1917 APR 11 CC MIN•
;.eetin# of The Board of Trustees of the City of -1 Segundo, Cal.,
April 11th, 1917.
Regular meeting of the 3oard: of Trustees of the City of El Segundo
was called to order by the City Clerk, owing to the absence of the Pres-
ider_t, at 7:45 O'clock ". on the above date.
It was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded b7T Trustee ',lard, that Trus-
tee 1,1artin serve as President pro tern. Carried.
Trustees present: Coward; Smiley, 'lard and ;,:artin.
Trustees absent: Rueger.
, iE ADIITG JIOL'S :::. ;TI1T,T .
of the previous meeting were read, no errors or o:_:issiors
being noted, it was moved by Trustee '.lard, seconded b`, " _'rastee Coward,
that the same be approved, the Notion being carried y the 'ollowinl- Tote:
Ayes: Trustees Coward, 3nile i, ''lard and :actin.
.Toes : 1 one.
Absent : Trustee ue e-r.
Health Of -icer Davis addressed the _.oard relative to disposal of the
City garbage and asi-.ed if the matter was to be handled as a City profo-
sition or by some private individual. 1'4o action was tai-'en.
'darshal Jackson, requested permission to purchase tools necessary to
clean the streets. It was moved by Trustee Smiley seconded by Trustee
"lard, that the 1,1arshal be instructed to purchase tools necessary for street
cleaning, which motion carried by the following vote:
.'dyes: Trustees Coward, Smiley, ;lard, and L..-artin.
Noes None.
Absent: Trustee Rueger.
:.:r. Bennett requested information as to the disposal of garbage and
was referred to the 3oard of Health. -
Reports of Standing Commi't-ees.
For the -'ublic Safety Committee, Trustee 'o,-.ard recorted t,- -at the
work on the pound was progressing.
I; one.
_i_"O TS OF 5 ..:CIA T 727,-E 3.
ayin� dills .
It was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by '= rustee Tiles', t'Laat the
f01107Tin� demands, 11hiCh were &�JprOVe l 'JET the Committee Oi - i ?anCe and
Records, be paid and warrants drawn for same:
J . 'Terling Electric Energy X2.24
Herala Publishing Co. Ordinance Publication 7.00
elude '7ood,orth Stenogralihy Expense.
Herald Publishing Co. Su-0plies 49.95
Total ;72.64
The motion carried b71 the follow-r-- vote:
yes z'.:stees Coward, Anil° ", ".lard and _,_astir.
'IT ..oes . _.ore.
Absent: Trustee Rueter.
:.:oven b.' Trustee Smile- seconder. '�T Trustee ard, that the '2oard
approve file a �ointmPnt oi'vthe following named deputy :. :ars'-als :
J . 0. Fitzgerald, 3ar1 :,:. Erost, "'M tehead, Don L. 7rahe,
T. Dinwiddie, J . D. ?aley, J . A. 3-rown, C. A. 3untin;, :. H. Clari =,
Joseph Holland, Arthur :green. John Cairns, John rayder, :'obert
7i lli s , T . = . la-T10 cl�: , C . Kelly -; J. E. __c 1'lwain , L. 2. - -onnot ,
Jennison, 7. "'lilliams , omas :ilea-, J . P . -..'.arson, Iugust -7. Eardeli�_s ,
: :enneth 3. Campbell, eo. -. 3eechert, l: 1. _aldwir, _ :_. .tumor and
The motion carried.
:,.owed by 'trustee 3niley, seconded' by Trustee ;lard, that the
request of the atarda-d Oil Co. to erect a telephone line from, their
-,1r0''Jert-; t0 t =_e reside -ice of :..r. �'A1S_i, be granted. Carried.
:.:ove n-- ruslee :�,::ile--, co-de- . r,tistet ar:i, that ti e amity
Je i'is lruete:i to T a_ o _ase t; -.o r_i �E� ;tales 'lads for the Oit�T
all. tarried t .e -f o 11 o -n _ :o ;e.
_. 0 e S : . 0''' E .
_Ove_ -",IS -.,ee 'ozrs, �, se con, _e,_ '.D,- _rus`ee C.
±0 - 'ro01a -e %1"ice _'urri'-:_re v"atl..1o„Lies fl:on t�_e
Ari0._S Lea Iers . ' ✓Arrie2d.
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es��ec �ul_�, ��L-� v Ue ",
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o_ _ ,.�at-es or
- le-r"_ o_ t _aft %�i or L.1 ,� undo .