2024-10-15 CC Agenda PacketAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 5:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Ryan W. Baldino, Council Member Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer Executive Team Darrell George, City Manager Mark Hensley, City Attorney Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Paul Chung, Chief Financial Officer Saul Rodriguez, Police Chief George Avery, Fire Chief Michael Allen, Community Development Dir. Rebecca Redyk, HR Director Jose Calderon, IT Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Dir. Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks & Library Dir. MISSION STATEMENT: "Provide a great place to live, work, and visit." VISION STATEMENT: "Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while maintaining our unique small-town character." 1 Pagel of 206 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only act upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate. When a Council Member duly requires AB 2449 teleconferencing to attend the City Council meeting the public will also be able to access the meeting and provide public comment via Zoom. To access Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, use URL https://zoom.us/m/ 81951332052 and enter PIN: 903629 or visit www.zoom.us on device of choice, click on "Join a Meeting" and enter meeting ID: 81951332052 and PIN: 903629. If joining by phone, dial 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID and PIN. To reiterate, attending a City Council meeting by Zoom will only be used when AB 2449 is used. NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous. Members of the public will be placed in a "listen only" mode and your video feed will not be shared with City Council or members of the public. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at https.11www.else_qundo.or_g4governmentldepartmentslcitV-clerk. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 2 Page 2 of 206 5:00 PM CLOSED SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5-MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30-MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for purposes of conferring with City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with City's Labor Negotiators. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1): -4- MATTER(S) Scott Martinez (Retired City Fire Fighter) v. City of El Segundo, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 21 ST CV10637. 2. Shawn Bonfield (Retired City Fire Department Battalion Chief) v. City of El Segundo, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 20ST CV48677. 3. Brent Beardmore (City Police Officer) v. City of El Segundo, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 22ST CV25047. 4. Sean Norwood (Retired Police Officer), Workers' Compensation Claim No. 1925-WC-22-0300024. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (GOV'T CODE §54957.6): -1- MATTER(S) 1. Employee Organizations; Fire Fighters' Association (FFA) Representative: City Manager, Darrell George, Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk, Laura Drottz Kalty, and Alex Volberding. 6:00 PM — CONVENE OPEN SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL INVOCATION — Father Alexei Smith, St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Baldino 3 Page 3 of 206 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Launch of El Segundo Connect 2. Childhood Cancer Awareness Week 3. National Bullying Prevention Month PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30 MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Read All Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title On Recommendation - Approval B. CONSENT 4. City Council Meetina Minutes Recommendation - 1. Approve regular City Council meeting minutes for October 1, 2024. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 5. Warrant Demand Register for September 9, 2024 through September 22, 2024 Recommendation - 1. Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 6A and 6B: warrant numbers 3052298 through 3052515, and 9003228 through 9003229. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 0 Page 4 of 206 6. Continue Emergency Action for the Repair of the Storm Drain Pipe and Sewer Line on Grand Avenue Recommendation - Receive and file staff report regarding the status of the emergency repairs to the storm drain pipe and sewer line on Grand Avenue, west of Indiana Street. 2. Adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5503. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. Introduction of an Ordinance to Amend the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to Change the Land Use Designation of Lot 14 Within Phase II of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Area and Resolution Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Final Environmental Impact Report Recommendation - Adopt resolution approving Addendum No. 2 to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, under Environmental Assessment No. EA-905, to find that changing Lot 14's land use designation from Commercial/Office Mixed Use to Office/Industrial Mixed Use within Phase II of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Area does not require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report or negative declaration, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163. 2. Waive the first reading and introduce an ordinance amending El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to change Lot 14's land use designation from Commercial/Office Mixed Use to Office/Industrial Mixed Use and finding that the project does not require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report or negative declaration, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163. 3. Schedule a second reading of the ordinance for the November 5, 2024 regular City Council meeting or as soon thereafter it may be considered. 4. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 5 Page 5 of 206 D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 8. Revised Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policv Recommendation - 1. Approve proposed revisions recommended by the Recreation and Park Commission to the Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. 2. Discuss and provide direction regarding possible future revisions identified by staff related to the Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 9. Update on Joint Use Agreement Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District Recommendation - 1. Receive and file Joint Use Agreement update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 10. PATCHES Program Quarterly Update Recommendation - 1. Receive and file the PATCHES Program update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS F. REPORTS - CITY CLERK G. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER H. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS I. COUNCIL MEMBER BALDINO J. COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX K. COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK L. MAYOR PRO TEM PIMENTEL M. MAYOR BOYLES N. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY 0 Page 6 of 206 O. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIALS ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: October 10, 2024 TIME: 6:00 PM BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 7 Page 7 of 206 rortamatt"On Citp of (fY *egunbo, (California WHEREAS, the American Cancer Fund for Children and Kids Cancer Connection report cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children between infancy and age 15. This tragic disease is detected in more than 16,000 of our country's young people every year; and WHEREAS, one in five of our nation's children loses his or her battle with cancer. Many infants, children and teens will suffer from long-term effects of comprehensive treatment, including secondary cancers. An estimated 400,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed globally with cancer each year; and WHEREAS, founded over thirty years ago by Steven Firestein, a member of the philanthropic branch of the Max Factor cosmetics family, the American Cancer Fund for Children, Inc., Kids Cancer Connection, Inc. and Lions Clubs International are dedicated to helping these children and their families; and WHEREAS, The American Cancer Fund for Children and Kids Cancer Connection provide a variety of vital patient psychosocial services to children undergoing cancer treatment at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, City of Hope National Medical Center, UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital, Los Angeles General Medical Center, Harbor -UCLA Medical Center, Miller Women's and Children's Hospital Long Beach, Cedars -Sinai Medical Center, as well as hospitals throughout the country, thereby enhancing the quality of life for these children and their families; and WHEREAS, The American Cancer Fund for Children and Kids Cancer Connection also sponsor toy distributions, Home and Hospital instruction, family sailing, art therapy, pet -assisted therapy, KCC Family House, Laughternoon: Laughter is Healing, It's Magic - Nothing is Impossible, KCC Supercar Experience and other hospital celebrations in honor of a child's determination and bravery to fight the battle against childhood cancer. NOW, THEREFORE, on this 15th day of October, 2024, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby proclaim November 3 through November 9 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Week in El Segundo and encourage the citizens of El Segundo, businesses, nonprofit organiza- tion to observe Childhood Cancer Awareness Week and support this cause that so deeply impacts families in every community. Chris Pimentel Mayor Pro Tem Lance Giroux Councilmember Drew Boyles Mayor w� Carol Pirsztuk Councilmember Ryan Baldino Councilmember Page 8 of 206 ommenbatton Citp of (EC �egunbo, California WHEREAS, bullying is the aggressive use of power targeting another person or group of people with repeated, unwanted words or action, hurting them emotionally or physically; and WHEREAS, bullying occurs in neighborhoods, playgrounds, schools, and online through technology; and WHEREAS, various researchers have concluded that bullying is the most common form of violence, affecting millions of American children and adolescents annually; and WHEREAS, thousands of children and adolescents are affected by bullying annually in our community; and WHEREAS, targets of bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school and, students who are repeatedly bullied often fear such activities as riding the bus, going to school, interacting online, and attending community activities; and WHEREAS, children who bully are at a greater risk of engaging in more serious violent behaviors; and WHEREAS, children who witness bullying often feel less safe, helpless to stop it, and intimated. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby proclaim the month of October, 2024 "National Bullying Prevention Month" and encourage schools, students, parents, recreation programs, religious institutions, businesses, and community organizations to be encouraged to engage in a variety of awareness and prevention activities designed to make our communities safer for all children and adolescents. ._ : CU Chris Pimentel Mayor Pro Tern Lance Giroux Councilmember Drew Boyles Mayor Carol Pirsztuk Councilmember Ryan Baldino Councilmember Page 9 of 206 MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called the meeting to order at 5.02 PM. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGHAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1): -2- MATTER(S) 1. James Tulette (Retired City Fire Fighter) v. City of El Segundo, Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 205T, CV44025, 22-165920 (MASTER), 20-147980, 21-160004, 21-156590 2. Oliver Griffen v. Doty Brothers Equipment Co, et al. (Case No. 24TRCV01003) we] ►1921V21ilk Is] 2RVITJII:IIxe1_11111111104Z011J►6y21W_1►11us] lWT_1I121911k9leL19Eel 0 INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT to (Government Code §54956.9(d)(4)): -1- matter(s). CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code §54957.6): - 7- MATTER(S) 1. Employee Organizations; Police Officers' Association (POA), Fire Fighters' Association (FFA), Supervisory Professional Employee Association (SPEA), Professional Support Services Employee Association (PSSEA), Classified Employees' Association (CEA), Police Management Association (PMA), and Management Confidential (unrepresented). Representative: City Manager, Darrell George, Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk, Laura Drottz Kalty, and Alex Volberding. Representative: City Manager, Darrell George, Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk, Laura Drottz Kalty, and Alex Volberding. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 1 Page 10 of 206 Adjourned at 5:50 PM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:03 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel Council Member Pirsztuk Council Member Giroux Council Member Baldino - Present - Present - Present - Present - Present INVOCATION — Pastor Rob McKenna, Bridge Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Brandon Amat, resident, in support of multi -modal transport planning for the city. Champ Camp, Trevor & Kim Nicol, resident, presented a $1000.00 check to the City for the Skate Park renovation project. Eric Petterson, business owner, spoke regarding downtown development. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: • Updated the Council on the Hyperion Plant. A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 B. CONSENT: 1. Approve special and regular City Council meeting minutes of September 17, 2024. 2. Approve warrants demand register for September 2, 2024 through September 8, 2024 numbers 513: warrant numbers 3052220 through 3052297, and 9003220 through 9003227. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: $1,081,614.43 ($680,204.81 in check warrants and $401,409.62 in wire warrants)) 3. PULLED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BALDINO EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 2 Page 11 of 206 4. Receive and file staff's report regarding the status of the emergency repairs to the storm drain pipe and sewer line on Grand Avenue, west of Indiana Street and adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue the emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5503. (Fiscal Impact: City Council appropriated $100,000 to account #001-400-4302- 6215 (General Fund - Repairs & Maintenance) at the September 3, 2024 City Council meeting. The additional $130,000 needed to repair the sewer line is available in the Sewer Fund #502-400-8204-8647 (Sewer Main Repair). No additional appropriations are needed at this time.) 5. Adopt Resolution No. 5508 establishing the basic hourly salary range for the License Permit Specialist 1-11 Part -Time Classification. (Fiscal Impact: Adoption of the resolution would suspend the City's collection of Measure C's 0.75% sales tax, which city staff estimated could generate approximately $9 million in additional City sales tax revenues annually. Approval of the suspension would obviate the need for tax implementation costs, including California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) implementation fees ($175,000) and associated audit consultant fees (approximately $2,500 per year) MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk, approving Consent items 1, 2, 4, and 5. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 PULLED ITEMS: 3. Amendments to Agreements With Willdan Engineering and True North Compliance Services, Inc. for Plan Check and Inspection Services (Fiscal Impact: $250,000 ($125,000 True North, $125,000 Willdan and additional appropriation: $250,000 ($125,000 True North, $125,000 Willdan)) Michael Allen, Community Development clarified the item and answered several of Council's questions. MOTION by Council Member Baldino, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 6756A with Willdan Engineering to increase the annual not -to -exceed amount by $175,000 for a total not -to - exceed amount of $250,000 per fiscal year for building plan check review and inspection services, authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 6755A with True North Compliance, Inc. to increase the annual not -to - exceed amount by $175,000 for a total not -to -exceed amount of $250,000 per fiscal year for building plan check review and inspection services and appropriate $250,000 from the General Fund Reserves to FY 2024-25 budget expenditure account 001-400- 2403-6214. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 C. PUBLIC HEARING: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 3 Page 12 of 206 6. A Resolution Temporarily Suspending Collection and Implementation of Additional Three -Quarter Cent Sales Tax Pursuant to Voter -Approved El Segundo Measure C (Fiscal Impact: Adoption of the resolution would suspend the City's collection of Measure C's 0.75% sales tax, which city staff estimated could generate approximately $9 million in additional City sales tax revenues annually. Approval of the suspension would obviate the need for tax implementation costs, including California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) implementation fees ($175,000) and associated audit consultant fees (approximately $2,500 per year)) Mayor Boyles stated this was the time and place to conduct a public hearing adopting a resolution temporarily suspending collection and implementation of additional three- quarter cent sales tax pursuant to voter approved El Segundo Measure C. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received. Darrell George, City Manager introduced the item. Mark Hensley, City Attorney reported on the item. Public Input: MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Council discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5509 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING COLLECTION OF THE 0.75 PERCENT TRANSACTIONS AND USE TAX AUTHORIZED BY THE VOTERS AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 10, 2018 (MEASURE C), AND DETERMINING THIS RESOLUTION IS EXEMPT FROM REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk adopting Resolution No. 5509. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 D. STAFF PRESENTAIONS: 7. Amendment to the City Contributions for CalPERS Medical Premiums (Fiscal Impact: Funding for action related to the previously approved memoranda of understanding (MOUs) is incorporated in the adopted FY 2024-25 operating EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 4 Page 13 of 206 budget. The fiscal impact of the medical contribution for Unrepresented Hourly Employees considered full-time under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is dependent upon the number of employees who accept the offer of coverage. The estimated maximum fiscal impact for calendar year 2025 is projected to be approximately $28,857. Sufficient funding is included in the adopted FY 2024-25 operating budget) Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director reported on the item. Council Discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5510 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 003 EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino adopting Resolution No. 5510. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5511 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 004 EL SEGUNDO FIREFIGHTERS' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux adopting Resolution No. 5511. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: IV211001Lol19[M ilk Iilk 10-1 OVA FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 007 EL SEGUNDO POLICE MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino adopting Resolution No. 5512. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 5 Page 14 of 206 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5513 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 008 EL SEGUNDO POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel adopting Resolution No. 5513. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5514 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 002 EL SEGUNDO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Council Member Baldino, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux adopting Resolution No. 5514. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5515 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WITH RESPECT TO A RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION 005 EL SEGUNDO SUPERVISORY AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk adopting Resolution No. 5515. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5516 FIXING THE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE ACT AT AN EQUAL AMOUNT FOR EMPLOYEES EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 6 Page 15 of 206 WITH RESPECT TO 009 UNREPRESENTED HOURLY EMPLOYEE GROUP MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk adopting Resolution No. 5516. MOTION PASSED. 5/0 8. Resolution Updating Salary and Various Benefits for the Unrepresented Police Officer Trainee Classification (Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of the updated salary and various benefits for the unrepresented, "Police Officer Trainee" classification for the remainder of FY 2024-25 is approximately $129,692. This total fiscal impact includes six El Segundo Police Department trainee incumbents and two additional new hires that are expected to begin employment in early October. Additional appropriation from the General Fund reserves is needed in the following amounts to these accounts: 001-400-3102-4101 Salaries Full-time - $99,694.18, 001-400-3102- 4201 Retirement CalPERS - $10,158.84, 001-400-3102-4202 FICA/Medicare - $7,626.60, 001-400-3102-4203 Workers' Compensation - $12,212.54) Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director reported on the item. Council Discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney, read by title only; RESOLUTION NO. 5517 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING UPDATED SALARY AND VARIOUS BENEFITS FOR POLICE OFFICER TRAINEES MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino adopting Resolution No. 5517. MOTION PASSED. 4/1 Yes: Boyles Pirsztuk Giroux Baldino No: Pimentel MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux approving the appropriation of $129,692 from the General Fund reserves to the various FY 2024-25 salaries and wages budget expenditure accounts. MOTION PASSED. 4/1 Yes: Boyles Pirsztuk Giroux Baldino No: Pimentel E. COMMITTEES, COMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: None F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — Vote By Mail Ballots will begin arriving this week and the Ballot Box on the corner of Holly and Main Street will open this week as well. G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Not present H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 7 Page 16 of 206 Council Member Baldino — No report Council Member Giroux — Thanked Kiwanis and city employees for an incredible Main Street Fair. Council Member Pirsztuk — Requested an item regarding forming a subcommittee for the upcoming International events that will be held in Los Angeles in 2026 and 2028 be placed on an upcoming agenda. Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — Attended Sanitation meeting; gave a brief report regarding LA's upcoming recycling project and on what is taking place with the landslide in Palos Verdes, will attend the upcoming Transportation meeting and mentioned the Governor signed several bills into law, the City Attorney will write a report with all the new laws and how they affect the City and various departments. Mayor Boyles — Attended the first Deep Tech Week event, Congratulated the Jewelry Source on their 40 year anniversary, attended Park Vista anniversary event, attended the South Bay Aerospace Alliance; a housing task force meeting at the base, attended the Main Street Fair, attended the Schriever Wall of Honor Ceremony, So Cal Association of Governments Regional Council is dark in October, and mentioned he heard Clutter Park still an issue, would like a report regarding the park on an upcoming agenda. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — No report MEMORIAL — None Adjourned at 7:08 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 2024 PAGE 8 Page 17 of 206 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t 1\ 1) 0Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.5 TITLE: Warrant Demand Register for September 9, 2024 through September 22, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 6A and 613: warrant numbers 3052298 through 3052515, and 9003228 through 9003229. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The warrants presented were drawn in payment of demands included within the FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget. The total of $6,409,058.24 ($2,487,239.51 in check warrants and $3,921,818.73 in wire warrants) are for demands drawn on the FY 2024- 2025 Budget. :1_T61201:tell] Z 113 California Government Code Section 37208 provides General Law cities flexibility in how budgeted warrants, demands, and payroll are audited and ratified by their legislative body. Pursuant to Section 37208 of the California Government Code, warrants drawn in payments of demands are certified by the City's Chief Financial Officer and City Manager as conforming to the authorized expenditures set forth in the City Council adopted budget need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment, but may be presented to the City Council at the first meeting after delivery. In government finance, a warrant is a written order to pay that instructs a federal, state, county, or city government treasurer to pay the warrant holder on demand or after a specific date. Such warrants look like checks and clear through the banking system like Page 18 of 206 Warrant Demand Register October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 2 checks. Warrants are issued for payroll to individual employees, accounts payable to vendors, to local governments, and to companies or individual taxpayers receiving a refund. DISCUSSION: The attached Warrants Listing delineates the warrants that have been paid for the period identified above. The Chief Financial Officer certifies that the listed warrants were drawn in payment of demands conforming to the adopted budget and that these demands are being presented to the City Council at its first meeting after the delivery of the warrants. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Strategy A: Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and exploration of potential funding options to support programs and projects. PREPARED BY: Liz Lydic, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Wei Cao, CPA, CPFO, Finance Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Register 6a - summary 2. Register 6b - summary Page 19 of 206 3062299 - 3052423 9003228 - 9003229 001 GENERAL FUND 807.269.66 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND - 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 7,441.16 110 MEASURE"R' - ill COMM. REVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP"A"TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP"C"TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 52181KEWAY FUND 3.972.96 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 200.00 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PS AF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 10.041.52 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 AIP CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 45.80 127 MEAURE"M' - 128 SB-1 - 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 131) AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 4.120.00 132 MEASURE"B" - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT#73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 429.179.00 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -FIRE PROTECTION - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WASTEWATERCOLLE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACTFEES -LIBRARY - 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER - 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 10.616.20 502 WASTEWATER FUND 745.061.84 503 GOLF COURSEFUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 800.00 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEIINSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 702.99 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 1,000.00 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 2.080.541.19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officers office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification; A= Payroll and Employee Benefit checks CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND NOTES: Replacement check: 3052298 B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: p� CITY MANAGER: DATE: � �7 � DATE: DATE OF APPROVAL. AS OF 10101124 REGISTER # 6a Page 20 of 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 10/01/24 REGISTER # 6a DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 1201 City Treasurer 1300 City Clerk 2101 City Manager 2102 Communications 98.10 2103 El Segundo Media 4,851.68 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 2402 Planning 241.09 2405 Human and Health Services 552.50 2500 Administrative Services 132,921.14 2601 Government Buildings 11,270.43 2900 Nondepartmental 5,364.95 6100 Library 16,822.17 172,122.06 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 546,017.63 3200 Fire 15,871.06 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 561,888.69 Panr9T-1TW.- 4101 Engineering 4200 Streets 74,116.38 4300 Wastewater 616.20 4601 Equipment Maintenance 7,389.26 4801 Administration 82,121.84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 32,259.52 5400 CAMPS 960.00 33,219.52 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 429,179.00 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 802,010.08 TOTAL WARRANTS 2,080,541.19 Page 21 of 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 09/09/24 THROUGH 09/15/24 Date Payee 9/10/2024 West Basin 9/10/2024 Cal Pers 9/13/2024 Mission Square 9/13/2024 Mission Square 9/13/2024 Mission Square 9/13/2024 Mission Square 9/13/2024 ExpertPay 09/02/24-09/08/24 Workers Comp Activity 09/02/24-09/08/24 Liability Trust - Claims 09/02/24-09/08/24 Retiree Health Insurance DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/18/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Description 2,513,030.84 H2O payment 675,513.14 EFT Health Insurance Payment 75,222.73 457 payment Vantagepoint 1,123.20 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 3,048.85 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 100.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 5,134.52 EFT Child support payment - SCRMA checks issued/(voided) - Claim checks issued/(voided) - Health Reimbursment checks issued 3,273,173.28 .�I r Treasury & Customer Services Manager Date( /G7�/ ��lral-7 Financial Officer City Manager Date 9-1 -z Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 3,273,173.28 P:\City Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24.xlsx 9/18/2024 9/1 Page 1/ of 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3052424 - 3052515 001 GENERAL FUND 357,239.60 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 11,500.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND - 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND - 110 MEASURE"R" - 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE - 127 MEAURE"M" - 128 SBA 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1.145.00 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 1.540.00 132 MEASURE- 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT#73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1.288.00 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -GENERAL GOVERNME - 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -LAW ENFORCEMENT - 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - FIRE PROTECTION - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- STORM DRAINAGE - 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WATER DISTRIBUTI - 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- WASTEWATER COLLE - 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY - 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES- PUBLIC MEETING - 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES -AQUATICS CENTER 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PARKLAND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 5,058.33 502 WASTEWATER FUND 3,927.39 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQ UIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEIINSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE 702 EXPENDABLETRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES - 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUSTFUND-OTHER 25.000.00 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 406,698.32 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of EI Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Reqular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: NOTES: Replacement check(.): 3052424 8 3052425 R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for matenals, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager appmves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: CfTY MANAGER: DATE: � Z t. DATE: �) DATE OF APPROVAL. AS OF 10101/24 REGISTER # 66 Page 23 of 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 10/01/24 REGISTER # 6b DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 644.81 1201 City Treasurer 90.10 1300 City Clerk 481.63 2101 City Manager 3,481.48 2102 Communications 45.57 2103 El Segundo Media 2201 City Attorney 3,696.00 2401 Economic Development 91.14 2402 Planning 46.57 2406 Human and Health Services 2600 Administrative Services 94,714.96 2601 Government Buildings 46,268.79 2900 Nondepartmental 1,166.00 6100 Library 355.12 149,970.06 3100 Police 5,540.00 3200 Fire 43,040.99 2403 Building Safety 262.48 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 542.19 49,385.66 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 13,598.14 4200 Streets 26,374.56 4300 Wastewater 4601 Equipment Maintenance 2,149.65 4801 Administration 257.43 42,379.78 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6100,5200 Recreation & Parks 94,214.38 5400 CAMPS 11,544.63 105,759.01 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,288.00 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 57,915.81 TOTAL WARRANTS 406,698.32 Page 24 of 206 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 09/16/24 THROUGH 09/22/24 Date Payee 9/16/2024 IRS 9/16/2024 Employment Development 9/16/2024 Employment Development 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 9/19/2024 Cal Pers 09/09/24-09/15/24 Workers Comp Activity 09/09/24-09/15/24 Liability Trust - Claims 09/09/24-09/15/24 Retiree Health Insurance DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/20/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Description 288,198.86 Federal941 Deposit 5,326.49 State SDI payment 67,941.46 State PIT Withholding 49,228.87 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1st Tier 28 66,667.83 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 58,183.45 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 39,155.83 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 32,829.23 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 23,332.12 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 17,781.31 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 - SCRMA checks issued/(voided) - Claim checks issued/(voided) - Health Reimbursment checks issued 648,645.45 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & Customer Services Manager Date Chief Financial Officer Date City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 648, 645.45 P:\City Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24.xlsx 9/20/2024 1 /1 Page 25 of 206 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t 1) 0Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: 13.6 TITLE: Continue Emergency Action for the Repair of the Storm Drain Pipe and Sewer Line on Grand Avenue RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file staff report regarding the status of the emergency repairs to the storm drain pipe and sewer line on Grand Avenue, west of Indiana Street. 2. Adopt a motion by four -fifths vote to determine the need to continue emergency action approved under Resolution No. 5503. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: City Council appropriated $100,000 to account #001-400-4302-6215 (General Fund - Repairs & Maintenance) at the September 3, 2024 City Council meeting and an additional $130,000 to account #502-400-8004-8647 (Sewer Fund - Sewer Main Repair) for the repair of the sewer line at the October 1, 2024 City Council meeting. No additional appropriations are needed at this time. BACKGROUND: After authorizing the award of a contract without public bidding due to an emergency, state law requires that the City Council review the emergency action at each regular meeting thereafter. If the Council determines by four -fifths votes that there is a need to continue the emergency action, then such work may continue. DISCUSSION: On September 3, 2024, the City Council adopted a Resolution No. 5503 to declare an emergency, under Public Contract Code §§ 20168 and 22050, due to a sinkhole caused by a crack developed on a storm drain lateral pipe, and approved the award of a Page 26 of 206 Continue Emergency Action for the Repair of the Storm Drain Pipe on Grand Avenue October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 3 contract to Williams Pipeline Contractors to effectuate the necessary repairs. State law requires the City Council to review the emergency action at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until the action is terminated, to determine, by a four -fifths vote, that there is a need to continue the action. Staff provides this report and associated presentation to facilitate the mandated emergency review. The work began on repairing the storm drain lateral pipe, including excavating to a depth of approximately 20 feet to uncover the damaged pipe. The repair of this pipe was completed on September 6, 2024. During the back -filling work associated with the project, it was then discovered that the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main located approximately 6 feet underground above the storm drain lateral was vertically displaced for a length of 140-feet. The replacement of this pipe began shortly after and was completed on October 4, 2024. It is anticipated that the pavement will be fully restored by the time this staff report is considered by the City Council on October 15, 2024. Staff finds that the underlying emergency declared under Resolution No. 5503 persists until the City accepts the repair work as complete, and recommends that the City Council, by four -fifths vote, determine the need for the previously approved emergency action. This higher vote threshold is mandated by Public Contract Code § 22050(c). I:NIA&II:7_A1Xr]Los aw_1Z[d91iyiIUA/_101:s]:$ Goal 1: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Strategy A: Seek opportunities to implement and expedite the projects in the Capital Improvement Program and ensure that City -owned infrastructure is well maintained, including streets, entryways, and facilities. Goal 2: Optimize Community Safety and Preparedness Strategy C: Protect and prepare the El Segundo Community and staff for any emergency, disaster, or environmental violation. PREPARED BY: Arianne Bola, Sr. Engineer Associate REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: CC RESOLUTION 5503 Page 27 of 206 Continue Emergency Action for the Repair of the Storm Drain Pipe on Grand Avenue October 15, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Page 28 of 206 RESOLUTION NO. 5503 A RESOLUTION ADOPTED PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE § 20168 FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY HAS EXISTED WITHIN THE CITY, AUTHORIZING CONTRACTING WITHOUT THE NEED FOR BIDDING PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE § 22050 The City Council does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. Pursuant to Public Contracts Code § 20168, the City Council may, upon a four -fifths vote, declare that public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of public money to safeguard life, health, or property because of an emergency. & In accordance with Public Contracts Code §§ 20168 and 22050, the City Council may repair or replace a public facility, take any directly related and immediate action required by that emergency, and procure the necessary equipment, services, and supplies for those purposes, without giving notice for bids to let contracts. C. On August 15, 2024, a sudden, unforeseen collapse occurred on a City storm drain line located in Grand Avenue approximately 10-ft west of the intersection of Grand Avenue and Indiana Street. D. In compliance with applicable law, and to protect public, health, safety and welfare, the City took immediate emergency action to cause the storm drain to be repaired beginning on August 15, 2024. E. The utility line collapse created a sudden, unexpected occurrence that poses a clear and imminent danger to City property, its citizens, and employees. This threat required immediate action to prevent or mitigate the loss or impairment of essential public services. F.. Under such emergency conditions, the City Council finds that the delay resulting from public bidding would imperil essential public services. SECTION 2: Approval; Delegation. The City Council approves the expense of $100,000 from the General Fund for the time and materials contracting cost required for the repairs required to remediate the emergency described in Section 1, above. The City Manager or designee is authorized to execute agreements or other associated documents, in forms approved by the City Attorney, to effectuate the necessary repairs. RESOLUTION 5503 PAGE 1 of 3 Page 29 of 206 SECTION 3: In light of the emergency described above, the City Council directs the City Manager, or designee, to take all steps necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare including, without limitation, awarding and signing contracts in accordance with Public Contracts Code § 22050. SECTION 4: This Resolution will become retroactively effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 5: Pursuant to Public Contracts Code § 22050(c), the City Council will review this emergency action at its next regularly scheduled meeting and at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until the work described above is completed. The Council must determine by a four -fifths vote that there is a need to continue the work at each meeting or terminate the action at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 2024. ATTEST: Tracy Wea r, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark `i tLsy, City Attorney RESOLUTION 5503 PAGE 2 of 3 Page 30 of 206 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 5503 was duly passed, approved, and adopted by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of September, 2024, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Giroux and Council Member Baldino NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this -- day of September, 2024. (JW4-;, Tra Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California RESOLUTION 5503 PAGE 3 of 3 Page 31 of 206 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) O Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Public Hearings Item Number: C.7 TITLE: Introduction of an Ordinance to Amend the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to Change the Land Use Designation of Lot 14 Within Phase II of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Area and Resolution Approving Addendum No. 2 to the Final Environmental Impact Report RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution approving Addendum No. 2 to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, under Environmental Assessment No. EA-905, to find that changing Lot 14's land use designation from Commercial/Office Mixed Use to Office/Industrial Mixed Use within Phase II of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Area does not require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report or negative declaration, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163. 2. Waive the first reading and introduce an ordinance amending El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to change Lot 14's land use designation from Commercial/Office Mixed Use to Office/Industrial Mixed Use and finding that the project does not require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report or negative declaration, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163. 3. Schedule a second reading of the ordinance for the November 5, 2024 regular City Council meeting or as soon thereafter it may be considered. 4. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: Page 32 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 11 On December 15, 2015, the El Segundo City Council adopted Resolution No. 4958 certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR or EIR), EA-905, for the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP), State Clearinghouse No. 202101081. The City Council considered the EIR before approving the project in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines § 15090. The Final EIR was prepared under the City's direction and reflects its independent judgment and analysis of the environmental impacts and comments received on the Draft EIR (DEIR). Written findings were considered for each of the significant environmental effects identified in the DEIR before certifying the Final EIR, which included an explanation of how mitigation measures lessened the significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. For the four environmental impacts that were identified in the DEIR as not mitigatable to a less than significant level (Land Use and Planning, Transportation and Traffic, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions), the findings provide an explanation of how proposed mitigation measures have substantially lessened each of the environmental effects. On December 15, 2015, the El Segundo City Council also adopted Resolution No. 4958 approving the ESSCSP. The specific plan establishes development standards and uses for the future build out of the Raytheon site. The intent of the specific plan is to create, maintain, and implement a business climate that fosters a strong economic community. The development allowed under the Specific Plan will provide a basis for a positive contribution to the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base, as development typically increases the City's business license taxes, increases the City's utility user taxes, increases the City's property taxes, and increases the City's sales taxes. An increased economic base will provide the city with resources to continue providing high -quality services to its residents and daytime population. On February 1, 2024, CDC Mar East Campus 2, LLC submitted applications for Environmental Assessment No. EA-1360 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 24-01 ("Project"), proposing to amend the ESSCSP land use designation for Lot 14 from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU). The proposed land use change would expand the permitted uses for Lot 14 to include data centers, general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, light industrial uses, and parking structures and surface parking lots, while continuing to mirror other uses already permitted in the CMU zone. Lot 14 is part of Phase II of the ESSCSP, and is currently not developed; the Project does not propose any new development as part of this request. In conjunction with the proposed amendments to the specific plan, the applicant retained Fehr and Peers to evaluate the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed modifications to the ESSCSP. After information and technical studies were submitted, staff deemed the applications for EA-1360 and SPA 24-01 complete on August 1, 2024. The Project applications and plans were circulated to all City departments for comments, receiving Page 33 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 3 of 11 no objections. Further, City staff peer reviewed the findings and conclusions in Fehr and Peers' memorandum. Planning Commission Action On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing and discussion. The Planning Commission discussed whether the amendments affect pedestrian activity and the overall vision for the Raytheon site, considering its proximity to retail and newly developed Chargers training facility. After a brief discussion, it was determined that the proposed amendments will not interfere with the adjacent fully developed lots because the amendments would enhance the development opportunities for the site by attracting additional uses. The proposed modifications help achieve the primary ESSCSP goal to facilitate the revitalization of the City east of Pacific Coast Highway by providing development standards specifically applicable to Lot 14 of the ESSCSP. By requiring discretionary actions for future development through a Site Plan Review and Administrative Use Permit, the City will ensure consistency and compatibility with existing and adjacent structures/zones. The Planning Commission, on a 3-0 vote (Chair Keldorf and Commissioner Inga absent), adopted Resolution No. 2956 recommending City Council approve Addendum No. 2 to the EIR approved under EA-905 to analyze the land use change of Lot 14 within Phase II of the ESSCSP Area pursuant to CEQA and adopted Resolution No. 2957 recommending City Council approve an amendment to the ESSCSP modifying land use designation of Lot 14 (of the ESSCSP) from CMU to 0/1 MU. DISCUSSION: The proposed project includes amendments to the existing Specific Plan document to change the land use designation of a specific lot, which requires amending the text, exhibits, and maps in the document. No new development is proposed with this request. The discussion below summarizes the proposed amendments to the specific plan, and the associated addendum to the EIR. Proposed Addendum No. 2 to the ESSCSP EIR Approved Under EA-905 Addendum No. 2 to the EIR has been prepared to analyze the proposed Project for consistency with the original ESSCSP EIR. The Addendum determined that the proposed Project would not have any new or detrimental impacts than previously identified in the original EIR. The proposed Addendum No. 2 demonstrates that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during the preparation of the EIR for the original project remain substantively unchanged despite the proposed changes to the approved project and supports the finding that none of the conditions described in State CEQA Guidelines §§ 15162 or 15163 are present that would require a subsequent or supplemental EIR or negative declaration. Page 34 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 4 of 11 Environmental Impact Report Addendum No. 2 Impact Findings The ESSCSP allows for transfers between land use types and planning area subject to certain requirements; specifically, the total number of traffic trips cannot exceed the trip ceiling established for the build -out of the Specific Plan area is 26,585 daily trips. The memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (attached hereto) assessed the proposed land use designation change which is intended to allow for three additional permitted land uses at Lot 14. The analysis compared the trip generation rates of the most intense permitted uses and the three uses currently not permitted, and concluded that there is no evidence the proposed changes to the ESSCSP are substantial, and will not result in significant impacts because the uses currently not permitted on Lot 14 have lower trip generation rates than the permitted uses. A comparison of trip generation rates shows that the proposed land use types to be permitted for Lot 14 generate lower daily trips, AM peak hour trips, and PM peak hour trips when compared to the most intense currently permitted office and retail land use types in the CMU district designation. The trip generation comparison demonstrates that the proposed new land uses are less trip intensive than what was previously analyzed to establish the site's trip ceiling. The amendment does not change the circulation and improvements required by the Specific Plan; thus, there are no new or increased significant impacts. The potential lowering of traffic generated by the change in use allowed on Parcel 14 would lead to a corresponding reduction in air emissions under the proposed changes. Although the addendum will change the land use district from CMU to 0/1 MU, the additional uses allowed are no more intense than what was already permitted, and any new uses will not change the 2015 EIR analysis and the impacts will continue to be less than significant with mitigation. The ultimate use of the development allowed on Parcel 14 does not change the analysis as to potential hazards. City Staff has independently peer -reviewed the Fehr and Peers memorandum dated July 1, 2024, and concurs with the methodologies and conclusions of the memorandum. As contained herein and specifically in the memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (attached hereto), no further environmental review is necessary other than the adoption of this Addendum to the original environmental assessment and Final EIR. Proposed Ordinance The draft ordinance proposes amendments to the ESSCSP land use designation for Lot 14 modifying the: Land Use Project Development Scenario Table III-2; • ESSCSP Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan Map Page 35 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 5 of 11 • Permitted Uses table IV-1 This ordinance does not propose any new development as part of this request. The discussion below summarizes the proposed amendments. Proposed Specific Plan Amendments Land Use Proiect Development Scenario Table III-2 - Amend Table 111-2 Land Use Project Development Scenario to remove Lot 14 from the CMU list and add it to the 0/1 MU list. Fiaure No. 3 - ESSCSP Proposed Modification Table III-2 Land Use— Project Development Scenario P&FCOI Use Acreage Building Area (Net) Building Area (Gross) 2 Assurned FAR3 Conirnerclal/Office Mixed Use (CMU) 2 Office / m 380,040 42 6645 1_80 3 Office 2.57 191,540 214 525525 171 4 Office 5.20 191,540 214 525525 0.85 15 Con rlercial 3.99 46,000 51 520 026 16 Conrrleraw 3_35 37,000 41.440 025 Subtotal L97 846,120 94 6654 097 Office/Industrial Mixed Use (Oil MU) 1 Gfl c 10_01 191,540 214 525525 044 5 Existing 4_38 67,465 82,412 0_35 6 Warehouse Light Ind. 4.57 82,000 150,000 91,840 168,000 1.17 7 Office 531 163,840 183,500.8 0_66 8 Office 8.07 163,840 183,500.8 047 Office 2 79 160,840 180-141 1.32 12 Existing 7.78 53,934 82,798 016 13 Office 2.71 121.820 136,4384 103 14 Office 3_93 50 000 56 000000 0.29 17 Existing 22_32 9%871 1121,048 103 18 Existing 18_41 670 619 783 689 094 Subtotal 9067 2,822,769 3.283.8926 073 TOTAL DEV 1%62 3,713,all!)4 4,231,547 0.77 19-2� Roads OS 18.25 -- -- Recreationa00pen Space 10 Recreation 347 0 0 0 11 Recreation 3.88 0 0 0 Subtotal 734 0 0 0 El Segundo Blvd New Dedication Road and Bike Path 0 83 - El Segundo Blvd. Evsrng Dedication Road 522 TOTAL 14228 060 ESSCSP Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan Map - Amend ESSCSP Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan to change the land use designation color and label for Lot 14 from CMU to 0/1 MU. Page 36 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 6 of 11 Figure No. 4 - ESSCSP Proposed Modification 1 sIC I1 1�I1 Rio A 26 1� 25 23 ,w 2 n 21 46 a 011 Mrnd M.a , -sm.06M i orm .,-- EXHIBIT 5 LA" USE PLAN Ainendedper CC ResoludonNo.5291 mendedoer CC ResoluaonNo.16;3 Amended per CC Resolution No.TBD Permitted Uses table IV-1 - Amend ESSCSP Table IV-1 Allowable Uses of the ESSCSP to include additional footnote language for permitted use Data Centers in Lot 14: • "Data center buildings within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subject to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Data center buildings beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd will be permitted by right subject to Site Plan Review." - Amend ESSCSP Table IV-1 Allowable Uses of the ESSCSP to include additional Page 37 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 7 of 11 footnote language for permitted use Parking Structures and Surface Parking Lots in Lot 14: • "Parking structures and surface parking lots within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subject to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Parking structures and surface parking lots beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd will be permitted by right subject to Site Plan Review." - Amend ESSCSP Table IV-1 Allowable Uses of the ESSCSP to include additional footnote language for permitted use General Storage and Warehousing: • "As per the definition of "Warehousing and Distribution" contained in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) § 15-1-6. " Figure No. 4 - ESSCSP Proposed Modification Table IV-1 Allowable Uses ln O' Alternative fuel stations P P — Cafes P P — Data Centers C —PZ — Financial institutions P P — General offices, including medical and dental P P — General storage and warehousing — Pg — General storage and warehousing (Raytheon Company only) P Pa Health Clubs P P — High and medium bay labs — P — High and medium bay labs (Raytheon Company only) P P Light Industrial uses — P — Light Industrial uses (Raytheon Company only) P P Movie and Entertainment Facilities P P — Multimedia Related Offices P P — Postpmduction Facilities P P — Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices, and libraries. P P Public Utilities P P P Recreation Facilities (public and private) P P P Research and Development, including scientific research and experimental development laboratories P P — Restaurants, full service P P — Restaurants, fast food P P — Retail uses (excluding off site sale alcohol sales) P P — Page 38 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 8 of 11 Table IV-1 [continued] Mloii able Uses r e l: Special Effects Studws F D - Studiolsound stage(s) and other support facilities F D - Trade and vocational schools for aduRs F D Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use; including the storage of hazardous materials associated with any allowable use. Drive -through or walk-up services related to financial operations The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants and cafes AUP AUP The offsite sale of alcohol at retail establishments. AUP AUP — Ome-through restawants C C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of EI Segundo Municipal Code §15.2-13. C C Hotels (provided that the existing deed restriction is reproved) C Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant, C C but not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Laserloptical targets AIAUP AIAUP — Parking structures and surface panting ties A, Pi A, PIA Radar towers NAUP AIAUP AIAUP Video arcades; defined as any business wth three or more video or arcade machines C C C All uses that are not permitted. conditionally permitted. cr determined to be similar uses as specAed above All uses that are involved with the storage of waste materials as the primary business Freight Forwarding — — — Gasoline and Diesel Service Stations — — Resdentwl Uses — — ALP Ao"n5M.e 'Jae Prnit A P MIMM ACM50r,Lye C C01,400na Lse P pwncm be tot PWMDW npoe: %rs it b?e ESr.0 YieS of a Srryw raU'e A110 are Lrlsled n-aol rL- wy oe xcswec Cy re ci-Kv ofPla-rrig av Euldrlg Saws , stiea tc apya n r* Plrnng cpmmmm 1 5urfxe Pa xq LAG s a mi-naed l7J use arin Ptum 1 Cl/U D= atit,ta b E55r-cp 5eatYi V CeYeCGrrer. 5trCaM. C patng w12 Loa(itlg 2 DAa cwbr &jddeM v*w ltlo feet d EI Segundo E" on Parcel ta» euoeed to ra lrw and awwal mrown w Adrtulwb>b'n I1M Pwlht WLip4 Data Center h>t0lrldo EPldrq 100 foal d El Sedu *o Errd on ParCw 14 .ill to pwmtte0 Vi ngm ow1eQ b 86 POO T'iW. 3 pomm srumm awswim P7riam im wimn too he dB seoundo srvd on Pagel taare swrca to renew and apaowt mown an A*nVVrJTarye the PWM W A Pamnd suuataes am surface p"na im Dewno too far of o sedu do Brio on Parcel to via be DWITIO d Dr rldnr irLPM ro We plan review 4 As pffts 3dnox, d-i ad DwhAw, W1M8d n6 SBWM WrVM Cods AC! j 151 E Proposed Specific Plan Amendment Findings Pursuant to ESMC § 15-27-3, the City Council must make the findings below to approve a specific plan amendment: 1. That the amendment is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The amendment is necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. The ESSCSP serves as the General Plan document for the El Segundo South Campus area. In 2015, the ESSCSP was found to be consistent with the City's General Plan when originally adopted. The specific plan amendment is consistent with and Page 39 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 9of11 implements the primary ESSCSP goal to create, maintain, and implement a business climate that fosters a strong economic community, develop a strategic plan that will result in business retention and attraction, provide an effective level of City services to all elements of the community, and maintain the quality of life that has characterized El Segundo for more than nine decades. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission considered the amendments and adopted Resolution No. 2957 affirming the proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan, specifically with General Plan Land Use Element Objective LU44, which seeks to "provide areas where development has the flexibility to mix uses, in an effort to provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments." The land use change will allow for a wider range of development to occur in Lot 14 while continuing to create job opportunities and seek balance between growth, local resources, and infrastructure capacity. Additionally, the proposed amendments are also consistent with the General Plan Economic Development Element Objective ED1-2 Policy ED1-2.2 which seeks to "maintain and promote land uses that improves the City's tax base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals." An increased economic base will provide the City with resources that the General Plan Land Use Element Policy Objective LU5-1 seeks to "Attract the kinds of industrial uses which will be economically beneficial to the community as well as enhance the environmental quality of the City." The existing parcel will continue to provide a basis for a positive contribution to the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base as it will continue to mirror its existing permitted uses under CMU which are also permitted in the requested land use designation 0/1 MU. The Amendments provide development standards specific to Lot 14 of the ESSCSP. The proposed modifications will help achieve the primary ESSCSP goal to facilitate the revitalization of the City east of Pacific Coast Highway and achieve General Plan Circulation Element Policy C2-1.6 to ease pedestrian access as it requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) and or a Site Plan Review for uses such as Data Centers, Surface Parking Lots and Parking Structures. By implementing a Site Plan and AUP process, the City encourages the construction of high -quality, well -designed industrial developments through adoption of property development standards and provisions of community services and utilities. Thus, the amendments will continue to transform the Campus into an economic force, which is consistent with and necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. In addition, there is no evidence indicating that any of the proposed amendments will have a detrimental impact on public health, safety, and general welfare. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FOR ORDINANCE Page 40 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 10 of 11 An Final EIR was prepared for the ESSCSP (EA-905) pursuant to CEQA and was certified on December 15, 2015 (State Clearinghouse No. 201201081). The proposed amendment to the ESSCSP was analyzed under CEQA and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations § 15000 et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"). Consequently, an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report (EA-905) for the ESSCSP was prepared pursuant to CEQA in accordance with Public Record Resources Code § 21166 and State CEQA Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163. The Addendum was adopted by the Planning Commission on September 12, 2024. The Addendum to the previously adopted FEIR demonstrated that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during the preparation of the EIR for the original project remain substantively unchanged despite project revisions described herein, and supports the findings that the proposed project does not raise any new issues and does not exceed the level of impacts identified in the EIR. The project proposes changing the existing land use designation for Lot 14 (of the ESSCSP) from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU), which will result in additional allowed uses such as general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, data centers, parking structures and surface parking lots, and light industrial uses. However, the land use change and the additional permitted uses do not change the analysis in the EIR and the impacts would remain less than significant with mitigation. Further, the amendments will not change the development potential of the project site, and, therefore, they will not involve any new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects. Furthermore, no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete, shows any of the following: (i) that the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR; (ii) that significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (iii) that mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (iv) that mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerable different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects in the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Consequently, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15163, no further environmental documentation is required for the proposed actions. CONCLUSION The proposed ESSCSP amendments and ordinance will enhance existing development standards for Lot 14 area within the 0/1 MU land use designation in the ESSCSP and Page 41 of 206 EA-1360 and ASP 24-01 October 15, 2024 Page 11 of 11 works toward achieving the primary ESSCSP goal of transforming the Campus into an economic force in the City. Furthermore, based on the EIR Addendum No. 2 prepared for this project, the Project does not create new significant adverse impact or increases the severity of significant adverse impact identified in the original EIR. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council adopt attached resolution and introduce the proposed ordinance for first reading. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Strategy C: Maintain an innovative General Plan to ensure responsible growth while preserving El Segundo's quality of life and small-town character. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Strategy A: Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and exploration of potential funding options to support programs and projects. Strategy C: Implement strategic initiatives to attract new businesses and foster business to business networking and collaboration to retain and grow existing businesses. Strategy D: Implement community planning, land use, and enforcement policies that encourage growth while preserving El Segundo's quality of life and small-town character. PREPARED BY: Jazmin Farias, Planning Technician REVIEWED BY: Michael Allen, Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. CC RESO & Exhibit A Addendum 2. CC RESO Exhibit B (Addendum Memorandum) 3. CC SP Ordinance & Exhibit A (Addendum) 4. CC SP Ordinance & Exhibit B (SP as Amended) 5. CC SP Ordinance & Exhibit C (9/12 PC Meeting Minutes) Page 42 of 206 DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ADDENDUM (EA-1360) TO THE EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT APPROVED UNDER EA-905 FOR A LAND USE CHANGE OF LOT 14 WITHIN PHASE II OF THE EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN AREA PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) The City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Recitals. The City Council hereby finds and declares that: A. On December 15, 2015, the El Segundo City Council adopted Resolution No. 4958 certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report (EA-905) for the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) (State Clearinghouse No. 2012101081). B. In approving Resolution No. 4958, the Council found that: The City completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the project and a noticed Public Scoping meeting was conducted on November 5, 2012 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15083. A notice of Preparation of the DEIR was circulated for public review from October 29, 2012, to November 28, 2012, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15802. A Notice of Completion for the DEIR was filed with the State Office of Planning and Research on July 14, 2014, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15085. The public comment and review period for the DEIR was open between July 14, 2014, and August 27, 2014, in compliance with CEQA Guidelines §15087. ii. The Final EIR was reviewed by the City Council and the information contained in the Final EIR was considered by the City Council before approving the project in accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15090. iii. The Final EIR was prepared under the City's direction and reflects its independent judgement and analysis of the environmental impacts and comments received on the Draft EIR. iv. The Draft EIR generally identified, for each potentially significant impact of the project, one or more corresponding mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance, with the exception of air quality and noise impacts. The City Council found that nearly all of the potentially significant impacts identified in the Draft EIR were mitigated by corresponding mitigation measure to the extent set forth in the Draft EIR. V. Written findings were considered for each of the significant environmental effects identified in the DEIR before certifying the Final EIR, which included an explanation of how mitigation measures lessened the significant Page 43 of 206 environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. For the four environmental effects that were identified in the DEIR as not mitigatable to a less than significant level (Land Use and Planning, Transportation and Traffic, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions), the findings provide an explanation of how proposed mitigation measures have substantially lessened each of the environmental effects. vi. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines §15093, a Statement of Overriding Consideration adopted by the City Council. C. On February 1, 2024, Lionel Uhry on behalf of CDC Mar East Campus 2, LLC ("Applicant") filed an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA- 1360 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 24-01 to amend the land use designation for Lot 14 within the ESSCSP ("Project"). D. The proposed project amends the ESSCSP land use designation for Lot 14 from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixes Use (0/1 MU). The proposed land use change would expand the permitted uses for Lot 14 to include data centers, general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, light industrial uses, and parking structures and surface parking lots. E. The site is currently not developed and is within Phase 2 of the Raytheon development site. F. The application was reviewed by the City's Community Development Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the ESSCSP, and El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"). G. Fehr and Peers was retained by the applicant to evaluate the potential traffic impacts associated with the proposed modifications to the ESSCSP. H. City staff has peer reviewed the memorandum prepared by Fehr and Peers and concurs with its findings and conclusions. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed amendment to the ESSCSP. J. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2956 recommending that the City Council approve this addendum. K. The City Council has reviewed and considered the information, findings and conclusions contained in the Addendum to the EIR, including, without limitation, the EIR and supporting documents, together with all comments provided at the public hearing and all other information in the administrative record. This Resolution, and its findings, are made based upon the totality of 2 Page 44 of 206 the evidence in the administrative record before the City Council at its October 15, 2024, public hearing. SECTION 2: Approval and Findings in Support. The City Council approved the Addendum to the FEIR based upon the following: A. The Addendum to FEIR was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission during a public hearing at its meeting held on September 12, 2024. B. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2956 recommending that the City Council approve this addendum. C. The Addendum to FEIR was presented to and considered by the City Council during a public hearing at its meeting held on October 15, 2024 D. The Addendum was prepared for the Project in compliance with the requirements of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines and is adequate and appropriate for the City's use as the lead agency. E. Based upon the totality of the evidence in the record and as demonstrated by the analysis set forth in the Addendum, none of the conditions described in Sections 15162 or 15163 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR or negative declaration have occurred. Specifically: The proposed modifications to the ESSCSP and the related entitlements do not constitute substantial changes in the project that will require major revisions to the FEIR due to the involvement of new significant effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; and II. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; and III. There is no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified, that shows any of the following: (A) the modifications will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the certified EIR; (B) significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shows in the certified EIR; (C) mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant 3 Page 45 of 206 effects of the project; but the project proponent declines to adopt the mitigation measures or alternative; or (D) mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the certified EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effect on the environment, but the project proponent declines to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. F. The evaluation of the proposed modifications to the ESSCSP project, certified EIR, and Addendum reflects the City Council's independent judgement and analysis based on the Commission's review of the entire administrative record. G. The City Council finds and determines that the ESSCSP EIR, together with the Addendum, satisfy of all CEQA requirements and are adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for the project. H. All Conditions and Mitigation Measures identified in the original EIR (EA- 905), on file with the State of California (SCH # 2012101081), remain in full force and effect. Per State CEQA Guidelines §15164(c), the Addendum is not required to be circulated for public review but can be attached to the adopted ESSCSP EIR. SECTION 3: Reliance and Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 4: Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions of applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Resolution are severable. SECTION 5: Electronic Signatures. This Resolution may be executed with electronic signatures in accordance with Government Code § 16.5. Such electronic signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. SECTION 6: Signature Authority. The Mayor or presiding officer is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Resolution signifying its adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk or her duly appointed deputy is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect immediately. SECTION 8: City Clerk Direction. The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, enter it in the City's book of original Resolutions, and make a record of this action in the meeting's minutes. M Page 46 of 206 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th DAY OF OCTOBER 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney 5 Page 47 of 206 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN (ESSCSP) ENVIRONEMTNAL IMPACT REPORT (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA-905) October 15, 2024 On December 15, 2015, the El Segundo City Council adopted Resolution No. 4958 certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report (EA-905) for the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2012101081), on property located at 2000 East El Segundo Boulevard. The DEIR was circulated for public comment from October 29, 2012 through November 28, 2012. The Draft EIR generally identified, for each potentially significant impact of the project, one or more corresponding mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance, with the exception of air quality and noise impacts. The City Council found that nearly all of the potentially significant impacts identified in the Draft ERI were mitigated by corresponding mitigation measure to the extent set forth in the Draft EIR. Written findings were considered for each of the significant environmental effects identified in the DEIR before certifying the Final EIR, which included a rationale of how mitigation measures lessened the significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. The City Council made certain environmental findings in association with the DEIR and found no evidence that the project would have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is infill development in a built -out urban environment. Standard of Review When only some changes or additions to a previously certified EIR are necessary and none of the conditions described in State CEQA Guidelines §15162 are met, the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") allows the lead agency to prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR (State CEQA Guidelines §15164(a)). State CEQA Guidelines §15164 provide the following concerning an Addendum to an EIR: (a) The lead agency or responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in §15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. (b) An addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in §15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred. (c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR or adopted negative declaration. X Page 48 of 206 (d) The decision making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. (e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to §15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. State CEQA Guidelines §15162(a) specifies that when an EIR has been certified or a negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the Negative Declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Additionally, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines §15162(b), "[i]f changes to a project or its circumstances occur, or new information becomes available after adoption of [an EIR or] a negative declaration, the lead agency shall prepare a subsequent EIR if required 7 Page 49 of 206 under [State CEQA Guidelines § 15162(a)]. Otherwise, the lead agency shall determine whether to prepare a subsequent negative declaration, an addendum, or no further documentation. The Addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA Guidelines §15164[c]); however, an addendum is to be considered by the decision -making body prior to making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines §15164[d]). This Addendum to the previously -adopted FEIR demonstrates that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during the preparation of the EIR for the original project remain substantively unchanged despite the proposed changes to the approved project, and supports the finding that none of the conditions described in State CEQA Guidelines §15162 are present. Project Revisions The City Council is currently considering a revision to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to change the existing land use designation for Lot 14 of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU), which will result in additional permitted uses on Lot 14, including general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, data centers, parking structures and surface parking lots, and light industrial uses. The proposed amendment and addendum were considered by the Planning Commission at the September 12, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission adopted resolutions recommending City Council approve the proposed amendment and addendum. Impact Comparison The approved FEIR (adopted December 15, 2015) concluded that the project included a rationale of how mitigation measures lessened the significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. Several areas of concern were noted as potentially significant if not mitigated. These areas include: Hydrology/Water Quality, Air Quality, Aesthetics, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. However, the city determined that incorporation of the mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study and the certified EIR, and contained in the associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (adopted December 15, 2015) would reduce the impacts for each of these areas to "Less Than Significant." The ESSCSP allows for transfers between land use types and planning area subject to certain requirements; specifically, the total number of traffic trips cannot exceed the established trip ceiling of 26,585 daily trips. The memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (attached hereto) assessed the proposed land use designation change which is intended to allow for three additional permitted land uses at Lot 14.The analysis compared the trip generation rates of the most intense permitted uses and the three uses currently not permitted and concluded that there is no evidence that the proposed changes to the ESSCSP are substantial and will not result in significant impacts because the uses currently not permitted on Lot 14 have lower trip generation rates than the permitted uses. A comparison of trip generation rates shows that the proposed land use types to be permitted for Lot 14 generate lower daily trips, AM peak Page 50 of 206 hour trips, and PM peak hour trips when compared to the most intense currently permitted office and retail land use types under the CMU district designation. High/Medium Bay Labs generate the highest trip rates of the proposed land use types, and the corresponding daily trip rate is approximately 25% lower than General Office use and 80% lower than Retail use. High/Medium Bay Labs AM peak hour rate is roughly 20% lower than General Office and 70% lower than retail for the PM peak hour trip generation rate. This trip generation comparison demonstrates that the new land uses proposed to be permitted are less trip intensive than what was analyzed for Retail and Office land uses to establish the site's trip ceiling. The amendment does not change the circulation and improvements required by the Specific Plan; thus there are no new or increased significant impacts. There would be no new or increased significant impacts. The potential lowering of traffic generated by the change in use allowed on Parcel 14 would lead to a corresponding reduction in air emissions under the proposed changes. Additionally, as trips would decrease if the proposed changes were to be developed, mobile source emissions should decrease. Therefore, permitting them on the site would be consistent with and within the maximum allowable development analyzed in the FEIR for ESSCSP Lot 14 and there would not be any new or increased significant impacts. The FAR will remain the same, no new uses are being introduced into the Specific Plan area, and there will be no change to the trip cap. All city, state, and federal regulatory measures and all mitigation measures adopted and set forth in the mitigation monitoring and reporting program continue to apply in all impact areas. The development standards of the Specific Plan remain the same and any development will be required to undergo site plan review approval ensuring compliance with the development standards of the Specific Plan. Although the addendum will change the land use district from CMU to 0/1 MU the additional uses allowed are no more intense than what was already permitted and any new uses will not change the analysis and impacts would remain less than significant with mitigation. City Staff peer reviewed the memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers; and concurs with its methodology, analysis, and findings of the memorandum; and approves the memorandum. C'.nnrh minn The Proposed modifications do not constitute a substantial change in the approved El Segundo South Campus Specific plan FEIR and there are no substantial changes to the approved project; thus, the modifications will not introduce new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of the environmental impacts that were previously identified and analyzed in the certified FEIR. Furthermore, the trip generation comparison demonstrates that the new land uses proposed to be permitted are less trip intensive than what was analyzed for Retail and Office land uses to establish the site's trip ceiling in the FEIR. The proposed land use change and additional permitted uses for Lot 14 can be permitted without exceeding the ESSCSP development trip ceiling cap. There are no new mitigation measures or alternatives which are now feasible that were not E Page 51 of 206 known at the time the EIR was certified. The ultimate use of the development allowed on Parcel 14 does not change the analysis as to potential hazards. The change only provides additional opportunities for development on Parcel 14 as the commercial/retail landscape continues to change. Therefore, the ESSCSP remains consistent with both the RTP/SCS and the General Plan Land Use Element for this area which permits a mix of office, commercial, retail, research and development, industrial and related recreational uses. As such, the City Council has independently reviewed this item and determined that the amendments proposed under ESSCSP Revision C are not considered to be significant; there is no substantial evidence that the amendments would introduce any new significant environmental effects; and there is no evidence that a substantial increase in the severity of the effects as previously identified in Environmental Assessment No. 905 and the FEIR would occur as a result of the amendments proposed under ESSCSP Revision C. As a result based upon the information contained herein and specified in the memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (Attached hereto), no further environmental review is necessary other than the adoption of this Addendum to the original Environmental Assessment and Certified EIR. 10 Page 52 of 206 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT B FEHR AND PEERS MEMORANDUM DATED JULY 1, 2024 Page 53 of 206 FEHRtPEERS Memorandum Date: July 1, 2024 To: Jake Douglas, Manager of Acquisitions and Development, Mar Ventures, Inc. From: Mo Mills, Miguel Nunez, and Michael Kennedy, AICP Subject: Trip Generation Assessment — Minor Modification to Ell Segundo South Campus Specific Plan on Lot 14 LB24-0121 This memorandum summarizes a trip generation analysis conducted to evaluate a modification to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSC-SP). The modification is intended to allow for three additional land uses at Specific Plan Lot 14, that are not allowed under the current Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) zoning designation and are allowed in the Office/Industrial Mixed use (O/IMU). Based on information in the Specific Plan and from Mar Ventures, Fehr & Peers has conducted an analysis comparing the trip generation rates of the most intense permitted uses and the three uses currently not permitted. The uses currently not permitted have lower trip generation rates than the permitted use, so permitting them on the site would be consistent with and within the maximum allowable development analyzed in the Specific Plan for Parcel 14. Background The October 2015 update to the ESSC-SP provided Raytheon the flexibility to either expand its existing operations or develop a mixed -use project that would be compatible with the existing Raytheon Campus facilities and operations. The roughly 142.28-acre specific plan area allows a maximum development intensity of 3,718,889 net square feet. Figure 1 depicts the 2015 ESSC-SP land -use plan, which identified the various parcels and designated land -use types. 100 Oceangate I Suite 1425 1 Long Beach, CA 90802 1 (562) 294-5848 1 www.fehrandpeers.com Page 54 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 2 of 11 Figure 1: ESSC-SP Land Use Plan (Existing) 24 19 23 xEc/os low� 22 -601111D lip, 21J <20 - Commercial / Office Mixed Use - Office / Idustrial Mixed Use - Recreation / Open Space Source: Exhibit 5, El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan, Specific Plan No. 11-01, City of El Segundo, October 2015 Page 55 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 3 of 11 The Specific Plan's Development Regulation allow for transfers between land use types and planning areas, subject to the following requirements: • The overall FAR of the Campus cannot exceed 0.60 based on the gross acreage of the site, resulting in a maximum development intensity of 3,718,889 net square feet of building area (4,231, 547 square feet gross building area); • Land uses conform to allowable uses as outlined in the Permitted Use Table in the Development Standards section of this Specific Plan; and • The total number of traffic trips cannot exceed the trip ceiling established for the Project. As shown in Table 1, the trip ceiling for trip generation of new development within the Project area is: 0 631 PM peak hour inbound trips and 2,489 PM peak hour outbound trips, for a total of 3,120 PM peak hour trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project. 0 2,634 AM peak hour inbound trips and 408 outbound AM peak hour trips, for a total of 3,042 AM peak hour trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project. 0 26,585 daily trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project. Table 1: ESSC-SP Development Trip Ceiling Total Daily Trips r� Source: Table 111-3 - Project Trip Ceiling for trips associated with new development within the ESSCSP area. El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan, Specific Plan No. 11-07, City of El Segundo, October 2075 Page 56 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures M July 1, 2024 VAPage 4 of 11 Appendix A summarizes land use types currently zoned on Lot 14. The table identifies if the use is a permitted use (P), permitted accessory use (A), permitted by an administrative use permit (AUP), or a conditional use permit (C). The table also identifies proposed zoning changes to Lot 14 to allow for additional land use types. The subject of this analysis is a potential modification to the Specific Plan to allow land uses consistent with the O/IMU zoning on Lot 14 not currently permitted under CMU zoning, as shown in Figure 2. Fehr & Peers has documented and compared daily, morning (AM) peak hour, and afternoon (PM) peak hour trip generation rates for the following land uses not permitted in the CMU zone and compared them to permitted office and retail rates in the O/IMU zone. • Warehousing • Self -storage • High and medium Bay Labs • Light industrial Trip Generation ESSC-SP was approved for 3,718,889 net square feet of building area (4,231, 547 square feet gross building area) and a total daily trip ceiling of 26,585. A detailed breakdown of inbound and outbound peak hour trip ceilings is shown in Table 1 above. Table 2 below is the trip generation summary for Phase 2 — Full Buildout of the ESSC-SP Area. The trip generation analysis shown in Table 2 was obtained from the ESSC-SP Environmental Impact Report. To be consistent with the trip generation analysis in 2015 El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan, rates from Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 9th Edition. Since Lot 14 was determined to be located within a convenient walking distance to the Green Line (now known as the C Line) light rail transit (LRT), a transit trip credit of 5% was applied to office use proposed for this parcel. A 1 % internal capture was also applied to the office use to account for trips occurring between land uses proposed or already operating within the site. Table 3 provides a description of land use types permitted under the ESSC-SP. Retail and General Office (shown in bold), are permitted under the current CMU zoning for Lot 14. General Office space is a broad category description, and generally includes any professional services that require employees to commute to and from the site. General Office does not include any "hands on" space for research and development, fabrication, or medium -to -large scale storage. Conversely, Warehousing/Mini-Warehousing, Bay Labs, and Light Industrial space allocate space for these activities, along with the inclusion of office areas. Retail land use is mixed — it includes the sale of merchandise, as well as experience -based retail like restaurants and entertainment. Page 57 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 5 of 11 Figure 2: ESSC-SP Land Use Plan (Proposed) CNN I' 26 S 25 21� 6 - Commercial / Office Mixed Use _Office / ldustrial Mixed Use - Recreation / Open Space Source: Mar Ventures, Inc. 2024 12 REC/OS I�LI 11 REC/OS 10 19 23 22 20 Page 58 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 6 of 11 Table 2: Total Forecasted Trip Generation El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan — Phase 2 (Full Buildout) Forecast Trip Generation of Proposed Project Buildout AM Peak Hour Trips PM Peak Hour Trips Daily Land Use Trips In Out Total In Out Total 136.438 tsf General Office 187 26 213 34 169 203 1,505 1TE Internal Trip Capture (1% PM, 1% ADT) 0 0 0 0 -2 -2 -15 1TE Transit Service & Light Rail Trip Adjustment (5%)" -9 -1 -10 -2 -8 -10 -75 Subtotal General Office 178 25 203 32 159 191 1,415 1,615.483 tsf General Office 2,213 307 2,520 404 2,003 2,407 17,819 1TE Internal Trip Capture (1% PM, 1% ADT) 0 0 0 -4 -20 -24 -178 Subtotal General Office 2,213 307 2,520 400 1,983 2,383 17,641 73.577 tsf Warehouse 18 4 22 6 18 24 262 1TE Internal Trip Capture (1% PM, 1% ADT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 Subtotal Warehouse 18 4 22 6 18 24 259 168 tsf Light Industrial 136 18 154 20 143 163 1,171 1TE Internal Trip Capture (1% PM, 1% ADT) 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -12 Subtotal Light Industrial 136 18 154 20 142 162 1,159 148.96 tsf Retail' 89 54 143 265 287 552 6,361 1TE Internal Trip Capture (1% PM, 1 % ADT) 0 0 0 -3 -3 -6 -64 ITE Pass -by Trip Reduction (34% PM) 0 0 0 -89 -97 -186 -186 Subtotal Retail 89 54 143 173 187 360 6,111 Proposed Project Trip Generation 2,634 408 3,042 631 2,489 3,120 26,585 Note: tsf = thousand square feet; 1 = includes 92.96 tsf of retail land use associated with Phase 1 project; = trip generation adjustment discount associated with proximity to transit service for similar sites based on recommendations published by LOS Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LAMTA) and ITE . Source: Table 72, Transportation Impact Study, El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, 2075 Page 59 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 7 of 11 Table 3: Land Use Category Descriptions bps Warehouses are primarily devoted to the Warehouse 150 storage of materials, but they may also include office and maintenance areas. Mini warehouses are buildings in which a number of storage units are rented for Mini -Warehouse 151 the storage of goods. Typically referred to as "self -storage" facilities. Bay labs are facilities devoted almost High/Medium Bay Labs 760 exclusively to research and development activities. These facilities may contain offices and light fabrication areas. Typically, a single -tenant site devoted to Light Industrial 110 light industrial activities such as printing, material testing, assembly, fabrication, packaging, and processing materials. Retail composition is related to its market area in terms of size, location, and type of Retail 820 store. Often, retail includes non - merchandising facilities, such as movie theaters, gyms, or restaurants. General offices employ persons in the management, legal, accounting, General Office 710 engineering, consulting, real estate, insurance, financial, or other professional services. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 9th Edition. Page 60 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 8 of 11 Trip Generation Comparison bps Table 4 compares trip generation rates for the current and proposed land uses for Lot 14. For consistency with the ESSC-SP, trip generation rates were taken from the 91" Edition of ITE's Trip Generation Manua(. While the 9tn Edition is no longer the current edition, it is being applied because the purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate consistency with the EIR analysis, which is based on the 9t" Edition of the Trip Generation Manua(. Of the permitted uses, Retail and General Office land use categories (bottom two rows in Table 3) have the highest daily trip rates out of all categories and are the basis for the trip generation comparison. Retail exhibits the highest daily trip generation rates with 42.70 daily trips per thousand square feet of floor area and also generates the highest PM peak hour trips at 3.71 trips per thousand square feet, as shown in bold below. General Office exhibits the highest AM peak hour trip generation rate with 1.56 trips per thousand square feet of floor area (also bold). Of uses not yet permitted, High/Medium Bay Labs generate the highest daily trip rate of the proposed land use categories to be permitted for Lot 14 across all three time periods, with 8.11 daily trips per thousand square feet, 1.22 AM peak hour trips per thousand square feet, and 1.07 PM peak hour trips per thousand square feet, as underlined in Table 4. A comparison of trip generation rates shows that the proposed land use types to be permitted for Lot 14 generate lower daily trips, AM peak hour trips, and PM peak hour trips when compared to the most intense currently permitted office and retail land use types under the CMU zoning designation. High/Medium Bay Labs generate the highest trip rates of the proposed land use types, and the corresponding daily trip rate is approximately 25% lower than General Office use and 80% lower than Retail use. High/Medium Bay Labs AM peak hour rate is roughly 20% lower than General Office and 70% lower than retail for the PM peak hour trip generation rate. This trip generation comparison demonstrates that the new land uses proposed to be permitted are less trip intensive than what was analyzed for Retail and Office land uses to establish the site's trip ceiling. Page 61 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 9 of 11 Table 4: Comparison of Trip Generation Rates for Lot 14 bps Permitted Uses Retail 820 per ksf 42.70 0.96 62% 38% 3.71 48% 52% General Office 710 per ksf 11.03 1.56 88% 12% 1.49 17% 83% Uses to be Permitted Mini -Warehouse 151 per ksf 2.50 0.14 55% 45% 0.26 50% 50% Lower than Retail? Yes Yes Yes Lower than Genera( Yes Yes Yes Office? High/Medium Bay 760 per ksf 8.11 1.22 83% 17% 1.07 15% 85% Labs [d] Lower than Retail? Yes No Yes Lower than Genera( Yes Yes Yes Office? Light Industrial 110 per ksf 6.97 0.92 88% 12% 0.97 12% 88% Lower than Retail? Yes Yes Yes Lower than General Yes Yes Yes Office? Notes a. Source: Consistent with the 2015 El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan, rates from Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 9th Edition were used. b. Internal capture and transit service and light rail trip adjustment consistent with the 2015 El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. c. Trip generation adjustment discount associated with proximity to transit service for similar sites based on recommendations published by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and ITE. d. This category uses ITE's "Research and Development Center' land use code and rates. Conclusion & Next Steps Table 4 compares trip generation rates for the current and proposed land uses for Lot 14. As described, the proposed land use types could be permitted on Lot 14 without exceeding the Page 62 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures R July 1, 2024 bpsPage 10 of 11 ESSC-SP development trip ceiling. Permitted and Retail and General Office land use categories have the highest daily trip rates out of all categories and the proposed land uses, permitted on neighboring sites, generate lower rates for each analyzed time period. Page 63 of 206 Jake Douglas, Mar Ventures July 1, 2024 Page 11 of 11 Appendix A: Current and Proposed Allowable Uses, ESSC-SP Lot 14 EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN Allowable Uses for CMU & Oil MU Zones Lot14 Current Zoning Use CMU Oil MU RECIOS Alternative fuel stations P P -- Cafes P P — Data Centers C P Financial institutions P P -- General Offices, including medical and dental P P -- General storage and warehousing -- P -- General storage and warehousing (Raytheon Company only) P P Health Clubs P P High and medium bay labs -- P -- High and medium bay labs (Raytheon Company only) P P Light Industrial uses — P — Light Industrial uses (Raytheon Company only) P P Movie and Entertainment Facilities P P -- Multimedia Related Offices P P -- Postproduction Facilities P P — Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices, and libraries. P P Public Utilities P P P Recreation Facilities (public and private) P P P Research and Development including scientific research and experimental development laboratories P P Restaurants, full service P P -- Restaurants, fast food P P — Retail uses (excluding off site sale alcohol sales) P P Special Effects Studios P P -- Studiolsound stage(s) and other support facilities P P -- Trade and vocational schools for adults P P — Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use, including the storage of hazardous materials associated with any allowable use. A A A Drive -through or walk-up seances related to financial operations. A A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants and cafes. ALP AUP The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments. AUP AUP Drive -through restaurants C C C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of El Segundo Municipal Code §15-2-13. C C C Hotels (provided that the existing deed restriction is removed) C C C Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20%or less of the total dining area of the restaurant, but not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet of Floor area. C C C Laser/optical targets AAUP AAUP Parking structures and surface parking lots A PIA P/A Radar towers AAUP AAUP A/AUP Video arcades, defined as any business with three or more video or arcade machines. C C C All uses that are not permitted, conditionally permitted, or determined to be similar uses as specified above. All uses that are involved with the storage of waste materials as the primary business -- -- -- Freight Fonnrarding — — — Gasoline and Diesel Service Stations — — — Mini -storage Residential Uses -- -- -- AUP Administrative Use Permit A Permitted Accessory Use C Conditional Use P Permitted Use Not Permitted Note. Pursuant to the ESMC, uses of a similar nature which are unlisted in Table IV-1 may be considered by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission. bps Lot 14 Proposed Changes Oil MU P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A A AUP AUP C C C C AAUP PIA AAUP C Page 64 of 206 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN (ESSCSP) MODIFYING LAND USE DESIGNATION OF LOT 14 (OF THE ESSCSP) FROM COMMERCIAL/OFFICE MIXED USE (CMU) TO OFFICE/INDUSTRIAL MIXED USE (0/1 MU). (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1360 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 24-01). The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On February 1, 2024, the City received an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA 1360 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 24-01 to amend the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) modifying the land use designation for lot 14 within the ESSCSP. B. The proposed Project amends the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) land use designation for lot 14 from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixes Use (0/1 MU). The proposed land use change would expand the allowable uses for Lot 14 to include data centers, general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, light industrial uses, and parking structures and surface parking lot. C. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"). D. On August 26, 2024, public notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius from the project site, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC § 15-28-6(A). E. On August 26, 2024, public notices were mailed to all occupants a 300-foot radius from the project site, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC § 15-28-6(A). F. On August 29, 2024, a public notice was published in the El Segundo Herald newspaper, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC § 15-28-6(A). G. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the draft ordinance including, without limitation, information provided to the Page 65 of 206 Planning Commission by city staff; and adopted Resolution No. 2957 recommending that the City Council approve this Ordinance; and, H. On September 23, 2024 public notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius from the project site, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC Section 15-28- 6(A). On September 23, 2024 public notices were mailed to all occupants within a 300-foot radius from the project site, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC Section 15-28-6(A). J. On September 23, 2024 a public notice was published in the El Segundo Herald newspaper, providing a 10-day time period for the submittal of comments in accordance with ESMC Section 15-28-6(A). K. On October 15, 2024 the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding the Ordinance; and L. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its October 15, 2024 hearing and the staff report submitted by the Community Development Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The proposed project would amend the ESSCSP in the following particulars: A. Amend Table 111-2 Land Use — Project Development Scenario, to remove lot 14 from the CMU list and add it to the 0/1 MU list. B. Amend Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan, to modify the Land Use Plan designation for lot 14 from the CMU to the 0/1 MU (lot 14 color change on map and label). C. Amend Table IV-1 Allowable Uses, to add additional foot note language for permitted uses in the 0/1 MU district for Data Center Use and Parking structures and Surface Parking Lots Use pertaining to Lot 14 only and for permitted use General Storage and Warehousing to read: • "Data center buildings within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subject to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Data center buildings beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 will be permitted by right subject to site plan review." • "Parking structures and surface parking lots within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subject to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Parking structures and surface 2 Page 66 of 206 parking lots beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 will be permitted by right subject to site plan review." • "Asper the definition of 'Warehousing and Distribution" contained in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) § 15-1-6. " SECTION 3: Specific Plan Amendment Findings. As required under Government Code § 65854 and ESMC § 15-27-3 and based on the findings set forth in Sections 1 and 2, the City Council finds as follows: A. That the amendment is consistent with the General Plan. The ESSCSP serves as the General Plan document for the El Segundo South Campus area. The ESSCSP was found to be consistent with the City's General Plan when originally adopted, and the proposed specific plan amendment is consistent with the Specific Plan's vision, goal, and objectives. The specific plan amendment is consistent with and implements the primary ESSCSP goal to create, maintain, and implement a business climate that fosters a strong economic community, develop a strategic plan that will result in business retention and attraction, provide an effective level of City services to all elements of the community, and maintain the quality of life that has characterized El Segundo for more than nine decades. Specifically, the proposed amendments are consistent with General Plan Land Use Element Objective LU44 which seeks to "Provide areas where development has the flexibility to mix uses, in an effort to provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments" and with Land Use Element Objective LU4-3 Policy LU4-3.2 which encourages "mixed -use developments within one quarter mile of the Green Line stations," because the land use change allows for a wider range of development and land uses on Lot 14 while continuing to create job opportunities and seek balance between growth, local resources, and infrastructure capacity. The proposed Specific Plan amendments will continue to meet the General Plan Land Use Element Objective LU5-3 Policy LU5-3.1 because it will "Revitalize and upgrade industrial areas which contain aesthetic or functional deficiencies in such areas as landscaping, off-street parking, or loading areas" and will help guide the development activities within the 0/1 MU through entitlement review process such as an AUP and or Site Plan Review for the introduced additional uses. The Site Development Standards within ESSCSP for lot 14 will ensure the mass and scale of new buildings are compatible with existing and adjacent structures and with each other through AUP and Site Plan review entitlement processes. Specifically, the Project site is located in the portion of the City east of 91 Page 67 of 206 Pacific Coast Highway which is a combination of industrial, office, research and development, and commercial uses. The proposed amendments do not create any non -conformities with the existing Site Development Standards as the ESSCSP already permits uses such as office, commercial, retail, research and development, data centers, general storage and warehouse, surface parking lots and parking structures, industrial and related recreational uses. The Specific Plan will continue to be consistent with General Plan's Economic Development Element Objective ED2-1 Policy ED2-1.4 which seeks to "Continue to invest in infrastructure that encourages commercial and industrial development" by allowing additional uses for lot 14 such as mixed use, data centers, general storage and warehouse, surface parking lots and parking structures, industrial and related recreational uses. The existing parcel continues to provide a basis for a positive contribution to the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base as development typically increases the City's business license taxes, increases the City's utility user taxes, increases the City's property taxes, and increases the City's sales taxes which enhances the General Plan Economic Development Element Objective ED1-2 Policy ED1-2.2 as it seeks to "maintain and promote land uses that improves the City's tax base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals." An increased economic base will provide the City with resources that the General Plan Land Use Element Policy Objective LU5-1 seeks to "Attract the kinds of industrial uses which will be economically beneficial to the community as well as enhance the environmental quality of the City." B. The amendment is necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. The Amendments provide development standards tailored for Lot 14 area of the ESSCSP. The proposed modifications will help achieve the primary ESSCSP goal to facilitate the revitalization of the City east of Pacific Coast Highway and achieve General Plan Circulation Element Policy C2-1.6 to ease pedestrian access as it requires an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) and or a Site Plan Review for uses such as Data Centers, Surface Parking Lots and Parking Structure. By implementing a Site Plan Review and AUP process the City encourages the construction of high -quality, well designed industrial developments through adoption of property development standards and provisions of community services and utilities. Thus, the amendments will continue to transform the Campus into an economic force, which is consistent with and necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. In addition, there is no evidence indicating that any of the proposed amendments will have a detrimental impact on public health, safety, and general welfare. Cl Page 68 of 206 SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. The City Council finds and determines as follows.. A. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the ESSCSP (EA-905) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations, § 15063 ("CEQA") and was certified on December 15, 2015. Under CEQA, an Addendum to an adopted FEIR is appropriate if modifications to the proposed project occur (CEQA Guidelines §15164). An addendum is appropriate only if such modifications do not result in any new significant impacts or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant impacts. The Addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA Guidelines §15164[c]); however, an addendum is to be considered by the decision -making body prior to making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines §15164[d]). B. As detailed in Sections 2 and 3, the project consists of minor modifications to land use designation and use regulations. The project proposes to change the existing land use designation for lot 14 of the ESSCSP from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU), which will result in additional allowed uses such as general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, data centers, parking structures and surface parking lots, and light industrial uses. The development standards of the Specific Plan remain the same and any development will be required to undergo site plan review approval ensuring aesthetics remains within compliance. While limited additional uses would be permitted on lot 14, those additional uses do would not result in any new or increased environmental effects, and impacts would remain less than significant with mitigation already required by the FEIR. C. An Addendum to the Final EIR (EA-905) for the ESSCSP was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") in accordance with Public Resources Code section 21166 and State CEQA Guidelines section 15162. On September 12, 2024, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the Addendum and recommended its adoption by the City Council. The Addendum to the previously adopted FEIR demonstrates that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during the preparation of the EIR for the original project remain substantively unchanged despite project revisions described herein and supports the finding that the proposed project does not raise any new issues and does not exceed the level of impacts identified in the previous EIR. D. Furthermore, no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete, shows any of the following: (i) that the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR; (ii) that significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; 5 Page 69 of 206 (iii) that mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (iv) that mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Consequently, pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations, § 15162, no further environmental documentation is required. E. The proposed Ordinance will not result in a Specific Plan that is substantially different from the plan evaluated in the EIR, and the environmental circumstances applicable to the Specific Plan area have not changed. F. Based on the foregoing, the City Council hereby adopts the Addendum attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. [01 Page 70 of 206 SECTION 5: Table III-2 Land Use (Project Development Scenario) of the ESSCSP is amended as follows (removing lot 14 from the CMU list and adding it to the 0/1 MU list): Table III-2 Land Use — Project Development Scenario Parcel Use Acreage , CommerciaVOffice Mixed Use (CM J) 2 Office 4.85 380,040 425.445 1.80 3 Office 2.57 191,540 214,525 1.71 4 Office 5.20 191,540 214.225 0.85 15 Corrrrwaal 3.99 46,000 51,520 0.26 16 Commercial 3_35 37,000 41,440 0.25 Subtotal 19_97 846,120 947.654 0.97 Office, Industrial Mixed Use (01 MU) 1 Office 1010=01 191,540 214,525 0.44 `-: Existing 4_38 67,465 82,412 0_35 Warehouse Light Ind. 4 — 82,000 150,000 91,940 168,000 1.77 — Office 5.71 163,940 183,500-8 0_66 Office 8_07 163,840 183,500.8 0.47 Office 2.79 160,840 180.441 1.32 12 Existing 7.78 53,934 82,798 0.16 13 Office 2-71 121,820 136,4384 1.03 14 Office 3_93 50 000 56.000 029 17 Existing 222232 996,871 1,121,048 1.03 18 Existing 18_41 670,619 793,689 0.84 Subtotal 9090=67 2,822,769 3.283.892.6 0_73 TOTAL DEV 110-62 3,718,8894 4,231,547 0.77 19-26 Roads OS 1825 — — Recreational'Open Space 10 Recreation 3.47 0 0 0 Recreation 3.88 0 0 0 Subtotal 7.34 0 0 0 El Segundo Blvd. New Dedication Road and Bike Path 0.93 v v El Segundo Blvd. Existing Dedication Road 522 - — TOTAL 14228 0.60 tl Page 71 of 206 SECTION 6: Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan of the ESSCSP is amended as follows (lot 14 color change on map and label): MMO-- W / OM" WhW 11r -affi- / I+.uW Mu.d l Mb.-Own / or- W. EtiIIIBIT 5 LAND USE PLAN :mended per CC Resolution No. 5291 amended per CC ResolutionNo.1658 _ mepdedperCCResolution_No.TBD �4 JS 19 23 22 20 E:3 Page 72 of 206 SECTION 7: Table IV-1 Allowable Uses of the ESSCSP is amended as follows (foot note language addition): Table IV-1 Allowable Uses Alternative fuel stations CMU P • P • -- Cafes P P Data Centers C PZ -- Financial institutions P P -- General Offices, including medical and dental P P -- General storage and warehousing -- P4 -- General storage and warehousing (Raytheon Company only) P P4 Health Clubs P P -- High and medium bay labs -- P -- High and medium bay labs (Raytheon Company only) P P Light Industrial uses -- P -- Light Industrial uses (Raytheon Company only) P P Movie and Entertainment Facilities P P -- Multimedia Related Offices P P -- Postproduction Facilities P P -- Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices, and libraries. P P -- Public Utilities P P P Recreation Facilities (public and private) P P P Research and Development, including scientific research and experimental development laboratories P P Restaurants, full service P P -- Restaurants, fast food P P -- Retail uses (excluding off site sale alcohol sales) P P -- Special Effects Studios P P -- Studio/sound stage(s) and other support facilities P P -- Trade and vocational schools for adults P P Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use, including the storage of hazardous materials associated with any allowable use. A A A Drive -through or walk-up services related to financial operations. A A -- The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants and cafes. AUP AUP -- W7 Page 73 of 206 Table IV-1 [continued] Allowable Uses Use CMU • • The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments. AUP AUP -- Drive-through restaurants C C C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of C C C El Segundo Municipal Code §15-2-13. Hotels (provided that the existing deed restriction is C C C removed Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% C C C or less of the total dining area of the restaurant, but not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Laser/optical targets A/AUP A/AUP -- Parking structures and surface parking lots Al Ps As P/A Radar towers A/AUP A/AUP A/AUP Video arcades, defined as any business with three or more video or arcade machines. C C C All uses that are not permitted, conditionally permitted, or determined to be similar uses as specified above. All uses that are involved with the storage of waste materials as the primary business Freight Forwarding -- -- -- Gasoline and Diesel Service Stations -- -- -- Mini-storage -- -- -- Residential Uses -- -- -- AUP Administrative Use Permit A Permitted Accessory Use C Conditional Use P Permitted Use -- Not Permitted Note: Pursuant to the ESMC, uses of a similar nature which are unlisted in Table IV-1 may be considered by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission. 1 Surface Parking Lots is a permitted (P) use within Phase 1 CMU District subject to ESSCSP Section VI. Development Standards: D. Parking and Loading. 2 Data center buildinas within 100 feet of Ell Seaundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subiect to review and aporoval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Data center buildinas beyond 100 feet of Ell Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 will be permitted by right subiect to site plan review. 3 Parking structures and surface narking lots within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subiect to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Parking structures and surface narking lots beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 will be permitted by right subiect to site plan review. itt, Page 74 of 206 4 As per the definition of "Warehousing and Distribution" contained in El Segundo Munidpal Code JESMQ § 15-1-6. SECTION 8: Action. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the amendments to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. SECTION 9: Electronic Signatures. This Ordinance may be executed with electronic signatures in accordance with Government Code § 16.5. Such electronic signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. SECTION 10: Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 11: Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 12: Recordation. The City Clerk, or designee, is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. 11 Page 75 of 206 SECTION 13: Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of 2024, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 12 Page 76 of 206 EXHIBIT "A" ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN (ESSCSP) ENVIRONEMTNAL IMPACT REPORT (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA-905) October 15, 2024 On December 15, 2015, the El Segundo City Council adopted Resolution No. 4958 certifying a Final Environmental Impact Report (EA-905) for the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No. 2012101081), on property located at 2000 East El Segundo Boulevard. The DEIR was circulated for public comment from October 29, 2012 through November 28, 2012. The Draft EIR generally identified, for each potentially significant impact of the project, one or more corresponding mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a level of insignificance, with the exception of air quality and noise impacts. The City Council found that nearly all of the potentially significant impacts identified in the Draft ERI were mitigated by corresponding mitigation measure to the extent set forth in the Draft EIR. Written findings were considered for each of the significant environmental effects identified in the DEIR before certifying the Final EIR, which included a rationale of how mitigation measures lessened the significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. The City Council made certain environmental findings in association with the DEIR and found no evidence that the project would have the potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat on which the wildlife depends, because the project is infill development in a built -out urban environment. Standard of Review When only some changes or additions to a previously certified EIR are necessary and none of the conditions described in State CEQA Guidelines §15162 are met, the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") allows the lead agency to prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR (State CEQA Guidelines §15164(a)). State CEQA Guidelines §15164 provide the following concerning an Addendum to an EIR: (a) The lead agency or responsible agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in §15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. (b) An addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary or none of the conditions described in §15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR or negative declaration have occurred. (c) An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR or adopted negative declaration. 13 Page 77 of 206 (d) The decision making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR or adopted negative declaration prior to making a decision on the project. (e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to §15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. State CEQA Guidelines §15162(a) specifies that when an EIR has been certified or a negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the Negative Declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or negative declaration; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Additionally, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines §15162(b), "[i]f changes to a project or its circumstances occur, or new information becomes available after adoption of [an EIR 14 Page 78 of 206 or] a negative declaration, the lead agency shall prepare a subsequent EIR if required under [State CEQA Guidelines § 15162(a)]. Otherwise, the lead agency shall determine whether to prepare a subsequent negative declaration, an addendum, or no further documentation. The Addendum need not be circulated for public review (CEQA Guidelines §15164[c]); however, an addendum is to be considered by the decision -making body prior to making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines §15164[d]). This Addendum to the previously -adopted FEIR demonstrates that the environmental analysis, impacts, and mitigation requirements identified during the preparation of the EIR for the original project remain substantively unchanged despite the proposed changes to the approved project, and supports the finding that none of the conditions described in State CEQA Guidelines §15162 are present. Project Revisions The City Council is currently considering a revision to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan to change the existing land use designation for Lot 14 of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU), which will result in additional permitted uses on Lot 14, including general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, data centers, parking structures and surface parking lots, and light industrial uses. The proposed amendment and addendum were considered by the Planning Commission at the September 12, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission adopted resolutions recommending City Council approve the proposed amendment and addendum. Impact Comparison The approved FEIR (adopted December 15, 2015) concluded that the project included a rationale of how mitigation measures lessened the significant environmental effects to a less than significant level for those effects that were identified as mitigatable. Several areas of concern were noted as potentially significant if not mitigated. These areas include: Hydrology/Water Quality, Air Quality, Aesthetics, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. However, the city determined that incorporation of the mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study and the certified EIR, and contained in the associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (adopted December 15, 2015) would reduce the impacts for each of these areas to "Less Than Significant." The ESSCSP allows for transfers between land use types and planning area subject to certain requirements; specifically, the total number of traffic trips cannot exceed the established trip ceiling of 26,585 daily trips. The memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (attached hereto) assessed the proposed land use designation change which is intended to allow for three additional permitted land uses at Lot 14.The analysis compared the trip generation rates of the most intense permitted uses and the three uses currently not permitted and concluded that there is no evidence that the proposed changes to the ESSCSP are substantial and will not result in significant impacts because the uses currently not permitted on Lot 14 have lower trip generation 15 Page 79 of 206 rates than the permitted uses. A comparison of trip generation rates shows that the proposed land use types to be permitted for Lot 14 generate lower daily trips, AM peak hour trips, and PM peak hour trips when compared to the most intense currently permitted office and retail land use types under the CMU district designation. High/Medium Bay Labs generate the highest trip rates of the proposed land use types, and the corresponding daily trip rate is approximately 25% lower than General Office use and 80% lower than Retail use. High/Medium Bay Labs AM peak hour rate is roughly 20% lower than General Office and 70% lower than retail for the PM peak hour trip generation rate. This trip generation comparison demonstrates that the new land uses proposed to be permitted are less trip intensive than what was analyzed for Retail and Office land uses to establish the site's trip ceiling. The amendment does not change the circulation and improvements required by the Specific Plan; thus there are no new or increased significant impacts. There would be no new or increased significant impacts. The potential lowering of traffic generated by the change in use allowed on Parcel 14 would lead to a corresponding reduction in air emissions under the proposed changes. Additionally, as trips would decrease if the proposed changes were to be developed, mobile source emissions should decrease. Therefore, permitting them on the site would be consistent with and within the maximum allowable development analyzed in the FEIR for ESSCSP Lot 14 and there would not be any new or increased significant impacts. The FAR will remain the same, no new uses are being introduced into the Specific Plan area, and there will be no change to the trip cap. All city, state, and federal regulatory measures and all mitigation measures adopted and set forth in the mitigation monitoring and reporting program continue to apply in all impact areas. The development standards of the Specific Plan remain the same and any development will be required to undergo site plan review approval ensuring compliance with the development standards of the Specific Plan. Although the addendum will change the land use district from CMU to 0/1 MU the additional uses allowed are no more intense than what was already permitted and any new uses will not change the analysis and impacts would remain less than significant with mitigation. City Staff peer reviewed the memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers; and concurs with its methodology, analysis, and findings of the memorandum; and approves the memorandum. Conclusion The Proposed modifications do not constitute a substantial change in the approved El Segundo South Campus Specific plan FEIR and there are no substantial changes to the approved project; thus, the modifications will not introduce new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of the environmental impacts that were previously identified and analyzed in the certified FEIR. Furthermore, the trip generation comparison demonstrates that the new land uses proposed to be permitted are less trip MIS Page 80 of 206 intensive than what was analyzed for Retail and Office land uses to establish the site's trip ceiling in the FEIR. The proposed land use change and additional permitted uses for Lot 14 can be permitted without exceeding the ESSCSP development trip ceiling cap. There are no new mitigation measures or alternatives which are now feasible that were not known at the time the EIR was certified. The ultimate use of the development allowed on Parcel 14 does not change the analysis as to potential hazards. The change only provides additional opportunities for development on Parcel 14 as the commercial/retail landscape continues to change. Therefore, the ESSCSP remains consistent with both the RTP/SCS and the General Plan Land Use Element for this area which permits a mix of office, commercial, retail, research and development, industrial and related recreational uses. As such, the City Council has independently reviewed this item and determined that the amendments proposed under ESSCSP Revision C are not considered to be significant; there is no substantial evidence that the amendments would introduce any new significant environmental effects; and there is no evidence that a substantial increase in the severity of the effects as previously identified in Environmental Assessment No. 905 and the FEIR would occur as a result of the amendments proposed under ESSCSP Revision C. As a result based upon the information contained herein and specified in the memorandum dated July 1, 2024, prepared by Fehr and Peers (Attached hereto), no further environmental review is necessary other than the adoption of this Addendum to the original Environmental Assessment and Certified EIR. 17 Page 81 of 206 EXHIBIT "B" EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 11-01 October 2015 Amended per CC Resolution No. 5291 Amended per CC Resolution No.1658 Amended per CC Resolution No. TBD Page 82 of 206 EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS -Might need to update once amendment is approved in the event page numbers change I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. I A. Specific Plan Area....................................................................................................1 B. Background..............................................................................................................1 C. Demographics...........................................................................................................7 D. Economic Context.................................................................................................... 7 II. OVERVIEW OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN........................................................................ 9 A. Purpose and Authority of Specific Plan....................................................................9 B. Specific Plan Scope and Goals...............................................................................10 C. Consistency with the General Plan.........................................................................10 D. Entitlements............................................................................................................16 E. Existing Land Uses.................................................................................................17 III. LAND USE PLAN............................................................................................................19 A. Development Concept............................................................................................19 B. Land Use Plan ........................................................................................................20 C. Phasing...................................................................................................................27 D. Circulation Plan......................................................................................................27 E. Grading Concept....................................................................................................29 IV. EXISTING UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE...................................................31 A. Water Service ..................................... B. Reclaimed Water ................................ C. Sewer Service ..................................... D. Drainage ............................................. E. Gas ...................................................... F. Electric ............................................... G. Telecommunications Utilities ............. H. Solid Waste Disposal .......................... I. Fire Protection .................................... J. Police Services ................................... ......................31 ......................33 ......................33 ......................35 ......................37 ......................39 ......................39 ......................41 ......................41 ......................41 V. DESIGN GUILDELINES................................................................................................43 Page i October 2015 Page 83 of 206 A. Design Objectives and Intent.................................................................................43 EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN VI. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS...................................................................................57 A. Permitted Uses........................................................................................................57 B. Development Standards..........................................................................................59 C. Circulation....................................................................................................................... 62 D. Parking and Loading...................................................................................................... 64 E. Landscaping...................................................................................................................67 F. Public Safety...................................................................................................................68 G. Signage.............................................................................................................................69 H. Sustainability..................................................................................................................69 I. Enclosed Uses.........................................................................................................70 VII. ADMINISTRATION.............................................................................................................. 71 A. Introduction............................................................................................................71 B. Municipal Code References....................................................................................71 C. Modifications.........................................................................................................71 D. Site Plan Review....................................................................................................73 E. Amendment............................................................................................................78 F. California Environmental Quality Act Compliance................................................78 Page ii October 2015 Page 84 of 206 EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Regional Vicinity Map............................................................................................ 2 Exhibit 2 Local Vicinity Map................................................................................................. 3 Exhibit 3 Local Vicinity Aerial View..................................................................................... 4 Exhibit 4 Existing Development............................................................................................. 6 Exhibit 5 Land Use Plan....................................................................................................... 24 Exhibit 6 Conceptual Site Plan............................................................................................. 25 Exhibit 7 Vesting Tentative Map #71551............................................................................. 26 Exhibit 8 Conceptual Water Plan .......................................................................................... 32 Exhibit 9 Conceptual Reclaimed Water Plan........................................................................ 34 Exhibit 10 Conceptual Sewer Plan.......................................................................................... 36 Exhibit 11 Conceptual Drainage Plan..................................................................................... 38 Exhibit 12 Electric, Gas and Telecommunication Conceptual Plan ........................................ 40 Exhibit 13 El Segundo Boulevard Street Concept.................................................................. 49 Exhibit 14 Hughes/Nash Extension Streetscape Concept....................................................... 50 Exhibit 15 Continental Streetscape Concept........................................................................... 51 Exhibit 16 Corner Entry Concept............................................................................................ 52 Page N October 2015 Page 85 of 206 EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN TABLES TableI-1 Existing Uses............................................................................................................ 5 Table III-1 Land Use Summary................................................................................................21 Table III-2 Land Use — Project Development Scenario............................................................22 Table III-3 Project Trip Ceiling................................................................................................23 TableIII-4 Phasing...................................................................................................................27 Table IV-1 Allowable Uses.......................................................................................................57 Table VII-1 California Environmental Quality Act Conformance.............................................78 APPENDICES Appendix A El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Trip Generation Rates, Credits, and Caps...............................................................79 Appendix B El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Legal Description..................................81 Page iv October 2015 Page 86 of 206 I. INTRODUCTION A. SPECIFIC PLAN AREA The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSC-SP) area is located in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California. El Segundo is situated 15 miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. The City of El Segundo is located south of the City of Los Angeles, west of the City of Hawthorne and the County of Los Angeles, north of the City of Manhattan Beach, and the east of the City of Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean (refer to Exhibit 1, Regional Vicinity Map). More specifically, the roughly 142.28 gross acre Campus site ("Campus") is located in the southeast quadrant of the City of El Segundo, approximately 1.0 miles south of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and the Glen Anderson Century Freeway (I -105), two miles west of the San Diego Freeway (SR-405), and approximately two miles west of the juncture of these two freeways. The Campus is bounded by El Segundo Boulevard to the north, the elevated MTA Line and an older industrial subdivision on Coral Circle to the east, a Union Pacific Railroad spur and the El Segundo sump to the south, and a Southern California Edison high voltage transmission easement to the west (refer to Exhibit 2, Local Vicinity Map, and Exhibit 3, Local Vicinity Aerial View). The adjacent zoning uses are: corporate office and mixed -use to the north, across El Segundo Boulevard; light manufacturing to the east and south; and open space and public facility to the west. A multi -media zone overlies the entire eastern half of the City, including the Specific Plan Area. B. BACKGROUND In 1978 a Precise Plan was approved for Hughes (which merged with Raytheon Company in December 1997) to build a total of 2,575,000 square feet of improvements on the Campus for a FAR of 0.42. The Precise Plan project consisted of two main components — an office tower of up to 16 stories to be located on the northwest portion of the Campus and a large low -profile complex housing the engineering and manufacturing components. The approval allowed Hughes to consolidate its corporate headquarters which was then in Culver City with its electro-optical data systems group which was already located elsewhere in El Segundo. The Campus was chosen by Hughes for the flexibility and consolidation potential made possible by the size of the property, the proximity to other Hughes' facilities, and the proximity to LAX - considerations that remain important today. Before the implementation of the Precise Plan, the Campus had been used primarily for farming. Page 1 October 2015 Page 87 of 206 \ \ Cast \ Lake \ .k Lake\Castaic \ PiNewhall Fillmore Santa Carita VEN ® C O U N T Y Sylmar A Moorpark Simi I Valley Chatsworth r— Canoga Park Van Nuys Thousand _ Agoura Hills Woodland Oaks Westlake 101 Calabasas Hills Sher' Oa'l Village ® I Palmdale I I ® I I ;I LOS ANGELES 1 COUNTY 1 1 I I I I I I Glendale ' Z ® BeverlyHollywoodoll Alhambra Hills Monterey -alibu . Ma Q Santa Monic Park Culver City Los Angeles Pic( ivei ( Marina Del Rey'',, Inglewood South Project SiteIt Playa Out Rey Gate Downey EI Sepunde`, Hawthorne Manhattan Beach'. qP Compton Bellflower Redondo Beach Torrance Lakewood 10 Carson C� Palos Verdes Estates _-- Long San Beach O Pedro — c<, q4, Monrovia Azuza Arcadia Claremont I �' Upland Baldwin I San � Park Covina Dimas V7 West Pomona' Covina Walnut I Chino i Whittier La Habra Heights _ \ I Brea \ I a Yorba irada_ inda Fullerton Anaheim ORANGE J © Orange COUNTY Garden Is Grove Santa Tustin Ana Huntington Beach Costa I Irvine Mesa ® Lake i— Forest ii Newport Beach \ -; EXHIBIT 1 REGIONAL LOCATION MAP Page 2 October 2015 Page 88 of 206 OOCKWEIL INTERNATIONAL'` �� `� �fj 0 PD 1 - W I AIRPORT SEE - c�ENNCOW ff .11� lAY'ERIA TERMINAL A ® I HWY ° E , I❑ G �E s.E ¢ IM ERIAL 5LINE_-,_1:� (CENTUu - W + d IMPERIAL mceaul av rrrlro too E fi arn1A nvt, TraAvrn AV E _.. it. AYi AV � wsa Avw :'. » AVJ�V FRWY)isTn tt;, II E .Pfh��Ii i M1PLE A z S E r E ��yy k' kA p� E '"` �Gm_ E,_ LMPL AVIIv Y1181RyTM Ntoo a .. AY--_Im[ gVG�aS E PALM A I51a E ELM AV �'t AV G ■ III Y ll4 ` o.•� G E v G, LJ AV ■- ue E noo I :mA a E MARIPOSA I na zt ■ V 12DTH s ¢ $ v 12u 4 Y .. W MARI �� t' f PI G AV laD I. G G •,E �i GI G PI A4 tM mr� .,S•S�� TEL W y� rR $'d W _ • 11c'' � L — G I �V1IAY�1124TN G 1•:.146 G 8 ATE 9 Izc= HO Y CW E E TVRI L �' MID KAMSAS �AOV QT m AV S W AV `fn �n ■� Ay BEACH ; Nn AV ■ DEc AA IT. j' y� Ll I`'90 y D A Ioo PQ tam^ J i Y .+ IM AV ■ E F AV %ERO% usTaxr z I -- YEL 5Ea11100,fBlVD� 20e E aua L� soo SEGUN00 _ - --_- BLVO ° _•,fi..L A zsmAIM ��1 • EL EQ000 inn • I I • � {I' EL SE"10 1 39 I.,c".. -� ---,` --� I I I I . �---- --•- -`'��' r r • - S �3(i._un�B_ UP i-T� `.�' , I 134TR PI1 +____t---- _ J +' H76ME5 W N�<ASKA MID Q}^ `_• _________-_.,._ AY_ BEACH -- F. ,� S 'C CI�YREW`, OIL i RE VERY P A J?.. 13V 14a i7Th :® V ;� --- ------ - - RDSECRANS _ 600 ■ ao b1EL �y=`PARK VIEW lyvao r J p EXHIBIT 2 LOCAL VICINITY MAP Page 3 October 2015 Page 89 of 206 _�+�rf 1���1� �+J�/ !' �T =� -•\. C Imo• : Y�l. ��l �.Y ��fv�ry %'4^% -1 :yam— '' 1'�� `� J x �J - ��eR.. p � r _�� ,,; � r.� _ i ice' .. . v.,: r .; ;_ �, Through the years the Precise Plan went through several changes including moving the recreation component from under the Edison Right -of -Way to the northwest portion of the Campus, eliminating the corporate office tower which was planned for the northwest corner of the Campus, and adding additional facilities. Up until 1983 there was no official "Precise Plan" map. With Hughes' request to construct additional storage buildings in 1983, the City Council provided that the plan that was submitted with the amendment request would be the official Precise Plan which could only be modified with Planning Commission and City Council approval. In 1987, the City Council approved the last modification of the Precise Plan. Today there are 11 structures on the Campus, including the recreation facility, comprising approximately 1,802,513 square feet of net development, for an FAR of approximately 0.29 (refer to Exhibit 4, Existing Development). The current net square footage is broken down as follows between uses: • Office 1,018,959 s.f. • Laboratory 303,825 s.f. • Manufacturing 373,634 s.f. • Warehouse 106,095 s.f. More specifically, the structures shown on Exhibit 4 consist of: Table I-1 Existing Uses 7E-2 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 996,871 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 39,082 E-3 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 28,383 E-4 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 670,619 E-5 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 1,705 E-6 Office 2,263 E-7 Office, Lab/R&D, Warehouse 49,966 E-20 Warehouse 9,245 E-21 Office, Warehouse 3,951 E-23 Warehouse 428 E-24 Recreation* 0 Total 1 11,802,513 *Note: Building E-24 includes locker rooms, restroom and shower rooms which are non -assignable areas for purposes of net square footage. Page 5 October 2015 Page 91 of 206 .' � ,. � j�' �' -- � •fib. �� i. ,r! � :. a � �. � a_ ^ � �.� z m. LA fiat fin _ .. - - �: ♦ :yl_•h..._ m tip?• � 1_ - �� .1 ;q -.'. z ;EltSegundo;YA BJud: Ern 6t f • :1 • li ■e i. �' • • : ■�j'� IN '.. � .� 1,' 1 � h� �����3� MAN 3 IM 1 r •� -� 446L 4, 711 Hill• M. F „ +:i -,t•,. .,, , _1►� __ �. 2r�;,� q �a is Aver Nosecrans-A Imagery Date 3r 7t20' 1 1994 33 54.4P.9�''N 1'8'23'08.33".,W e,ev 137 rt n Eye'alt.-,12,1 't, Under the existing approvals, only an additional 215,390 net square feet can be built for a total FAR of 0.325. With this FAR, the Property is extremely underdeveloped as both the General Plan and zoning for similar light industrial uses allow a 0.60 FAR as of right. Further, the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) was recently amended to clarify that the FAR is based on net square feet of development in the light manufacturing zone. Currently the Campus is built close to the maximum FAR currently allowed. The limitations caused by the Precise Plan have caused Raytheon to utilize property in other areas for its operations when the need arises. This creates inefficiency and unnecessary costs, as well as results in economic losses for the City. In order to make efficient use of the Campus, Raytheon filed for this Specific Plan in December 2011 along with other applications, including a General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, and Tentative Map. The intent of the Specific Plan is to allow Raytheon to develop the Specific Plan area with any combination of allowed uses provided that the FAR does not exceed a specified development square footage (at a maximum FAR of 0.60 within the ESSCSP area) and the specified peak hour trip ceiling on new development (26,585 daily trips, 3042 a.m. peak hour trips and 3120 p.m. peak hour trips). The adoption of this Specific Plan will allow Raytheon to expand its operations, invest in the City of El Segundo, and make use of its property in a manner similar to adjacent properties. C. DEMOGRAPHICS According to the 2010 United States Census, as of 2010 El Segundo had a population of 16,654 persons and a total of 7410 dwelling units. From 2000 to 2010, El Segundo's population increased by 4%. The 2009 Profile of the City of El Segundo prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments ("SCAG") indicates that as of 2008 there were 53,715 jobs in the City of El Segundo, which was 1.3% lower than the 2003 level. Raytheon employs approximately 7,000 of these employees. During the period from 2003 to 2008 there was a 13.2% decrease in manufacturing jobs although manufacturing jobs remain the largest sector of jobs in the City. D. ECONOMIC CONTEXT El Segundo has a daytime population of approximately 85,000 persons compared to its resident population of approximately 17,000 persons. Through the years El Segundo has steadily moved away from heavy industrial and manufacturing uses towards more diversified commercial and professional uses. With the exception of the Chevron Refinery and the Air Products Chemical Plants, most heavy industrial uses have relocated outside of the City. El Segundo is home to many major corporations including Raytheon, Boeing, Chevron, Computer Sciences Corporation, DirecTV, Mattel, Xerox, Time Warner Cable, The Aerospace Corporation, and Northrop Grumman. Raytheon is the City's largest employer. Over the past few years there has been a net loss of jobs in the City. The potential for additional businesses and jobs that may be created by this Specific Plan will improve the overall economic health of the City, allowing the City to provide a high quality of municipal services to the benefit of the City's resident and business community. Page 7 October 2015 Page 93 of 206 This page intentionally left blank. Page 8 October 2015 Page 94 of 206 II. OVERVIEW OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN A. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY OF SPECIFIC PLAN The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide a foundation for the proposed land uses on the subject property through the application of regulations, standards and design guidelines. The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan provides text and exhibits which describe the proposed land uses and associated guidelines. This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to Government Code §§ 65450 through 65457. Pursuant to Government Code § 65450, a Specific Plan must include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: • The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space within the area covered by the plan. • The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the land area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. • Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. • A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects and financing measures necessary to carry out the above items. A discussion of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. A thorough review of the El Segundo General Plan shows that this Specific Plan is compatible and consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the General Plan. This Specific Plan will further the goals and policies of the General Plan as more fully described below. This Specific Plan was prepared to provide the essential relationship between the policies of the El Segundo General Plan and actual development in the Project area. By functioning as a regulatory document, the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan provides a means of implementing the City of El Segundo's General Plan. All future development plans and entitlements within the Specific Plan boundaries must be consistent with the standards set forth in this document. Page 9 October 2015 Page 95 of 206 B. SPECIFIC PLAN SCOPE AND GOALS The City of El Segundo is an employment -led community and accordingly, development has been led by employment rather than housing growth. The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan will serve the mission of economic development in the City which is to create, maintain, and implement a business climate that fosters a strong economic community, develop a strategic plan that will result in business retention and attraction, provide an effective level of City services to all elements of the community, and maintain the quality of life that has characterized El Segundo for more than nine decades. Permitted uses within the Campus will create job opportunities and seek balance between growth, local resources, and infrastructure capacity. Additionally, the growth allowed by the Specific Plan will create a synergy with other uses in the area and help those businesses to grow as well. The development allowed under the Specific Plan will provide a basis for a positive contribution to the maintenance and expansion of El Segundo's economic base as development typically increases the City's business license taxes, increases the City's utility user taxes, increases the City's property taxes, and increases the City's sales taxes. An increased economic base will provide the City with resources to provide high -quality services to its residents and daytime population. C. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN The El Segundo General Plan provides the underlying fundamentals of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan, which serves both as a planning and regulatory document. The Specific Plan is the document implementing the El Segundo General Plan for the Campus area. Proposed development plans or agreements, tentative tract or parcel maps, and any other development approvals must be consistent with the Specific Plan. Projects consistent with this Specific Plan will be automatically deemed consistent with the General Plan. The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan requires a General Plan Amendment that changes the Land Use Designation from Light Industrial, Public Facility and Open Space to El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan with an accompanying Land Use map change. With approval of this amendment, the Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan of the City of El Segundo. More specifically, the Specific Plan directly implements or furthers the intent of the following goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT Goal ED1: To create in El Segundo a strong, healthy economic community in which all diverse stakeholders may benefit. Policy ED1-1.1: Maintain economic development as one of the City's and the business and residential communities' top priorities. Page 10 October 2015 Page 96 of 206 Policy EDI-1.2: Focus short -run economic development efforts on business retention and focus longer -run efforts on the diversification of El Segundo's economic base in order to meet quality of life goals. Objective EDI-2: Center diversification efforts on targeted industries that meet the City's criteria for job creation, growth potential, fiscal impact, and fit with local resources. Policy EDI-2.1: Seek to expand El Segundo's retail and commercial base so that the diverse needs of the City's business and residential communities are met. Policy ED1-2.2: Maintain and promote land uses that improve the City's tax base, balancing economic development and quality of life goals. Goal ED2: To provide a supportive and economically profitable environment as the foundation of a strong local business community. Policy ED2-1.3: Develop a framework within which interested groups can work together on matters of common interest related to economic growth, its orderly management, and the resolution of attendant problems to improve the City's business climate. LAND USE ELEMENT Goal LU4: Provide a stable tax base for the City through development of new commercial uses, primarily within a mixed -use environment, without adversely affecting the viability of Downtown. Objective L U4-1: Promote the development of high quality retail facilities in proximity to major employment centers. Policy LU4-3.1: Encourage retail uses, where appropriate, on the ground floor of Urban Mixed -Use and corporate offices with other uses above. Policy LU4-3.2: Encourage mixed -use developments within one -quarter mile of the Green Line Stations. Objective LU4-4: Provide areas where development has the flexibility to mix uses, in an effort to provide synergistic relationships which have the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage pedestrian environments. Page 11 October 2015 Page 97 of 206 Policy LU4-4.1: Policies and zoning regulations shall be developed to help guide the development of commercial activities within mixed - use projects. Policy LU4-4.4: Promote commercial uses, in conjunction with other uses, in buildings within a quarter -mile walking radius of the Green Line Stations. Policy LU4-4.6: Promote mixed -use development near transit nodes and encourage modes of transportation that do not require an automobile. Goal LU5: Retain and attract clean and environmentally safe industrial uses that provide a stable tax base and minimize any negative impact on the City. Objective LU5-1: Attract the kinds of industrial uses which will be economically beneficial to the community as well as enhance the environmental quality of the City. Objective LU5-2: Encourage the construction of high -quality, well designed industrial developments through adoption of property development standards and provisions of community services and utilities. Policy LU5-2.1: New industrial developments shall provide landscaping in parking areas and around the buildings. This landscaping is to be permanently maintained. Policy LU5-2.5: Employee recreational facilities shall be provided by the employer for large industrial developments. Objective LU54: Preserve and maintain a balanced and diversified industrial base. Objective L U5-6: Encourage a mix of office and light industrial uses in industrial areas. Policy LU6-1.1: Continue to provide uniform and high quality park and recreational opportunities to all areas of the City, for use by residents and employees. CIRCULATION ELEMENT Goal Cl: Provide a safe, convenient, and cost-effective circulation system to serve the present and future circulation needs of the El Segundo community. Page 12 October 2015 Page 98 of 206 Policy C1-1.8: Provide all residential, commercial, and industrial areas with efficient and safe access to the major regional transportation facilities. Policy C1-1.9: Provide all residential, commercial, and industrial areas with efficient and safe access for emergency vehicles. Goal C2: Provide a circulation system that incorporates alternatives to the single - occupant vehicle, to create a balance among travel modes based on travel needs, costs, social values, user acceptance, and air quality considerations. Objective C2-1: Provide a pedestrian circulation system to support and encourage walking as a safe and convenient travel mode within the City's circulation system. Policy C2-1.3: Encourage new developments in the City by participating in the development of the citywide system of pedestrian walkways and require participation funded by the Project developer where appropriate. Policy C2-1.4: Ensure the installation of sidewalks on all future arterial widening or new construction projects, to establish a continuous and convenient link for pedestrians. Objective C2-2: Provide a bikeway system throughout the City to support and encourage the use of the bicycle as a safe and convenient travel mode within the City's circulation system. Policy C2-2.1: Implement the recommendations on the Bicycle Master Plan contained in the Circulation Element, as the availability arises; i.e., through development, private grants, signing of shared routes. Policy C2-2.2: Encourage new development to provide facilities for bicyclists to park and store their bicycles and provide shower and clothes hanging facilities at or close to the bicyclist's work destination. Policy C2-2.6: Encourage design of new streets with the potential for Class I or Class II bicycle routes that separate the automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian to the maximum extent feasible. Policy C2-2.8: Evaluate bikeway system links with the Metro Green Line rail stations and improve access wherever feasible. Page 13 October 2015 Page 99 of 206 Policy C3-1.8: Require the provision of adequate pedestrian and bicycle access for new development projects through the development review process. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION ELEMENT Goal OS1: Provide and maintain high quality open space and recreational facilities that meet the needs of the existing and future residents and employees within the City of El Segundo. Objective OSI -3: Provide recreational programs and facilities for all segments of the community. Policy OS1-3.4: Encourage commercial recreational uses to locate in El Segundo. CONSERVATION ELEMENT Goal CN2: Assist in the maintenance of a safe and sufficient water supply and distribution system that provides for all the water needs within the community. Policy CN2-7: Require new construction and development to incorporate the principles and practices of sound landscape design and management, particularly those conserving water and energy. Policy CN2-11: Encourage, whenever appropriate and feasible, development techniques which minimize surface run-off and allow replenishment of soil moisture. Such techniques may include, but not be limited to, the on -site use and retention of storm water, the use of pervious paving material (such as walk -on - bark, pea gravel, and cobble mulches), the preservation of vegetative covers, and efficiently designed and managed irrigation systems. Goal CN5: Develop programs to protect, enhance, and increase the amount and quality of the urban landscape to maximize aesthetic and environmental benefits. Policy CN5-8: Increase the quantity of plant material to: • Increase filtration of airborne particulate matter • Increase oxygen production • Provide carbon storage • Reduce the solar heat load on structures and heat gain from paved surfaces • Increase the percolation of water into soil Page 14 October 2015 Page 100 of 206 Decrease run-off and evapotranspiration Policy CN5-10: Develop standards, procedures, and guidelines for sound landscape design and management. Incorporate these standards, procedures, and guidelines, including conservation concepts, into the City's review and approval process for residential and non-residential projects. AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Goal AQ4: Reduce Motorized Transportation Policy AQ4-1.1: It is the policy of the City of El Segundo that the City actively encourage the development and maintenance of a high quality network of pedestrian and bicycle routes, linked to key locations, in order to promote non -motorized transportation. NOISE ELEMENT Goal N1: Encourage a high quality environment within all parts of the City of El Segundo where the public's health, safety, and welfare are not adversely affected by excessive noise. Objective NI -1: It is the objective of the City of El Segundo to ensure that City residents are not exposed to mobile noise levels in excess of the interior and exterior noise standards or the single event noise standards specified in the El Segundo Municipal Code. Policy N1-1.4: Consider noise impacts from traffic arterials and railroads, as well as aircraft, when identifying potential new areas for residential land use. Objective NI -2: It is the objective of the City of El Segundo to ensure that City residents are not exposed to stationary noise levels in excess of El Segundo's Noise Ordinance standards. PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT Goal PSI: Protect the public health and safety and minimize the social and economic impacts associated with geologic hazards. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Goal HM1: Protect health and safety of citizens and businesses within El Segundo and neighboring communities. Page 15 October 2015 Page 101 of 206 Goal HM3: Ensure compliance with State laws regarding hazardous materials and waste management. Goal HM4: Assist in meeting State, Federal, and County hazardous materials and waste management goals, as these are consistent with City goals. Goal HM5: Assist in meeting State and County goals to reduce hazardous waste generation to the maximum extent possible. Goal HM8: Maintain the economic viability of the City of El Segundo. Policy HM8-1: Promote continuous updating of business plans by companies in the City. D. ENTITLEMENTS The following entitlements are required in conjunction with this Specific Plan (SP No. 11-01): • General Plan Amendment No.I 1-01 to change the land use designation from Light Industrial, Public Facility and Open Space to El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan with an accompanying Land Use map change. • Zone Text Amendment No. 11-01 to: 1) add "El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan" to El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 15-3-1; and 2) add a new ESMC § 15-3-2(A)(8) "El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan." • Zone Change No. 11-02 to rezone the property from Light Manufacturing, Open Space and Public Facility to El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan. • Development Agreement No. 11-02 between the City of El Segundo and Raytheon Company. • Vesting Tentative Map # 71551 dividing the Specific Plan Area into 26 individual lots. Findings justifying the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change include: 1. The Specific Plan designation is intended to provide more flexibility for the development of a master -planned Campus that will be constructed in several phases. 2. The primary objective of the Specific Plan is to provide for superior, more comprehensive, site planning of the Campus. 3. Uses permitted within the Campus are consistent with prior zoning and compatible with adjacent uses. Page 16 October 2015 Page 102 of 206 E. EXISTING LAND USES The City of El Segundo has distinctive land use patterns, which are divided into four quadrants by the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and El Segundo Boulevard. Compatibility of an individual land use is determined mainly by its relationship to other uses within its quadrant. The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan area is located in the southeastern quadrant of the City of El Segundo, which is east of Sepulveda Boulevard and south of El Segundo Boulevard. The design and implementation of this Specific Plan relate directly to its position within this larger context. The southeast quadrant of the City is primarily designated for light industrial which allows a mixture of industrial and office uses. This quadrant also contains a commercial region which is home to the retail development of Plaza El Segundo, an approximately 388,000 square foot lifestyle retail center. The northeast quadrant of the City lies directly across El Segundo Boulevard and consists primarily of corporate office and urban mixed uses which allow for office and commercial uses. The southwest quadrant of the City lies directly across Sepulveda Boulevard and consists primarily of oil refinery/heavy industrial use. A multimedia zone overlies both the southeast and northeast quadrants of the City. Before the adoption of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSC-SP) the property was designated primarily as Light Industrial in the General Plan Land Use Element with Light Industrial zoning. Adjacent land uses include the following: North: Across El Segundo Boulevard, include mid- and high-rise office buildings with multi -story parking structures and a hotel. LAX is located approximately 1.0 mile north of the Campus. East: The adjacent land uses to the east include the elevated MTA Green Line and a variety of one and two story industrial uses along Coral Circle. The El Segundo Boulevard Green Line station is located at the northeast corner of the Campus. South: A Union Pacific Railroad spur line lies immediately to the south and further to the south, the Plaza El Segundo commercial center. Immediately to the southwest of the Campus is a City of El Segundo Stormwater retention basin and to the west of that are public storage units and a Federal Express distribution facility. West: Land uses to the west include the El Segundo Municipal Golf Course and the West Basin Municipal Water District Water Recycling Facility. The Chevron Refinery is located across Sepulveda Boulevard. Page 17 October 2015 Page 103 of 206 This page intentionally left blank. Page 18 October 2015 Page 104 of 206 III. LAND USE PLAN The Raytheon campus has been in place since the 1970s and has been modified and expanded several times as the need arose. The existing Campus includes 1,802,513 square feet of mixed development on the site's 142.28 gross acres, 13,624 square feet of which would be demolished as part of the land use program. The project area, excluding the right -of-way of El Segundo Boulevard, is 137.06 acres. A. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Specific Plan establishes the general type, parameters and character of the development in order to develop an integrated Campus that is also compatible with the surrounding area. The Campus' proximity to freeways, major arterials, and the Metro Rail makes the Campus an ideal location for the expansion of uses and is consistent with the City's desire to facilitate economic development in El Segundo. The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan development concept provides flexibility for Raytheon to either expand its existing operations or develop a mixed -use project that would be compatible with the existing Raytheon Campus facilities and operations. On an overall basis, the maximum development potential within the 142.28 acre campus is based upon a floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.60, resulting in a maximum development intensity of 3,718,889 net square feet. Development of individual parcels may exceed 0.60 FAR as noted in the sections below. In order to allow for maximum flexibility within the Specific Plan area, a Mixed Use concept is utilized, with mechanisms in the Specific Plan's Development Regulation to allow for transfers between land use types and planning areas, subject to the following requirements: 1. The overall FAR of the Campus cannot exceed 0.60 based on the gross acreage of the site, resulting in a maximum development intensity of 3,718,889 net square feet of building area; 2. Land uses conform to allowable uses as outlined in the Permitted Use Table in the Development Standards section of this Specific Plan; and The total number of traffic trips cannot exceed the trip ceiling established for the Project. The trip ceiling for trip generation of new development within the Project area is: a. 631 PM peak hour inbound trips and 2,489 PM peak hour outbound trips, for a total of 3,120 PM peak hour trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project (refer to Appendix A). b. 2,634 AM peak hour inbound trips and 408 outbound AM peak hour trips, for a total of 3,042 AM peak hour trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project (refer to Appendix A). c. 26,585 daily trips as outlined in the trip budget mechanism for the Project (refer to Appendix A). Page 19 October 2015 Page 105 of 206 Floor Area. For purposes of this Specific Plan, application of a floor area ratio results in net building square footage. Gross floor area is the sum of the net floor area plus an additional twelve percent (12%) of net floor area. The purpose of evaluating individual buildings proposed within the Specific Plan area net floor area is defined in section VI.B.5.c of this Specific Plan. B. LAND USE PLAN The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan is based upon the following land uses (refer to Exhibit 5, Land Use Plan): 1. Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) The Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation is located on parcels fronting onto El Segundo Boulevard, consisting of lots 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, and 16, and totaling approximately 24 acres. The CMU area allows for a wide range of office and commercial uses consistent with the existing and planned Campus. However this area's frontage on El Segundo Boulevard is most appropriate for commercial land uses such as office, retail, restaurants, and fitness centers which require more visibility and the potential to attract users from outside the Raytheon Campus. The specific uses are limited in this land use category as shown in the Specific Plan's development regulations in order to provide an aesthetically pleasing frontage to the Campus along this high visibility corridor. Anticipated floor area ratios along this frontage range from 0.25-1.81. Table III-1 shows one potential scenario, based upon the conceptual site plan shown in Exhibit 6, Conceptual Site Plan. 2. Office/Industrial Mixed Use (O/I MU) The Office/Industrial Mixed Use (O/I MU) land use designation is comprised of the balance of the development areas of the site, including the existing Raytheon Campus buildings. This consists of lots 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17 and 18 and totals approximately 86.62 acres. This designation includes a full range of commercial, office, warehousing, and light industrial land uses, allowing for new light industrial/R&D, office, and commercial uses consistent with the existing Campus. This range of uses would facilitate an expansion of the existing Campus or the sale of parcels for development by others. Anticipated floor area ratios range from 0.22-2.2. Table III-1 shows one potential scenario, based upon the conceptual site plan shown in Exhibit 6, Conceptual Site Plan. The existing Raytheon Campus facility is located in the central portion of the Office/Industrial Mixed Use area. This facility may continue to be fenced and gated to secure its perimeter. Page 20 October 2015 Page 106 of 206 3. Recreation/Open Space (REC/OS) The Recreation/Open Space category includes the Project's private recreation facility, identified as Lot 11 on Exhibit 6, as well as several small remnant and potential right -of- way parcels along the properties eastern (Lots 20, 22, 23, and 24) and western (Lot 26) edge, as shown on Exhibits 6 and 7). The Specific Plan recreation facility includes 7.54 acres of private outdoor recreational facilities for Raytheon employees. A field house building including showers, lockers and restrooms would be provided as a required facility but is not counted as part of the Project's FAR and square footage cap. The recreation facilities provided on site must include at least three of the following: Fields for baseball, soccer and/or other team sports Tennis courts Basketball courts Handball courts • Volleyball courts Table III-1, Land Use Summary, shows the anticipated scenario for the Project's land use mix. Table III-1 Land Use Summary Land Use New Development Building Area (Net) (square feet) Building Area (Gross) (square feet) Office 1,565,000 1,752,800 Warehouse/Storage 82,000 91,840 Light Industrial 150,000 168,000 Commercial 133,000 148,960 Subtotal New Development 1,930,000 2,161,600 Existing Campus Uses' 1,788,889 2,069,947 Total Campus Development 3,718,889 4,231,547 1 Buildings scheduled for demolition are E-20, E-21, E-23, and E-24 (refer to Exhibit 4); already excluded from Existing Campus Uses. Page 21 October 2015 Page 107 of 206 Table III-2, Land Use - Project Development Scenario, show a potential implementation of the uses and standards of this Specific Plan based upon the vesting map and the Conceptual Site Plan shown in Exhibit 6, Site Plan. Ultimate land use would be determined at the time of site plan submittal for a specific parcel, subject to the development standards and permitted uses outlined in Section VI, Development Standards, and analysis of compliance with overall FAR and trip budget limitations. Table III-2 Land Use- Project Development Scenario Parcel Use Acreage Building ding Area (GrosS)2 Assumed FA Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) 2 Office 4.85 380,040 425,645 1.80 3 Office 2.57 191,540 214,525 1.71 4 Office 5.20 191,540 214,525 0.85 15 Commercial 3.99 46,000 51,520 0.26 16 Commercial 1 3.35 1 37,000 1 41,440 1 0.25 Subtotal 19.97 846,120 947,654 0.97 Office/industrial Mixed Use (011 MU) 1 Office 10_01 191,540 214,525 0.44 5 Existing 4.38 67,465 82,412 0.35 6 Warehouse Light Ind. 4.57 82,000 150,000 91,840 168,000 1.17 7 Office 5.71 163,840 183,500.8 0.66 8 Office 8.07 163,840 183,500.8 0.47 9 Office 2.79 1 160,840 180,141 1.32 12 Existing 7.78 53,934 82,798 0.16 13 Office 2.71 121,820 136,438.4 1.03 14 Office 3.93 50,000 56,000 0.29 17 Existing 22_32 996,871 1,121,048 1.03 18 Existing 1841 670,619 783,689 0.84 Subtotal 90_67 2,822,769 3,283.892.E 0.73 TOTAL DEV 110.62 3,718,8894 4,231,547 0.77 19-26 Roads/OS 18.25 -- -- -- Recreational/Open Space 10 Recreation 3.47 0 0 0 11 Recreation 3.88 0 0 0 Subtotal 7.34 0 0 0 El Segundo Blvd. New Dedication Road and Bike Path 0.83 - - -- El Segundo Blvd. Existing Dedication Road 5.22 -- -- TOTAL 142.28 0.60 Gross building area ofnew construction is assumed to be 1.12% ofnet area. Twelve (12) percent of gross area is excluded, accounting for elevators, stairwells, and other non occupied space. 3 FAR calculation yields a net building area. 4 Total allowable intensity would be capped at a potential maximum of 3,718,889 net square feet. Page 22 October 2015 Page 108 of 206 Trip Ceiling. A Trip Budget tracking system is a mechanism for managing the forecast vehicular trips generated by the land use mix identified in Tables III-1 and III-2. The Trip Budget is defined in Appendix "A" of this Specific Plan and is outlined in Table III -3 below. The purpose of the system is to ensure that development can be accommodated within the planned roadway capacity of the on -site and off -site roadway systems and to allow maximum flexibility of land uses in keeping with the market and ongoing Raytheon facilities requirements. The basis for the trip budget is the specification of a mix of uses within the Specific Plan area. The budget establishes a baseline capacity of trips. Using assumed traffic generation rates for the uses anticipated within the Project, the number of trips that would be generated at build -out of the plan was estimated. Table III-3 Project Trip Ceiling for trips associated with new development within the ESSCSP area. AM Peak Hour Trips AM Out PM Peak Hour Trips Out Total Daily Trips If a different mix of land uses is proposed at the time of Site Plan review, a trip budget table and analysis would be provided as part of the Project submittal to allow for: Confirmation that the proposed mix of uses falls within the maximum trip allowance; and City tracking of the land use mix within the Project. Page 23 October 2015 Page 109 of 206 0 6w I 9 O/IMU 20 5 18 25 ► 1 j 12 REC/OS 10 21 Kvjww.ffir.��- =Commercial / Office Mixed Use _Office / Idustrial Mixed Use _ Recreation / Open Space EXHIBIT 5 LAND USE PLAN Amended per CC Resolution No. 5291 Amended per CC Resolution No.1658 Amended per CC Resolution No. TBD 23 22 20 Page 24 October 2015 Page 110 of 206 21 JT y lit m EXHIBIT 6 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 -20 Page 25 October 2015 Page 111 of 206 EXHIBIT 7 VESTING TENTATIVE MAP #83507 Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 26 October 2015 Page 112 of 206 C. PHASING Development starts and occupancy rates are not mandated by any phasing schedule. Development will be dictated by market demand and phased accordingly. The conceptual phasing schedule identified below is a best estimate for planning purposes only. Table III-4 Phasing •p Office i 0 i i 1,752, 800 �� 1,752,800 Warehouse 0 91,840 91,840 Industrial 0 168,000 168,000 Retail/Restaurant 92,960 56,000 148,960 Total 92,960 2,068,640 2,161,600 Note: Phase 1 is a commercial development site bounded by El Segundo Boulevard, the future extension of Nash Street, and future extension of Continental Boulevard, illustrated at lots 15 and 16 and identified as CMU district in Land Use Exhibit 5. D. CIRCULATION PLAN Regionally, the Campus is accessible from the San Diego freeway (405), Century Freeway (105), the Metro Green Line, and the major arterials of El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard. The Campus is directly accessible from El Segundo Boulevard at the intersections of Continental Boulevard and Nash Street and is accessible off of Sepulveda Boulevard via Hughes Way. There is a third access point located adjacent to the El Segundo Boulevard Metro Green Line station. However, that access is gated. The internal circulation system of the Campus is currently private and access is controlled by fencing, guard stations, and gates. The development of the Specific Plan must provide for an efficient, internal roadway system that will facilitate on -site circulation and parking. Access will be provided for emergency vehicles and development within the Campus will provide infrastructure and facilitate access for various modes of travel including automobiles, transit, bicycles, and pedestrian. Connectivity in this part of the City will also be provided in accordance with the City's General Plan. Pedestrian and handicap access must be provided between buildings, to key elements in the surrounding area, and to the nearby MTA Green Line station. VEHICULAR CIRCULATION El Segundo Boulevard. El Segundo Boulevard is an existing public arterial that abuts the property on its northern edge. An off-street "Class I" bicycle path will be designed and constructed consistent with the requirements of the South Bay Bicycle Master Plan. The bicycle path may diverge from running parallel to El Segundo Boulevard near the overhead green line overhead alignment and enter the El Segundo Green Line Station south of any obstructions created by the supports for the Green Line's elevated track. Page 27 October 2015 Page 113 of 206 A limited number of additional curb cuts may be allowed along El Segundo Boulevard to provide direct access to the Campus, subject to the approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and Director of Public Works as part of site plan review. Hughes Way/Nash Street Extension. With the development of the Specific Plan, Hughes Way will be connected with Nash Street through the south and eastern portions of the Campus (Parcel 19). The street will be dedicated to the City for public right -of-way purposes as a Secondary Arterial with a right-of-way width of 100 feet, including a 22-foot wide raised landscaped median. Hughes Way extension will include a 6-foot wide on -street "Class II" bicycle lane consistent with the South Bay Bicycle Plan. This street must be completed before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any use which would cause the new development trip cap of 89 a.m. peak hour, 225 p.m. hour peak trips or 3775 daily trips to be exceeded. The circulation pattern provides for future connection from the Nash Street extension to Coral Circle (an easement through Parcels 20 and 22) and provides for additional parking for the Coral Circle businesses (Parcels 20 and 22). 20-year irrevocable offers of dedication to Parcels 20 and 22 must be offered and may be accepted by the City at such time as the City acquires access rights from the affected businesses along Coral Circle and enters into a contract for the construction of the connecting street. Continental Boulevard. The Circulation Plan calls for the extension of Continental Boulevard, along the southwestern boundary lines, to its connection with Hughes Way. This street will initially be private and gate controlled until such time as the first parcel taking access from the road is either sold or leased for use by non -Raytheon parties. At that time a portion of the road (Parcel 21 or Parcel 25 or both) will be opened to public access either through dedication to the City or recordation of a public access easement. Continental Boulevard is designed as a Collector Street with a right-of-way width of 80 feet, and a 14-foot raised median. At the point where the future Continental Boulevard turns from an east -west direction to a north - south direction, a parcel has been created (Parcel 26) which will allow access to the adjacent golf course. Raytheon will provide a 20-year irrevocable offer of dedication for this parcel. This dedication may be accepted by the City at such time the City permits circulation through the adjacent golf course and Continental Boulevard is made accessible to the public. Until such time as a street is accepted by the City, the street may be fenced, guarded or gated. However, perimeter security will be relocated so as to provide unfettered access to all public streets. NON -VEHICULAR CIRCULATION Three non -vehicular circulation components are included within the Campus: A 6-foot wide Class I bicycle path (4-foot one way path with 2-foot shoulder) is required to be installed in a dedicated public easement adjacent to El Segundo Boulevard (consistent with the South Bay Bicycle Plan). This path is illustrated in the Landscape portion of the Specific Plan Design Guidelines. Page 28 October 2015 Page 114 of 206 A 6-foot wide Class II, on -street bicycle lane is included within the right-of-way of the Hughes/Nash Street extension on each side of the street. A pedestrian access easement across one or a combination of parcels 13, 14 and/or parcel 24 of Vesting Map 71551 is required to allow direct pedestrian access to the Green Line Station. Improved bicycle parking facilities will be located at either the Metro Green -line station or on - site, on land reserved for secured bicycle parking in close proximity to the Green -line station. This facility, at a minimum, will include fully enclosed, secured parking for bicycles. The station could also include other amenities for cyclists, such as: staffing, repair facilities, sales of bicycle related materials, changing and or shower facilities, bicycle rental and/or bicycle sharing facilities. E. GRADING CONCEPT Site grading will require cut and fill to create building pads. The grading is expected to be balanced on -site. Final grading plans will be approved by the City Engineer before the City issues a grading permit. Page 29 October 2015 Page 115 of 206 I R, r—T 6BIKE PATH 11KE PATH CLASS I FUTURE RETAINING WALL k SWALE AS NEEDED EXISTING EL SEGUNDO BLVD. AND PROPOSED DEDICATION SCAU: NTS R/W R/W 100' BID* _I PROP. ` PROP. 10' Clfe 40' 40' CURB 10' 5' S' B. 1 12' 11' n' 11' 11' 1 2 1 6' 5' 1 5' 2x MAX) NEW. AC PVMT-- 2% (MAX) �r •�.nJ L«ev �- PROP RAISED MEDIAN PROP. CONC. SIDEWALK PROP. CONC. CURB AI GUTTER PROP. CONC CURB k GUTTER OONC. SIDEWALK R NC • - BIKE LANE TYPICAL SECTION: SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET SCALE NTS BO 60' 10' o 30' 30' t1uRo 1G• 5' S' 11' 1 12' 7' 1 7' 12' 1 IV S' 5' 2x (MAX) EW- AC PVMT -_2% (MAX) PROP CONC. CURB k GUTTER PROP. RAISED MEDIAN `1 PROP CONC SIDEWALK PROP CONC CURB & GUTTER CCNC SIDEWALK r � � 1 •► • •► li Page 30 October 2015 Page 116 of 206 IV. EXISTING UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE The following is a summary of existing and proposed public infrastructure for development of the site. Some private infrastructure may be converted to public infrastructure where appropriate and if the City of El Segundo approves. All infrastructure will be constructed in accordance with the standards of the governing agency. A. WATER SERVICE EXISTING CONDITION Water utility service is provided by the City of El Segundo and is currently available within the Campus. Water is purchased through West Basin Municipal Water District which is a member of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The current points of connection to the public water system are near the midpoint of the northern and midpoint of the eastern property line. Connection is made with 12-inch service laterals to an existing 27-inch diameter City of El Segundo water main line. Water for fire suppression is provided by on -site building sprinklers and fire hydrant(s) and from off -site fire hydrants located on El Segundo Boulevard. PROPOSED CONDITION The existing and future water service must be provided through a future public line or a private line with private easement serving each lot. Location of lines in public streets is the preferred condition; where a public main line serving multiple lots is not within a public street, an easement must be granted to the City for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on the City of El Segundo's approval and may include connections to existing 27-inch water main line in El Segundo Boulevard, an existing 10-inch public water service in Hughes Way, or an existing 27- inch public water service which lies within an existing City easement along the east side of the site. Future water service points of connection will need to be provided to existing Raytheon buildings to remaining and future buildings. A Conceptual Water Utility Plan has been developed for the Specific Plan Area (refer to Exhibit 8, Water Plan). Fire flows for future construction will be based on County of Los Angeles Fire Department Land Development Unit standards, requiring up to 5,000 gallons per minute (gpm) at 20 psi residual pressure for up to a five -hour duration. Final fire flows will be based on specific building design details. Page 31 October 2015 Page 117 of 206 EXHIBIT 8 CONCEPTUAL WATER PLAN Source: Psomas Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 32 October 2015 Page 118 of 206 B. RECLAIMED WATER EXISTING CONDITION Reclaimed water utility service is provided by the West Basin Municipal Water District from a treatment plant just west of the Campus and is already being used for landscaping the Campus. A current point of connection to the reclaimed water system for irrigation of landscaping along El Segundo Boulevard is along El Segundo Boulevard at Continental Boulevard. Connection is made with a 6-inch service lateral to an existing 42-inch diameter West Basin reclaimed water main line. A sewer study was prepared by Psomas for the Specific Plan, dated September 2012. Please refer to the full study for technical details on potential reclaimed water usage. PROPOSED CONDITION The existing and future reclaimed water service must be provided through a future public main line or a private line with private easement serving each lot. Location of lines in public streets is the preferred condition; where a public main line serving multiple lots is not within a public street, an easement will be granted to the City for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on West Basin Municipal Water District's and the City of El Segundo's input and may include connections to an existing 8-inch reclaimed water service in Hughes Way and/or to an existing 42-inch reclaimed water line in El Segundo Boulevard. New service points of connection will need to be provided to the new parcels within the Campus. A Conceptual Reclaimed Water Utility Plan has been developed for the Specific Plan area (refer to Exhibit 9, Reclaimed Water Plan). C. SEWER SERVICE EXISTING CONDITION Sewer utility service is provided by the City of El Segundo and County Sanitation District of Los Angeles County and is currently available within the Campus. The Raytheon Campus presently includes an 18-inch sewer line which connects to an existing 21-inch trunk sewer near the southeast corner of the site. This trunk sewer continues northeasterly to Douglas Street, turns southerly along Douglas Street to Alaska Avenue, runs easterly in Alaska Avenue to Hawaii Street and runs southeasterly in Hawaii Street to Aviation Boulevard where it increases to a 24-inch trunk, runs southerly for a short distance and then connects to the Los Angeles County Sanitation District trunk in Aviation. From research of existing sewer plans, there are no connections to this trunk sewer through this entire alignment as smaller, parallel lines collect all the sewage from the parcels along this alignment. An existing 10-inch and 15-inch sewer line is also present in El Segundo Boulevard generally east of Nash Street. Page 33 October 2015 Page 119 of 206 Kw Is L— PROPUbJEU JOIN kX. 1PX1AfMr1�RK(3AM9 77- Ro LINE )L RELLUMED WATRR M, MCIA WArrJt T: R"MEON Sr1FE l, AMR LINE KW RIWIATMUD PLAN WiVrKRUNE SCAJ F- I" = 4DO' LEGEND kW PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER y N. IT ......... UTILITY TO BE REMOVED FIRE HYDRANT RAYTHEON D WATER UNE r PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER 1; EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 9 CONCEPTUAL RECLAIMED WATER PLAN Source: Psomas Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 34 October 2015 Page 120 of 206 PROPOSED CONDITION The existing and future sewer service must be provided through a future public sewer line or a private line with private easement serving each lot. Location of lines in public streets is the preferred condition; where a public main line serving multiple lots is not within a public street, an easement must be granted to the City for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on the City's approval and may include connections to an existing 21-inch sewer located at the southeast corner of the site and/or the existing sewer in El Segundo Boulevard. To serve the new Project, approximately 8,000 linear feet of new public sewer is anticipated to be constructed within the Project boundary. A conceptual sewer plan has been developed for the Specific Plan area (refer to Exhibit 10, Sewer Plan). D. DRAINAGE EXISTING CONDITION A drainage study was prepared by Psomas for the Specific Plan, dated September 2012. Please refer to the full study for technical details. The area drains in a northwest to southeast direction. Current points of connection to the City's public drainage system exist at multiple locations along the eastern and southern Raytheon property lines. The City's public drainage system consists of variable diameter (96 to 108 inches) reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) storm drain. The public main lines discharge into an existing City of El Segundo retention and infiltration basin just south of the Raytheon site. Existing storm water quality currently goes untreated on -site. However, downstream of the Project site runoff drains to the City of El Segundo retention and infiltration basin where it is captured and infiltrated. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) map #06037C1770F shows this Project site is located within Zone X, which is described to be an area determined to be outside of the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. There are no Special Flood Hazards on -site. PROPOSED CONDITION Relatively minor off -site flows from El Segundo Boulevard and the property to the south will continue unobstructed to combine with on -site flows. The Project area will continue to drain in its existing northwest to southeast direction. Reconfiguration of site roadways and the replacement of existing buildings and surface parking lots with new buildings and parking lots/structures will result in changes to drainage patterns and amounts of impervious surfaces. However, proposed drainage sub -areas will closely match existing sub -areas in area, and potential increases in surface runoff will be mitigated by Project design features. The average imperviousness of the site is expected to decrease from 79.5% to 70.0%. Page 35 October 2015 Page 121 of 206 EXHIBIT 10 CONCEPTUAL SEWER PLAN Source: Psomas Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 36 October 2015 Page 122 of 206 As each phase of the proposed Project is implemented, flows into the existing public storm drain system will not increase. If the proposed Project results in a change in drainage pattern, an increase in impervious area, or higher rates of flow, storm water detention will be part of the design to avoid negative downstream impacts. Sub -drainage areas will continue to flow to the City of El Segundo storm drain along the eastern and southern edge of the Project boundary. The total proposed tributary area to be studied is less than 1% larger than the existing tributary area since portions of the Project area that formerly drained off -site will be redirected and managed on -site. There will be no net increase in discharge of storm water from the site. The total proposed tributary area is approximately 134.4 acres. New storm drains will be required to serve the site redesign. To serve the proposed Project, approximately 7,000 linear feet of new on -site storm drain lines are expected be constructed within the Project boundary. The maximum pipe diameter is not expected to exceed 54 inches. On -site detention is not expected to be required (refer to Exhibit 11, Drainage Plan). Storm Water Quality Existing storm water quality currently goes untreated on -site. The project site discharges into an existing City of El Segundo retention and infiltration basin just south of the Raytheon site. No runoff leaves the City of El Segundo retention and infiltration basin. However, the project site lies within the Dominguez Channel watershed. The Dominguez Channel ultimately empties into the consolidated slip of the Los Angeles Harbor. To the maximum extent practical, storm water quality treatment will be provided with infiltration. The treatment methods are expected to include infiltration wells, infiltration basins, high - efficiency planter boxes, and surface planting areas. Drainage must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. E. GAS EXISTING CONDITION Natural gas service is provided by Southern California Gas Company and is currently available within the Campus. PROPOSED CONDITION The existing and future natural gas service must be provided through a future public main line or a private line with private easement serving each lot. Page 37 October 2015 Page 123 of 206 Note: Storm Drain may be private or public. If public there will be an easement to the City. EXHIBIT 11 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN Source: Psomas Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 38 October 2015 Page 124 of 206 Location of lines in public streets is the preferred condition; where a public main line serving multiple lots is not within a public street, an easement will be granted for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on Southern California Gas Company's approval and may include connections to existing 12-inch and 20-inch high pressure gas lines within El Segundo Boulevard and/or an existing 4-inch service line along the easterly property line. A conceptual plan has been developed for the Specific Plan area (refer to Exhibit12, Electric, Gas and Telecommunication). F. ELECTRIC EXISTING CONDITION Electric power is provided by Southern California Edison to the Campus through underground utilities. PROPOSED CONDITION Location of lines in public streets is the preferred condition; where a public main line serving multiple lots is not within a public street right-of-way, an easement will be granted for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on Edison's approval. A future substation location, reserved by an easement adequate in size for the placement of a SCE substation, is identified on Parcel 5 (refer to Vesting Tentative Map No.71551). A conceptual plan has been developed for the Specific Plan area (refer to Exhibit 12, Electric, Gas and Telecommunication). G. TELECOMMUNICATIONS UTILITIES EXISTING CONDITION Cable and telecommunication service is provided by a variety of companies and is currently available within the Campus. These companies include AT&T, Level 3, MCI (Verizon), Quest, Time Warner, and XO Communications. PROPOSED CONDITION Location of lines in public streets or their rights -of -way is the preferred condition; where a public line serving multiple lots is not within a public street or its right-of-way, an easement will be granted for access and maintenance. Points of connection will be based on the requirements of local providers. A conceptual plan has been developed for the Specific Plan area (refer to Exhibit 12, Electric, Gas and Telecommunication). Page 39 October 2015 Page 125 of 206 EXHIBIT 12 ELECTRIC, GAS AND TELECOMMUNICATION CONCEPTUAL PLAN Source: Psomas Revised per CC Resolution No. 5291 Page 40 October 2015 Page 126 of 206 H. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL EXISTING CONDITION Solid waste disposal is provided to commercial and industrial users by a variety of private haulers. FUTURE CONDITION Development within the Campus would contract with a provider. Landfill capacity is adequate for assumed population and commercial growth within Los Angeles County. Solid waste facilities within the Specific Plan area will comply with all ESMC requirements pertaining to building, fire, zoning codes (e.g., adequate trash enclosures and screening). I. FIRE PROTECTION EXISTING CONDITION The Campus is less than one mile from Fire Station 2, located at Mariposa Avenue and Douglas Street. The provision of water for fire suppression is provided by on -site building sprinklers and fire hydrants and from off -site fire hydrants located on El Segundo Boulevard. FUTURE CONDITION Future development will include new public fire hydrants within the future public street connecting Hughes Way and Nash Street. Buildings will be sprinklered as required by the ESMC. Development will be required to pay fire impact fees to off -set the additional demand for municipal fire protection services as a result of the new development. J. POLICE SERVICES EXISTING CONDITION Police services are provided by the El Segundo Police Department which is located at 348 Main Street. FUTURE CONDITION Development will be required to pay police impact fees to off -set the additional demand for municipal police services as a result of the new development. Page 41 October 2015 Page 127 of 206 This page intentionally left blank. Page 42 October 2015 Page 128 of 206 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES These design guidelines are intended as "guidelines" instead of "development regulations," Consequently, strict compliance is not required. To promote the quality of design planned for this Project, the design guidelines given in this document establish criteria that enhance the coordination, organization, function and identity of the site, while maintaining a compatible relationship with the surrounding development of the El Segundo South Campus. A. DESIGN OBJECTIVES AND INTENT Design Guidelines for the South Campus Specific Plan will promote and reinforce the City's commitment to high quality development. The objectives of these guidelines are to: • Provide for high -quality, large scale commercial/industrial development within a cohesive campus setting. Promote orderly and predictable development. • Encourage individual creativity and innovative solutions by allowing flexibility in how a particular guideline is met as long as the intent of the guideline is achieved. • Ensure functional pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle circulation within the Project and convenient pedestrian and bicycle linkages to and from adjacent residential, commercial, industrial, and school areas. 1. Site Planning a. The arrangement of new buildings, parking and circulation areas should recognize the particular characteristics of the site and should create an identity as a cohesive campus. b. Site development should utilize variations on building orientation and landscaping adjacent to the public streets so that a monolithic "wall" of building faces is not created. C. The design and location of accessory buildings (e.g., security kiosks, maintenance buildings, trash and recycling enclosures, and outdoor mechanical equipment enclosures) should be incorporated into and be compatible with the overall design of the Project and the main buildings on the site. Page 43 October 2015 Page 129 of 206 d. Appropriate linkages between internal Project components and buildings, as well as between the Project and the surrounding development should be incorporated, including pedestrian walkways, and plaza areas. e. Buildings should be arranged to create opportunities for open space amenities plazas, courtyards, outdoor eating areas, public art, etc.). 2. Access and Parking a. The use of common (shared) access points and driveways is encouraged; placement of vehicle access points close to building entries should be avoided to minimize pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. b. Entry driveway areas should be clearly marked by special features, (e.g., enhanced paving, prominent landscape features, low -height decorative walls, and well -designed monument -type signs). C. Access to each building should be clearly visible to pedestrians and motorists through the use of signage, color, and/or design elements. d. Parking lots adjacent to and visible from public streets should be appropriately screened to minimize undesirable visual impacts. e. Parking lots should not be a dominant visual element on the site from El Segundo Boulevard or the Nash Street extension. f. Surface parking areas should be enhanced and visually broken up through the use of appropriate trees and landscape improvements. g. Surface parking areas should be divided into smaller multiple lots and provided with canopy trees spaced appropriately throughout the parking area to reduce the effects of heat gain. h. Parking lot design is encouraged to include water quality storm water facilities consistent with City standards and a Water Quality Management Plan prepared for each phase. Page 44 October 2015 Page 130 of 206 3. Architecture/Orientation/Massing a. The massing, scale and architectural style should consider compatibility with the surrounding character and existing buildings to reflect a cohesive campus character. The orientation of the newly constructed buildings should facilitate and encourage pedestrian activity and convey a visual link to the Project's internal road system. C. The mass and scale of new buildings should be compatible with the existing and adjacent structures and with each other. This can be accomplished by transitioning from the height of adjacent buildings to the tallest elements of the new building, stepping back the upper portions of taller buildings, and incorporating human scale elements, such as pedestrian scaled doors, windows, and building materials on the ground floor. d. Buildings should be divided into distinct massing elements and should be articulated with architectural elements and details. Changes in height, horizontal plane, materials, patterns and colors should be used to reduce building scale and mass. e. Primary building entries should be easily identified through the use of prominent architectural elements, signage, landscaping, decorative hardscape, lighting, canopies, roof form, architectural projections, columns, vertical and/or horizontal elements, and other design features that help emphasize a building's entry. f. Building elevations, whether front, side, or rear, that are visible from public rights -of -way should be architecturally detailed to incorporate quality materials and architectural features that reflect the theme of surrounding structures and facades. Buildings facing El Segundo Boulevard should include enhanced and articulated facades. Building entrances should be readily identifiable. The use of recesses, projections, columns, and other design elements to articulate entrances is encouraged. g. Facades should be `divided' by vertical and horizontal variations in wall planes, building projections, door and window bays, and similar elements. Building articulation should be present on the side and rear walls of the building. Page 45 October 2015 Page 131 of 206 h. Roofs should be designed as an integral component of building form, mass, and facade. Building form should be enhanced by varying and offset roof planes, eave heights, and rooflines. Green roofs and rooftop gardens are allowed to add landscaping, decrease the heat island effect of large expanses of flat roofs, retain and filter storm water run-off, and to reduce energy demand for heating and cooling buildings. Green roofs are encouraged, but not required. j. The exterior surfaces of buildings for the ground floor must be protected with anti -graffiti coating where appropriate. 4. Color and Materials a. Colors and materials should be consistent and complementary throughout the Project area. b. Exterior materials and architectural details should complement each other and should be stylistically consistent. C. Building materials must be durable and resistant to damage, defacing, and general wear and tear. Acceptable building materials may include concrete, stone masonry, metal, stucco, glass and/or other contemporary composites. d. Building materials that support sustainability through the use of environmentally sound building materials and local resources (e.g., locally available, contain high recycled -content, are reused, come from renewable sources, and that contain low volatile organic compound (VOC) levels) is highly encouraged. 5. Screening and Mechanical Equipment a. All screening devices must be compatible with the architecture, materials and colors of the building. b. Loading docks, bays and parking spaces, delivery service areas, outdoor storage areas, stand-alone mechanical equipment facilities, should be located and designed to minimize their visibility, circulation conflicts and adverse noise impacts. These facilities must be oriented so that they do not face any public or private rights -of -way. Sound attenuation walls must be used where appropriate to reduce noise where required by code or the Project's environmental analysis. Page 46 October 2015 Page 132 of 206 C. Utility and mechanical equipment must be screened from view of public streets and nearby buildings on all sides with landscaping and/or architectural elements. d. Rooftop mounted equipment visible from the surrounding area, adjacent buildings, and any public or private rights -of -way must be screened from public view and equipment should be painted to match the roof color when equipment is visible. e. Trash and recycling receptacles areas must be completely screened from public view from public and private rights -of - way with a combination of solid walls, wood, and landscaping. f. Ground mounted enclosures must be protected with anti -graffiti coating. 6. Parking Structures Trash enclosures with architectural screening elements a. Parking garages should be designed to help reduce the mass and scale of the garage and to ensure their compatibility with surrounding uses. b. Parking garages should be designed to conceal the view of vehicles in the garage through a combination of screen walls and plantings while providing adequate visibility for security purposes. C. The exterior elevations of parking structures should be designed to avoid a monotonous, monolithic appearance. This can be accomplished through a menu of options as follows: • Minimize horizontal and vertical banding by balancing both horizontal and vertical elements. Design `green screens' to provide visual relief. Use simple, clean geometric forms, and coordinated massing. • Size openings in the parking garage to resemble large windows as in an office building. • Use masonry materials that are predominantly light in color, but avoid unpainted concrete. Use of accent materials is encouraged. • Avoid a sloping ramp appearance by providing level and uniform spandrels. Page 47 October 2015 Page 133 of 206 • Visually define and differentiate between pedestrian and vehicular entrances through appropriate architectural detailing. d. Stairs and elevators should be located adjacent to a street on the exterior of the structure where lobbies can be exposed to outside view. Safe pedestrian street crossings should be taken into consideration. e. The use of security cameras is encouraged and may be required by the Police Department as part of site plan approval. f. Lighting levels should be equally distributed to provide uniform illumination over all parking areas. Photometric analysis will be required as part of site plan/architectural review. g. Light sources should be shielded so that the source of the illumination is not seen from outside the structure. h. The ground floor level of any parking structure must be protected with anti - graffiti coating. 7. Landscaping A Landscape Master Plan for the Campus must be provided to the City at or before first site plan review submittal to provide for a unified concept for the Campus. Streetscape concepts are provided for the three hierarchies of streets within the project, including the El Segundo Boulevard frontage, Hughes/Nash Street Extension, and Continental (see Exhibits 13-15, Streetscape Concepts). The Master Landscape Concept Plan must be consistent with these concepts and their associated plant palettes. General a. Entries into the project should include a consistent entry feature for the Campus as a whole. Entries should be provided in the following locations: • Hughes Way at El Segundo Boulevard • Hughes Way/Nash Street at the southern Campus boundary b. Consistent tree species must be planted at Project entries, consistent with Exhibit 16, Corner Entry Concept. Page 48 October 2015 Page 134 of 206 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD R.O.W. LYING UUYYSCAPWG CRAPE MYRTLE TREE 0 25' O.C. WHEELER'S DWARF TOBIRA R.O w. I � ftu x[s *a* Rml JW 4"', WIS 'wa was�, 6C - �; pu n) Sr i's NOR% PARKWAY TREE LAGERSTROEMTA 10CA CRAPE MYRTLE SHRUBS HITOSPORUM IOBIRA 'WHEELER'S DWARF' WHEELER'S DWARF TOBRA DESCRIPTION EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD WILL HAVE A NEW CLASS I BIKE TRAIL ALONG THE STREET FRONTAGE. DUE TO THE DSTNG POWER LINES, THE PARKWAY WILL BE PLANTED WITH CRAPE MYRTLES BECAUSE OF IT'S SMALL SCALE AND FLOWEFdNG CHARACHNSTICS. WHEELER'S DWARF 10BIRA WILL HE USED N THE PARKWAY, SO THAT IT CAN BE EASILY MA'NTAPID AWAY FROM THE BIKE PATH CLEAR ZONE. EXHIBIT 13 EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD STREETSCAPE CONCEPT Page 49 October 2015 Page 135 of 206 R.O.W. SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET HUGHES WAY NASH STREET EXTENSION 3' TALL TEXAS PRIVET HEDGE RHUS LANCEA TREE ® 30' O.C. STAR JASMINE � �mI" ��-,R,�L-1-N;EE BIKE AE UNf tANE R.O.W. 8' WIDE DECORATIVE MAINTENANCE WALK —STAR JASMINE CANYON PRINCE WILD RYE CANYON PLANE TREE ® 30' O.C. DANfRA4Et-#-WAVEL-i`y.A-'F UKK IHVE BIKE PKO LANE MEDIAN TREE PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA LONDON PLANE TREE PARKWAY TREE RHUS LANCER AFRICAN SUMAC SHRUBS LEYMUS CONDENSATUS 'CANYON PRINCE' CANYON PRINCE WILD RYE LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM 'TEXANUM' TEXAS PRIVET GROUNDCOVER TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAR JASMINE DESCRIPTION THE SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET (NASH/HUGHES) WILL BE PLANTED WITH LONDON PLANE TREES IN THE MEDIANS TO MATCH THE EXISTING LONDON PLANE TREES FOUND ON SOUTH HUGHES WAY. THIS WILL CREATE A CONTINUOUS AND CONSISTENT LANDSCAPE CHARACTER FOR THE STREET CORRIDOR. THE PARKWAYS WILL BE PLANTED WITH RHUS LANCEA TREES TO PROVIDE SHADE FOR THE STREETSCAPE. A HEDGE OF TEXAS PRIVET SHRUBS WILL BE USED IN THE PARKWAYS TO PROVIDE SCREENING OF THE ADJACENT USE AND CANYON PRINCE WILD RYE WILL BE USED IN THE MEDIANS UNDER THE LONDON PLANE TREES. ;��JI o M ` EXHIBIT 14 HUGHES/NASH EXTENSION STREETSCAPE CONCEPT Page 50 October 2015 Page 136 of 206 COLLECTOR STREET CONTINENTAL BOULEVARD i-A R.O.W. R.O.W. 3' JAPANESE BOXWOOD HEDGE 18" WIDE DECORATIVE MAINTENANCE WALK ® 30 D.C.TWILLOW TREE ® 30 ALLI CN WILLOW TREE �UTTLE JOHN BOTTLEBRUSH TT�� SEM0 N�BOTTLEBRUSH A la' PKVYf swLANE LANE uEnu PARKWAY AND MEDIAN TREES GEUERA PARVIFLORA AUSTRALIAN WILLOW SHRUBS BUXUS MICROPHYLLA JAPONICA JAPANESE BOXWOOD CALLISTEMON 'LITTLE JOHN' LITTLE JOHN BOTTLEBRUSH WESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA 'MORNING LIGHT' COAST ROSEMARY 1110 ►41211IR THE COLLECTOR STREET WILL BE PLANTED WITH AUSTRALIAN WILLOW TREES IN BOTH THE PARKWAYS AND MEDIANS TO PROVIDE SHADE AND INTERESTING TEXTURE TO THE STREETSCAPE. A HEDGE OF JAPANESE BOXWOOD SHRUBS WILL BE USED IN THE PARKWAYS TO PROVIDE SCREENING OF THE ADJACENT USES. LITTLE JOHN BOTTLEBRUSH WILL BE USED IN THE PARKWAYS AND MEDIANS TO PROVIDE FLOWERING COLOR TO THE STREETSCAPE AND COAST ROSEMARY WILL BE USED IN THE MEDIANS TO PROVIDE SHRUBS OF VARYING HEIGHTS. ..—#-1FA,L—T—S — {- LANE LANE PKA JAPANESE BOXWOOD AUSTRALIAN WILLOW LITTLE JOHN BOTTLEBRUSH CONTINENTAL STREETSCAPE CONCEPT Page 51 October 2015 Page 137 of 206 Tfu POW filt4'Im SHRUBS U(, iRw JAPO►A1UIY 'tEa(ANI,1r GROl1NDCOVER fPN'wt07p1AA01A5A Ols DESCRIPTION CORNER ENTRY TREATMENT NM so LIAR 1+lSA6NE i--iV1a PAIM rY TALL DAS PRi4E1 HEDGE I DUE PALM am fR6E STAR ,elW K USER ENM 40 NIL BE DEWD E11 A W RADRIS AS KASIIRED fROYI RREASEC110N OF EXTENDING 1HE U.N. LIE 1HE CORNERS ML RAlUilE [At[ PRA 10 MAR A BOLD AND VM LY 19RESTMIC ENTRY SiUTUYENI A IMS PRW HEDGE W Pau AN E4E MEN DODROP AND STAR A WIE N! PAM FE KK T THE EltTR'► LWA y CORNER ENTRY CONCEPT Page 52 October 2015 Page 138 of 206 C. All areas not covered by buildings, walkways, driveways, parking spaces, and service areas must be landscaped (with drought tolerant plantings and sustainable hardscapes in accordance with the City's water conservation requirements). d. Landscaping should enhance the quality of the Project by framing and softening the appearance of buildings, defining site functions, screening undesirable views and buffering incompatible uses. e. Landscaping at the perimeter of buildings is encouraged to soften the transition between building and parking lot. Parking lot landscaping must be distributed evenly to provide for consistent design and shading. f. Landscaped areas should generally incorporate a combination of planting materials utilizing a three tiered system consisting of. 1) trees, 2) shrubs or vines, 3) groundcover/ornamental grasses. Landscaping should be in scale with the adjacent buildings and be of appropriate size at maturity. g. Placement of landscaping should not interfere with the lighting of the Project area or restrict access to utilities. h. Landscaping should be utilized to define edges, buffer adjacent properties, screen parking areas and storage areas. i. Street trees should be spaced appropriately (in adequately sized and landscaped parkway strips or in tree -wells within wider sidewalks or plazas) to emphasize and reinforce the spatial definition between the building, pedestrian environment and the street. In order to reduce the heat-island effect, space parking lot trees to achieve shading at ratios required by the development regulations of this Specific Plan. Trees must adequately shade parking lots and provide sufficient area for water quality requirements. k. Textured paving materials should be used in pedestrian areas such as pedestrian courtyards and plaza areas for safety and to provide visual interest. Page 53 October 2015 Page 139 of 206 1. Paving materials should include pervious hardscape materials to facilitate water treatment and reduce runoff. M. Bio-retention areas can be used to detain/percolate run-off in planted swales, raised open -bottomed planters, etc. n. Site furnishings including, but not limi On -site storm water capture system ted to, fixed and moveable seating, trash and recycling receptacles, bike r ticks, and pedestrian scaled lighting should be of durable and sustainable materials. 0. Design and selection of site furniture should include considerations for the security, safety, comfort and convenience of the user. P. A unified site furniture "look" is encouraged. The color and appearance of site furniture products should be selected to complement other design elements. 8. Walls and Fences a. Wall and fence design should complement the Project's architecture. Landscaping may be used to soften the appearance of the wall surface. b. Wall and fencing materials must be made of a durable material. Wall and fencing materials may consist of wrought iron, tubular steel, stone, stucco, or brick. Solid walls should incorporate pilasters with decorative caps and offsets, consistent with the overall architecture. C. Landscaping should be used to soften the appearance of the wall surfaces and deter graffiti. d. Security fencing must be of high quality design. Razor wire is not permitted. Chain link fencing is not permitted in any areas that are visible from any public or private rights -of -way. e. Walls and fences must be protected with anti -graffiti coating. Page 54 October 2015 Page 140 of 206 9. Lighting Design a. The type and location of parking area and building lighting must prevent direct glare on to adjacent properties. Pedestrian scale lighting should be present at all entries, plazas, courtyards, parking lots, pedestrian ways, and other areas where nighttime pedestrian activity is expected. C. Lighting design of fixtures and their structural support should be architecturally compatible with the architecture of the Project. d. When appropriate, wall -mounted lighting may be incorporated. Wall - mounted lights should be compatible with the building's architectural style. 10. Signage a. A Master Sign Program must be prepared for the South Campus Specific Plan at or before the first site plan review submittal. Unless specifically modified by this Specific Plan, all signage must comply with ESMC requirements. Billboards, pole signs, and signs incorporating flashing or blinking lights are not permitted within this Specific Plan area. C. The character of the signage, including the location, size, height, design and lighting must be in keeping with the architectural character and monument style of the overall Project. d. Signs should make a positive contribution to the desired character of the Project and overall streetscape and provide for clear identification and wayfinding. e. Vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian circulation throughout the Project site, to parking and various destinations should be enhanced through a comprehensive system of directional signage and related wayfinding elements. Page 55 October 2015 Page 141 of 206 This page intentionally left blank. Page 56 October 2015 Page 142 of 206 VI. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following standards are intended to supplement the existing General Plan and ESMC. Where this Specific Plan is inconsistent with the ESMC, the Specific Plan prevails. Where this Specific Plan does not specifically regulate, development must comply with the standards and requirements set forth in the ESMC. A. PERMITTED USES Uses within the Specific Plan area are governed by the following Table, by district: Wireless facilities are permitted subject to the requirements of ESMC Chapter 15-19. Table IV-1 Allowable Uses Use Alternative fuel stations CMU P • P • -- Cafes P P Data Centers C Pz -- Financial institutions P P -- General Offices, including medical and dental P P -- General storage and warehousing -- P4 -- General storage and warehousing (Raytheon Company only) P P4 Health Clubs P P -- High and medium bay labs -- P -- High and medium bay labs (Raytheon Company only) P P Light Industrial uses -- P -- Light Industrial uses (Raytheon Company only) P P Movie and Entertainment Facilities P P -- Multimedia Related Offices P P -- Postproduction Facilities P P -- Public facilities, including, but not limited to, fire and police facilities, post offices, and libraries. P P -- Public Utilities P P P Recreation Facilities (public and private) P P P Research and Development, including scientific research and experimental development laboratories P P Restaurants, full service P P -- Restaurants, fast food P P -- Retail uses (excluding off site sale alcohol sales) I P I P -- Page 57 October 2015 Page 143 of 206 Table IV-1 [continued] Allowable Uses Use CMU • • Special Effects Studios P P -- Studio/sound stage(s) and other support facilities P P -- Trade and vocational schools for adults P P Any use customarily incidental to a permitted use, including the storage of A A A hazardous materials associated with any allowable use. Drive -through or walk-up services related to financial operations. A A The on -site sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants and cafes. AUP AUP The off -site sale of alcohol at retail establishments. AUP AUP -- Drive-through restaurants C C C Helicopter landing facilities subject to the provisions of El Segundo Municipal Code § 15-2-13. C C C Hotels (provided that the existing deed restriction is removed) C C C Outdoor dining, exempting outdoor dining at restaurants where outdoor dining comprises 20% or less of the total dining area of the restaurant, C C C but not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Laser/optical targets A/AUP AAUP -- Parking structures and surface parking lots Al Pa Aa P/A Radar towers A/AUP A/AUP A/AUP Video arcades, defined as any business with three or more video or arcade machines. C C C All uses that are not permitted, conditionally permitted, or determined to be similar uses as specified above. _ All uses that are involved with the storage of waste materials as the primary business _ Freight Forwarding -- -- -- Gasoline and Diesel Service Stations -- -- -- Mini-storage -- -- -- Residential Uses -- -- -- AUP Administrative Use Permit A Permitted Accessory Use C Conditional Use P Permitted Use Not Permitted Note: Pursuant to the ESMC, uses of a similar nature which are unlisted in Table IV-1 may be considered by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission. 1 Surface Parking Lots is a permitted (P) use within Phase 1 CMU District subject to ESSCSP Section VI. Development Standards: D. Parking and Loading. 2 Data center buildings within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 are subject to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Data center buildings beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parcel 14 will be permitted by right subject to site plan review. 3 Parking structures and surface parking lots within 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parce114 are subiect to review and approval through an Administrative Use Permit (AUP). Parking structures and surface parking lots beyond 100 feet of El Segundo Blvd on Parce114 will be permitted by right subiect to site plan review. 4 As perthe definition of"Warehousing Warehousing and Distribution" contained in El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) § 15-1-6 Page 58 October 2015 Page 144 of 206 B. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. Lot Area a. The minimum building lot area is 10,000 gross square feet. 2. Height a. Buildings and structures within the Campus cannot exceed 200 feet in height, measured from finished grade. Exceptions to building height are permitted in accordance with ESMC § 15-2-3. Structures cannot interfere with the operation of the MTA Green Line. 3. Setbacks a. Buildings and structures within the Campus must be setback a minimum of twenty-five feet (25') from the adjoining public rights -of -way of El Segundo Boulevard, the future extension of Nash Street, and the future extension of Continental Boulevard, except for lots with frontage on the portion of El Segundo Boulevard located east of the future extension of Continental Boulevard and west of the future extension of Nash Street. For lots with frontage on the portion of El Segundo Boulevard located east of the future extension of Continental Boulevard and west of the future extension of Nash Street, buildings and structures must be setback a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from the adjoining public right-of-way of El Segundo Boulevard. Building and structure setbacks within the interior of the Specific Plan must be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from each lot line. For lots with frontage on the portion of El Segundo Boulevard located east of the future extension of Continental Boulevard and west of the future extension of Nash Street, buildings and structures must be setback a minimum of five feet (5'). Actual required setbacks may vary depending on Building Code requirements that relate to type and height of the structure. C. Permitted intrusions into setbacks are identified in ESMC § 15-2-7. The Class 1 bicycle path located adjacent to El Segundo Boulevard may also be located within required setback areas as long as a minimum distance of 5 feet is maintained from any building. 4. Lot Frontage a. A minimum of 100 feet of frontage must be provided for all lots whether on a dedicated public street or a private street. Parcels exclusively devoted to right-of-way purposes are excluded from minimum lot frontage requirements. 5. Floor Area Page 59 October 2015 Page 145 of 206 a. The South Campus Specific Plan is currently developed with 1,802,513 net square feet of development. Development in the Campus is limited to an additional 1,916,376 net square feet of floor area, as specified herein, for a total pre -dedication of public right-of-way net FAR of 0.60 distributed over the entire Campus area and not required as a maximum FAR on any individual lot as permitted in Section B.6 below. The maximum amount of developed floor area within the Specific Plan must not exceed 3,718,889 net square feet as permitted by this Specific Plan. For purposes of this Specific Plan, application of a floor area ratio results in net building square footage. Gross floor area is the sum of the net floor area plus an additional twelve percent (12%) of net floor area for all proposed new construction. C. Net floor area consists of the area of all floors or levels included within the exterior surrounding walls of a building or structure. The total space devoted to high or medium bay labs may be multiplied by a factor of 0.5 to determine the net floor area. Space devoted to the following is not included when determining the total net floor area within a building or structure: l . Elevator shafts; 2. Stairwells; 3. Courts or atriums uncovered and open to the sky; 4. Rooms exclusively holding building operating equipment; 5. Parking spaces at or above grade and access thereto; 6. Structures devoted exclusively for parking; 7. Restrooms in common areas of nonresidential buildings. d. Gross floor area consists of the area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of garages, vent shafts, and courts. The floor area of a building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior walls is the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. For new construction, after the date of adoption of this plan, gross floor area is defined as specified in section VI.B.5.b. above. Page 60 October 2015 Page 146 of 206 6. Floor Area Ratio and Transfer of Development Rights a. FAR may be transferred from any parcel within the boundaries of the Campus (the "Donor Site") to any other parcel within the boundaries of the Campus, whether contiguous or non-contiguous, within the Specific Plan area (the "Receiver Site") upon the written consent of the owners of both the Donor Site and Receiver Site. Any FAR transferred from a Donor Site is deducted from that parcel's base FAR. The overall FAR for the entire Campus cannot exceed a net 0.60 as computed in accordance with the above, based on pre -dedication of public right-of-way, but any individual parcel may exceed such FAR. Transfer of FAR may be accomplished by submitting a letter from the applicant to the Director of Planning and Building Safety before the City issues building permits for the Receiver Site which would utilize the transferred FAR. The Director will maintain records of such transfers and the current density allocations, if any, of all of the properties within the Specific Plan area. In addition, the owner of Donor Site must record a covenant acceptable to the Director and the City Attorney memorializing such transfer of FAR. No approval from the City is required for such transfer. Regardless of any transfer of FAR, no building can exceed the applicable development standards set forth in this Specific Plan. 7. Walls and Fences a. All walls and fences must comply with ESMC § 15-2-4 Accessory Structures a. Radar towers, dishes, laser/optical targets, and other similar structures are permitted as accessory structures only subject to approval of an Administrative Use Permit. Page 61 October 2015 Page 147 of 206 C. CIRCULATION Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan, that identifies trip reduction methods in accordance with the guidelines set forth in ESMC Chapter 15-16 and Chapter 15-17, must be prepared for development within the Campus. A TDM Plan must be submitted for City review concurrent with the first site plan application within the campus. 2. The maximum number of total daily trips, as well as A.M. and P.M. peak hour vehicle trips for new development within the Specific Plan area, as determined in accordance with the Trip Generation tables set forth in Appendix A, cannot exceed the table below, unless a subsequent traffic report is prepared and approved by the Director of Planning and Building Safety that identifies potential impacts and proposes feasible measures to mitigate previously unidentified new impacts. To ensure that peak traffic does not exceed these thresholds, a trip inventory analysis must be prepared, acceptable to the Director of Planning and Building Safety, to maintain a cumulative accounting of total square footage by land use as well as the cumulative number of A.M. and P.M. peak hour trips. The trip inventory must be updated and submitted upon the filing of each building permit request. PM Peak I rips 1W Total Daily Trips 1P 1. Public and private streets must be designed and constructed in accordance with the General Plan and in the overall right-of-way size identified in the General Plan. a. The connection of Hughes Way with Nash Street must be constructed to the standards of a secondary arterial street identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The extension of Continental Boulevard to Hughes Way must be constructed to the standards of a commercial collector street identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Page 62 October 2015 Page 148 of 206 C. The private street connecting Continental Boulevard and Nash Street must be constructed to the standards of a local commercial street identified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Page 63 October 2015 Page 149 of 206 D. PARKING AND LOADING 1. Parking and loading spaces must be provided in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-15, except as provided below. 2. Within the O/I MU District or for office/industrial uses within the CMU District, parking lots or structures may serve multiple lots and buildings. Up to 100% of the required parking for an individual lot in the O/I MU District or for office/industrial uses within the CMU District, may be provided off -site subject to the following standards: a. Parking must be located within 300 feet of the lot it serves. b. Pedestrian pathways must be provided connecting parking lots or structures with the buildings they serve. Where off -site parking is across a project roadway, a crosswalk must be provided. C. Reciprocal parking and access easements or covenants must be recorded before the City issues a building permit and must be shown or noted on the applicable site plans. d. Parking lots and driveways may straddle lot lines subject to provisions in a reciprocal parking and access easement or covenant. Such documents must provide provisions for shared maintenance. 3. For retail and restaurant uses within the CMU District excluding the Phase 1 area, up to 20% of the required parking for an individual lot in may be provided off -site with approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety, subject to the following performance standards: a. Parking must be located within 150 feet of the lot it serves. b. Pedestrian pathways must be provided connecting parking lots or structures with the buildings they serve. Where off -site parking is across a project roadway, a crosswalk must be provided. C. Other conditions may be applied by the Director as part of site plan approval. d. Requests for over 20% off -site parking require Planning Commission review and approval and may include such conditions as the Planning Commission may lawfully impose. 4. For retail and restaurant uses in Phase 1 within the CMU District, up to 100% of the required parking for an individual lot may be provided off -site, with approval by the Director of Community Development, subject to the following performance standards: Page 64 October 2015 Page 150 of 206 a. Off -site parking must be contained within the CMU District Phase 1 lots. b. Parking must be located within 150 feet of the lot it serves. C. Pedestrian pathways must be provided connecting parking lots or structures with the buildings they serve. Where off -site parking is across a project roadway, a crosswalk must be provided. d. Other conditions may be applied by the Director as part of site plan approval. For retail and restaurant uses within the CMU District including Phase 1, parking lots may service multiple lots or buildings subject to the following standards: a. Reciprocal parking and access easements or covenants must be recorded before issuance of a building permit and or in conjunction with a final map as required by the Community Development Director and must be shown or noted on the applicable site plans. Parking lots and driveways may straddle lot lines subject to provisions in a reciprocal parking and access easement or covenant. Private access roads that connect parking lots with a right-of-way may encroach into a required landscape setbacks on interior property lines. Such documents must provide provisions for shared maintenance and landscaping. 6. The number of required parking spaces may be modified subject to the approval of a Transportation Systems Management Plan, as specified in the ESMC Chapter 15- 16 "Developer Transportation Demand Management." The Director of Planning and Building Safety may modify the required number of parking spaces up to a maximum of 10% based on the submittal and approval of a parking demand study or shared parking analysis. Additionally, for any use for which the number of parking spaces is not listed in ESMC Chapter 15-15, the Director of Planning and Building Safety shall specify the required number of spaces based on a parking demand study. 8. The Planning Commission may modify the required number of parking spaces up to a maximum of 20% based on the submittal of a parking demand/shared parking study. Notwithstanding items 7 and 8 above, the Director of Planning and Building Safety may also grant uses with significantly different peak hours of operation up to a 20% parking reduction, without approval of the Planning Commission. Any request for such shared parking must meet the following requirements: a. A parking study must be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that there will not be substantial conflict in the peak hours or parking demand for the uses for which the joint use is proposed. The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements of the structures or uses involved cannot exceed the number of stalls reasonably anticipated to be available during differing hours of operation. Page 65 October 2015 Page 151 of 206 C. A written agreement must be executed by all parties concerned, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Building Safety and the City Attorney assuring the continued availability of the number of stalls designed for joint use. 10. Preferential parking must be provided for carpools and vanpools. 11. Bicycle parking must comply with ESMC Chapters 15-15 and 15-16 and the South Bay Bicycle Plan. 12. The Raytheon Company recreation facility within the Specific Plan area is not required to provide parking beyond that already provided for daytime, weekday users. Page 66 October 2015 Page 152 of 206 E. LANDSCAPING Landscaping is a critical criterion when evaluating development proposals in the Campus. This section will ensure that adequate landscaping area and permanent maintenance is provided for all new development. This mandate is also in accordance with the City's requirements to landscape commercial and industrial areas. Landscaped areas must be provided and permanent irrigation systems installed in the landscaped areas at: 1) the Campus entry areas, 2) around the perimeter of the buildings in the setbacks, 3) within the required setbacks along the property perimeter and, 4) in the Vehicular Use Areas (VUAs) as defined in ESMC §15-1-6. A Landscape Master Plan must implementing the intent of the Landscape Master Plan must be submittal within the Campus. ALL LANDSCAPING be prepared for the Campus to ensure a unified appearance Design Guidelines and objectives of this Specific Plan. The submitted to the City at or before the first site plan review Landscaping must conform to the City's Water Conservation in Landscaping requirements as set forth in ESMC Chapter 10-2. CAMPUS ENTRIES Campus entries must be provided at the following locations: • Nash Street at El Segundo Boulevard • Hughes Way/Nash Street at the southern campus boundary Entry landscaping must be in substantial conformance with the entry concepts outlined in the Design Guidelines of this Specific Plan. BUILDING PERIMETER LANDSCAPING Except as otherwise allowed by this Plan, a minimum horizontal depth of five feet of landscape materials, excluding curbs, must be provided around each building. In instances where two buildings are separated by ten feet, the landscape requirement may be reduced to allow for pedestrian walkways/access. PROPERTY PERIMETER LANDSCAPING 1. One shade tree must be provided for every 25 feet of street frontage. 2. The following encroachments are permitted into the landscaped setback areas: a. Parking may encroach into the landscaped setback up to a maximum of fifty percent of the required setback area, provided a minimum landscaped setback of five feet is maintained except as permitted in Specific Plan § VI.D.2. Page 67 October 2015 Page 153 of 206 "Architectural landscape features" including fountains, free-standing arbors/pergolas, and public art, may encroach into the landscaped setback area subject to site plan review, provided a minimum landscaped setback of five feet is maintained. The features may cover a maximum of twenty five percent of the total area of the setback, and be a maximum of twenty feet in height. VEHICULAR USE AREAS Vehicular Use Areas (VUA) include parking lots and loading areas. Landscaping in the WAS must cover a minimum of five percent of the VUA and be distributed uniformly throughout the VUA. Such landscaping is in addition to the required property perimeter and building perimeter landscaping. The figure to the right represents a typical parking area within the Campus. a. A minimum of 5 foot landscape buffers must be provided at all parking lot edges to screen parking lots and provide shading. Planting areas containing trees must have a minimum width of 5 feet. PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE amp C. Each parking space must be located within 30 feet of a tree. Trees are required to provide shade and parking lot/loading area screening. F. PUBLIC SAFETY In an effort to ensure the safety of employees and visitors to the Campus, the following strategies must be incorporated into site development: 1. Lighting must be adequate throughout the Campus and shielded to minimize off - site illumination. Submittal of photometric studies is required as part of any site plan review submittal which includes parking lots, and parking structures in the Specific Plan area. 2. The site design and operation must comply with fire and police safety regulations with regard to site layout, building configurations, landscape design, and infrastructure requirements. Street lighting must be provided in accordance with ESMC requirements. Page 68 October 2015 Page 154 of 206 G. SIGNAGE 1. Signage within the Campus must conform to the signage regulations of the ESMC except as established and approved in a Master Sign Program for the Campus. 2. The following signs are not permitted within the Campus: • Billboards, as defined in the ESMC; and • Pole signs; and • Signs incorporating flashing or blinking lights. 3. A Master Sign Program for the entire Campus must be developed and submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission before or concurrent with the first site plan review for a project within the Specific Plan. The Master Sign Program must include the following elements: • Campus Master signage (entryways, common sign design throughout Campus); • Sign standards developed for each of the three uses allowed: industrial, commercial and office; Provisions for way finding and decorative elements such as banners; • General features that all signs in the Campus are required to comply with; and Regulations for temporary signs (including construction signs). H. SUSTAINABILITY 1. All new development must have buildings designed to be energy efficient, at least 15% above Title 24 requirements. 2. The Project areas must include Stormwater management practices that treat Stormwater runoff from 90% of the average rainfall on the site using structural and non-structural management measures. 3. Preferential parking must be provided for carpools and vanpools at the rate of not less than 10 percent of total employee parking. Page 69 October 2015 Page 155 of 206 4. Bicycle parking must comply with the ESMC. 5. Shower facilities must be provided for buildings of 25,000 square feet or greater. 6. Exterior lighting must be energy efficient and designed to minimize light pollution. Low -emitting building materials must be utilized. Roof structures must be designed to support future solar panels. Reclaimed water must be utilized for all landscaped areas. 10. A Pedestrian Walkway for direct access to the Green Line Station from the project site that meets ADA minimum width requirements. I. ENCLOSED USES All uses must be conducted wholly within an enclosed building except for the following: Electrical distribution stations, adequately screened from public rights -of -way and public view, as determined by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 2. Outdoor restaurants and cafes incidental to the permitted use, provided they comply with the provisions of ESMC §15-2-16. Recreational facilities customarily conducted in the open. 4. Radar towers, antennas, dishes, and laser/optical targets, provided they comply with the screening requirements of ESMC § 15-2-8. Page 70 October 2015 Page 156 of 206 VII. ADMINISTRATION A. INTRODUCTION Unless regulated by this Specific Plan, development will be administered and enforced by the City in accordance with the ESMC. This Specific Plan supersedes any conflicts with ESMC zoning regulations. 1. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant administrative use permits in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-22. 2. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may make other administrative determinations using the same procedures set forth in ESMC Chapter 15-22. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may grant adjustments and administrative adjustments in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-24. 4. The Planning Commission may grant conditional use permits in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-23. B. MUNICIPAL CODE REFERENCES All section references in the Specific Plan refer to the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) as adopted at the time of building permit application submittal. C. MODIFICATIONS 1. Major Modifications The following modifications constitute a Major Modification and require an amendment to this Specific Plan: a. Any decrease in the required building setbacks as set forth in Section VI.B.3 above; b. Any increase in the total developable square footage of the entire Specific Plan in excess of the maximum allowable development intensity allowed under the Specific Plan; C. Any increase in height of buildings or structures on the Property above 200 feet; d. Any increase in the maximum number of A.M. and P.M. peak hour vehicle trips for the Specific Plan as specified in Section VI.C.2 above, unless a Page 71 October 2015 Page 157 of 206 subsequent traffic report has been prepared to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director that identifies potential impacts and proposes feasible mitigation measures to mitigate such impacts and otherwise complies with CEQA; e. Any change in use to a use which is not permitted under the Specific Plan, except as approved by the Director in accordance with Chapter 15-22 of the ESMC; f. Any change in the land use plan categories identified in Exhibit 5 of this plan. g. Any decrease in the minimum required lot area; h. Any decrease in the minimum required lot frontage; Any material modification that requires modification to the EIR other than an Addendum; and Any modification deemed by the Director of Planning and Building Safety as major and requiring amendment to this Specific Plan. 2. Minor Modifications Any modification to this Specific Plan not listed above as a "major modification," including a use approved subject to an Administrative Use Permit, is a Minor Modification. The Developer may make Minor Modifications without amending this Specific Plan upon the administrative approval of the Director of Planning and Building Safety or designee, provided that such modifications are consistent with the Development and Design Standards, Applicable Rules, and Project Approvals. Such Minor Modifications may include: • Modifications to the streetscape palette with the concurrence of the City's urban forester. • Modifications to infrastructure sizing based upon final engineering plans approved by the City. • Relocation of the Raytheon Recreation Facility to a parcel or parcels of the same size (7.54 acres) or larger and having similar access. Should this occur, a revised land use plan shall be provided updating the land use plan of this document (Exhibit 5). • Modifications to the conceptual plan (Exhibit 6), Vesting Tentative Map (Exhibit 7) and Conceptual Utility Plans (Exhibits 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) that do not exceed the new development vehicle trip cap, do not increase the Page 72 October 2015 Page 158 of 206 number of parcels and do not require subsequent CEQA environmental review may be deemed minor by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. Adjustments, Administrative Adjustments, Administrative Determinations subject to the requirements in Section VII.A, above. D. SITE PLAN REVIEW 1. Overview In order to develop a Project that is in conformance with the uses, density, approved FAR, Design Guidelines and trip generation of this Specific Plan, a Site Plan Review ("SPR") application shall be filed with the Department of Planning and Building Safety. 2. Application for Site Plan Review - Contents The Site Plan Review Application must conform to the following. The number of copies required for submittal will be determined by City policy at time of submittal: a. A "Development Status Tracking Table" must be submitted to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for review by the Planning and Building Safety Department as part of any site plan submittal within the Specific Plan area. This table must specify the development request for the site plan including the following information: Specific Plan parcel area(s) and the allocation of intensity by land use as defined in Section III herein; A revised Land Use table for the Specific Plan area by phase, showing updated land use distribution and intensity as modified by the site plan submittal; and Submittal of a traffic report analyzing the trip generation for the land use(s) and demonstrating that the maximum number of vehicle trips (trip ceiling) is not exceeded. c. Plans and landscape plans for projects must be prepared by a registered architect and a licensed landscape architect respectively. C. Site Plan. A fully dimensioned site plan, drawn to scale and showing: Location of existing and proposed structures, including signs, showing dimensions from property line; Page 73 October 2015 Page 159 of 206 2. Location, size and species of existing trees or natural attributes; 3. Location of off-street parking. The number of parking spaces (specifying handicapped, compact and regular spaces), type of paving, direction of traffic flow, parking stall dimensions, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles; 4. Location and dimension of driveway approaches, off-street loading areas, street and highway dedications; 5. Refuse disposal and recycling; 6. Location, height, and material of existing and/or proposed fences and walls; 7. Means of screening all vents, pipes, antennas and machinery placed on roofs; 8. Location, height and specifications of all existing and/or proposed exterior lighting; 9. Location of all utility pipes, valves, vaults and similar appurtenances; and 10. Location of structures on abutting lots showing dimensions to property line. d. Photometric Analysis for parking lots and parking structures. e. Elevation Drawings. Elevation drawings dimensioned and fully illustrating all sides of the proposed structures. These drawings must include: 1. Location of signs and size, height, color, material and type of illumination of all signs. A Master Sign Plan must be submitted when the development includes two or more tenants; 2. Location, size and style of architectural features, such as awnings, doors, windows and other wall openings; and 3. All exterior materials and their colors. f. Landscape Plan. A preliminary landscape plan showing the location and design of the following listed items: 1. Existing trees (by species and size) proposed to be retained, removed or relocated on the site; Page 74 October 2015 Page 160 of 206 2. Landscaped areas and the numbers, varieties and sizes of plant materials to be planted therein and all other landscape features; Softscape, hardscape (walkways, paving, textured concrete) and lighting; and 4. All submittal material required by ESMC Chapter 10-2. g. Colors and Materials. A materials and colors board showing all colors and materials, with color chips and textures keyed to the principal plan elements where those components are found. h. Floor Plans. Photo Board. Showing subject site, and all surrounding properties. Rendering/Illustration. One set of color elevation drawings or a color rendering. The Director of Planning and Building Safety may require, at his/her discretion, a computer model where such is necessary to evaluate scale, massing and architectural treatment. 3. Site Plan Review - Procedure a. The Director of Planning and Building Safety must review the application to ensure there is consistency with the Specific Plan within 30 days after the Director deems the application complete. CEQA Review, if required, must be conducted in accordance with applicable law. C. The Site Plan Review must be timely scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission, which date should not exceed 45 days after the completion of the public review period of the environmental documentation, or within 30 days from the date the application is deemed complete if no further environmental review is required. The Planning Commission must render its decision in writing, either approving, approving with conditions, or denying the Site Plan Review application, stating the reasons for such action. The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to the City Council. d. Any aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. Such appeal must be filed in writing with the Department of Planning and Building Safety within ten (10) days after the date of the written decision by the Planning Commission. Upon receipt of such an appeal and the payment of the appropriate filing fee, the matter must be Page 75 October 2015 Page 161 of 206 scheduled for consideration by the City Council no more than 45 days after the date of receipt of the appeal. e. The Site Plan is valid for two years from the date of approval. If construction does not commence within such time, but the applicant has diligently pursued the Project plan review process, the Director of Planning and Building Safety may extend the Site Plan approval for up to two additional years. f. After the Site Plan is approved, the Director of Planning and Building Safety may approve minor changes in the Site Plan or its conditions if the Director finds that there are practical reasons for such changes, that such changes do not substantially vary from the previously approved site plan and applicable law and that such changes do not involved deviations from the design's intent. 4. Site Plan Review Criteria The purpose of the Site Plan Review procedure is to ensure that the development provides a cohesive visual identity and coordinated design character for the Specific Plan area of high quality. The overall coordinated design character must be expressed in the site planning, architecture, landscaping, lighting, and signage. The architectural design is to be compatible in character, massing and materials consistent with the conceptual plan depicted in this Plan. In approving the Site Plan Review the Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, must consider the following factors: a. The dimensions, shape and orientation of the parcel; b. The placement of buildings and structures on the parcel; C. The height, setbacks, bulk and building materials; d. The building materials and design; e. The distance between buildings or structures; f. The location, number and layout of off-street parking and loading spaces; The internal vehicular patterns and pedestrian safety features; The location, distribution, amount and type of landscaping materials and the sustainability of the landscaping material with the El Segundo climate in compliance with the applicable climate zone; Page 76 October 2015 Page 162 of 206 i. The placement, photometrics, height and direction of illumination of light standards; The location, number, size and height of signs; k. The location, height and materials of walls, fences or hedges; 1. The location and method of screening refuse and storage areas, roof equipment, pipes, vents, utility equipment and all equipment not contained in the main buildings of the development; In. Compliance with all applicable development standards including, but not limited to, height, setbacks, FAR, trip generation, and off-street parking requirements; and, n. Consistency with the Design Guidelines of this Specific Plan. 5. Approval Criteria The Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal, may approve the Site Plan Review if it finds that the site plan, architecture and landscape design, with conditions if necessary are consistent with this Specific Plan. 6. Exempt Activities The following is a list of activities which are exempt from the site plan review process. This list is not all-inclusive; the Director of Planning and Building Safety may exempt other activities not listed: a. All interior changes and alterations b. Demolition of Buildings E-20, E-21, E-23, or E-24 C. Exterior mechanical equipment (heating, air conditioning, water heater) designed with mechanical equipment screening compatible with the architecture of the building to which it is adjacent or affixed. d. Minor exterior repairs costing less than $50,000 in 2015 dollars, indexed for inflation to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). e. Reglazing, new mullions f Re -landscaping consistent with the landscape palette g. Repainting h. Reroofing with similar style roofing materials Page 77 October 2015 Page 163 of 206 E. AMENDMENT In accordance with the Government Code §§ 65450-65457, Specific Plans must be prepared, adopted and amended in the same manner as General Plans except that Specific Plans may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance. This Specific Plan may be amended as necessary by ordinance. Said amendment or amendments do not require a concurrent General Plan amendment unless the Director of Planning and Building Safety determines that the proposed amendment would substantially affect General Plan goals, policies, objectives or programs. F. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT COMPLIANCE The El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan and related entitlements were approved in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines), and City policies adopted to implement the CEQA and the Guidelines. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified by the City Council which establishes the development thresholds shown in Table VII-1 below. Table VII-1 California Environmental Quality Act Compliance The CEQA clearance indicated above analyzes the effects of 1,930,000 net square feet of incremental development by the Project , 13,624 of which is anticipated to be replacement of existing facilities with allowed uses. Any portion of the Project that is developed consistent with the Conceptual Site Plan evaluated for this Specific Plan is exempt from further CEQA analysis unless an event specified in Public Resources Code § 21166 occurs as to the Specific Plan. Page 78 October 2015 Page 164 of 206 APPENDIX A E1 Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Trip Generation Rates, Credits, and Caps The following two tables are to provide data for maintaining a trip inventory analysis for the build - out of the Specific Plan. A table maintaining a cumulative accounting of total square footage by land use as well as the cumulative number of A.M. and P.M. peak hour trips generated by new development within the Specific Plan area must be generated by the project applicant and verified by the City. The trip inventory must be updated and submitted upon the filing of site plan review application and verified before a building permit is issued. The traffic -generating characteristics of most of the components of the Project are identified in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, 91 Edition. With mixed -use projects there are many opportunities for interaction amongst the various uses. The interaction is likely to reduce the number of trips entering and leaving the site ("internal capture"). Additionally, many of the individual uses will attract vehicles already on the surrounding street network ("diverted/pass-by"). These are trips that are already on the roadway network and are diverted to the Project. Furthermore, since the Specific Plan is adjacent to the El Segundo Metro Green Line station, the following table takes into consideration credits for transit usage, as well as for "internal capture" and "diverted/pass-by." Appendix A — Table 1 Project Trip Ceiling for trips associated with new development within the ESSCSP area. AM Peak Hour Trips 2634 408 3042 quin PM Peak Hour Trips 631 2489 3120 Total Daily Trips 26, 585 Page 79 October 2015 Page 165 of 206 Appendix A - Table 2 Summary of Trip Generation Rates and Trip Credits RAYTHEON SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN DRAFT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES AND TRIP CREDITS AM PEAK -HOUR PM PEAK -HOUR AVERAGE DAILY FORMULA (per FORMULA (per TRIPS FORMULA Use 1,000 gross square 1,000 gross square (per 1,000 gross feet) feet) square feet) Retail T = 0.96 (A) T = 3.71 (A) T = 42.70 (A) Internal Capture - Less 1% Less 2% Diverted/Pass-By - Less 34% - General Light Industrial T = 0.92 (A) T = 0.97 (A) T = 6.97 (A) Internal Capture - Less 1% Less 1% Warehouse T = 0.30 (A) T = 0.32 (A) T = 3.56 (A) Internal Capture - Less 1% Less 1% Office T = 1.56 (A) T = 1.49 (A) T = 11.03 (A) Internal Capture - Less 1% Less 1% Transit Credit* Less 5% Less 5% Less 5% Other Possible Uses Health/Fitness Club T = 1.41 (A) T = 3.53 (A) T = 32.93 (A) Hotel T = 0.53 (R) T = 0.60 (R) T = 8.17 (R) Medical/Dental Office T = 2.39 (A) T = 3.57 (A) T = 36.13 (A) Supermarket T = 3.40 (A) T = 9.48 (A) T=102.24 (A) Quality Restaurant T = 0.81 (A) T = 7.49 (A) T = 89.95 (A) High -Turnover (Sit -Down) Restaurant T = 10.81 (A) T = 9.85 (A) T= 127.15 (A) Fast -Food Restaurant without Drive -Through Window T = 43.87 (A) T = 26.15 (A) T = 716.00 (A) Coffee/Donut Shop without Drive -Through Window T = 108.38 (A) T= 40.75 (A) T = 818.58 (A) Notes * Trip generation adjustment discount associated with proximity to transit service for similar sites based on recommendations published by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LAMTA) and ITE. T: Trip ends A: Building area in 1,00 sq. ft. R: Rooms Page 80 OctoUe� 2015 Page 166 of 206 APPENDIX B EL SEGUNDO SOUTH CAMPUS SPECIFIC PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 14 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAUSAL REDONDO, IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED IN CASE NO. 11629, SUPERIOR COURT OF SAID COUNTY ON JUNE 21, 1890, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY, A COPY OF SAID MAP APPEARING IN THE FILES OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR OF SAID COUNTY AS CLERK'S FILED MAP NO. 218, BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 18; BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE WESTERLY LINE AND THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION THEREOF OF TRACT NO. 26556, AS SHOWN ON MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 675 PAGES 93 TO 94 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHEAST BY THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 80 FOOT STRIP OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO., RECORDED MAY 27, 1913 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 210 IN BOOK 5750 PAGE 43 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHWEST BY THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 2 IN THE DEED TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, RECORDED MARCH 6, 1930 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 535 IN BOOK 9840 PAGE 33, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM, ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER HYDROCARBONS, GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6903 OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE AND ALL OTHER MINERALS, WHETHER SIMILAR TO THOSE HEREIN SPECIFIED OR NOT, WITHIN OR THAT MAY BE PRODUCED FROM THE PROPERTY BELOW A DEPTH OF FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET, AS RESERVED BY DEED EXECUTED BY CHEVRON U.S.A. INC., A CORPORATION, RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 28, 1978 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 78-1317577, WHICH ALSO RECITES, "PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT ALL RIGHTS AND INTEREST IN THE SURFACE OF THE PROPERTY AND THE LAND MASS OF THE PROPERTY TO A DEPTH OF FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET ARE HEREBY CONVEYED TO GRANTEE, NO RIGHT OR INTEREST OF ANY KIND THEREIN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BEING EXCEPTED OR RESERVED TO GRANTOR EXCEPT AS HEREINAFTER EXPRESSLY SET FORTH." ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOs. 4138-014-047 AND 4138-014-013 Page 81 October 2015 Page 167 of 206 South Campus Development Tracking Table - Square Feet and FAR As of April 2023 Land Us Building Area Building Area (Net Square Feet) (Gross Square Feet) South Campus Specific Plan Entitled Square Feet Office 1,565,000 1,752,800 Warehouse/Storage 82,000 91,840 Light Industrial 150,000 168,000 Commercial 133,000 148,960 Subtotal Entitled Additional Development 1,930,000 2,161,600 Existing Campus Uses- 1,788,889 2,069,947 Total Campus Entitled Square Feet 3,718,889 4,231,547 Phase I - New Development Office 40,450 42,119 Warehouse/Storage - - Light Industrial - Commercial 19,259 19,918 Total Phase I Square Feet 59,709 62,037 Phase II - New Development Office 122,080 143,250 Warehouse/Storage 4,368 4,800 Light Industrial - - Commercial - - Total Phase II Square Feet 126,448 148,050 Phase III - New Development Office - - Warehouse/Storage Light Industrial Commercial Total Phase III Square Feet - - Phase IV - New Development Office - - Warehouse/Storage 5,237 5,865 Light Industrial - Commercial - Total Phase IV Square Feet 5,237 1 5,865 Remaining South Campus Specific Plan Entitled Square Feet Office 1,402,470 1,567,431 Warehouse/Storage 72,395 81,175 Light Industrial 150,000 168,000 Commercial 113,741 129,042 Subtotal Remaining Specific Plan Entitled Square Feet 1,738,606 1,945,648 Existing Campus Uses- 1 1,788,889 1 2,069,947 Total Campus Entitled Square Feet 1 3,718,889 1 4,231,547 Page 168 of 206 South Campus Development Tracking Table - Square Feet and FAR As of April 2023 [continued] South Campus Specific Plan FAR Total Entitled FAR 0.60 Total FAR of Existing Development 0.29 Total FAR of New Development 0.03 Total FAR of Existing & New Development 0.32 Page 169 of 206 EXHIBIT "C" MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION Regularly Scheduled Meeting September 12, 2024 A. Call to Order Vice Chair Hoeschler called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance Vice Chair Hoeschler led the pledge. C. Roll Call Present: Vice Chair Hoeschler Present: Commissioner Maggay Present: Commissioner Christian Absent: Chair Keldorf Absent: Commissioner Inga Also present: Michael Allen, AICP, Community Development Director Also present: Eduardo Schonborn, AICP, Planning Manager Also present: Joaquin Vazquez, City Attorney Also present: Jazmin Farias, Planning Technician Also present: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Also present: Cristina Reveles, Senior Management Analyst D. Public Communications None. E. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) None. F. Consent Calendar 1. Approval of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes: • August 8, 2024 MOTION: Approve the minutes. Moved by Commissioner Christian, second by Commissioner Maggay. 1 Page 170 of 206 Motion carried, 3-0, by the following vote: Ayes: Hoeschler, Maggay, and Christian. G. Continued Business —Public Hearing H. New Public Hearings 2. El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (Approved Under EA-905) Amendment to Change the Land Use Designation of Lot 14 Within Phase II of the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) Area and Adoption of Addendum No.2 to the Final Environmental Impact Report. (J F) Planning Technician Jazmin Farias presented the staff report regarding an amendment to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) to change existing land use designation of lot 14 (of the ESSCSP) from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU), which will result in additional allowed uses such as general storage and warehousing, high and medium bay labs, data centers, parking structures and surface parking lots, and light industrial uses. Vice Chair Hoeschler opened public communication. • Applicant representative Lionel Uhry, shared with the Commission that they are looking to match up both uses (CMU and 0/1 MU) to create more opportunities for users and wants adjoining lots to have the same land use designation to allow for development to overlap lots if needed. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired what the difference between logistics and warehousing is. Lionel advised that logistics is more tailored to the transportation of goods, loading docks via heavy truck traffic whereas distribution does not allow for it. Whereas general storage and warehousing would allow for a flight kitchen where they have a staff prepping onsite, storing, and transporting the assembled product. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired what the vision for that corner property is as it is close to retail and newly developed Chargers training facility. Lionel advised that they have been marketing the property for some time now specifically trying to attract retail and they have had no success. They believe the limited lot frontage of El Segundo Boulevard and MTA overpass screening have contributed to this and believe the lot is tailored to attract special uses. He added that it will not be office at the moment due to the current economic environment. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired how pedestrian activity would be activated if the site ends up with a big windowless building at the gateway entrance of the campus and how big of a building can the site accommodates. Lionel stated that all development is subject to site plan review and if it happened to be a use that does not have as much windows they would try to fenestrate that with architectural futures, Page 171 of 206 landscape, signage, and faux -like glass (no window on the interior) which still provides privacy and its exterior fagade helps create that environment. As for the size, depending on the use it could accommodate a building up to 100,000 — 200,000 square feet. • Commissioner Christian inquired if the new land use designation 0/1 MU allows the same development uses as CMU and why all the CMU land area is not being changed to 0/1 MU. Jazmin stated that it mirrors the same uses as CMU; the difference is that it introduces four additional uses. Lionel stated that the other CMU land area is not owned by the applicant rather by Raytheon and they would need to initiate that request if desired. He added that the lot size and location for the other CMU lots has more street frontage, and it attracts more retail uses whereas the lot this application addresses is impacted by the minimal frontage and MTA overpass which discourages uses such as retail from developing the lot. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired if there are any revenue or tax implications for the city rezoning this. Jazmin advised that Finance Department conducted a comparison analysis based on revenue generated per square footage for a typical big box retail establishment and a typical data center ranging from 40,000 to 70,000 square feet and based on what was found on average a standard big box retail establishment generates $5.99 per square footage whereas a data center generates $17.00 per square foot. Office revenue is based on occupancy and head count (current staff count). Vice Chair Hoeschler closed public communication. Further discussion came from Commissioners: • Commissioner Maggay stated that it is unfortunate that property owners can't find a retail establishment for Lot 14 and since the adjacent lot is small, he understands why the land use designation consistency is being requested. He added that being flexible for business partners is important and is in favor for the land use designation change. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired why Lot 14 and Lot 13 were not combined from the start. Jazmin advised that it would be best for the applicant to answer that. Lionel advised that he does not know as it was a long time ago. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2956 recommending City Council approve Addendum No. 2 to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report approved under EA-905 to analyze the land use change of Lot 14 within Phase II of the ESSCSP Area pursuant to CEQA and adopt resolution No. 2957 recommending City Council approve an amendment to the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan (ESSCSP) modifying land use designation of Lot 14 (of the ESSCSP) from Commercial/Office Mixed Use (CMU) to Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU). 3 Page 172 of 206 Moved by Commissioner Maggay, second by Commissioner Christian. Motion carried, 3-0, by the following vote: Ayes: Hoeschler, Maggay, and Christian. I. New Business 3. Innovation Uses in Smoky Hollow Study Session. (MA/ES) Planning Manager Eduardo Schonborn lead the study session regarding incubator/innovation uses for hard -tech startup companies specifically in Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (SHSP) area. Staff has determined that creating a new land use category for these incubator/innovation uses is needed because the SHSP does not define such broad uses and the area is attracting this type of uses. Staff is seeking direction from Planning Commission to determine how these uses should be defined and how to implement development standards for such uses alongside determining if they should be permitted by right or through the entitlement process. SHSP targets creative and cutting -edge business however its permitted uses are narrow and focus on one type of use. For example, startup companies (incubator/innovation uses) are doing a combination of uses that include a little bit of tech, research and development, prototyping, manufacturing, testing, and maybe some office. The combination of uses does not fit into a specific permitted use per definitions in the specific plan. Therefore, staff finds themselves saying such proposed use is not permitted and offers an alternative approach to the companies. Such alternative approach is the Director Determination process which is turned down a lot of the time. He proceeded to share how other cities have approached this situation. For example, Berkley City updated their research and development definition to allow more flexibility and amended their parking requirements perhaps doing so here would be beneficial since a change of use triggers new parking requirements and most of the sites in SHSP area cannot provide such required parking. Eduardo mentioned that permitting such uses can be done with desecration via an Administrative Use Permit (AUP), Conditional Use Permit (CUP), or the uses can be permitted by right or offering a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) for 90-180 days. Commissioner Maggay suggested for staff to look into how Los Angles rezoned two properties those being AltaSea at the port of Los Angeles and La Kretz Innovation Campus as they did something similar with startups. Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired how TUPs work, are the permits revoked after 90 days and can you keep reissuing them. Eduardo stated that TUPs typically are for special events in private property ranging from 1 4 Page 173 of 206 day to 1 week. They have never been issued for purposes like this. • Vice Chair Hoeschler inquired how the city got to this point, are people showing up wanting to develop in Smoky Hollow. Eduardo shared that people are coming to the counter with such broad uses that are not define and necessarily do not fall under one specific use. • Commissioner Maggay inquired what the processing time is for an AUP, CUP, and TUP. Eduardo informed the commissioners that an AUP is processed within 30 days and then is forwarded to Planning Commission as a receive and file item. A CUP can take a few months but is costly, and a TUP can take a couple weeks to a month; but the dilemma is how to address a permit's expiration. Whereas by right anyone can come in and just get a business license and start their business. Maggay stated that he thinks the AUP process would be the most effective and customer friendly. • Commissioner Christian inquired what the determination process is. Eduardo informed him that in terms of timing it is similar to an AUP. The Community Development Director needs to determine if such proposed use is similar to an already permitted use and must provide findings to support the decision. Eduardo shared that this process is costly for applicants and a lot of the time they do not have time and seek to move fast when leasing a site. These determinations are on a case -by -case basis and end up being codified. • Commissioner Christian stated that we do not know what the next big industry will be in five years from now and does not believe we need to define those uses if we already have the determination process in place. • Community Development Director Michael Allen stated that staff is trying to address this now rather than being reactive. Staff is trying to come up with a broad enough definition that addresses the uniqueness in each different type of incubator type of use rather than have the applicant go trough a costly long process. He added that some of these incubator uses have multiple different components such as research and development, manufacturing, warehousing, and some are fabricating through organic compounds that they are processing through chemical process on -site and others are doing it off -site; none of which fits a current permitted use. When 1 % of the operation triggers manufacturing it automates that CUP process. The goal is to capture flexibility while ensuring a discretionary process that allows us to evaluate chemical compounds and perhaps using the Fire Code to evaluate these chemicals. • Vice Chair Hoeschler stated that he likes staff is thinking this way as the city is trying to be business friendly and encourage creative businesses. • Commissioner Christian stated that the TUP process for this does not seem practical and is nervous about the by right concept when you are talking about innovation broadly construed. He inquired how often staff 5 Page 174 of 206 has received inquires about these uses. Michael stated that in the last six to twelve months close to six to twelve different companies have reached out which are dancing in between all this stuff to comply. Some have a hold on their lease and are working on tenant improvements hoping that by the time they build out their office and research and development space they can move in and are ready to build out their manufacturing component the city has created a solution. • Deputy City Manager Barbara Voss thinks if we streamline it would make business easier as it would continue to build that momentum the city has right now when attracting those businesses. She added that she agrees with having very specific guidelines to not allow what we do not want. • Commissioners provided consensus to have a definition that does not include combustible materials and for such uses to be permitted via an AUP. J. Report from Community Development Director or designee None. K. Report from City Attorney's Office None. L. Planning Commissioners' Comments Vice Chair Hoeschler shared that he made a presentation to City Council about the multimodal committee and talked about what the group has done and advancements of bike lanes in El Segundo and talked about revisiting El Segundo Boulevard as a bike lane. M. Adjournment —the meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. The next meetin is scheduled for September 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. ZV0 Michael Allen, Community Development Director Michelle Keldorf, Planning Co mission Chair Page 175 of 206 M M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.8 TITLE: Revised Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy RECOMMENDATION: Approve proposed revisions recommended by the Recreation and Park Commission to the Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. 