1917 DEC 05 CC MIN2TH EB • "Loe Angeles, Cal. December 5, 1917, Board of Trustees, City of E1 Segundo, California. Gentlemen:- For the X54,000 par value bonds of the City of E1 Segundo dated January 1, 1918 bearing interest at the rate of 6°, per annum, payable semi- annua-lly, of the denomination of '500.00 each, said bonds maturing from 1919 to 1938 both inclusive as shown in.your printed notice of sale, we will pay you the sum of fifty -four thousand cents (V54,000.00) plus accrued interest to date of deli- very. ihi: bid is made subject to the condition that prior to delivery you furnish us with a full certified abstract of proceed - ings satisfactorily evidencing to our attorneys the legality of these bonds. Ae an evidence of good faith we hand you herewith certified check on the Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank for X500.00 said check to be re- turned immediately in the event that this bid is not accepted today or to be held by you and applied as part payment for the bonds approved as above when taken up by us. This bid is made on the understanding that You will allot; us the sum of x,500 (Five Hundred dollars) for printing the bonds. :respectfully submitted, BLYTH, "'ITTER & CO. BY D. T. BABCOCK . DTB:B" Ugr. Also; the bid of E1 Segundo State Bank as follows: "E1 Segundo, California, December 5, 1917. Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk, City of E1 Segundo, I °EGUNDO, C.A.L. Dear Sir:- Referring to your printed Notice dated November 22, 1917, we hereby offer to pay ,54,000 plus accrued interest thereon (if there be any as of the date on which we make payment for the bonds) for 054,000 (Far value) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 6% BONDS dated January 1, 1918, interest payable January I and July 1, said bonds being comprised of 108 bonds of the denomination of 000. each, maturing as follows: I No. of -Bds. Per value Maturity Date 5 5 CC $.500 500 y2 , 500 Jan. 1, 1919 5, C . 500 2'500 2,500 Dec. 1 1920 5 �? , 500 , 2,500 Dec. 1, 1921 5 500 2,500 Dec. 1, 1922 5 !� 500 2,500 Dec. 1, 1923 5 _ : 500 2 500 Dec. 1, 1924 500 , 2,500 Dec. 1, 1925 5 °' 500 500 2,500 D ec. Dec. I, 1, 1926 1927 5 - .500 2,500 , 2,500, Dec. 1, 1928 5 C 500 2,500, Dec. 1, 1929 6 500 3,000 Dec. 1, 1930 6 _. 500 3,000 Dec. 1. 1931 6 .= 500 3,000 Dec. 1, 1932 6 500 Dec • 1, 1933 6 50C 21 2,000 Dec. 1, 1934 6 500 Dec. I, 1935 6 Z 500 17 Dec. 1, 1936 6 C-:1 500 3,000 Dec. 1, 1937 Pec. 1, 1938 _ x The above offer is submitted for immediate acceptance and sub- ject to the approval by attorneys satisfactory to us of the legality of t__e issuance of the bonds; and you are tc provide' us with a certified COPY of the abstract of p roceedinee governing the issuance of the bonds without expense to us. As an evidence of our good faith and complyinb with your Notice of Sale, we enclose cur certified check to'your order for ;500., same to be returned promptly to us,, in case this offer is not accepted, or in case cur attorneys do not approve the legality of the issuance of the bonds, Respectfully submitted, E.:, Sr:GUP:DO STATE. BANE Per Ed Lewis ( SEAL- L-1 SEGLT:MO) ......... . ! STATE BANK) Cashier" T� During the opening and declaring of the above bids, Trustee .card made his appearance and took his •eat. rfter considerable discussion, Trustee Smiley introduced the followin resolution and moved its adoption: to -wit: "7HEREAS, the Board has at various times advertised City autborized at the election the par value of 5:54,000.00 at and six per cent, and, of Trustees of the City of El Segundo for sale the improvement bonds of said on the first day of October, 1917, of the -rates of five, five and one half 7MREAS, up to this date there have been received for said bonds but two bids, one being by the E1 Segundo State Bank in words and figures as follows: 'E1 Segundo, California, ?`e c emb er 5, 1917. Victor l,. McCarthy, City Clerk, City of E1 Se -undo, EL SEGU'IUy?�0, CA Dear Sir:- Referring to your printed dotice dated November 22, 1917, we hereby Offer to pay ; 54,000 plus accrued interest thereon (i,f there be any as of the date on which we make payment for the bonds) for V54,000 (par value) CITY ,OF EM SEGUNDO 6% BONDS dated January 1, 1918, interest payable January* 1 and July 1 said bonds being comprised of 108 bonds of the denomination of X600. each, maturing as follows: Too. of Bde. Par Value Maturity Date 5 C �5 00 vU , 500' Jan. 1 1919 5'. 500 2,500' Dec. , 1 1920 5 500 2,500 Dec. 1; 1921 5 500 2,500 Dec. 1. 1922 5 f 2S00' Dec. 1, 1923 5 _ 500 2 :'500 Dec. 1, 1924 5_r 500 500 2,500 2,500' Dec, 1, 1925 5 Q 500 2,500 Dec. Dec. 1, 1, 1926 1927 5 500 2"500, Dec . 1, 1926 5 5 C 500 500 2,500 9,500 Dec. 1, 1929 6 500 Dec . 1, 1930 6 C 500 3,000 3,000 Dec. 1, 1931 6 � 500 3,000 Dec. Dec. 1, I 1932 1933 6 cu 500 3, G00 Dec. 1, 1934 2LIREB said bonds are .Board and said Board be said bonds can sold at greater advantage tc the City of E1 Segundorby receiving ad- 6 500 31000 Dec. 1, 1935 6 500 x1000 Dec. 1, 1936 6 500 31000 Dec.-1, the City Clerk 1937 6- 500 _1000_ Dec. 1, 1938 The above subject to the approval offer is submitted by attorneys satisfactory for immediate acceptance and to of the issuance of the bonds; and you are to provide us of the legelity us with a certi- fied copy of the abstract cf proceedings governing the issuance of the bonds without expense to us. As an evidence of cur good faith and ccmLlyin�: with your '7 otice of Sale, we enclose cur certified check to your order for hOO ., same to be -returned promrtly to us in case thie offer is not accepted, or in case our attorneys do not ap_rrove the legality of the issuance of the bonds. ( SEA1, : E r SE GUIMO ) STATE: BANK j Respectfully submitted, EL SEGLr17AO STATE. BANK per.Ed;..ewis..:... Cashier,, and t'r_e ether being that of Blyth, Witter & Co., in words and figures as follows. "Dos Angeles„ Cal. December &, 1917. Board of Trustees, City o L1 Segundo, California. Gentlemen.- For the 454,000 par value bonds of the City of it Segundo dated January,l, 1918 bearing interest at the rate of 6' per annum, payable semi - annually, of the denomination of y 500.00 each, said bonds maturing from 1919 to 1:;38 both inclusive as shown in your printed notice of sale, we will pay you the sum of fifty -four thousand cents (�54, 000.00) plus accrued interest to date of deli- very, This bid is made subject to the condition that prior to delivery you furnish us with a full certified abstract of r roceed- ings satisfactorily evidencing to our attorneys the legality cf these bends. As an evidence of good faith :;e hand you herewith certified check on the ;os Angeles Trust & Savings Bank for V500.00 said check to be returned immediately in the event that this bid is not accept- ed today or to be held by ycu and applied as part payment for the bends arproved as above when taken up b,- us. This bid is made on the understanding that you will allow us the sum of X500 (Five Hundred dollars) for printing the bonds. 1T3; Brr and , Respectfully submitted, B7-,YTH , 7.71 TTER & Co. BY D. T. BABCOCK ilgr. . H�:P,EAS, none of the bids received to date for satin -factory to this said bonds are .Board and said Board be believes that said bonds can sold at greater advantage tc the City of E1 Segundorby receiving ad- ditional proposals therefor, ITOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESCy9ED, the City of E1 Segundo by the Board of Trustees of th_.t all bids 'eretofore be and the received for said bonds same are hereby rejected; and the City Clerk pro tem is hereby directed to return to the resFective bidders the certified checks accompanying their bide." I The motion to adopt the above resolution was seconded by Trust- ee Ward and carried upon roll call by the affirmative votes of all trustees. yiscussion as to the method of further offering said bonds for sale was then had by the Board, after which 'Trustee Smiley introduced the following resolution and roved its a.dortion: it is desired that certain improvements , to -wit: certain street improvements, the construction cf a city hall and the acquisition of certain fire apparatus be immediately made and acquired by the City of El Segundo, California, and, 7EEPIA�, improvement bonds of said city in the eum of V'54,000.00 par value have been heretofore authorized for the con - structien and acquisition of such improvements, and, 'AREAS, Gaid bonds at this time remain unsold after having bee:7 duly advertised for sale and it is necessary, in the c inicn of this Board, that said bonds should be immediately sold in order tc subserve the public interest and convenience of said cite, 2y07, 'IMF EEFOIIE, M IT ;:L'SC' „'�'_' by 'he 3oard of Trustees of the Cit9 of E1 S,eeundo, that proi.osale be received immediately after the adoption of this resolution by the said Beard of Trustees for the purchase of i7p�rovement bonds of saic: city to `he amount of S"-154,000.0o par value , which said bends were authorized at a speci_l election held in eaic City on the let dae of October, 191” The bonds offered for sale are one hundred and eight in number of the denomination of �5CO.00 each, dated January let, 1918, and payable in numerical order consecutively, commencing with the lowest numbers in the manner following, that is to say:- Five of said bonds each year for twelve consecutive years commencing Janu- ary 1, 1919, and thereafter six of said bonds each year for the next eight years, until all of said bonds shall be paid. All of said bonds shall, be of the form and character known as "Serials" and shall bear interest at the rate of six per centaur per annum jayable on the first days of July and January of each year, until the maturity thereof, and the principal and-interest thereof shall be payab'e in gold coin of the United States, at the office cf• the treasurer of said city, or, at the option of the holder, at the fis- cal agency of said city in the City and State of New York. Bidders in bidding shall submit their bide to the Board of Trustees in open public session and said Beard shall entertain Pro- posals until.such time as it may detdr�r.ine or until a satisfactory bid shall h&,ve been made to and accepted by said Board. The person to whom said bonds shall be awarded by said Bcard at the prices named in his bid as determined b;y said 3oard shall deposit with the president cf the Board of Trustees a certi- fied check or gold; coin cf the United States of Lmerica in the sum of v5CC.00, conditioned that said bidder will take and pay for any and all bonds that may be sold and awarded to him, otherwise to be fcrl eited to and become the prczerty of the City of El Segundo, California. Bidders in bidding shall state any and all conditions con- nected with their resrective bids and the successful bidder shall im- mediately after the award of said bonds reduce his said proposal, to- gether with the said conditions thereof', to writing and file the same w-ith the Board of Trustees, together with the check above referred to. The Beard of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted under this resolution or bids not completed as reouired herein." �UHEB �r oil k'*J The motion to adopt the above resolution was seconded by Trustee Coward and upon roll call received the affirmative vote of all trustees. The Board then immediately proceeded to receive bids, the rep- resentatives of various different bond houses being present. Ir. G. G. Blymyer made a bid for the improvement bonds above referred to of par and accrued interest and a premium of $500.00, upon condition that the city would furnish his company with bonds and not wall parer. Said bid was accompanied by a certified check for 1500.00. Air. D. T. Babcock then bid upon behalf of Blyth, Titter & Co., for said bonds as above described the sum of rar and accrued interest and a premium of $600.00 therefor and deposited a certified check to cover the said bid in the sum of A500.00. The President then called for additional bids from any other rerson or persons and none being offered or received, upon motion of Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Smiley, and unanirously carried, the bids were declared closed. It was then moved by Trustee Smiley, and seconded by Trustee ',lard, that the Board immediately consider all bids received for im- x:rovement bonds of the City of E1 Segundo as offered for sale upon this date. Carried. After due consideration, Trustee Coward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "RES0LV.�,D: That the bid of Blyth, Witter & Co., for the purchase of the City of E1 Segundo hunicipal improvement bonds at the amount of l')549000.00, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, whereby said Blyth, Titter & Co., bid par and accruing interest to the date of delivery of said bonds and a premium of $600.00 in addition thereto, said bid being the highest and best bid received for said im- provement bonds as determined by this Board, be and the same is hereby accepted, subject to the conditions contained in said bid,- and the pro- visions of the resolution under which the same was submitted, and that all other bids for said bonds be and the same are hereby rejected and the City Clerk pro -tern is hereby instructed to return the certified checks deposited by unsuccessful bidders." ' The motion to adopt the said resolution was seconded by Trustee Smiley and carried by the following vote: AYES, Trustees Coward, Ward, Smiley, Martin and Rueger. NOES, Trustees None ABSENT, Trustees None - Carried. 11r. Babcock then upon behalf of Blyth, Witter & Co., immediately filed with the Board as rea_uired by the resolution offering said bonds for sale the proposal made by his company in words and figures as fol- lows, to -wit: "December 5, 1917. Board of Trustees, City of El Segundo, California. Gentlemen : - For the 4?54,000 par value bonds of the City of E1 Segundo dated January 1, 1918 bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum payable semi- annually, of the denomination of $500.00 each, said bonds maturing from 1919 to 1938both inclusive as described in your resolution of sale, we wi 111 ray you the suns of fifty -four thousand dollars and 001100 cents (554,000.00) plus accrued interest to date of delivery, plus a premium of six hundred dollars (1600.00) This bid is made subject to the condition that prior to deli- very you furnish us with a full certified abstract of proceedings satisfactorily evidencing to our attorneys the legality of these bonds. As' an evidence of good faith we hand you herewith certified check on the Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank for $500.00 said check to be returned immediately in the event that this bid is not accepted today or to be held by you and applied as part payment for the bonds approved as above when taken up by us. DTB : B" ' Respectfully submitted, 3LYTH, WITTER & CO. BY D. T. BABCOCK gr. The President of the Board then stated that the next order of business would be the opening• and declaring of bids for road machinery as called for by the Board of Trustees. The following bids were then opened and publicly declared and determined by the Board of Trustees to be as follows, to -wit: The bid of the Austin - Western Road Machinery Co., as follows: "Los Angeles, Cal. Dec. 7, 1917. Honorable Board of City Trustees, E1 Segundo, Calif. Gentlemen:- inclosed ch for one hundred ($100.00) Dollars. As per your reouest for bids on Road 13achinery we beg leave to submit the following: ONE 10 -ton Two - cylinder Austin Motor Road Roller, weight 23400# $3600.00 ONE 12 -ton Single Cylinder Austin Motor Road Roller, $3600 ;00 ONE #3 600 gallon Sprinkling Wagon, wood tank, plat- form springs, 4" tires, brake, patent Sarven wheels, Extra for steel tank, 425.00 . . . . . 40.00 ONE An sti n 2 d Dum All prices f -o -b E1 Segundo with 30 days trial and if any of the machines are found unsatisfactory they can be returned at our expense. We will also give you a demonstration of two to three blocks, tearing up and pulveri zing• the oil and putting it back down, furnishing you -a capable operator and will also break in any of your local men to operate same, free of charge. We find in looking over your streets that in most places you have plenty of oil to make a very good foundation but would suggest in using about 1� of rock and 3/8 of asphaltum oil that your streets could be put down hard enough to stand your heaviest traffic. In submitting this road machinery to -you ze feel that it is no experiment with us as there are fifteen cities of Southern Cali- fornia using this same outfit with good results also counties and over forty contractors using our rollers and othet equipment. we cannot guarantee prices for more than thirty days on this eouipment. We have two houses in California to dray- on for repairs, Los Angeles and San Francisco and we aim to keep a a full supply of repair parts for all of these machines. We can make iTM- mediate delivery on all of this machinery from Los �kngeles and San Francisco stock. All machines are guaranteed for one year against defective workmanship and material. To go on and explain the points on these different machines -yar p Wagon, either wood axle, steel axle or ONE . . . . . . . . . . . Ventura Scarifier, . . . weight . . . . . . . . . 2600 lbs. . . . . 195.00 400.00 ONE Standard Reversible Road Grader, . weight 2600 lbs. 350.00 ONE Giant Reversible Austin Road Grader, weight 3600#, 475.00 ONE Portable Road Oiler, capacity 55 to 60 gallons, with pump and 16ft of spray hose with atomizer spray, . .. .. 