinance adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. ABSENT Notion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that City Attorney be instructed to draft ordinance covering general business licenses. The same carried. Motion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance covering dog licenses. The same carried. Continued on page 7. Regular meeting, January 31st, 1917, continued from page No. 6. hi Motion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to cover the licensing and operation of a Pobl and Billiard Room. Carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. Noes, None. Absent, None. Motion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance to regulate the gen- eral health of the city. Carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger, NOES, None. ABSENT, None. Trustee Coward moved that a committee of one be appointed, to interview the two doctors practicing in the city, relative to one of them serving as Health Officer. Trustee Smiley 'seconded the motion and the same carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. Noes, None. Absent, None. The Chair then appointed Trustee Martin to serve on the Committee. entitled: Trustee Coward then moved the adoption of Resolution No. 1, "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF El SEGUNDO PROVIDING FIR THE APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF SAID BOARD'S which motion was seconded by Trustee Smiley; and the same carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. ABSENT, None. For personnel of Committees see foot note 41.`: Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance No.'4, entitled: Y "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO REGULATING THE PRESENT- ING, AUDITING AND PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE SAID CITY ", and the same then had its -first reading. Lotion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance regulating obstruct- ions in streets, carried. Mr. Wilcox then announced to the Board that he had a map of the _ city, a duplicate of which he would be glad to present to the city if the Board cared to assume the cost of blue print. Motion by Trustee Martin, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the city avail itself of the offer, carried. The President, on behalf of the board, thanked Mr. Wilcox for his offer. Moved by Trustee Smiley that the salary of City Clerk, City Attorney and City Marshal be fixed at $25.00 per month each, from date of - appointment. The motion was seconded by Trustee Coward and carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES, None. ABSENT, None. Trustee Smiey desired information as to the charge City Attorney would make for typewriting, and the Attorney replied that while the City of Inglewood allowed him 15 cents for original sheets and 5 cents each for carbon copies, he would be willing, in view of the limited amount of money available for city expenses for the first year, to contract to furnish the original sheets for ten cents each and carbon copies for two and one - half cents each. Motion by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee Smiley, that Trustee Martin be appointed a committee of one to have the following words lettered• on the door of the meeting room: OJITY HALL - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - CITY TAE SURE - CITY RECORDER - CITY M RSHAL. Carried. continued on page S. Continued from page 7. The City Clerk then drew the attention of the Board to a form in use in the City of Manhattan setting forth the order of business, with a space allowed under different headings for-the insertion of data as a mat- ter of advance information for the President and Trustees. The idea met with general approval and after some changes were suggested in the arrange- ment by the City Attorney and City Clerk, Trustee Martin moved that wead- opt the form and that the Herald Publishing Company be authorized to print 500 of the same. The motion was seconded by Trustee Coward and carried by the following vote, to wit: AYES, Coward, Curtin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES None. ABSE11T , None. There being no further business, it was moved by Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Ward, that the meeting adjourn until Wednesday February 7th, 1917, at 7 :30 o'clock P. M. at the same place. FOOT -NOTE NO. 1. In compliance with the requirements of Resolution No. 1, the Pres- ident appointed committees as follows: THE COPdUTTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY - Trustee Ward, Chairman. Trustee Coward. THE COMZTTEE OF FINANCE AND RECORDS - Trustee Smiley, Chairman. Trustee Martin. THE CO =TTEE OF PUBLIC SERVICE - Trustee Coward, Chairman. Trustee Ward. THE CO1=TTEE OF PUBLIC WORKS - Trustee Martin, Chairman. Trustee Smiley. Respectfully submitted, � 4 APPROVED: SI T OA 0 STE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO.