2022-06-08 DEI AgendaCITY OF
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
MEETING TIME: 6:00 p.m.
MEETING PLACE: I I I W. Mariposa Ave (Friends of the Library)
El Segundo, CA 90245
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take
action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the
public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of
the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
Members of the Public may also provide comments electronically by sending an email to the
following address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting:
pbates&elsegundo.org in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number.
Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the Committee during
public communications.
NOTE: Emails and documents submitted will be considered public documents and are subject to
disclosure under the Public Records Act. and possibly posted to the City's website.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to
participate in this meeting, please contact Portland Bates, 310-524-2343. Notification 48
hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure
accessibility to this meeting.
Avery Smith - Chairperson
Kenneth Chancey - Co -Chairperson
Genesis Jackson -Member
Rebeccah Yussman- Member
Michael Lipsey- Member
Shad McFadden - Member
Christina Vasquez -Fajardo - Member
Christibelle Villena - Member
Steven Wood - Member
At this time, members of the public may speak to any item on the agenda. Before speaking, you
are requested, but not required, to state your name and address for the record. If you represent
an organization or a third party, please so state, and if you have received value of $50 or more
to communicate to the DEI Committee on behalf of another, or if you are an employee speaking
on behalf of your employer, you must so identify yourself prior to addressing the DEI
Committee pursuant to ESMC 1-8-4. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable
by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the DEI
Committee to take action on any item not on the agenda.
1. Minutes from the Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Special DEI Committee Meeting
Recommendation: Approve meeting minutes.
1. El Segundo Town Hall
Recommendation: Discussion and approval of next steps.
2. Meeting Time Change
Recommendation: Approve meeting time change from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
a. Local Economy
b. Community at Large
c. Public Safety — See Attached Recommendations
d. Citywide Organization — See Attached Recommendations
G. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMUNICATION- Limited to 5 minutes per member
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Citywide Organization Report
Recommendations Diversity & Representation Recommendation
1. Internally evaluate diversity among leadership roles to ensure different perspectives
are considered in top down decision making.
Recruiting Talent Recommendations
1. Work with the City's Human Resources Department to explore and recommend DEI
competencies for leadership and other roles. Develop relevant DEI-related interview
questions accordingly.
2. Evaluate industry best practices for equitable hiring, such as:
o Blinding personally identifiable information on job applications
o Using standardized interview rubric & scoring
Employee DEI Training Recommendations
1. Survey City employees to gain an understanding of areas of interest/concern related to DEI
topics. From there, evaluate offering additional short, digestible DEI-related training that
would be relevant for ES employees, e.g. "Unconscious Bias."
2. Use the City's GARE resource portal to gain access to equity tools and ideas from GARE
and other cities.
Workplace Culture Recommendations
1. Start gathering insights via an employee survey to gauge overall employee sentiment on
topics such as: culture, belonging, wellbeing and equity within the City organization.
2. Based on survey results, identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement in order
to take actions that foster a sense of belonging within the City organization.
3. Based on survey results, consider popular DEI-boosting initiatives like Employee
Resource Groups (ERGs) or an internal mentorship program.
Employee Retention Recommendations
1. Retention and belonging are interrelated, and the subcommittee recommends that the
City evaluate and develop retention and attrition metrics (e.g. an annual employee survey
can shed light on retention and attrition).
2. Consider implementing formal exit interviews which may help the City better understand
larger trends and why employees leave.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Public Safety Subcommittee Report
Recruitment & Training Recommendations
1. Evaluate the diversity of those in management/leadership positions within ESPD and ESFD
to ensure different perspectives are considered in top down decision -making.
2. Work with Citywide Organization Subcommittee to explore and recommend
DEI competencies for leadership and other roles.
3. Review industry best practices for equitable hiring, such as blinding personally
identifiable information on job applications, and using standardized interview rubric and
Police Department Policy Review Recommendations
1. ESPD has committed to work with the Subcommittee to further monitor and evaluate
practices, demographics and data around use of force, stats on stops and arrests as they
relate to DEI.
2. Evaluate further the demographics of use of force and arrests, especially as compared to
the greater LA County population.
3. Work with Community -at -Large Subcommittee to host regularly -scheduled opportunities
for dialogue and information -sharing between ESPD and the community. This may include a
"Chiefs Corner" in the El Segundo Herald.
4. Select 2-3 areas, such as ALPRs, Use of Force and RIPA, to dive deeper into an analysis
report and presentation to the City/community. This can be through panel discussions, Q&A
with the Chief and so forth.
5. Once 2021 metrics are available, review with ESPD and analyze, as needed for
further recommendations.
Culture & Community Recommendations
1.Continue to build relationships with ESPD, specifically with Police Chief Jaime Bermudez.
2. Partner with the other subcommittees to survey the community for resident perspectives
on ESPD and DEI public safety -related priorities. Schedule a meeting with the City's
survey contractor to launch the first survey in 2022.
3. Work with the City, schools and other community partners to promote the Let Us
Know! online form. Our online form was launched on the website in August 2021 and this
has been used by one community member.
4. As pandemic restrictions loosen, sit down with the Community Lead Officers to explore
opportunities for collaboration. For example, together ESPD and DEI could host a
community version of the briefings ESPD officers receive to discuss high -profile incidents.
El Segundo Fire Department Status Update
Collect ESFD data on policies, procedures, training, protocols, demographics, etc. for review
and analysis.
2. Schedule ESFD ride-alongs and other opportunities (similar to the Community Police
Academy) for the Public Safety Subcommittee to attend.
3. Continue to build relationships with ESFD, specifically with Fire Chief Deena Lee.
DATE: J U N E 2, 2022
TIME: 5:00 P.M.
City of El Segundo
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2022 4:30 p.m.
339 Sheldon St, El Segundo CA 90245
The meeting was called to order at 4:37p.m. by Chairperson Smith and roll call was conducted by
Management Analyst Portland Bates.
Committee Members Present: Shad McFadden, Avery Smith, Christina Vazquez -Fajardo, Genesis
Jackson, Rebeccah Yussman
Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Calciano gave a presentation on Meeting Best Practices, Decorum and the
Brown Act. Attorney Calciano went through Rosenberg's Rules of Order which is what the City follows. The
City attorney went through the rules and answered questions from the community and DEI Members.
Attorney Calciano also gave information regarding the Brown Act and how those rules apply to the DEI
City Staff Present:
Lance Giroux, City Council
Darrell George, Interim City Manager
Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager
Elizabeth Calciano, Assistant City Attorney
Chief Deena Lee, El Segundo Fire Department Chief
Amanda Elek-Truman, Human Resources Manager
Portland Bates, Management Analyst
There was no in person public comment.
Steven Wood wrote in to voice his concern over the DEI Community Survey and the legitimacy of the
Motion: to approve the meeting minutes of Wednesday, April 26, 2022 motion was made by Member
McFadden with a second by Member Jackson. Motion passed 5-0
1. Local Economy Subcommittee Report
Chairperson Smith went over the Local Economy Subcommittee Report with members and the public and
allowed them to ask questions. Councilmember Giroux suggested the committee concentrate on
recommendations the City can act on within their power. Actionable items that the Council can act on and
not things they hope they can act on. Member McFadden had questions on the recommendations that were
being made and how they are set up. Member Jackson suggested separating the next steps for the
committee from the recommendations to Council. Member Vazquez -Fajardo suggested using the tables that
the Citywide Subcommittee used in their presentation. Deputy City Manager Voss suggested adding next
steps section after the reports are done with a summary of recommendations at the end. Chairperson Smith
asked if the City could create a video and put it on the diversity page. Member Vazquez -Fajardo
suggested changing the language from a "Town Hall" meeting to a focus group or in-house sessions.
Motion to approve report with suggested edits made by Member McFadden with a second from Member
Vazquez -Fajardo the motion passed 5-0.
2. New DEI Member Subcommittee Assignments
Member Jackson once again stated that she is open to Community at Large and the Citywide
Member Yussman stated she is open to serve wherever she is needed. Citywide Organization is her
preference also.
Deputy City Manager Voss suggested we come up with a list of committees and members to place on the
next agenda.
3. El Segundo Town Hall
Chairperson Smith gave an update regarding a town hall and his discussion with Councilmember Giroux. A
seminar style discussion with two panel members on specific topics. Member Jackson felt that the Town Hall
should be an open forum without the panel members to start off with. Member McFadden shared his
concern with being able to document and follow up with the members of the community following the
meeting. Is it going to be an actual discussion and not a confrontation? Chairperson Smith feels that this is a
huge opportunity to show those outside of the City the changes in El Segundo. There are possibly other
cities that have held town hall meetings that El Segundo can emulate. The committee discussed placing this
item on the agenda for the next meeting to vote on.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:06 pm to the next meeting on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 6:OOpm.