1917 FEB 14 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., February 14th, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo was called to order at 7 :55 P.L1. on the above date, in the City Hall in the E1 Segundo Hotel Building, President Rueger in the Chair. ROLL CALL Trustees present: Coward, Lartin, Ward and Rueger. Trustees absent: Smiley. READITTG �dINUTr,S PREVIOUS 12 STING. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and no exceptions be- ing noted, upon motion of Trustee Lartin seconded by Trustee Coward, which motion carried, they were ordered approved as read. VRITTEF COiuZITICLTIONS. From E. Stewart, Pasadena, Cal., offering furniture for sale. It was moved by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee laartin, that the - communication be placed on file. Carried. ORAL COL,11UNI CATIONS. L:r. 'Wilcox presented the Board with Laps of the City and remarked _ briefly concerning streets not formally dedicated as such. REPORTS OF STANDING CO=TTEE.S . The Committee of Finance and Records asked for another week in which to make up report as to equipment for the City Hall. No other committees had reports to make. REPORTS OF SPECIAL. COM- 12TTEES . City Attorney Woodworth reported that a payment of $1000.00, on _ account of the money due the city from the County, had been promised. Motion by Trustee Ward seconded by Trustee - Coward, that Yartin, who had been appointed as a committee to have certain on door of the City Hall, be discharged, as the work had been The motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Trustee ward introduced the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Bond of the City Clerk, submitted in $250.00, with the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COET-ANY OF MARYLAND as dated January 29th, 1917, be and the same is hereby approved; further Resolved that the Bond of the City 1:arshal, submitted ','?250.00, with the FIDELITY AID DEPOSIT CO1 PANY OF I- IRYLAND as dated January 29th, 1917, be and the same is hereby approved. Trustee Idartin seconded the introduction of the above and the same was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, 1dartin, 17ard and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Smiley. w Trustee Coward moved the adoption of Ordinance "Al? ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIXING CLEF.E, TREASURER, 14ARSHAL AND RECORDER OF SAID CITY", and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of February, 1917. Trustee Diartin seconded the motion was passed by the following vote: Trustee words placed completed. the sum of surety, and be it in the sum of surety, resolution No. 5, entitled: THE SALARY OF THE which was introduced held on the 7th day""' and the ordinance Ayes: Trustees Coward, Martin, Ward and Rueger; Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Smiley. None read. PAYING BILLS OF'FEBRVgRY 14th, - .1917, CONTINUED. Trustee Yartin introduced Ordinance No.6, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF El SEGUNDO PROVIDING FOR THE CONFINE- - L01T OF PERSONS ARRESTED THEREIN, which was read fort he first time. Trustee Ward introduced Ordinance No.7, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS WITHIN SAID CITY, which was read for the first time. Yloved by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee Ward that the City Clerk make application for membership in the League of Tviunicipalities and forward check for $10.00 to cover membership fee. Carried. Trustee idartin was excused by the chair at 8:55 P.Ir. Loved by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee Ward, that the meeting adjourn until Wednesday evening February 21st, 1917, at 7 :30 o'clock P.M. at the same place. APPROVED: Respectfully submitted, �2� R_LLc PRESIDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES.