1917 DEC 19 CC MIN--1.08 E1 Segundo, Cal., December 19th, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of :1 Segundo was held in the City Hall of said City on above date, being called to order at 7 :30 o'clock p.m. by Carl Ernest _Rueger, president of the Board. R©I,I, CALL. Trustees present: Coward, Smiley, Ward, and Rueger. Trustees absent: Lartin. =ING LaITUT S PREVIOUS LIEETING. The minutes of the previous meeting were read without error or omiss- ion being noted, and upon motion by Tris tee Coward, which was seconded by Trustee Ward, -and unanimously carried, the same were approved as read. WRITTr COLS- MICATIONS. Communications from the County Tax Collector, American Rubber fg. Co., Southern Califfornia Bdison Co. and the State Compensation Insurance Tuna were read, and upon motion by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee "lard, and unanimously carried, they were ordered filed. Trustee 1.artin arrived darin�, t- e readirg of co=:unications; at 7:50 o'clock p.m. , and took his seat. ORAI, C0L::MTICATI6j.,. Health Officer Davis requested additional information on tjte recent ruling of the Board relative to expenditures by the various departments, and eras informed that the same alplied only to special or extraordinary expenses, and not to the regular and necessary expenses of the departments. Health Officer Davis also drew the attention of the Board to a letter he had received concerning the living conditions of an aged couple in E1 Segundo. It was found that the people did not want for any necessaries and as the matter of the sanitation -of their living quarters was one for the consideration of the health Department, the Board took no action. :ur. J. :-'. : "cCabe requested permission to remove a garage building from its present location to another and upon motion of Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee :Sartin, and unanimously carried, permission was grant- ed, with the understanding that :.:r. T::cCabe would repair any damage to curbs, sidewalks or other City property, resulting from such removal. City Attorney ;'-)odworth reported that the Bond Attorneys had asked for additional information, which will be furnished. ^he City Clerk r a �e1e "� nor ir, the and _iaa beer a- t ::at it s :ould be UT eported that he had to :en the matter of installation_ residier_ce of the City :.:arshal, up .with the Telephone informed that a rush order had beer placed for same, installed in the very rear future. Tire Oit`. cier17 repor �e- ...at _e had lo^::ed at furniture necessary for C4, o -Tice, uniz-reported the prices _-.e I'ad been quoted on sar.,e, followin; .wi:ici. us tee Oo�rard roved that t'r_e Cit; Clerk be authorized to purchase _ urn�t :_re era o_ *"ice ecuip :pert at a price not to e teed `155.50, as Spec- :_ _e.. in __Ls e`o m -ate. Trus gee 0.'ile;' seconded ris mOtiOn, a-:d the same carp Teti e = c^1_ov-i'^ vc to . ti I s U ,c ;run c , - -a =° y • _., 4:: _� a e er . 2r_z� tees :o-e. 2rus uees :'one. Lee 3,_ile :- _ :ove :_e &do on c_ Crdi__i_rce . o. 25, erti/t�led: •1L. �_W ri._r ✓J __v _1/11. .T F0 _L -__.J IJivlL :\/rJ .u•;) _.J�...Y11 V1. •3-7 _yL TO ACQLISITIOi;, CO _':ST UCTIO-- ;�::D CO -.- . :� I :T SAID CI , 11 AC 0 D -- C _J Ar; D _...v7.� �_..�._ -.7�. .y.� _ LT_'- n -- � is J ;T :)'7- CFI :.S .jD 1:17" , c+hic"I'l was a':'.. 1'ead' all _ special ..eE uinC o= the .ra of _i, :_stees, :.el :1 or. 1�_re 7tr da;; of December, i� :' Trustee :yard SeCO'_: 3 ti:e �Ou�on .o a.