225.00 All prices f -o -b E1 Segundo with 30 days trial and if any of the machines are found unsatisfactory they can be returned at our expense. We will also give you a demonstration of two to three blocks, tearing up and pulveri zing• the oil and putting it back down, furnishing you -a capable operator and will also break in any of your local men to operate same, free of charge. We find in looking over your streets that in most places you have plenty of oil to make a very good foundation but would suggest in using about 1� of rock and 3/8 of asphaltum oil that your streets could be put down hard enough to stand your heaviest traffic. In submitting this road machinery to -you ze feel that it is no experiment with us as there are fifteen cities of Southern Cali- fornia using this same outfit with good results also counties and over forty contractors using our rollers and othet equipment. we cannot guarantee prices for more than thirty days on this eouipment. We have two houses in California to dray- on for repairs, Los Angeles and San Francisco and we aim to keep a a full supply of repair parts for all of these machines. We can make iTM- mediate delivery on all of this machinery from Los �kngeles and San Francisco stock. All machines are guaranteed for one year against defective workmanship and material. To go on and explain the points on these different machines ` UKER would take a great amount of time and I am enclosing you cataloes gu that will describe all the machinery quoted. IY the Board wishes to see these machines in operation we would be glad to take them to different places and show them just what other people are doin-- and also how cheap these parties are tearing up their roads and putting them down again better than new oiled streets. We will guarantee the operation of this Gasoline Roller not to consume more than 15 gallons of distillate per day and one o cart of lubricating oil. We hope to have the pleasure of furnishing you this equipment and assure you that any assistance we can give you after delivery of the machinery will be very gratefully done by us. Ne trust you will favor us with your valued order. Yours very truly, TID: AUSTIN- WESTER4T ROAD MACHINERY CO. By . G . • , FRE1V CH " (Copy of printed notice attached) The bid of The Good Roads Machinery Company, Inc., as follows: "San Francisco, California, December 3rd /1917 To the bSayor and Trustees, of the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, Cal. Attention- Mr. Victor D. EcCarthy, City Clerk. Dear Sirs :_ Pursuant to your advertisement, we beg to submit for your con- sideration the following proposition, to -wit: We will furnish you F.o.b. cars E1 Segundo, Cal., the following machinery, (a) One No. 1 KILLIFER SCARIFIER,Weight -4000 lbs. Price - .1755.00 (b) One No. 2 KILLIFER SCARIFIER,Weight _ 5500 lbe. Price _ $555.00 (c) One BIG W12INER RE ii. ROAD GRADER, Wt- 2500 lbs. Price - .x.365.00 (d) One NATIONA1 HERCULES RD GRADER, ,fit - 4000 lbs. Price - $400.00 (e) One LITTLy ",INNER ROAD GRADER, Wt _ 1600 lbs. Price - $225.00 (f) One 50- izallon HEATING KETTLE,eouipped with pump,hoze and distributing nozzles-$200.00 (g) One 25- gallon HEATiNG KETTLE,equipped with pump,hoze and distributing nozzles-$150.00 We can make immediate deliver warehouse at Los Angeles, Cal. y of the above machinery from our All of the above machinery is guaranteed to be first -class in ever` respect for one year, during which time we will replace free, f.o.be our warehouse, any part proving defective. We want to call your attention particularly to the Scarifier, a cut of which we are enclosing. This is the Scarifier used ex- clusively by the County and City of Los Angeles, - the County using about 102 of them and the City owing something over 20. The long r wheel base enables you to do your scarifying, repardless of the un- 6f evenness of your street surface. This machine will scarify any sur- face to a depty of 14 inches. We enclose cuts and descriptions of the machinery on which we are biddir_g, together with a certified check for ONE HUNDRED (t,100.00) DOI.I ARS . Hoping that we may be favored with your business, and promis- ing the same a prompt and careful attention, vm beg to remain, Very truly yours, THE GOOD ROADS 11CHRY. CO. G am: B" Per G. F. Morfort, Ygr. : The bid of A. L. Young Pachinery Company as follows: "Los Angeles, Cal. Dec. 5th, 1917. The Honorable Board of City Trustees, F1 Segundo, Calif. Gentlemen:- Pursuant to your advertisement that you would receive bids until eight o'clock p.m. December 5th, for street machinery, we are pleased to submit the following quotations. One Kelly Springfield twelve ton gas road roller, with scarifier attached for sum of .4300.00 The same roller v;ithout scarifier ty " .33600.00 One 600 gallon Etnyre Sprinkling wagon as shown on page #17 of the Etnyre catalogue, with brake, for sum of 430.00 One 600 gallon Hvass Gprinkling wagon as shown on page 413, Fig.26 of the Hvass catalogue for the sum of . . . . . . . . . $ 495.00 One Russell Junior Road Mlachine . . . . . . . . $ 200.00 One Standard Russell Road Machine . .. .t 325.00 One Special Russell Road Machine 500.00 One #7 Patrolmans Heating Kettle, 60 gallon capacity, fitted with hand