1917 AUG 08 CC MIN-r
_ '
7,11 Segundo, Cal., August 8th, 1917.
:e�-alar meetir- of oar L, of Trustees of the CitT- of Zl Segundo
w,s ca led to or der at 7 :30 o' cloc : _ ::. t y
1 on �I e above d . Qe in U?�e Cite
_all, wit'r_ Nresidert ?ue`er ir_ t -e
Trustees present: Coward, Smile-, s- ZKYTIMY 3ueger.
rilrustees ass r . - Iartin f; ;Ward.
. _ .1LI L, .T _.Z-TU -. i _ ! I'0 �' S' 1.:.:J- _L _. ,x .
The = irut ec of the -re , ious meetir T- were read wit-.,.out error or o riss- r
ior. -)eir rot -`1 it was : -)ve, by _rustee Snile, secor_aed bT' -_'rustee
; -.;11e same be a Orov��Ci. 7 1,-e nroti :?-n carried.
+`fritter_ Co�� �unic tions .
21ron j '. geese Co. concerning fire en ices .
Yron Cal. -Corru,r,rted Culvert Co. concernir- street warniry signs.
ron Sol:.. Cal. ` dis -)r vo. corcerri— bill for electric li htin,,.
'ror.? Cit" Cl r' lei -- rep. ^, -t of firances for period endin Ju „e �J
fro �_ t�'- relative suppression of vice.
- -over. b-- '2'rustee ]r i, e.” -, secon-deu- f- 'Trustee Co- -., rd, that t _e
co'.:.::uriCat o s Woe ed, - _'_' ^.e :"_'.oti -r- carried.
-- art1Y. at �::JJ _ . _•
P_ _ oad to =erg -•
_ L. _e
over whos e -roDert-- he
Voieu �o enlis'- _.,.F, 'Owr\'S aid 17! Sec..r1' for Gila"]
=''r_e s position
Metl eman persor•all�-- interview the propert-- owners
is compelled to cross.
=0_7-23! 07 S-'A "DITT`x CO .u,JT-i,ES
_ y. \_._s OF .7 __`.CI i1Z CO Il.1J23
TTi', -'I -, I ..1' -H_.D ALT 3I 1 J.3.3
ar:i1P- 7, secorde ' b, 'rustee Co-,.- rd, that the letter
and bill of the :southern Cali{',)rnia -Edison Co., as read by the City Clerk,
be referred to the CitfTttornef:-. Carried.
rAyyI r 0 BII,I.S .
The foil; :ir_~ derranr:.s. Navin- been approved by the Cornittee of Finance
a': a records, were read:
Julius Verlin�, - :electric li -hts- J;Ine and July $2.00
_erald Publishing; Co . ,Publication Ord. ;;17 5.00
D. C. Lewis, Jr. , Cleanin- up rubbish 35.00
Total 9
It *;,a- moved b^ Trustee Coward, seconded by ^rustee 3milel,;7, t at the
de ands :�e alloy- ed and rrarts drawr for same. '�'he not-ion c,:rried b�� the
foII�','lin- vote;
Ales: raLtees Cori: rd, I..artir, S :ilea and ?ueger.
r'oCS . I "o,le
sert: rzs tee
I' 'f4wrd.
MV B[73Ii ::S:_3 .
o, e .
D ,- _� _. ,r..
p V ._J Ti _
...o��e :._ ce :.J: Zee , veco'�riea ,�r 1rustee _.:srtir, that the meet i-n
ad j ,u :� . Carri ed .
HeS�:-ctfiilly subritted,
C? a.j�
-resi,.:'e'?t 7f the J-arfL w'r�is ees.