`Lo .t thi ?rdinnrce end tr6 5.�:^? " :F1S �aS ed b0 'Le 01 0 E , 110 17otiue o li `1 �3, �. u1V C,.! l;i�l� �li� OJ.l C1 n� r�1'li v:f �1i L11< '1_' Ty of ,.l - ;a�-ando,. California- , will receive bids for Zile fturnisLin o- <illy d r.�aterials for the erection_ and coy,,,�Ietion of a municipal shec to be erect- ed in the City of L1 Segundo, California, accordinb to plans and specific- ations prepared for the same by ''omer W. Tlidden, Architect, 704 17ri -ht and Callender Duilding,Los Angeles, California, a copy of which Mans and, specifications mar be obtained upon application to the City Clerk of the City of L1 Segundo, or to the architect. All bids must be submitted on blank forms prepared by the architect, and must be sealed. :each bid i ~iust be accompanied by a certified or cuhhier':3 check or a bidder's bond in an amount of not less than ten per cent of the amount of the bid, vfriich bond `shall be given as evidence that the bidder will enter into' the contract if awarded the work, and shall be declared forfeited if said bidder refuses to enter into such contract upon being formally request - ed so to do. Lids shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of 1,11 Jegundo on or before Wednesday, the End day of' January, 1918, at the hour of 8 o'clock: . i•i., at which time all of the bids received therefor will be. opened and publicly declared. _ The -Board of Trustees' reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I f y order of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, Calif - \ornia. 0 I Dated ':1 Set,,undo , December City Clerk. 1917. Said notice shall be published once in the El Segundo Herald." This resolution was ad6 pted by 'the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, L,artinq Smiley, "lard and Rueger. Noes : Trustees None. Absent: Trustees None. I,'oved by Trustee 'lard and seconded by Trustee Coward, that the follow- ing persons are approved for the offices of the E1 Segundo Volunteer Fire Department respectively enumerated after their names: r, . 'a. Draggo o Chief. L. A. Snyder First Asst. Chief. JO lvla4la Second C. A. 1anson Captain. F. H. Stanton First Lieutenant. D. D. I<icginzie Second it K. A. Koch Secretary F_- Treasurer. The motion carried unanimously. The minutes of this meeting up to this point were read and upon motion of Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee i:lartin, and unanimously carried, they were approved as read. C There being no further business, it was moved by T rust e miley and second- ed by Trustee Liartin, that the meeting adjourn, and-the same carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: : pp — - - -- City Cier President Board of Truste of the City of El Segundo, C ifo-rnia. 109 Ayes: Trustees Coward, Liurtin, 1�,iley Waru and ue�er. 114 oes: Trustees Bone. Absent: Trustees done. Trustee "lard rnoved the adoption of Ordinance ' o. u6, en?,illlud: "hl; O;LDITI: 1C' 0; 11 ri ; i;2 Y 0 :,h �1, DO , C��LI Oil ;Iii,• R ; 7UI�i I i T1 :: COi;;;i :UCiI.O1I .,.;D I_ 3T11LEATI011 OF I�vi. I 1 x �li'.1 liOUSlJ D�taIi s3 �i:;D T':L I?:,Ci'I,I,?,1TIOII OF GAS PIPIY.G �a D FITTING '1I1 _II1 SAID CITY, Ai ;D PROVIDIiI r 30 1 ''H" ISSUII OF P;=,iu.il`_j '�EEI, 201101, �lhicii was ir.tro- duced and read at a regular rneetin,,; of the Hoard of Trustees field on the 12th day of December, 1917. Trustee Coward seconded