operated rotary pump with all necessary connections q 257.50 One Baker Oil patching machine complete 25 gallon capacity, fitted with rotary pump 155000 One Watson Dump Wagon, one and one half yard capacity, out and specifications on pages and #3 of the ;Matson catalogue 152.00 :Me enclose certified check for 4100.00 Yours very respectfully, BUFYALO SPRINGFIELD ROLLER COLPAYY, y.L.Young Machinery Company Representatives. BY C. '1. Powell M R. " ?UHEB "Los Angeles, Cal. The Honorable Board of City Trustees, E1 Segundo, Calif. - Gentlemen:- I ij y- Dec. 5, 1917. In view of the fact that we have figured very close on all of the bids that we have submitted, we reserve the right to withdraw our cruo- tations if not acted upon by January 1st, for the reason that factory 1�rices are constantly advancing and we have already been informed that advance on rollers and searifiers will take effect on January 1st. In fact we are unable to promise delivery on any rollers except the one we have enroute to Los Angeles and if this machine is not accepted we want to be free to offer it to other purchasers. We propose to furnish all or any part of the ecuipment we are bidding on, F.O.B. E1 Segundo in good conditicn, guaranteed first class inevery respect. We also agree to furnish an experienced roller man to instruct your engineer in operating the same. This roller and scarifier are both guaranteed to be made of the best material and workmanship and we agree to furnish without charge any part that may break by reason of poor material within one year from date of delivery. This roller is too well known in California to take m time in describing; and we are sure that it is adapted to the kind of work you have to do and if after a thorough trial it is not satisfactory we will accept the return of it without any e;:pense to you. ;Ve are enclosing catalom- es and specifications of the different machines. However we believe it will be necessary for the writer to meet with you and take up the different bids and explain them ir. order that it may be plain to you what we are Quoting on before You make a decision. Trusting that we may be favored with your order we remain, C ,9P HVG" Yours very truly, A. L. Young Ifa.chinery Company. BY C. W. PO &IL0 Manager After all the bids had been publicly opened and declared to the Board by the City Clerk pro_tem it was moved by Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Ward that all bids received for road machinery be taken under advisement until Wednesday, the 12th day of December, 1917, at the hour of eight o'clock P. 11. The motion carried by the affirma- tive vote of all trustees. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. City Attorney Woodworth presented to the Board a form of plumbing ordinance which was received for consideration by the Board. PAYING BILLS. The following demands were approved by the Committee of Finance and Records and read: L. V. Green, Expense Q17.45 Herald Publishing Co. L. V. Printing Green, Salary 6.70 90.00 J. E. Howell, Salary 5.00 V. D. McCarthy, Salary 25.O0 Andy B. Powell, Salary 10.00 Mrs. J. A. Davis 5.00 Standard Oil Company 19.70 R. . Davis, Health Officer 10.00 Arthur W. Cory, Engineer 72.00 Clyde Woodworth, Attorney 50.00 White & Sweetman, Steno- graphers 10.10 Trustee Smiley moved that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn for the same. Trustee Coward seconded the motion and the same carried by the following vote: AYES: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Ruep,-er. NOES: Trustees NONE ABSENT: Trustees NONE. _ Carried NEW BUSINESS. hr. Goldthwaite addressed the Board upon the matter of a building ordinance for the City of E1 Segundo and requested per- mission to inspect copies of proposed ordinance relating to build- ings within the City of El Segundo. The City Engineer asked permission to order grade sheets for giving grades on streets to be improved. Moved by Trustee Smiley and seconded by Trustee Martin that the City Engineer be authorized to order the necessary grade sheets. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Trustees Coward, Martin, Smiley, Ward and Rueger. NOES: Trustees NONE. A3SEt,T: Trustees NONE. Trustee Martin addressed the Board relative to trimming cer- tain trees along Ballona avenue. There being no further business, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Ward, that the meeting adjourn, and the motion carried. Respectfully submitted, U City C erk ro_tem. Approved c O � 1917. Presiders of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Sd4undo.