2024-12-03 CC Agenda Packet - Presentation #4 - LADWP Scattergood Hydrogen Ready Project UpdateCITY OF ELSEGUNDO LADWP SCATTERGOOD HYDROGEN READY PROJECT UPDATE by Environmental Committee December 3, 2024 City Council Meeting First Committee Briefing LADWP originally briefed the Environmental Committee on April 7, 2023, on its planned hydrogen ready Scattergood facility upgrade. Committee concerns about the project included: • Needed more detail on the hydrogen fuel: will the hydrogen be produced on site, stored on site, or trucked in from where? • How can a hydrogen generation station be constructed if plans for the actual hydrogen fuel source have not been determined? • If trucks are to be used to deliver, at what cadence and are they green? What route will be used? Have traffic impacts been discussed? ELSEGUVUO City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 2 First Briefing Concerns (cont'd • If pipelines are the preferred method of fuel delivery, what percentage of hydrogen will be used and how long until 100% hydrogen is the fuel source? • What construction mitigation measures will be in place to address hundreds of workers, construction vehicles and all associated emissions that will impact El Segundo? • How will LADWP ensure proper maintenance of facility, specifically safety and emissions monitoring, and will there be fence -line monitors? With AQIVID oversight? ELSEGUNDO City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 3 Second Committee Briefing On November 8, 2024, LADWP briefed the Environmental Committee with an updated draft presentation. • The Committee concerns listed earlier from the first project briefing remained. • The Committee requested the LADWP present a paired down version of the presentation to Council this evening, within the DER window, but LADWP was not available. E LSEGUNDo City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 4 Second Committee Briefing Questions • If the air-cooled generation process no longer requires ocean cooling, why does it need to be located at the aging coastal facility? • Designand installation of an Air -Monitoring System in collaboration with AQMD is highly recommended. Community Benefits- El Segundo is not serviced by LADWP even though the facility is located within the City, so what benefit does the community gain or how can potential negative impacts be mitigated by the project? Is there an opportunity for funding or construction of onsite EV charging or Hydrogen filling stations. Can a small percentage of the, -property be designated as parkland or protected El Segundo Blue butterfly habitat. Note: These comments have already been sent to LADWP. ELSEGUNDO City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 5 Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for public comment through December 20, accessed in our public library or online here: Comments may be sent by EMAIL: Scattergood_CEQA@ladwp.com Or by MAIL: LADWP Corporate Environmental Affairs Environmental Planning and Assessment, Attn: Jazmin Martin 111 North Hope Street, Room 1044, Los Angeles, CA 90012 For the public: please include your name and return address so that you can be added to the project mailing list for future project notifications; know that Your name, address, and comments become public information and may be released to Interested parties if requested. Please ensure that comments are postmarked or emailed on or before December 20, 2024. ELSecuuuo City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 6 Questions/Discussion ELSEGUNDO City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA90245 7