t-lie i!iotion to adopt this Ordinance and the same was paused by the following, vote: eyes : Trustees Coward, l.:artin, Smile;;,, 7ard and ueer. floes : Trustees lore. Absent: Trustees None. Trustee 31::iley roved the adoption of Ordinance Do. 27, entitled: "l-SI ORDIUAliCE OF 1:r" CITY OF �,I, ;�:� TU! DO, C/,I:I��OR- I,i, tu; iMING SECTIOE 2 OF OIRDIlLUICI i3O. 2 OF SAID CITY, P.J) ED Ali D A22ROV_1D Oil TIE 313T DAY OF JANUARY, 1917 ", which was introduced an« rert1 at a regular ineetin- of i;he Board of Trustees held on the 12th day of December, 1917. Trustee 'lard seconded the motion to adopt this Ordinance qnd the same was passed by the following vote: Aye s : Trustees Coward, I.lartin, Cmiley, , .'lard grid Rueter. foes: Trustees hone. absent : Trustee s None. Trustee .)miley introduced "AU 0RL0=1ANCE OF VIDIi ;G CERTAIIi REGUIdiTIOES FOR Ill SAID CITY "`, which v;as regd. Ord TTi �,„ 11.{E ina�. ^,e ?'o. 20, entitled: CITY 0. _,_T, �.: U'no, CALIFOlUiL,, LIOVI T ^' 1_1;D D ic-ZAi._07A1•, Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance 171o. 223, entitled: 11AlIT Ui {DIlJ,U! CL OF THE �1T 0� i:11 1;1x1.1 l xU2,:'.TING 'i': ::I,I�Ii:G, CIItjjyj11lx, Ei:ll`'IIIG, rOa:iL.i ,Il�'x, a ,i,I,Iiru .�i;ii Jla- CIi:=tGI'1 i Or CIERTAIl, :'1i7A1,201,3 L D D:;VICES ", and the same was read. The coif, iurication froiri tj,,e 3outitern nalii'ornia T,;di8otl vo. tqa discussed and City attorney Woodworth stated tlia-t !-Ie had had a conver- sation with counsel for said company, fron which he learned tliat clLey preferred not to make any additional installations here until u,"ter the present fund is exhausted. Action by the 73oard was poUtponeu. PAYING BIL :3 . The folleVlir,.G demands were approved by the Coiunittee ors finance and _ "ecords and read: Herald Publishing; "Co. D. C. Lewis 'White & Sweeti,ian Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Herald Publishing Co. Victor D. ldcCarthy Trustee Smiley moved dr&wn for sari:e. Trustee by the following vote: publications- Leal Hauling sarbage fl, Cans Stenographic 71ork ,Oil for Street Work Asphaltum for Street 77ork Franchise :gale publication Postage, car fares and fone tolls that the demands as read be allowed and warrants Coward seconded the motion and the same carried 1.5 .93 00.00 17.16 20.71 23£3.97 111.50 4.57 Ayes: Trust==ees Coward, ;.'artin, Crlile!,- .lard and _.ueger. Yoes: Trustees None. Absent: Trustees Tone. The !'resident asked the City At Forney if tl-le Cit'r Clerk c ,tzld enforce build"ing laws as outlined in the I;.anual of the estate Iou.sin{ Coinii:ission. Attorney said it woil fool: irlto the mat {per and udvi2e later. 11l;'17 BU S I +"a a . It being necessary to provide a place fol• the housitib of :,: �cI i .} ;, recentl;T purchased by the City, it was !:loved by Trustee Cowal•d, :a,ld C,econd- ed by Trustee ,_,rn:iley, that the follovvir, resolution be adopted: 3 0 I,77,-D TI' , 1Z the City Clerk be and lie is hereby instruc � ed to ad- vertise for bids for the construction of a :.unicipal Sled, the said notice to be substantially in the followirf- form, to wit: Ilk-LIKEB .7 Ayes: Trustees Coward, YIartin, Smiley Ward and � Trustees ''ore. ,oes- Trus" ,�bsert: Trustees '70ne. u ' ruS-.ec -lard mov�d a fL o c St_` _T _a<_ __ v_Il. L. 7 7 F "1-1113 Z I 1� I a_L­ _T— c S r r - �T on L.Lu reild� 7 J_ 2 ulhe o on 0 a 33 e c el�l er e o7, c� 0 LL C e z; :Jed ;- t I f o 7 v.