2024-12-17 CC Agenda PacketAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024 5.15 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Ryan W. Baldino, Council Member Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer Executive Team Darrell George, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Paul Chung, Chief Financial Officer Saul Rodriguez, Police Chief George Avery, Fire Chief Michael Allen, Community Development Dir. Rebecca Redyk, HR Director Jose Calderon, IT Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Dir. Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks & Library Dir. MISSION STATEMENT: "Provide a great place to live, work, and visit." VISION STATEMENT: "Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while maintaining our unique small-town character." 1 Page 1 of 54 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only act upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate. When a Council Member duly requires AB 2449 teleconferencing to attend the City Council meeting the public will also be able to access the meeting and provide public comment via Zoom. To access Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, use URL https://zoom.us/m/ 81951332052 and enter PIN: 903629 or visit www.zoom.us on device of choice, click on "Join a Meeting" and enter meeting ID: 81951332052 and PIN: 903629. If joining by phone, dial 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID and PIN. To reiterate, attending a City Council meeting by Zoom will only be used when AB 2449 is used. NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous. Members of the public will be placed in a "listen only" mode and your video feed will not be shared with City Council or members of the public. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at https.11www.else_qundo.or_g4governmentldepartmentslcitV-clerk. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 2 Page 2 of 54 5:15 PM CLOSED SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5-MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30-MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for purposes of conferring with City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with City's Labor Negotiators. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1): -1- MATTER(S) 1. Retired Police Officer Sean Norwood Workers' Compensation Claim No. 21- 160002 6:00 PM — CONVENE OPEN SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL INVOCATION — Pastor Javier Buelna, RTLA Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Baldino SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentations to Outgoing Elected Officials PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30 MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Read All Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title On Recommendation - 3 Page 3 of 54 Approval B. CONSENT 2. City Council Meetina Minutes Recommendation - 1. Approve special and regular City Council Meeting minutes for December 3, 2024. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 3. Warrant Demand Register for November 11, 2024 through December 8, 2024 Recommendation - Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 10A,10B, 11A, and 1113: warrant numbers 3053164 through 3053521, and 9003261 through 9003273. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 4. Adoption of a Side Letter Agreement Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Firefighters' Association, IAFF, Local 3682 Recommendation - 1. Adopt a side letter agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Firefighters' Association, IAFF, Local 3682 to update provisions in its memorandum of understanding providing paramedic incentive pay and eligibility for rehire to probationary Fire Paramedics and to comprehensively review and update the Rehire Policy. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 5. Continue Emergency Action for the Permanent Repair of the City of El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Pool Heaters Recommendation - Receive and file staff's report regarding the status of the permanent repairs to El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center pool heaters. 2. Adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue the emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5519. 0 Page 4 of 54 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. C. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 6. Adopt a Resolution Declaring the Results of the November 5, 2024 Consolidated General Municipal Election Recommendation - 1. Adopt a resolution declaring the results of the November 5, 2024 Consolidated General Municipal Election. 2. Comments from outgoing Council Member Pirsztuk and Treasurer Matthew Robinson. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. D. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS — Remarks to Outgoing Elected Officials Council Member Baldino Council Member Giroux Council Member Pirsztuk Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel Mayor Boyles E. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY F. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER G. REPORTS -CITY CLERK 7. Administer Oath of Office to Council Members and City Clerk Elect Recommendation - 1. The City Clerk presents the Certificate of Election and administers the oath of office to City Council Members and City Clerk elect. 2. Comments from newly seated Council Members, Drew Boyles, Michelle Keldorf and Lance Giroux and City Clerk, Susan Truax. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 5 Page 5 of 54 8. Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern by Seated Council Members Recommendation - 1. Newly elected City Clerk receives nominations for Mayor from Council Members. Nominations do not require a second from another Council Member. The nominations will be voted on in the order they are made. If a nomination is approved by a majority of the Council, the person nominated becomes the Mayor and the process is concluded. 2. The newly appointed Mayor receives nominations for Mayor Pro Tern from Council Members. Nominations do not require a second from another Council Member. The nominations will be voted on in the order they are made. If a nomination is approved by a majority of the Council, the person nominated becomes the Mayor Pro Tern and the process is concluded. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. H. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS — Final Comments for the Evening Council Member Keldorf Council Member Baldino Council Member Giroux Council Member Pimentel Council Member Boyles Newly Selected Mayor to Read Mr. S. Claus' Annual Request for a Conditional Use Permit, Business License, and Various Waivers Recommendation - 1. Approve and immediately issue a Conditional Use Permit to Mr. S. Claus. 2. Approve the use of air rights and waive the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted). 3. Grant a free business license to S. Claus Enterprises, a non-profit organization. 4. Waive ESMC 8-4-11 B (Driveway Permits Required) and ESMC 8-5-11 (Parking on Grades). 5. Waive the Noise Ordinance (ESMC 7-2-3) to permit the clatter of reindeer hooves, the shouting of reindeer names, and the sound of bells on December 24 and 25, 2024. 6. Waive the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 7-6-3) to allow Mr. S. Claus to deliver gifts. 0 Page 6 of 54 7. Waive the Animal Control Ordinance (ESMC 6-2-1) to allow eight reindeer to land on rooftops in El Segundo. 8. Waive of the Pooper-Scooper Regulations (ESMC 7-1-4). Additionally, Mr. S. Claus has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean; the DMV for a valid vehicle registration; the Department of Health and Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage; and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride. I. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIALS ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: December 12, 2024 TIME: 2:00 PM BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 7 Page 7 of 54 MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2024 CLOSED SESSION — Canceled OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:03 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present INVOCATION — Tracy Weaver, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation read by Council Member Pirsztuk proclaiming December 8, 2024 as the 60t" Annual Holiday Parade. Marsha Hansen, CEO and President of El Segundo Chamber of Commerce accepted the proclamation. 2. Proclamation read by Council Member Baldino proclaiming 1200 Block of East Acacia Avenue as Candy Cane Lane from December 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., through December 23, 2024. Jennifer Turnbull, resident of Candy Cane Lane accepted the proclamation. 3. Commendation read by Council Member Giroux proclaiming December 24, 2024 the annual Community Christmas dinner and commends and thanks all sponsors, supporters, and volunteers, for their unselfish community service in keeping this hometown holiday tradition alive in El Segundo. Ryan Delgado, Recreation Supervisor accepted the proclamation. 4. Tracy Miller-Zarneke, Environmental Chairperson, reported on the LADWP Scattergood Hydrogen Ready Project. 4a. Geoff Gerny, El Segundo Firefighter and Firefighters' Association President reported on the recent El Segundo Firefighter Rock and Run event. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Chris Eidem, resident, commented on item #D19, design of the Skatepark. Cheryl Smith, resident, commented on item #D17, co -sponsored events and fee waivers. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 1 Page 8 of 54 CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: • Darrell George, City Manager gave a Hyperion Plant Update. A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 5. Approve regular and special City Council meeting minutes of November 19, 2024. (Fiscal Impact: None) 6. Approve warrants demand register for October 28, 2024 through November 10, 2024, numbers 9A and 913: warrant numbers 3052997 through 3053163, and 9003250 through 9003260. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: The total of $4,081,733.58 ($1,566,489.53 in check warrants and $2,515,244.05 in wire warrants)) 7. Authorize the City Manager to execute a public works construction Contract No. 7162 with Excelsior Elevator Corporation in the amount of $235,920 for the El Segundo Library Elevator Upgrades Project and authorize an additional $34,080 as contingency funds for potential unforeseen conditions and approve associated $85,000 budget appropriation from General Fund Reserves to the Capital Improvement Fund. (Fiscal Impact: $270,000 ($235,920 elevator upgrade cost + $34,080 contingency). The adopted FY 2024-25 CIP budget included $185,000 for the Library elevator upgrade project. The budget shortfall of $85,000 requires a budget appropriation from General Fund Reserves to the Capital Improvement Fund)) 8. Approve the El Segundo Title VI Program as required by the Federal Transit Administration for federal funding recipients. (Fiscal Impact: None) 9. Adopt Resolution No. 5522 approving the transfer Agreement No. 7163 with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to enable a funding disbursement to the City under the Safe Clean Water Program and authorize the City Manager to execute the transfer agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney or designee. (Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact on executing the Transfer Agreement. The grant revenue of approximately $600,000 annually will be earmarked for the City for projects and programs that improve storm -water quality primarily) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 2 Page 9 of 54 10. Accept Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements, by Tomovich and Associates, Inc., as complete and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. (Project No. PW 23-08) (Fiscal Impact: $1,613,459.83) 11. PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX 12. Authorize the City Manager to execute Agreement Amendment No. 6987A with Willdan Group, Inc. for an additional $200,000 for a total not -to -exceed amount of $320,000 for fiscal year 2024-2025 for fire plan check services, pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-7 and appropriate $200,000 from the General Fund Reserves to FY 2024-25 expenditure budget account 001-400- 3204-6214. (Fiscal Impact: There is no net fiscal impact due to all fees related to this item are paid from fees collected by the City for either fire plan checks or inspection services. The consultant fee is 100% recovered through the fire plan check fee. An additional appropriation of $200,000 from General Fund Reserves is required) 13. Adopt Resolution No. 5523 authorizing acceptance of a $19,608 grant from the California Department of Justice Tobacco Grant Program to support the El Segundo Police Department in educating minors about the harms of tobacco products, enforcing state and local tobacco laws, and conducting retailer enforcement, authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the associated memorandum of understanding for Grant Agreement No. 7164 and appropriate $19,608 to FY 2024-25 expenditure budget account 125-400-3101-3726 and establish $19,608 to FY 2024-25 revenue budget account 125-300-3101-3726. (Fiscal Impact: Funds were not included in the FY 2024-25 adopted budget. The grant requires the City Council to appropriate the expenditure and establish a revenue budget for FY 2024-25. The California Department of Justice Tobacco Grant Program is a reimbursable grant. The upfront cost of $19,608 will come from City reserves until the funds are reimbursed per the agreement) 14. Authorize acceptance of a $5,125.82 grant award from the U.S. Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program to support the El Segundo Police Department. (Fiscal Impact: $6000.00, included in the Adopted FY 2024-25 Budget. The U.S. Department of Justice Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program will reimburse the City 50% of the cost of the body armor vest) 15. PULLED BY MAYOR BOYLES MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, approving Consent items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 PULLED ITEMS: 11. Continue Emergency Action for the Permanent Repair of the City of El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Pool Heaters EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 3 Page 10 of 54 (Fiscal Impact: See staff report for fiscal impact) Council Member Giroux pulled the item to bring attention to the agreement the City has with Wiseburn Unified School District. Council Member Giroux would like to review the agreement at a future meeting. MOTION by Council Member Boyles, SECONDED by Mayor Boyles to receive and file staff's report regarding the status of the permanent repairs to El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center pool heaters and adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue the emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5519. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 15. Agreement Between the El Segundo Police Department and Flock Safety to Provide Drone Hardware and Software (Fiscal Impact: $99,000, included in the FY 2024-25 budget) Mayor Boyles asked Chief Rodriguez to give an overview of the drone program and the benefits of the program to the community. MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to waive bidding requirements pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1- 7- 9(A) and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a two-year Agreement No. with Flock Safety for $198,000 ($99,000 per fiscal year) for drone hardware and software. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 C. PUBLIC HEARING: None D. STAFF PRESENTAIONS: Council Member Baldino left the dais due to owning property within 500 ft of Clutter's Park. (Moved forward on the agenda per Mayor Boyles) 20. Clutter's Park Update (Fiscal Impact: None) Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks, and Library reported on the item. Council consensus to receive and file the report. Council requested the following to be addressed regarding Clutter's Park and brought back to a future City Council meeting for approval; • Moderate repairs and regular maintenance of the park • No artwork on the site • Limit hours of operation, close earlier, possibly 6:00 PM • No parking between 6:00 PM — 8:00 AM • Better signage EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 4 Page 11 of 54 Council Member Baldino returned to the dais. (Moved forward on the agenda per Mayor Boyles) 19. Recreation Park Renovation Project Phase One — Proposed Teen Center and Teen Plaza Schematic Design (Fiscal Impact: $8,704,848.97, estimated cost for renovation of the Teen Center and Teen Plaza was included in the Adopted FY 2024-25 Budget as part of the overall Recreation Park Project budget) Linnea Palmer, Recreation Manager, Jennifer Zell, MIG, Aaron Spohn, Spohn Ranch and Kervin Lau, Tighe Architecture gave a presentation. Council Discussion MOTION by Council Member Baldino, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel approving the Teen Center and Teen Center Plaza Schematic. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Recessed at 8:16 PM Reconvened at 8:24 PM 16. Review and Discussion of Billboard and Off -Site Signage Standards Being Permitted (Fiscal Impact: None) Eduardo Schonborn, Planning Manager gave a presentation. Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file the presentation and no further action was requested. 