1917 AUG 01 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal., August 1st, 1917.
Regular meetin" of the Bosrd of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo
was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P: -11. in the City Hall on the above
date, with President Rueger in the chair:
Trustees present: Coward, Martin & Rueger.
Trustees absent: Smiley and Ward.
eke- ���at ,es- e�- tl�e- Ta�evieas- a�settag- wens- �ea��-- �Ie- e��e�- er- e�iss-
e -be �sg- meted;
-it -was - waved - day- trastee
The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting, held on the 19th day
of July, 1917, were read without error or omission being noted, where-
upon it was moved by Trustee martin seconded by Trustee Coward, that
the same be approved. The motion carried.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 25th day of July,
1917, were then read. No error or omission being noted, Trustee Coward
moved that the same be approved. Trustee 'Martin seconded the motion and
the same carried.
From The American Rubber Lfg. Co., relative their products.
From Guy Barnes, applying for Pool & Billiard Room license.
From ;7. Woodard, " if +I tv " n "
From the ;-.ayor of San Diego, relative formation of a "League of the
Moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Martin, that the same
be filed.
ir. Gee. Draggoo interviewed the Board, concerning the purchase of
equipment necessary for the Fire Department and he was advised that the
Trustees could appropriate no money for that purpose until after the
tax money is received.
The City Clerk reported damage done to siddwalk at the corner of
Concord St. and E1 Segundo Avenue, by one of the automobile trucks of
the 1�ontgomery & Mullen Lumber Co., and the Sup t. of Streets was in-
structed by the chair, to communicate with these people, requesting that
they repair the damage.
Reports of Special Committees.
The Attorney reported that T;�r. Baird of the American La France Fire
Engine Co.,had left a copy of their contract at his office, but owing to
its length, he had not had time to thoroughly digest the same. He assured
the Board, however, that a satisfactory contract can be arranged.
The Attorney reported also, that he had taken the matter of a Tele-
phone Pay Station for E1 Segundo, up with three officials of the Telephone
Co., and that •r. Glass, the last one seen, had promised to have a survey
made immediately, so that the Attorney would be able to render a definite
report at the next meeting.
Trustee I::artin could render no definite report concerning the probable
disposition of the matter of improving Ballona Ave. by the County Board of
Supervisors, as they were noncommital at their last meeting.
!roved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee yiartin, that the follow -
irE; resolution be adopted:
:: 3 GUY 3arnes and 5. Woodard, by written applicationsfiled with
the City Clerk on the 1st day of August, 1917, have requested that a per-
mit to conduct a cool & Billiard Room, in the frame building on the Borth
Side of 3allona Ave. corner of Richmond St.; and in the frame building on
the 'west side of Richmond St. betweer. Ballona and Franklin Avenues ,respect-
ively, be granted to each of them,
1 7071 T ;3 FOR, BE IT RESOLVBD, that said applicants be, and they are
hereby granted permission to conduct a Pool and Billiard Room in said City
at said respective locations, to and including the 30th day of June, 1918,
subject to the right of the Board of Trustees to sooner revoke the same,
all as provided in Ordinance Eo. 8 of said City, and,
Be it FUR=-ER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall immediately issue a
written permit tmto said applicants therefore.
The resolution was adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, ;-�artin and Rueger.
roes: i -one. _
Absent: Trustees Smiley F� 7ard.
The following demands being; approved by the Connittee of Finance and
records were read:
R. -7. Davis Fxpressac e on samples of water "� 1.48
Stardard Oil Co., Distillate Oil Can 10.15
Clyde ,loodworth, July salary as City AttDrney 35.00
1. J ac''sor_ " iiarshal & Street Supt. 30.00
Victor D. • :cCartr T " IT City Clerl> 25.00
,^.ndy 3. rovell " City recorder 10.00
James � . .o,��ell „ '► " if
Treasurer � 5.00
_Terald Publishing Co. Stationery 16.00
Jacl�son Telephone Service- June F, July. 3.00
-owed b Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee i:�artin, that the above
demands be allowed and warrants dravm for sane. Lotion carried by the
following; vote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, :,artin and _Rueger.
Noes: i ?one.
Absent : Trustees Smiley and ';lard.
...ove,'1 b;i yrustee Coward, secorded by ` rustee Lartin, that the meet -
in.g adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
President Board or r'rus