- v 3 e e e. )es (3 e e s ._tae` t U '71 J.: 7� 2 i_ —Ij �_.L: 3 F 017� D-11. 0 aLAI 1 17 v;", i C','. Oa L�,'b e r -elc. o n e e L - .s uees s lon t o LI i, c c an, e Oe 17 - passed -, t: :e 0 C _6 u - _U G r 7 3 "r--_ ee S 17 tic r' -7 7)­1 7 _T e a" IT 77 -7 J,-j J_L� ..ITS, and the same was read. 1 1, n 1 71 S 0 1:) W -the c i ;,, a tion a i L3 Cu s 0 Ed an' "its 7.00 -.v;oa.-'u­I-I stated that he had had. a conver- ,L I.L L U stated w frog: rich he le sLa.ulo-n v,,iju-h counsel for s a -1 00'_ , i � U.1 ins'-a!" `4 ons here until a"te- 'e-_­re`, -ot to nape an,,f7 u - L 7 ...0a_ 2- a Vli�- S L 0 TI e'7 T '_h fo II U-enanlls ive--re on '-inan-ce and e v 0 LL J _n e T) 1_S 15.97 e ii 1s as c C) 00 i t e 10 c.-L I C 0 !,.1: er C" 4 1 X?o -7orh LZ 71 r, -nu a1 -0. e fo s p h a I u f or U 8. 9 7 a! L 2a-_­Ii_­. ML, "Ic 7 -'r"n ch- s e cazion pu"Dli C U LA- su"�e, car _ui e s an fore u o s 1: a, i3 e e - 1:: as read '-,e und C. 1 n L,..__6. _rustee seconded m0-,,ion and the c£,.:.-ried xxe _7 - c C, o I e c ir.. i - - u 7 7 as c LL e fo ­e e Lly u to -4 C. otj Cf, 4 110 _�9C'= 17 bids a- e 1_1J fog e ^ecticn u _ _cr: of ..a-_1ciLa s:_e:_ 10 be erect - ea in _.e Cite of eLUnac, California, c cor- to '_15 :�: specific - a�io,..v Ji_llencler V.�l.l l _,r l .e , el 'C"ove t e� Y and dir -,les = ln'eles, a c0�;� of •' - -1 Ch j :lans a d uiJ .�.vi �i `%�.�ior Way be oUt�i. eL uyor_ ap��li cation to the CiT�,- C! ;—r1: of the Ci ;, of �1 3e�u_. 1 or to U_ e ar chi tac t. .11 Pius ::wst be -u-:D­.-'.'­e-7 on _orms e architec` , a} U - -..1 e J .:.1 euu • bon-L it w__ ar. -oun t of not less �.,__ )once as 1._ 0 vile con eruct if a:r rde ti_e j. is ciduer refuses to enter into Uucil ed so tc 3o. cep �1__e or u- to ~: per °vi a8 _Ce t.-,at a-d shall be co.,truct uf,c. vCr Ll_:l er I J vi -.. cent r r 1' J en 1, V _. .I �_e G:1.:o V : ,. ':.::e ,_dae,' '.,ill enter declared forfeited if ein ; fo�.:� A. . request- ,ids :ayi be _" e d �74Lth the V _ -: .,lerl_ of -i:e Cite of �1 .:eL-�undo on ''� - y 1 L t'.. f , , Or Je� c�'e �C'� .:a� ✓ , e :,? wad: 0 un wry , cl��., a .:e : ^_OU1' 0� 8 0 C13C ti ._.e all of t_.e ;ice receive:: t_erefor will be opened and -ca. 0. _'uS eeB 2'e8er'IeS the -runt to reject a'^y or ail bids. cr- er of ;_e gourd of _r ustees oi' the City of " 1 Se:;ardo, Calif - orN ty Clerk. -�L:tea - = )e`a_, �o , Decer_ cer 1 °1" . raid notice sl.all be published once in the -.1 Segundo Herald." i'._is resoluti ^n .�a ��-es : yrustees �:oe �r;:Lstees bsent : Trustees s auopted by the rollowir� vote: Cowara, :- artin, Si_:ile; :Iarc_ and 'ue er. -0o e 1, o „e . :.roved by Trustee :'ard and seconded by Trustee Coward, that the follow - ir� persons are approved for the offices of the '"1 Segundo Volunteer Fire epartment respectively enumerated after t1.eir r_ames : '.7. Dragc;o o Chief. T anyaer First t :ass t. Chief Second v. A :. :allson Captain. 7. Stanton First Lieutenant. D. D. :.:cKinzie Second ” 1._. 1,och Secretary Treasurer. 0 r' r ousl- _.:e ar led u..a 1r.; r of —._is n:ee tiny; up t0 this point wer -_ read and upon, motion of T ^us ee 31:.iley , secorl ed b_Y 72r- -s tee - 'artin, and unar_imously carried, they e- e :e 0 a- l 'e ' asi -ess, it .'Tas ::rove.- by 7-_ .'.5 ue : :ile; an second - e�. b�,- �'raN L e :. =astir , t�_at , e L•ieetin,� as j ours! , and the same carried. respectfully submitted, n City Cler resident hoard of ^ruste $ o° the City o' ­1 3e �_u�, C-all ifo-rnia.