17. City Co -Sponsored Events and Fee Waivers (Fiscal Impact: Staff estimates fee waivers for FY 2024-25 to be approximately $147,573 based on historical costs of permitted events. If additional events are approved by the Council during the 2025 calendar year, this estimate will increase. The fees waived are actual costs for City staff to provide services and are charged against Department overtime budgets.) Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks, and Library Director reported on the item. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Mayor Boyles approving the fee waivers for the calendar year 2025. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 5 Page 12 of 54 18. The Plunge Public Art Budget Approval (Fiscal Impact: Estimated costs for the Plunge Public Art project is $127,500 from the Cultural Development Fund) Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks, and Library Director gave a presentation. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino approving $127,500 from the Cultural Development Fund to be allocated towards public art in the Plunge. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 E. COMMITTEES, COMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: 21. Appointments to the Environmental Committee, Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee, and Library Board of Trustees (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Boyles announced Kevin Butler and Leslie Edwards to full terms expiring October 31, 2027 and Sudip Giri to a partial term expiring October 31, 2026 to the Environmental Committee, Mike Rotolo and Jennifer Hiatt to full terms expiring October 31, 2027 to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee and Eric Hoffman to a full term expiring June 30, 2027 to the Library Board of Trustees. 22. Open the Recruitment Process for the Positions on the Committees, Commissions, and Boards that Will Expire in 2025 (Fiscal Impact: None) MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel directing staff to open the recruitment process for the positions on the Committees, Commissions, and Boards. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — Gave an election update. G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Not present H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Baldino — Bleated Happy Thanksgiving! Wished everyone a great week and weekend with all the upcoming City events. Council Member Giroux — No report Council Member Pirsztuk — Shout out to Chris Sherrill and her involvement in the development of the Community Christmas dinner and thanked all those involved in the City's upcoming holiday events. Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — Will attend the upcoming Transportation Committee meeting on Monday, December 9t", mentioned the COG had a discussion regarding the South Bay Fiber Ring, attended the South Bay Aerospace meeting EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 6 Page 13 of 54 at Wiseburn, toured the new sanitation tunnels, mentioned the Sidebar Summit event is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at Roots in El Segundo, and attended the Alliance for Innovation event. Mayor Boyles — Thanked several staff members for their efforts in working on several projects and working with the community. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — Stated tomorrow the South Bay COG is hosting an awards ceremony and recognizing El Segundo as an Energy and Climate Program awardee. MEMORIAL — None Adjourned at 9.31 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2024 PAGE 7 Page 14 of 54 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2024 4.00 PM CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Boyles called to order at 4.03 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None 0Wto] /_111111100V9121:Zo]0:1L��9101=69i 1. Arts and Culture Advisory Committee and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Council conducted interviews and Council appointed the following; Stuart Carroll, Michele Leach, Jason Haffley, Nicole LoSasso and Elizabeth Kennedy to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee. Allison Mitrovich, Christibelle Villena and Emily Atmore to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Council will announce the appointments at the 6:00 PM, January 21, 2025, regular City Council meeting. Is] X61*321 Z04X&IIM05 Conference with City's Labor Negotiator — (Gov't Code §54957.6): -1- Matter(s) 1. Employee Organization; Fire Fighters' Association Representative: City Manager, Darrell George and Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk. ADJOURNMENT at 5:57 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 1 Page 15 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t 1) 0Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.3 TITLE: Warrant Demand Register for November 11, 2024 through December 8, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 10A,10B, 11 A, and 11 B: warrant numbers 3053164 through 3053521, and 9003261 through 9003273. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The warrants presented were drawn in payment of demands included within the FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget. The total of $5,553,014.09 ($1,738,407.91 in check warrants and $3,814,606.18 in wire warrants) are for demands drawn on the FY 2024- 2025 Budget. BACKGROUND: California Government Code Section 37208 provides General Law cities flexibility in how budgeted warrants, demands, and payroll are audited and ratified by their legislative body. Pursuant to Section 37208 of the California Government Code, warrants drawn in payments of demands are certified by the City's Chief Financial Officer and City Manager as conforming to the authorized expenditures set forth in the City Council adopted budget need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment, but may be presented to the City Council at the first meeting after delivery. In government finance, a warrant is a written order to pay that instructs a federal, state, county, or city government treasurer to pay the warrant holder on demand or after a specific date. Such warrants look like checks and clear through the banking system like checks. Warrants are issued for payroll to individual employees, accounts payable to Page 16 of 54 Warrant Demand Register December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 vendors, to local governments, and to companies or individual taxpayers receiving a refund. DISCUSSION: The attached Warrants Listing delineates the warrants that have been paid for the period identified above. The Chief Financial Officer certifies that the listed warrants were drawn in payment of demands conforming to the adopted budget and that these demands are being presented to the City Council at its first meeting after the delivery of the warrants. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Strategy A: Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and exploration of potential funding options to support programs and projects. PREPARED BY: Liz Lydic, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Wei Cao, CPA, CPFO, Finance Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager /_1i/_TIJ:I411K11aaQ iIlIL[H1Z0Zd11Lyi14Zk16" a 1. Register 10a - summary 2. Register 10b - summary 3. Register 11a - summary 4. Register 11 b - summary Page 17 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3053164 - 3053253 001 GENERAL FUND 247,476.48 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 7,500.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 18,866.4a 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND - 110 MEASURER" - 111 COMM, DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP "C"TRANSPORTATION 152,029.25 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PRO GRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDAARTICLE 3-SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 12.978.01 122 L.AW.A. FUND - 123 PBAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 45.90 127 MEAURE"M" - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 132 MEASURE"B" - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT#73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -FIRE PROTECTION 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPERIMPACT FEES- WASTEWATER COLLIE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEESLIBRARY- 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER - 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 26.925.51 502 WASTEWATER FUND 138,201.48 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 18,520.00 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVE/INSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 1,118.80 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 623,661.91 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of El Sequndo. I certifv as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: NOTES: R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urqency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A= Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided Early when situation arises that the iManager approves. H - Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adiustments approved by the Cttv Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CITY MANAGER: I DATE: ^ / � I //^ DATE: DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 12/03/24 REGISTER # 10e Page 18 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 12/03/24 REGISTER # 10a D EPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 298.08 1201 City Treasurer 3,402.52 1300 City Clerk 2101 City Manager 10,360.97 2102 Communications 98.10 2103 El Segundo Media 2,586.04 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 23,600.83 2402 Planning 2405 Human and Health Services 637.50 2500 Administrative Services 43,622.09 2601 Government Buildings 24,435.13 2900 Nondepartmental 34,407.64 6100 Library 9,937.76 153,386.66 0111101114f_1J=11C1 3100 Police 7,344.27 3200 Fire 2,984.72 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 104.45 10,433.44 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 18,568.50 4200 Streets 30,096.15 4300 Wastewater 19,748.70 4601 Equipment Maintenance 2,137.33 4801 Administration 70,550.68 CK0]JiILTA 1U►111vaQAV=11161;j �il=1ki111 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 5400 CAMPS 18, 599.29 18, 599.29 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 370,691.84 TOTAL WARRANTS 623,661.91 Page 19 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 11/11/24 THROUGH 11/17/24 Date Payee 11/12/2024 West Basin 11 /12/2024 ExpertPay 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/14/2024 Cal Pers 11/04/24-11/10/24 Workers Comp Activity 11/04/24-11/10/24 Liability Trust - Claims 11/04/24-11/10/24 Retiree Health Insurance DATE OF RATIFICATION: 11/15/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Description 2,211,483.83 H2O payment 5,134.52 EFT Child support payment 49,600.40 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 64,016.49 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 60,316.33 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 38,981.51 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 33,762.58 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 24,616.29 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 17,817.68 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 30,842.22 Corvel checks issued/(voided) - Claim checks issued/(voided) - Health Reimbursment checks issued 2,536,571.85 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: i Treasury & Customer Services Manager Da. e Chief F* ncial Officer Date A', City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 2,536,571.85 PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-24 to 6-30-25.xlsx 11 /15/2024 1 /1 Page 20 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3053254 - 3053365 DATE OF APPROVAL. AS OF 12/03124 REGISTER # 10b 9003261 - 9003263 001 GENERAL FUND 194,738.48 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 4,000.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND - 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 6.160.22 110 MEASURE "R" - ill COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP"A" TRANSPORTATION 11,536.09 114 PROP"C"TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 64.26 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 342.50 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 5.866.06 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE - 127 MEAURE"M" - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 7.705.00 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM - 132 MEASURE"B" - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 073 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - FIRE PROTECTION - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WASTEWATER COLLE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY - 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER - 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 2.109.10 502 WASTEWATER FUND 29.046.07 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 6.687.75 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - ' 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVE/INSURANCE 550.00 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 264.14 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 267,967.67 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officers office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: NOTES: R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urqency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CITY MANAGER: DATE: �% / DATE: Page 21 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 11/18/24 THROUGH 11/24/24 Date Payee Description 11/22/2024 Mission Square 62,568.50 457 payment Vantagepoint 11/22/2024 Mission Square 1,123.20 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 11/22/2024 Mission Square 3,048.85 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 11/22/2024 Mission Square 100.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 11/22/2024 ExpertPay 5,134.52 EFT Child support payment 11/11/24-11/17/24 Workers Comp Activity 14,814.85 Corvel checks issued/(voided) 11/11/24-11/17/24 Liability Trust - Claims 2,061.28 Claim checks issued/(voided) 11/11/24-11/17/24 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 88,851.20 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 11/22/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 88,851.20 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & Customer Services Manager Da e Chief Fin ncial Officer Date ( -1-,J t (- 1-1 City Manager (7i---Z T)A14ZZLL� Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-24 to 6-30-25.xlsx 11/22/2 4 1/1 Page 22 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 12/03/24 REGISTER # 10b DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 384.08 1201 City Treasurer 3,431.39 1300 City Clerk 557.54 2101 City Manager 911.44 2102 Communications 144.11 2103 El Segundo Media 916.87 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 91.22 2402 Planning 45.61 2405 Human and Health Services - 40.24 2500 Administrative Services 10,412.73 2601 Government Buildings 26,850.22 2900 Nondepartmental 1,492.27 6100 Library 10,950.69 56,228.41 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 34,186.09 3200 Fire 41,018.44 2403 Building Safety 367.85 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 935.37 76,507.75 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 7,541.99 4200 Streets 12,556.90 4300 Wastewater 218.87 4601 Equipment Maintenance 14,441.39 4801 Administration 321.81 35,080.96 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 12,670.85 5400 CAMPS 12,670.85 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 87,479.70 TOTAL WARRANTS 267,967.67 Page 23 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3053366 - 3053424 9003264 - 9003264 001 GENERALFUND 255,000.71 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 6,000,00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 108 STATE GAS TAX FUND - 10B ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND - 110 MEASURE"R" - 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP "A"TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP"C"TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PRO GRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 342.50 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 287.74 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 92.99 127 MEAURE"W - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 12.410.00 132 MEASURE"B" - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT#73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 24.769.70 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPERIMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACTFEES-FIREPROTECTION - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WASTEWATER COLLE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LIBRARY - 318 DEVELOPER IMP ACT FEES - PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER - 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 573.21 502 WASTEWATER FUND 3.881.56 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND 73.817.82 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 426 .60 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEIINSURANCE 956.80 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES - 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER - 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 382.402.63 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officers office in the Cdv of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Aporoval: Reqular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: NOTES: Replacement check: 3053366 R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergencylurgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A= Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer geneated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be awided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City ManaqerCHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: GDFry \��(r�) DATE: Z' DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 12/17/24 REGISTER # 11a Page 24 of 54 DEPT# 1101 1201 1300 2101 2102 2103 2201 2401 2402 2405 2500 2601 2900 6100 3100 3200 2403 2404 4101 4200 4300 4601 4801 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 12/17/24 REGISTER# 11a NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council 96.65 City Treasurer City Clerk 350.02 City Manager 96.64 Communications El Segundo Media City Attorney 57,245.48 Economic Development Planning 72.42 Human and Health Services Administrative Services 24,583.98 Government Buildings 22,331.61 Nondepartmental 9,030.38 Library 6,433.73 120,240.91 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Fire Building Safety Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Streets Wastewater Equipment Maintenance Administration COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 5400 CAMPS EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS TOTAL WARRANTS 9,951.72 648.36 88.48 10,688.56 10,835.34 85,415.66 758.80 3,249.93 282.50 100,542.23 6,792.59 6,792.59 24,769.70 119,368.64 382,402.63 Page 25 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 11/25/24 THROUGH 12/01/24 Date Payee Description 11/25/2024 IRS 321,518.78 Federal941 Deposit 11/25/2024 Employment Development 5,488.04 State SDI payment 11/25/2024 Employment Development 76,363.29 State PIT Withholding 11/25/2024 PARS -US Bank -Trust Acct 260,000.00 FY 24-25 PARS Contribution 11/26/2024 Cal Pers 46,526.75 FY2024-2025 Unfunded Acc'd Liab-Police 1st Tier 28 11/26/2024 Cal Pers 39,781.42 FY2024-2025 Unfunded Acc'd Liab-Fire Classic 30168 11/26/2024 Cal Pers 30,991.00 FY2024-2025 Unfunded Acc'd Liab-Misc Classic 27 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 50,253.57 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 64,207.22 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 58,146.62 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 38,969.90 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 33,332.43 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 23,897.64 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 17,817.68 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 11/27/2024 Cal Pers 200.00 Admin Fee - Late Payroll Reporting 11/18/24-11/24/24 Workers Comp Activity 31,398.92 Corvel checks issued/(voided) 11/18/24-11/24/24 Liability Trust - Claims - Claim checks issued/(voided) 11/18/24-11/24/24 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 1,098,893.26 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 12/02/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: ,Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & CustomWServices Manager Dat / �zr C ' Financial Officer Date City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 1,098,893.26 P:\City Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-24 to 6-30-25.xlsx 12/2/2024 1/1 Page 26 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3053425 - 3053521 9003265 - 9003273 001 GENERAL FUND 307,473.36 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 2,000.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 14.100.00 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 7,198.86 110 MEASURER' - 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP'A"TRANSPORTATION (1.417.38) 114 PROP"C"TRANSPORTATION 16,100.00 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TOA ARTICLE 3- SB 521 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEM4 120 C.O.P.S. FUND - 122 L.AW.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 17.818.74 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 80.00 127 MEAURE"M' - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM - 132 MEASURE "B" - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT#73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - FIRE PROTECTION - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WASTEWATER COLLE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY - 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER - 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 12.126.41 502 WASTEWATER FUND 88.194.90 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEIINSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 228.27 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 472.54 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST - TOTAL WARRANTS 464,375.70 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Reqular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: R = Computer generated checks for all non-emerqency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty rash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CITY MANAGER: NOTES: DATE: 7 7j / I Z/ I O /2 7 DATE: / 7 --1 eZ y DATE OF APPROVAL. AS OF 12/17/24 REGISTER # 11b Page 27 of 54 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 12/02/24 THROUGH 12/08/24 Date Payee Description 12/3/2024 Credit Card Fees 15.00 Credit Card Fees - November 2024 12/4/2024 Unum 124.50 Long Term Care Premium - December 2024 12/6/2024 Mission Square 59,770.48 457 payment Vantagepoint 12/6/2024 Mission Square 1,123.20 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 12/6/2024 Mission Square 3,048.85 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 12/6/2024 Mission Square 582.68 IRA payment Vantagepoint 12/6/2024 ExpertPay 2,936.21 EFT Child support payment 11/25/24-12/01/24 Workers Comp Activity 11,591.85 Corvel checks issued/(voided) 11/25/24-12/01/24 Liability Trust - Claims - Claim checks issued/(voided) 11/25/24-12/01/24 Retiree Health Insurance 11,097.10 Health Reimbursment checks issued 90,289.87 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 12/09/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & Custom,er Services Manager Date l z/1Vf zY Date (2 -S-ZY Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 90,289.87 P:\City Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-24 to 6-30-25.xlsx 12/9/2024 1/1 Page 28 of 54 DEPT# 1101 1201 1300 2101 2102 2103 2201 2401 2402 2405 2500 2601 2900 6100 3100 3200 2403 2404 4101 4200 4300 4601 4801 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 12/17/24 REGISTER # 11 b NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council 404.50 City Treasurer City Clerk 494.37 City Manager 642.93 Communications 80.00 El Segundo Media 1,882.60 City Attorney 156.35 Economic Development 1,069.93 Planning 842.00 Human and Health Services 80.00 Administrative Services 18,915.74 Government Buildings 31,892.64 Nondepartmental 29,379.35 Library 3,639.26 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Fire Building Safety Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Streets Wastewater Equipment Maintenance Administration COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 5400 CAMPS EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS TOTAL WARRANTS 89,479.67 23,175.11 68,460.16 75.00 1,410.53 93,120.80 5,909.64 52,104.57 14,424.13 431.77 72,870.11 35,177.23 35,177.23 173,727.89 464,375.70 Page 29 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t I) �� Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.4 TITLE: Adoption of a Side Letter Agreement Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Firefighters' Association, IAFF, Local 3682 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a side letter agreement between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Firefighters' Association, IAFF, Local 3682 to update provisions in its memorandum of understanding providing paramedic incentive pay and eligibility for rehire to probationary Fire Paramedics and to comprehensively review and update the Rehire Policy. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for salaries and benefits in the El Segundo Firefighters' Association, IAFF, Local 3682 ("ESFA") memorandum of understanding ("MOU") is included in the adopted FY 2024-25 budget. Changes to the Rehire Policy to align with "No Prescribed Staffing Levels" language in the MOU are dependent on the Fire Chief's decision to rehire probationary Fire Paramedics to maintain safe and appropriate staffing levels. No additional funding is requested at this time. BACKGROUND: The City and the ESFA are currently parties to a MOU for the term May 21, 2024 through June 30, 2028. The parties are interested in updating provisions in the MOU regarding probationary Fire Paramedics and the Rehire Policy and have signed the attached side letter for City Council's consideration. DISCUSSION: The City Council adopted a side letter effective May 7, 2024 changing the City's hiring practices to hire at the rank of Fire Paramedic instead of Firefighter as the entry-level position in the department. This Side Letter has expedited the City's ability to provide Page 30 of 54 Adoption of a Side Letter Agreement December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 3 medical related services to the community by hiring personnel that were already trained and licensed Fire Paramedics instead of hiring Firefighters and subsequently sponsoring them to attend Paramedic school. Paramedic Incentive Pay Two weeks later, on May 21,2024, a successor MOU between the City of El Segundo and the ESFA was approved and adopted by the City Council. A key provision in reaching agreement was the removal of the "hired before" date to expand Paramedic Incentive Pay eligibility to all qualified employees covered under the terms and conditions of the ESFA MOU. This expanded eligibility along with the newly signed Side Letter to hire Fire Paramedics as the entry-level position in the department assisted in promoting recruitment and retention efforts. On September 30, 2024, three Fire Paramedics began employment with the City. At that time, it was discovered that the existing language requiring an employee be in a "permanent" status, meaning that they had successfully completed a one-year probationary period, was carried over to the successor MOU in error. The attached proposed Side Letter removes the "permanent" requirement to receive the Paramedic Incentive Pay as intended during the labor negotiations process. Eligibility to Rehire Probationary Employees The Rehire Policy is an operational document that defines the scenarios, procedures and eligibility for filling vacancies when personnel are on vacation, sick, off due to an injury, or other leave. Probationary employees are generally ineligible for rehire until after successful completion of six months of employment. This places the Rehire Policy language in conflict with the Fire Chief's responsibility, in conjunction with the City Manager, of determining safe and appropriate staffing levels as set forth in Article 10 of the MOU. The parties agree that the Fire Chief shall have the sole discretion to authorize the rehire of probationary employees prior to successful completion of six months employment should no other permanent sworn employees have made themselves available for rehire or such that appropriate staffing levels cannot be maintained. Comprehensive Review and Update of the Rehire Poli Article 21 of the MOU includes a provision to reopen the meet and confer process regarding proposed revisions to the Rehire Policy dated December 19, 2003. Individual sections of the Rehire Policy have been updated from time to time, but there has not been a comprehensive update of the Rehire Policy since its approval in 2003. Over the years, changes in procedures and technology have been implemented, including systems for electronic policy management and automated staffing and scheduling. The City and the ESFA are interested in exploring the incorporation of language in the Rehire Policy that administrative changes can be implemented should the Fire Chief, Human Resources Director and Association agree, and the City Manager approves, for Page 31 of 54 Adoption of a Side Letter Agreement December 17, 2024 Page 3 of 3 items that are operational in nature, without fiscal impact, and not covered under the Meyers Milias Brown Act ("MMBA"). The attached Side Letter recognizes language conflicts between the MOU and Rehire Policy and also addresses intentions during the meet and confer process regarding providing Paramedic Incentive pay to all qualified employees, permanent and probationary. Upon City Council approval, staff will work to implement these changes and begin the comprehensive review and update of the Rehire Policy. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 2: Optimize Community Safety and Preparedness Strategy B: Provide cost-effective and excellent fire protection and emergency response services. Goal 4: Promote and Celebrate a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Excellence PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Side Letter Between the City of El Segundo and the ESFA Page 32 of 54 SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTERS' ASSOCIATION, IAFF, LOCAL 3682 (ESFA) This Side Letter of Agreement ("Agreement") between the City of El Segundo ("City") and the El Segundo Firefighters' Association ("ESFA") (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") is entered into with respect to the following: WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a Side Letter effective May 7, 2024 to hire at the rank of Fire Paramedic instead of Firefighter as the entry-level position in the department to enhance the City's ability to provide medical related services to the community; and WHEREAS, the Parties are currently parties to a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") for the term of May 21, 2024 through June 30, 2028; and WHEREAS, the MOU removed the "hired before" eligibility date to receive Paramedic Incentive pay so that all permanent sworn employees meeting the licensure and accreditation criteria would now qualify for the Paramedic Incentive pay; and WHEREAS, the intent of this provision was to expand eligibility for Paramedic Incentive pay to all qualified employees, permanent and probationary, and to promote recruitment and retention efforts; and WHEREAS, the MOU also includes a provision to reopen the meet and confer process regarding proposed revisions to the Rehire Policy dated December 19, 2003; individual sections of the Rehire Policy have been updated from time to time, but there has not been a comprehensive update of the Rehire Policy since its approval in 2003; and WHEREAS, the MOU includes "No Prescribed Staffing Levels" language providing that the Fire Chief in conjunction with the City Manager shall have the sole responsibility of determining safe and appropriate staffing levels; and WHEREAS, the Rehire Policy provides that probationary employees are generally ineligible for Rehire until after successful completion of six months of employment; which places the Rehire Policy language in conflict with the Fire Chief's responsibility, in conjunction with the City Manager, of determining safe and appropriate staffing levels as set forth in Article 10 of the MOU; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree that the Fire Chief shall have the sole discretion to authorize the rehire of probationary employees prior to successful completion of six months employment should no other permanent sworn employees have made themselves available for rehire or such that appropriate staffing levels cannot be maintained; and 12690771.1 EL140-142 Page 33 of 54 Side Letter Between the City of El Segundo and ESFA WHEREAS, the Parties are interested in conducting a comprehensive review and update of the Rehire Policy to reflect changes made over the last twenty years with prior Side Letters, new scheduling technology, and the electronic policy administration system and including consideration of incorporating language in the MOU to facilitate administrative changes to the Policy should the Fire Chief, Human Resources Director and ESFA agree, and the City Manager approves, for items that are operational in nature with little to no fiscal impact. WHEREAS, the following sets forth the Parties' Agreement: The City will revise MOU Article 3- Incentive Compensation, Section 3.01 Paramedic License Incentive to remove "permanent" as a condition of eligibility for receiving this pay such that all employees, permanent and probationary, meeting the licensure and accreditation requirements outlined in this section are eligible. Section 3.01 was effective upon approval and adoption of the MOU, May 21, 2024, and any probationary employees meeting the licensure and accreditation requirements will receive the Paramedic License Incentive effective May 21, 2024. The City will revise applicable sections of the Rehire Policy pertaining to eligibility for rehires of Probationary employees such that the Fire Chief will have the sole discretion to authorize rehire for employees with less than six months of employment should no other permanent sworn employees have made themselves available for rehire or such that appropriate staffing levels cannot be maintained. In collaboration with the ESFA, the City will meet to conduct a comprehensive review and update of the Rehire Policy to reflect changes made over the last twenty years with prior Side Letters, new scheduling technology, and the electronic policy administration system. The Parties will discuss and consider incorporating language in the MOU to facilitate administrative changes to the Policy should the Fire Chief, Human Resources Director and ESFA agree, and the City Manager approves, for items that are operational in nature with little to no fiscal impact. This agreement between the Parties will become effective the pay period after approval and adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo. 12690771.1 EL140-142 Page 34 of 54 Side Letter Between the City of El Segundo and ESFA FO HE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 12— — Darrell George, City Manager Date George Avery, 17,04 Chief Rebecca Redyk Director of Human Resources Date Date FOR THE EL SEGUNDO FIREFIG TER'S ASSOCIATION '�f 9 Geo Gerny, esident Date Curt Crowson, Vice President /Z,�% . Date 12690771.1 EL140-142 Page 35 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F I. F. �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.5 TITLE: Continue Emergency Action for the Permanent Repair of the City of El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Pool Heaters RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file staff's report regarding the status of the permanent repairs to El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center pool heaters. 2. Adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue the emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5519. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: As described on the November 5, 2024 Council agenda: The estimated total cost for the permanent repair of the Aquatics Center Pool Heaters is $700,000 ($613,724 repair + $86,276 contingency). The project costs were not included in the adopted FY 2024-25 CIP Budget and requires a budget appropriation from General Fund Reserves to the Capital Improvement Fund. WUSD agreed to reimburse the City half of the construction cost after the competition of the work, up to $300,000. The budget request is as follows: Amount Budgeted in FY 2024-25: $0 Additional Appropriation: $700,000 Expense Account Number: 301-400-8202-8463 (General Fund CIP - Aquatics Center Pool Heaters) Establish Transfer Out Budget: $700,000 Transfer Out Account Number: 001-400-0000-9301 (Transfer out from General Fund to CIP Fund) Establish Transfer In Budget: $700,000 Transfer In Account Number: 301-300-0000-9001 (Transfer in to CIP Fund from Page 36 of 54 Permanent Repair of the City of El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Pool Heaters December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 3 General Fund) Set Revenue budget: $300,000 Revenue Account Number: 001-300-XXXX-XXXX (WUSD Pool Heater Contribution)* * Revenue account will be generated after funds are received from WUSD BACKGROUND: On November 5, 2024, the City Council adopted a by four -fifths vote, declaring the existence of an emergency and authorizing the award of a contract without competitive bidding pursuant to Public Contract Code §§ 1102, 20168, and 22050 regarding the needed permanent repair work for the heaters at the Aquatic Center. The City Council also authorized the City Manager to approve and execute a standard Public Works Construction Contract with Knorr Systems International to repair existing heaters at the El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center for an amount of $613,724 and authorize an additional $86,276 as contingency funds for potential unforeseen conditions, for a total budget amount of $700,000. �"1911j *R61► The emergency repairs are expected to take place in July and August 2025. State law requires the Council to revisit the emergency at the next regular meeting and subsequent regular meetings until the required action is terminated. Staff respectfully recommend approval of the recommended actions as noted. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Strategy B: Seek opportunities to implement the use of innovative technology to improve services, efficiency, and transparency. Strategy C: Maintain an innovative General Plan to ensure responsible growth while preserving El Segundo's quality of life and small-town character. Goal 2: Optimize Community Safety and Preparedness PREPARED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Page 37 of 54 Permanent Repair of the City of El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Pool Heaters December 17, 2024 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 38 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t I) �� Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: C.6 TITLE: Adopt a Resolution Declaring the Results of the November 5, 2024 Consolidated General Municipal Election RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a resolution declaring the results of the November 5, 2024 Consolidated General Municipal Election. 2. Comments from outgoing Council Member Pirsztuk and Treasurer Matthew Robinson. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The regularly scheduled Consolidated General Municipal Election for City Council was held on November 5, 2024 for three (3) Council Member seats and City Clerk. The County of Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk ("County") canvassed the returns of the election and has certified the results as required by Elections Code § 10262. 11 &*4 01*1 IQ 0 F Pursuant to California Elections Code § 10263, the City Council is required to adopt a resolution declaring the results of the City of El Segundo ("City") Consolidated General Municipal Election. The proposed resolution must recite the number of total ballots cast in the City and the number of votes cast for each candidate and measure, as canvassed and certified by the Registrar of Voters. The canvass declares Drew Boyles, Michelle Keldorf and Lance Giroux elected to the Page 39 of 54 Election Results of November 5, 2024 December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 office of the El Segundo City Council for terms ending in November 2028 by a majority vote. In addition, Susan Truax was elected to the office of City Clerk via the write-in candidate process for a term ending in November 2028 by a majority vote. The proposed resolution includes the whole number of ballots cast in the City, the names of the candidates, the number of votes given in each precinct to each person, and the total number of votes given to each person. Under Government Code § 1360, before any city officer enters office, he or she must take an oath of office specified in the California Constitution. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy A: Enhance proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public about City services, programs, and issues. PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - County Official Canvas Certificate and Official Statement of Votes 2. Resolution Certifying 2024 Election clean Page 40 of 54 EXHIBIT "A" COUNTY OFFICIAL CANVAS CERTIFICATE AND OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST -3- Page 41 of 54 s Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Cle ERTIFICATE OF THE CANVAS OF THE ELECTION RETURNS N C. LOGAN, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of Los Ar State of California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the provisi n 15300 et seq. of the California Elections Code, I canvassed the retui of the votes cast for each elective office and/or measure(s) for it the General Election, held on the 5th day of November, 2024. HER CERTIFY that the Statement of Votes Cast, to which this certii d, shows the total number of ballots cast in said jurisdiction, and that th of votes cast for each candidate and/or measure(s) in said jurisdiction espective precincts therein, and the totals of the respective columns als as shown for each candidate and/or measure(s) are full, true and corr VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 3rd day of December 2024. L,AfG (, DEAN C. LOG; A� Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles Page 42 of 54 0 c ,) U C a p U AEOG'IDI 3'Ig2H3IW U rl H '-I ti H Ul W U xnSZS'dId A'I'IMI 0 S4 N r M 61 N N r O U! S3'IAOS MSdCl o m m rn ti ti io r M e O C ifl l0 N G' M m 'dZAKHX3Id NHOr N r O N O M N O N rl H '-I rl H MOUI9 3ONK'I N M H a mP Jf M.ti PN CD� P N o N N c m �O N m m P ID M T N NsGI3 SIIIHO o M M o N N M m O m O N N m l0 N u'1 N r 01 M N H H N v' l0 O N M N M ro � N � � G 01 01 P1 r o p H ro N m c N N a M d Ln c c c r a a a a < < H a H a H a H a F W W W w m a FC m 4 m RC m m W U a n O H H o N v N W m O O O O C7 N W z E S O O N O N O N O N a> N a N a N a N a O H O z W W E+ U 0 ❑ >+ 0 ❑ >+ 0 ❑ N O ❑ N 0 0 w a o a on E w E a W z cC E N +1 ro W F m O< a W H m 0 a W 4 m E 0 a W FC m F a 0 r.0 a Z r.� M O H El U > _I E 0 7 a E 0 a J E O a > E 0 U W m a W F W E w E.W E Page 43 of 54 N O H C) U G a O U 4EOGgSY 3'I73HOIW oo U m M H N L L N l0 lD M yJ � ul C O p N O H ro ro N r N � irl C � o p o H JJ H W N F O N a W U W c� N W 2 > F FC O a > a 0 U O z H H O E+ ] O W z W G F O O W C O U F E+ F i-7 W JJ H E-H Q 0p oU U a w a £ FC > w N 9 Page 44 of 54 Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk CERTIFICATE OF THE CANVASS OF THE ELECTION RETURNS OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS GENERAL ELECTION — NOVEMBER 5, 2024 CANVASS OF WRITE-IN VOTES PRESIDENT PETER SONSKI VOTES CAST 662 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY CLERK VOTES CAST ERIC KENAS 207 ALISSA KOVALL 183 SUSAN TRUAX 567 ANDY LYON CITY OF MALIBU MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL (Continued on next page) VOTES CAST 986 —_-_- — Pg. 1 of 2 Page 45 of 54 CITY OF SIERRA MADRE CITY TREASURER SUE SPEARS VOTES CAST 111 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 3rd day of December 2024. DEAN C. LOG Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles Pg. 2 of 2 Page 46 of 54 RESOLUTION NO. XXX A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 5, 2024. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds as follows: A. The City of El Segundo ("City") conducted a duly noticed General Municipal Election do on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in consolidation with the Statewide General Election that the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of Los Angeles ("County") held on the same, as required by law, day (for purposes of this Resolution, the City's election will refer to by the capitalized term "Election"). B. The City conducted its Election for the consideration of the election of three (3) City Council Members and City Clerk, each for full, four-year terms. C. Voting precincts were properly established, election officers were appointed, votes were cast, votes were received and canvassed, and the returns made and declared in the time and manner required by the Elections Code for holding elections in general law cities. D. Pursuant to Elections Code § 15300 et seq., the County canvassed the Election returns and certified the results to the City Council. These results are Exhibit 'A" and incorporated by reference. E. Pursuant to Elections Code § 10263, upon completing of the canvass and before installing new officers, the City Council must adopt a Resolution reciting the fact of the Election and other matters identified in Elections Code § 10264 and declare the election of persons for whom the highest number of votes were cast for each office. SECTION 2: The City Council declares and determines as follows: A. A total of 10,031 ballots were cast in the City election, 2,569 by precinct and 7,462 by mail. B. The names of the persons voted for City Council at the Election were: Drew Boyles, Chris Eidem, Lance Giroux, Michelle Keldorf, John Pickhaver and Carol Pirsztuk. The City Clerk seat was held via the Write - In Candidate process with three (3) persons qualifying as Write -In Candidates; Eric Kenas, Alissa Kovall, and Susan Truax. -1- Page 47 of 54 C. Drew Boyles, Michelle Keldorf and Lance Giroux received the most votes among the City Council candidates (5,537, 4,185, and 3,781 respectively) and were elected as Members of the City Council for full terms of four years. Susan Truax received the most write-in votes among the City Clerk write-in candidates with a total of 567 votes, for a full term of four years. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is directed to enter in the City's records a statement of the result of the election showing all information required under Elections Code § 10264, and such statement may include this Resolution. SECTION 4: Pursuant to Elections Code § 10265, the City Clerk will immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; the City Clerk will also administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and will have them subscribe to it and file it in the office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected will then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 5: The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. SECTION 6: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. XXX this 17t" day of December 2024. ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney -2- Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 48 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F L F. �' t 1\ 1) �� Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Reports - Council Members Item Number: F TITLE: Mr. S. Claus' Annual Request for a Conditional Use Permit, Business License, and Various Waivers RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve and immediately issue a Conditional Use Permit to Mr. S. Claus. 2. Approve the use of air rights and waive the Santa Monica Radial 160 R procedure (FAA should be contacted). 3. Grant a free business license to S. Claus Enterprises, a non-profit organization. 4. Waive ESMC 8-4-11 B (Driveway Permits Required) and ESMC 8-5-11 (Parking on Grades). 5. Waive the Noise Ordinance (ESMC 7-2-3) to permit the clatter of reindeer hooves, the shouting of reindeer names, and the sound of bells on December 24 and 25, 2024. 6. Waive the Trespass Ordinance (ESMC 7-6-3) to allow Mr. S. Claus to deliver gifts. 7. Waive the Animal Control Ordinance (ESMC 6-2-1) to allow eight reindeer to land on rooftops in El Segundo. 8. Waive of the Pooper-Scooper Regulations (ESMC 7-1-4). Additionally, Mr. S. Claus has been directed to the Coastal Commission for clearance over the ocean; the DMV for a valid vehicle registration; the Department of Health and Welfare to ensure his elves are receiving minimum wage; and the Air Quality Management District to ensure a safe and clear sleigh ride. Page 49 of 54 Mr. S. Claus' Annual Request December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: Were Mr. S. Claus required to take the time to obtain all of the necessary permits, he would not be able to start his business until after June 1, 2025. DISCUSSION: Since Mr. S. Claus has shown good faith during previous business endeavors, and his business would be welcomed by the community as a whole. Staff recommends City Council waive the fees and permits required. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 50 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Reports - City Clerk Item Number: G.7 TITLE: Administer Oath of Office to Council Members and City Clerk Elect RECOMMENDATION: 1. The City Clerk presents the Certificate of Election and administers the oath of office to City Council Members and City Clerk elect. 2. Comments from newly seated Council Members, Drew Boyles, Michelle Keldorf and Lance Giroux and City Clerk, Susan Truax. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. :7_T44201:tell]z113 Election Code § 10265 requires the City Clerk, serving as the elections official, to immediately sign and deliver to each newly elected officer a Certificate of Election. The elections official is also required to administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the California Constitution. The following candidates were elected to the three (3) City Council Member seats and City Clerk: • Drew Boyles • Michelle Keldorf • Lance Giroux • Susan Truax DISCUSSION: Page 51 of 54 Administer Oath of Office December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy A: Enhance proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public about City services, programs, and issues. PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 52 of 54 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: December 17, 2024 Agenda Heading: Reports - City Clerk Item Number: G.8 TITLE: Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern by Seated Council Members RECOMMENDATION: Newly elected City Clerk receives nominations for Mayor from Council Members. Nominations do not require a second from another Council Member. The nominations will be voted on in the order they are made. If a nomination is approved by a majority of the Council, the person nominated becomes the Mayor and the process is concluded. 2. The newly appointed Mayor receives nominations for Mayor Pro Tern from Council Members. Nominations do not require a second from another Council Member. The nominations will be voted on in the order they are made. If a nomination is approved by a majority of the Council, the person nominated becomes the Mayor Pro Tern and the process is concluded. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: Government Code § 36801 and El Segundo Municipal Code § 1-4-2 require the City Council to choose one of its members as Mayor and one of its members as Mayor Pro Tempore at the meeting at which the declaration of the election results for a General Municipal Election is made, following the declaration of the election results and the installation of elected officials. Page 53 of 54 Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern December 17, 2024 Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION: The City Clerk must record nominations for Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern and will confirm acceptance of each nomination for Mayor and put each nominee's name to a vote in the order of the nominations received. Once the Mayor is approved, the Mayor will open the nominations for Mayor Pro Tern and put each nominee's name to a vote in the order of the nominations received. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy A: Enhance proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public about City services, programs, and issues. PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 54 of 54