1917 APR 04 CC MIN26 El Segundo, Calif., April 4th, 1917. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7 :40 o'clock P. on the above date by the City Clerk, owing to the absence of President Rueger. It was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that Trustee ',.artin serve as President pro tem and the motion carried. ROLL CAll. Trustees present: Coward, Ward and 1- artin. Trustees absent: Smiley and Rueger. RLADI'TG T.TI'TUTES PREVIOUS .1KEETING. The minutes of the previous meeting were read; no errors or ommiss- ions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee ,Yard that the same be approved. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, 'Ward and i..artin . Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and Rueger. WRIT T d COT:..U'TI CAT IONS . From the League of California ;dunicipalities urging Board of Trustees to telegraph Governor and Assemblyman their disapproval of the passage of Assembly Bill No. 697. From American La France Fire Engine Co., Los Angeles Fire :Harm Co. and the Seagrave Co., relative to Fire equipment. From W. E. Horton submitting bid for the construction of dog pound. ORAL COM.XJNICATIO'TS. From W. E. L":organ requesting the Board of Trustees not to take action in the matter of Fire Fighting Equipment until after the committee appoint- ed by the Chamber of Commerce had investigated an engine sold by the Lamb- ert Mfg. Co., a demonstrator being on the way here. REPORTS OF STANDING COIZZTTEES. For the Committee of Public Safety, Trustee Coward reported that the Hose House had been repaired. For the same committee, Trustee Ward reported that he was able to locate only sever_ of the City's Fire r.:- tinguishers, which had been re- charged and placed at the following locations: One each at the Hotel Grand, E1 Segundo Hotel, E1 Primero Care, 'Wilson residence, Bryson residence, Faber residence and Smiley residence. Trustee Smiley appeared at the 1.eeting at 6;05 P. !;. For the Committee of Finance and Records, Trustee Smiley reported that the transom had been installed over the City Hall door. :'one. RE20RTS OF SPECIAL CO..::..ITTEES. U'TFIl ISHED 3USIN ESS . Trustee EXXX ;Yard moved the adoption of Ordinance l:o. 15, entitled: "AY, .0 E OF THEE C Y F ST, T 0 DIIT:�� h IT Or �? 5� UDO rE'sLIA KE Il's OF RUE3IS'ri, 'VASTE RAPER uTD 1:952 AiTD EJ :CT3D .:ATT ER ;'IITHIi' SAID CITY, AND PROVIDI.L. A ? 'TALTY FOR l3.3Ai4D01TI'TG SUCH _..ATTEP, 3U33ISH, ': ,1".31T E OR -. ASTE PAP R UFOIT �J'Y PU3?IC STREET OR PLACE .iIT�:II: SAID CITY. ", which was read. Trustee Coward seconded the motion and the Ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Smiley, :Vatd and i..artin. 'Toes: :;one. Absent: Trustee Rueger. The City :1ttorney submitted a Resolution relative to the organization of a Volunteer Fire Department, action being deferred to permit the Trustees to peruse the same. of the Board of 'Trust f El Segundo, April 4th, 1917, continued. The City Attorney submitted also, forms of Building Ordinance which the Trustees were to examine, before a similar ordinance for this city be drafted. 2 IffII'C BILLS . The following demands v ;ere of 3irance ara e c o r d s J1,,-de ;'loodwort'r. - 3ervices i' tt _.. -.i . d av-r.O y, - L77dy 'o ;e11- T, T Ti c t) r . .•.cCartl.y- IT presented and approved by the Committee for the -on,--h of _.'arch TT TT .TT IT I TT TT tt TT rt Herald Publishing Co., Publication of Ordinances Nos. . L. 'Tardner- 8-11-12 & 13 Labor :.:aterial furnished repairing Transom and Hose house 11.60 Total $168.72 ;;35.00 25.00 10.013 25.00 62.12 i:oved by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee Ward, that the claims be allowed and warrants drawn for same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees: Coward, Smiley, Ward and ;Martin. Ioes : None. _absent: Trustee Rueger. New Business. i.Ioved by Trustee 'lard, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the City Cleric be instructed to have published in the E1 Segundo Herald, notice of the failure to locate four of the sire Extinguishers and asking the persons having sane in their possession to notify a City Official. "-he motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: 'Trustees Coward, Smiley, Ward and Iaartin. oes : None. bsent: Trustee Rueger. I..oved by Trustee Coward, seconded by Trustee Ward, that contract for the construction of the dog pound as per specifications of the Committee of Public Safety, be let to �% E. Horton, as per his bid of $57.00. The motion-carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Coward, Smiley, ;hard and Martin. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Rueger. Loved by Trustee Coward seconded by Trustee Ward, that the City Clerk be instructed to telegraph the Governor and Assemblyman Lyons, as per the letter of the League of Pacific LIunicipalities. Carried by following vote: eyes: Trustees Coward, Smiley, Ward and i:artin. Noes: none. Absent : Trustee Rueger. I.oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Coward, that the Street Superintendent be instructed to employ a man to remove weeds from the si:ie;valk.s of of streets requirir- the same. Carried by the following vote: _�I-es : '-rustees Cov;ard, Smiley, lard and 1..artin. woe . 7_ one. Absent: Trustee �uecer. : -oved by Trustee Coward seconded by 'Trustee ;'lard, that the City Attor- ney be instructed to prepare the contract between the City and the El Segundo rand Improvement Co. as requested by the Southern California 'rustee ;lard, seconded to t_?e Of t .eir crossir_,- at nt ee socorae;: �-- '_"r ust ee Co:�;crd, that the i„it y Cler_ F.c 'Iectric Cc., r,_lative --allona _ve. F-nd _:rizona ,:t. Carried. b r `_'rustee Coward t at the meeting es ,ectfull,y submitted, r:- 1 -- of �1 e`urd0