2. Discuss and provide direction regarding possible future revisions identified by staff related to the Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The El Segundo Recreation, Park, and Library Department ("Department") created the Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy in 2004 with assistance from various El Segundo youth sports representatives. The policy established guidelines for the allocation of field space for user groups utilizing City athletic fields and facilities, and also outlined governing rules for the Youth Sports Advisory Committee and its charter organizations. Since its creation 20 years ago, the policy has undergone several revisions and amendments. To evolve with the changes over time with the various user groups and City resources, it became necessary to review and revise the policy to improve its enforceability, clarity, and consistency. In March 2024, a subcommittee was formed which included Department staff and two members of the Recreation and Parks Commission to assist the Department with updating the policy as deemed necessary since its last amendment in 2022. The subcommittee met and updated the document to be consistent with department changes, Joint Use Agreement updates, facility maintenance needs and expectations, Page 176 of 206 Athletic Field/Facility Use Allocation Policy October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 3 and City license agreement requirements. In May 2024, the Recreation and Parks Commission reviewed and approved the revised Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. (Attachment 1) The most significant changes to the policy are outlined below: Director Authority Language was added to the policy to give the Director of Recreation, Parks and Library the authority to schedule field space outside the priority guidelines if the Director believes that the requested use provides a benefit to the City of El Segundo and/or its residents. For example, the Director recently approved a two-day sports clinic at Campus El Segundo during AYSO's fall season because the activity provided a unique opportunity for hundreds of young people to improve their athletic abilities, free of charge. Staff found alternative space for AYSO during the weekend of the clinics. If the Council decides to rescind this authority from the Director, it would require the Director to bring every request that falls outside this policy to the City Council for discussion and vote. Field Use Audits Language was added to the policy stating that random field use audits may be conducted to ensure groups are utilizing space that they have reserved or are returning unused space to staff for distribution to other groups. User Groups Responsibilities for Field Maintenance Language was added to the policy requiring user groups to contribute to field preparation and maintenance. DISCUSSION: Since the revisions to the policy were approved by the Recreation and Parks Commission, staff have continued to monitor field usage and requests and have identified the following issues to be further considered: Field Specific Play Currently, there are two fields which are designated for specific programming within the Field Allocation Policy: (1) Stevenson Field for baseball (hardball) only; and (2) Softball Field for softball, baseball and kickball only. Because of these stipulations, George Brett Field and Campus El Segundo experience a significant amount of use from a variety of user groups. Council may consider directing staff to go back to the Recreation and Parks Commission to discuss the possibility of opening Stevenson Field and the softball fields for other usage to ease the burden on George Brett field and Campus El Segundo. Alternatively, Council may consider directing staff to go back to the Recreation and Parks Commission to discuss the possibility of designating George Brett and/or Campus El Segundo for sport -specific activity. Page 177 of 206 Athletic Field/Facility Use Allocation Policy October 15, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Youth Sports Advisory Committee Recommendations The description of the Youth Sports Committee (YSC) in the Athletic Field/Facility Use Policy is as follows: "The Youth Sports Advisory Committee is a recommending body established and appointed by the Recreation and Parks Commission. Its purpose is to work cooperatively with City staff in field allocation, help identify field allocation issues, and review field allocation and use policies when necessary. Any and all decisions made by the Youth Sports Advisory Committee will be considered a recommendation to the Recreation and Parks Commission." From time to time, there has been confusion regarding when a recommendation from the YSAC is needed. Staff would benefit from additional language in the policy, as directed by City Council and Recreation and Parks Commission, to clarify what circumstances warrant a vote by the YSAC. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Strategy A: Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and exploration of potential funding options to support programs and projects. PREPARED BY: Chelsea Shafer, Sr. Administrative Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 6b. Final Athletic Field and Facility Use Allocation Policy 2024 - 5.15.2024 Page 178 of 206 El Segundo REC PARKS, LIBRARY Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy Recreation & Parks Commission Approved: December 8, 2004 Amendments #1 & 2: August 17, 2005 Amendments #3 & 4: February 15, 2006 Amendment#5: June 20, 2007 Revised: June 20, 2007 Amendment#6: April 16, 2008 Revised: December 17, 2008 Revised: February 18, 2009 Revised: March 18, 2009 Revised: January, 2015 Revised: December 14, 2022 Revised: May 15, 2024 City Council Approved: December 21, 2004 Approved: April 21, 2015 Introduction The City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks and Library Department, Recreation Division coordinates and issues permits for the use of athletic fields and facilities to organizations and the general public for cultural, social and recreational activities and programs. The City also coordinates the use of the Richmond Street School Fields and Center Street School Fields •• hk-afewhich are owned and maintained by the El Segundo Unified School District_ "•-* 65 Scheduled by the Gity along with City staff also schedule use of Raytheon Fields that are owned and maintained by Raytheon. Recreation. Parks and Library Department staff will use this policy when allocating fields. however Recreation. Parks. and Librarystaff will have the final decision on field allocation based on this policy, fairness to all affected groups. Page 179 of 206 or other needs determined at the Recreation. Parks. and Library Director's discretion. The Recreation. Parks. and Library Director will retain the right to make exceptions or other determinations of how fields are allocated, and permits are issued. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to outline the City procedure and -allocation priority for the permitted use of athletic fields/facilities. Due to the increased demand for the use of City fields it us imperative that all user groups abide by the pokcies and procedures set forth On thus poW. This policy will: • Fairly distribute available fields and facilities • Maximize playing time • Include critical "rest" periods to maintain safe, quality fields Definition of Terms ON The City of El Segundo and/or the Recreation, Parks and Library Department will be referred to as "City" ResidentStatus Resident status is defined as groups or organizations with at least (75%) or more registered El Segundo residents. Team rosters and proof of residency will be required annually to verify residency status. Proof of residency may include providing copies of two of the following items: • Driver's License of participant or participant's parent if under 18 • Utility bill in participant's name or participant's parent if under 18 Alternatively, organizations may be required to sign a written agreement that they have verified residency of all participants. Falsification of proof of residency is grounds for immediate dismissal from the Youth Sports Ceunci4Advisory Committee. Audits of team rosters may be conducted by Recreation, Parks and Library staff at anytime. Youth Status Youth status is defined as persons 18 years of age or under. Page 180 of 206 Commercial Status Businesses or leagues that are running a business and making a profit from the use of fields. Non -Profit Status To qualify as a Non -Profit user, the organization must meet all the criteria below. All Youth SpertsCetmc4Sports Advisory Committee groups must submit proof of non-profit status annually by July 1. The organization must be registered as a not -for -profit corporation with the State of California, or if not registered with the State, must have a constitution, bylaws or mission statement which clearly states the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, (75%) of which must be El Segundo residents. The organization must submit the following: 1. If incorporated, submit State Incorporation papers and bylaws; if not incorporated, submit constitution and bylaws or mission statement. 2. Current financial statement. 3. Roster of Officers 4. List of persons authorized to make reservations for your organization; must be El Segundo residents. Page 181 of 206 City of El Segundo, Richmond Street School, Center Street School, and Raytheon Fields and Facilities Due to the limited number of fields and facilities available, the City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks and Library Department has established a priority use. Priority Group Qualification: Group 1-10 Priority use of fields/facilities will be allocated as follows. This priority list serves as a guideline for City Staff however the Recreation, Parks, and Library Director retains the right to allocate field space at their reasonable discretion. Group 1: City sponsored or co -sponsored events. City of El Segundo, Recreation, Parks, and Library Department youth or adult programs or leagues. Group 2: El Segundo Unified School District related programs. Group 3: Organizations part of the El Segundo Youth Sports re-incilAdyisory Committee. Youth programs, organizations, or events with 75% El Segundo residency status. (AYSO, Little League, ESGS) "Everybody Plays" Philosophy. "Grandfather Clause". At the onset of this policy, the El Segundo Babe Ruth Baseball League was "grandfathered" in at "Group 3" classification by maintaining 60% El Segundo residency. Group 4: Youth Club non-profit programs, organizations, or events with 75% El Segundo residency status. Group 5: Adult programs, organizations, or events with 0 El SegURdE) Fesideney status. Group Sb: Youth C41a non-profit programs, organizations, or events with 60 — 74% El Segundo residency status. G'^•Q.�ap 7: Group 6: Adult non-profit programs, organizations, or events with 75% EI Segundo residency status. Group 7: Adult non-profit programs, organizations, or events with 60— 74% El Segundo residency status. Group 8: Youth programs, organizations, or events with under 60% El Segundo residency. Group 9: El Segundo Businesses, with a current El Segundo Business License. Groups must consist of 75% employees from given business. Group 10: Adult programs, organizations, or events with under 60% El Segundo residency. Please Note: All regular use El Segundo sports organizations, within Priority Groups 3 —10 will schedule and play games on Sundays, if necessary, in an effort to allow for allocation of Saturday field time for other user groups within the El Segundo community. 1 Program: Any activity that is offered by the Recreation & Parks Department. A system of services, opportunities, or projects, usually designed to meet a social need. 2 Organization: Any group of participants organized for recreational purposes and associated with a specific purpose. A group of persons organized for a particular purpose; an association. Commented [CRl]: Maybe consider moving this Nog up on priority? Page 182 of 206 3 Event: Any contest or program related to sports or recreational activity. Example: camps, clinics, and/or tournaments. youth Sports Advisory Committee The Youth Sports Advisory Committee is a recommending body established and appointed by the Recreation & Parks Commission. Its purpose is to work cooperatively with City Staff in field allocation, help identify field allocation issues, and review field allocation and use policies when necessary. Any and all decisions made by the Youth Sports Advisory Council Committee will be considered a recommendation to the Recreation & Parks Commission. Staff will present recommendations at the monthly Recreation & Parks Commission Meetings, when necessary. The Youth Sports Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of 2 times per year for a"' ^^^ but may additionally meet as needed to discuss pending issues or concerns. Charter- Organizations of the Youth Sports Advisory Commit•^^ EaunMCommittee The EhaFter members of the Youth Sports Advisory ''ornmit'^^ COUREiI Committee are listed below. These organizations will remain apart of the Youth Sports Advisory Committee regardless of status unless that Organization, the Committee, or the City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks, and Library Department decide otherwise. Each organization below is designated as an "Everybody Plays' organization unless otherwise noted. Organizations wishing to change their name or status must re -apply under the "New Member Organizations" guidelines. • Eagles of El Segundo Youth Football and Cheer • El Segundo Little League • El Segundo AYSO El Segundo Inline Hockey • El Segundo Babe Ruth El Segundo Unified School District • El Segundo Girls Softball El Segundo Youth Volleyball (USYVL) • El Segundo Lacrosse Voting Member Organizations All Voting Members must meet and maintain the following: 1. Only those organizations qualifying within Priority Allocation Groups 1 — 4 AND maintaining 75% El Segundo residency (overall organization membership) shall be designated as a voting member organization in the Youth Sports Advisory Commission Co ^''Committee. El Segundo residency status will be monitored through league rosters and will be reviewed bi-annually in February and Seer August for that organization's primary season. If at any time a designated voting member organization does not meet these requirements, that organization will lose voting privileges. 2. Any and all organization representatives designated as a voting member must be a current El Segundo resident and maintain El Segundo residency during the course of the designation. El Segundo residency will be monitored through Board rosters and will be reviewed prior to that group's primary season. If at any time a designated voting member does not meet this requirement, that respective organization must designate a new voting member to the Youth Sports Advisory G^�i"^^ CeancilCommittee. 3. El Segundo Babe Ruth will maintain voting rights provided their residency remains at or above 60%. New Member Organizations Any new organization wishing to join the Youth Sports Advisory Committee must submit their request in writing to the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department and meet the following criteria: • Have at least 100 El Segundo Resident Players in their organization • Submit league rosters containing at least 75% El Segundo Residents Commented [CR2]: Name? Youth sports council or youth sports advisory committee? Should be consistent throughout. Page 183 of 206 • The organization must be registered as a not -for -profit with the State of California. • The organization must be able to provide current liability insurance, City of El Segundo Business License, and worker's compensation insurance. • All new organizations that are added to the Youth Sports Advisory Council Committee are put on a one-year probation. Page 184 of 206 Good Faith Rule All Youth Sports Advisory Committee members will work together in "good faith" to accommodate as many El Segundo based youth sports organizations as possible on City controlled fields. Per Player Fee Youth Sports Advisory Committee Organizations are required to pay a per player fee as mandated by City Council in May 2014. Rules for the Per Player Fee and these organizations are as follows: 1 . The per player fee applies to all players and teams that practice or play on City of El Segundo fields during regular season practices and games. 2. If a portion of the league does not utilize a City of El Segundo field, they are not required to pay the fee for those players that do not use the field during the regular season. 3. If a league has teams that come from outside the City to participate in regular season games, then these leagues must either: a. Pay the per player Fee for all teams (Resident and Non -Resident) in their respective organization that utilize City fields. or b. Pay the per player fee for Resident teams that utilize City fields and in addition pay these per hour rates: El Segundo Team vs. Non -Resident Team pay% ES Non -Profit Field Rate per hour Non -Resident Team vs. Non -Resident Team pay full ES Non -Profit Field Rate per hour The deadline for payment of this fee to the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department is 2 weeks after the start of that organization's primary season. Refunds for the per player fee will not be issued once the fee is paid to the City of El Segundo, but an organization can rollover any unused fee to the next primary season due to player withdrawal upon providing proof to the City that said player was withdrawn and refunded their league fee. All payments can be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) to the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department for reservations made throughout the season. Three Strikes Rule The purpose of the Three Strikes Rule is to implement a systematic method of enforcing the Municipal Code and Athletic Field Use and Allocation Policy. The Three Strikes Rule will apply in the event that rules or regulations of this policy or City of El Segundo Municipal Code are violated by a Youth Sports Advisory Committee Organization. The City reserves the right to cancel or suspend field/facility permits for games, practices, and other usages based upon user groups violating the City Municipal Code or the established Athletic Field Use and Allocation Policy. STRIKE ONE Strike one consists of a verbal warning to the organization in direct violation of the City Municipal Code or Athletic Field Use and Allocation Policy. The verbal warning will be documented, and a copy will be provided to the organization. Page 185 of 206 STRIKE TWO Strike two consists of a written warning (via letter or e-mail) to document the violation within the permit period. STRIKE THREE Strike three consists of a second written warning (via letter or e-mail) to document the violation and possible cancellation of field/facility permit within the permitted period. Allocation Process and Procedures The Recreation, Parks and Library Department allocates and permits fields and facilities quarterly Burin the time periods below: Winter Season Spring Season Fall Season Summer Season The following required documents must be submitted as a complete package by the specified dates. Incomplete packages will not be accepted. • Field Application and Agreement Request • Prior season roster of all players including both residents and non-residents • Proof of Non -Profit status (501 (c) 3 or 4) • Liability Insurance Certificate and Additional Insured Endorsement • Deposit • List of current season's board members Process for Obtaining Permits Requests to permit the use of City fields and facilities in El Segundo are made through the City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks, and Library Department, Recreation Division at 401 Sheldon Street, El Segundo. Groups of 10 or more All groups who wish to utilize an athletic field or facility must complete an appropriate application and the FUles and regulations ferrm Fields74ae"ities are allocated to user groups On bi annual quarterly periods. Youth SpoFts Advisory Committee Organizations requesting space must submit their request at or before the Bi Annual Youth Sports Advisery Committee Field Allocation Meetings. Organizations may make requests by e mail or phone, but are still requiFed to sign and submit an Athletic Field/Facility Use Rules and Regulations fOFrn, Application and Agreement Request for Use of City of El Segundo facilities, and Hold HaRnless and Indemnity AgFeeFnent form at the end of this policy. if fields and facilities aFe not used as requested, peFFnits Fnay be Fescinded. GFOUPS atiens not using fields and facilities as stated Fnay lose theiF peFrnitted time and/eF ffieFity Youth SportsC o m m i t t e e —Organizations must submit the following information and documents are: Page 186 of 206 • Game and practice schedules are. due two (2) weeks prior to that league's respective opening day and will be used by City staff to insure fields are being used .. allocated. • Final Board and League Rosters: due one (1) week following final league registration date. Multiple -use reservations may be made for more than one date or with recurring weekly use. Any person or organization missing these deadlines will have access to any remaining fields/facilities after the allocation process is finalized on a first come first served basis. Submission of an Application and Agreement Request for Use of City of El Segundo facilities does not constitute approval. Approval is given according to allocation policy, after fees are paid and when a permit is issued. Every effort will be made to accommodate user group's use of fields. Priority of fields will be given to primary season sports, then by priority grouping. This means that primary season holds precedence ONLY within each priority grouping level. • Baseball, Football and Cheef-,-Softball, Lacrosse, Volleyball: February 1—August 31 • Soccer, Inline Hockey, Football: September 1—January 31 Sport Specific Field Designation & Use The following fields have been designated as sport -specific athletic fields: • Stevenson Field HARDBALL BASEBALL ONLY • Rec Park Softball Field SOFTBALL, BASEBALL& KICKBALL ONLY *The City retains the right to utilize any field for any City sponsored activity including events and other sport activities. Page 187 of 206 Liability Insurance Requirements FACILITY USER shall secure and maintain throughout the period of use contemplated under this agreement, general liability insurance with policy limits of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. The City of El Segundo, it's elected, and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insured by endorsement. Such policy or policies of insurance shall further provide that said policies of FACILITY USER shall be primary over any insurance held by CITY that may be applicable. The types and limits of insurance may be changed from time to time as determined by the City of El Segundo Fiscal Services Manager. FACILITY USER agrees to hold the City of El Segundo harmless and free from any liability of any nature arising out of the use of City Recreational Facilities, to include reimbursement of any legal costs and fees incurred in defense of such claims. Notice of Field Exchange Organizations may give up or exchange their allocation, or any part of it, with an organization of equal or greater allocation priority only when all the parties agree in writing and the Recreation Division reissues the permit. Notice of Non -Use of Field Any organization that has reserved space and does not intend to use it according to the permit, shall notify the Recreation Division so that the fields/facilities may be reallocated or otherwise used at its maximum. User groups with fee waivers may be billed for fields that they have reserved and have not used (see Permit Cancellation). Also, non-use of a field may result in revocation of the allocated field. Please see "Three Strikes Rule". Notice must be given to return field space within two weeks of the first date of field use. If field space is not returned by this deadline and the field is unused, the organization may be charged for the City's loss of rental revenue. Random audits will be conducted bythe Recreation, Parks, and Library Department to ensure field space is being utilized or returned properly. Permit Cancellation The City of El Segundo reserves the right to cancel, refund, and/or reschedule permitted reservations in the event that one of the following occurs: • When the health and safety of participants are threatened due to inclement weather or conditions including but not limited to heavy rains, smog alerts, pesticide spraying, and earthquakes. • City begins work involving any of the facilities. • Non -adherence to Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy or City ordinance. • ESUSD cancels use of fields under the direction of their administrative office. Permits canceled for paid reservations at least 10 days prior to the reservation will be refunded the entire amount less a $10 Administrative Fee. Permits canceled less than 10 days prior to the reservation date will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. Page 188 of 206 Post -Season Tournaments 1. Each youth sports organization in the City of El Segundo is allowed to host one free (no charge) tournament each season during their primary season. 2. All tournaments may not last any longer than 2 calendar weeks over a maximum of 3 weekends ... for a total of 16 days. 3. All tournaments must end within 60 days of the completion on the season of the host youth sports organization. • With exception of the El Segundo AYSO All Star Tournament hosted at Campus El Segundo. 4. Any group that wishes to host a tournament in addition to the one free (no charge) tournament within their primary season must pay rental fees. 5. Any group that wishes to host a tournament outside of the 60-day window and within their primary season must request in writing and subsequently receive approval from the Recreation & Parks Commission. 6. All tournament requests are subject to athletic field availability. 7. All tournament requests must be submitted in writing a minimum of 60 days prior to the start of the tournament. * Any El Segundo based organization making a "Special Request" of the Recreation & Parks Commission to operate outside of the current Athletic Field/Facility Use & Allocation Policy must send a representative from its current Board to the Recreation & Parks Commission Meeting for which their" Special Request" is added to the agenda. * Regular Season: Period of time during a primary season in which regularly scheduled games are played. Must be part of the permit period, but does not include playoffs or tournaments. Page 189 of 206 Camp/Clinic I. El Segundo resident youth sports organizations are allowed to host one free (no charge) camp or clinic each calendar year. 2. All camps/clinics may not last any longer than a total of five (5) days. 3. All camps/clinics may not last any longer than 7 hours per day, for a total of 35 hours per week. 4. Any group that wishes to host a camp/clinic in addition to the one free (no charge) camp/clinic must pay field rental fees. 5. Any group that wishes to host a camp/clinic outside of the five (5) day maximum or longer than 7 hours per day must request this in writing and subsequently receive approval from the Recreation & Parks Commission. 6. All camp/clinic requests are subject to athletic field availability. 7. All camp/clinic requests must be submitted in writing a minimum of 60 days prior to the start of the camp/clinic. * Any El Segundo based organization making a "Special Request" of the Recreation & Parks Commission to operate outside of the current Athletic Field/Facility Use & Allocation Policy must send a representative from its current Board to the Recreation & Parks Commission Meeting for which their" Special Request" is agenized. (Revision: December 2008) * A typical camp/clinic traditionally would run Monday through Friday, but may run for any amount of time less than or equal to 5 calendar days. * A typical camp/clinic would be from 9 am — 3 pm, with a reservation from 8:30 am — 3:30 pm, for a total of 7 hours of field time. The additional half and hour before and after are to accommodate set-up and break -down. Page 190 of 206 Miscellaneous Rules • All groups wishing to utilize a field must acquire a permit with the City of El Segundo. Field use permit must be available during use and presented to any City representative upon request. It is the League/organizations president or their Field Coordinator's responsibility to make sure coaches receive and understand that permits must be on site during field use. • It is the responsibility of the organization president and the individual identified as the person in charge of the permit to enforce the rules and regulations regarding the conduct of the group while on permitted facilities. • Use begins and ends at the times stated on the permit including set-up and clean up. Groups are not allowed on fields prior to the start time on the permit and are required to have the fields clean, picked up and be off the fields at the ending time indicated on the permit. Check your permit for specific times you may access the fields. Groups leaving facilities in poor condition (trash, debris, etc) may forfeit their deposit and/or lose field time. • Use will end at dusk on unlighted fields and by 9 pm or 10 pm on lighted fields except where noted on Site Specific Field Use (page 11). Check your permit for specific times you may access the fields. • Parking is allowed in designated areas only. No vehicles are allowed on City or District fields or property, other than parking lots, without written permission noted on the permit issued by the City of El Segundo. User groups must inform their participants and spectators to park in facility parking lots and public parking areas. • Smoking is not allowed at any City of El Segundo facility where youth sports are occurring including tobacco, drugs, or simulated smoking devices. • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in City parks, fields, schools, or adjacent areas (E.S. Municipal Code, SEC. 13.04.040) • Selling food or other items is not allowed without City approval and must be noted on the permit. • Amplified sound is not allowed on any field without City approval and must be noted on the permit. The use of artificial noisemakers, horns, rattles, bells, and whistles by spectators are not allowed. • Banners may not be posted without City approval and noted on your permit. • Balls and any other equipment thrown, batted, kicked, or otherwise land on private property must not be retrieved without the property owner's permission. • Property boundary walls and fences are not to be used as backstops at any time. • Portable goals and/or markers are allowed but must be removed daily. • Any special events (such as opening days, championships, parades, etc.) must be submitted through the City's special event permit process through OpenGov 50 days prior to event. Please leave school and park areas immediately after games and practices safely and quietly. For the benefit of our community, please practice being good neighbors in residential neighborhoods. Page 191 of 206 Page 192 of 206 Starting & Ending Use Times City fields may be permitted as available beginning 8 am Unlit field use ends at dusk. Lighted field use ends at 9 pm or 10 pm depending on location. Check your permit for specific times you may access the fields. Exceptions to these time frames may be allowed with the permission of the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department. Site Specific Field Use Some sites have restricted use due to the location of the athletic fields, neighborhoods with limited parking and/or fields directly adjacent to residences. Additional site -specific measures may be added to reduce resident concerns adjacent to the athletic field facilities. Check your permit for specific times you may access the fields and the number of fields allocated for your use. Inclement Weather Field Closures In the event of inclement weather fields may be closed. It is the user group's responsibility to call the Recreation, Parks and Library Department Field Conditions Hotline at (310) 524-2883 after 12:00 pm Monday through Friday or after 8:00 am and 12 p.m. Saturday and Sunday to verify field closures. Groups cannot play on fields that have been closed. Traffic and Parking User groups must inform their participants and spectators to park in facility parking lots and public parking areas. If needed, user groups should post directional signs to assist participants and spectators to appropriate parking areas. When traffic and/or parking are an issue or during post -season tournament play, the user group or organization must provide volunteers to direct participants and spectators to designated parking areas. It is the user's responsibility to alleviate traffic and parking issues. No vehicles are allowed on City or District fields or property, other than parking lots, without written permission noted on the use permit issued by the City of El Segundo. Meeting Rooms Each Youth Sports Advisory Committee Organization may utilize Recreation, Parks, and Library Department Facilities and Meeting Rooms when available throughout the year. These reservations may include but are not limited to registration dates, board meetings, and coaches meetings. Organizations can make a reservation by contacting the designated representative from the Recreation Department. Each group is limited to the following number of reservations per calendar year: • 1 monthly meeting (12 per calendar year) • 3 registration meetings • 3 miscellaneous meetings • Photo day reservation as necessary Field Maintenance The City and the City's landscape contractor will provide regular maintenance and upkeep of City fields and facilities. In addition, user groups are expected to contribute to field maintenance and prep as follows: Field Duties Between Games by Leagues: Page 193 of 206 1. First scheduled game is prepped by City Maintenance Staff. 2. Following each game, league coaches or field manager for league, will assign coaches to prep infield. 3. Prepping the infield before games includes: a) Drag the infield smooth. b) Water infield brick dust light spray. c) Pitcher's Mound & Home Plate - Rake, tamp mound, remove excess brick dust on grass area and light water spray. d) Chalk Infield. 4. Prepping the fields after the last game includes: a) Water infield and mound. b) Clean both dugouts. c)Report scoreboard or field lights that are out of service immediately. cod) Pick up all trash and debris in and around fields and facilities including dugouts and stands Rest and Renovation An annual rest and renovation program is scheduled at all allocated sites. The City does attempt to be flexible in accommodating user groups but, ultimately, the health and safety of the user and the condition and playability of the fields or facilities takes priority. This may require the closure of fields or facilities, denial of use of a field, and/or alternate sites for athletic use. �ield/FacilityClosures Fields/Facilities may be closed at the discretion of the Recreation SupeFrt, *d^^TManager and/or Parks Superintendent or their designated representatives. Closures are kept to a minimum when fields/facilities remain in playable condition. Priority is given to maintenance needs and rest and renovation periods for all fields. The City may close field facilities for any of the following: 1. City engages in work involving any of the fields or facilities. 2. When the health and safety of participants are threatened due to impending conditions, including but not limited to, rain, muddy conditions, smog alerts, pesticide application and earthquakes. Commented [CR3]: For Parks to review ANNUAL FIELD CLOSURES Stevenson Field 2nd week of December— February 14 and July 5th-September 30th Softball Field Winter Closure — Field closed December 15t, and opening February 15C. No summer closure Richmond Street & Center Street School Field Maintained by ESUSD Raytheon Field Page 194 of 206 Maintained by Raytheon Brett Field Winter Closure —Second week of December and opening one week before Opening Day Summer Closure - Every other year the City will close the field in early September for rest and renovation Athletic Field Lining/Marking Youth Sports Advisory Commit Council Advisory Committee Organizations may request special lining of City fields if approved by the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department. Under no circumstances are organizations allowed to paint or burn lines onto fields. Any organization failing to comply with these are subject to pay for all damages occurring to the facility and may be subject to loss of field space. Field Modifications Requests to modify or improve any City facility shall be submitted for review to the City of El Segundo Recreation Division for consideration. No permanent structures or equipment shall be erected on facility unless approved by the City and is dedicated for community use. Requests to modify field size for multiple use shall be submitted for review to the City of El Segundo Recreation Division for consideration. Users may not modify a field for use by more than two teams without approval noted on your permit. Adding additional fields to a site without permission will result in a Strike. Please see "Three Strikes Rule". Modified fields for multiple use will be billed appropriately. Trash/Field Clean -Up The City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks, and Library Department asks all youth leagues or athletic field user groups to institute a field clean-up policy that will be enforced at all the fields and facilities for both games and practices. It is each organizations responsibility to ensure that the following is 1. Following a game or practice session, teams are responsible for picking up all trash and debris at or around the field or practice site. This applies whether the trash or debris was at the site before the game or practice commenced. Teams are also to make sure that all equipment is picked up as well. 2. Each Coach / Manager is responsible for making sure that this policy is strictly enforced and adhered to by coaching staff and players at every game and practice. City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks, and Library Department Field Ambassadors will actively monitor the game, practice fields and facilities to ensure that the policy is being followed. Parks Maintenance Staff Field Safety The City of El Segundo Recreation, Parks, and Library Department asks each youth sports organization or athletic field user group to institute a no practice policy during any and all times that a Parks Maintenance Staff i s working on the infield and/or play area. No team shall participate in any activity that may endanger the Parks Maintenance Staff worker that is working on or preparing the field of play. This includes, but is not limited to, infield practice, hitting/batting practice and/or base running. It is agreed upon that a reasonable amount of space/distance will be given to the Parks Maintenance Staff to complete their tasks before any encroachment upon their work areas. Each Commented [CR4]: This portion was amended via email in early 2023 - by edits reflect this amendment . Parks should review. Page 195 of 206 organization is responsible for making sure that this policy is strictly enforced and adhered to by ma n age r s/coaches. Page 196 of 206 ATHLETICFIELD/FACILITY USE RULESAND REGULATIONS 1. All groups or more individuals wishing to utilize a field/facility must acquire a permit with the City of El Segundo. 2. It is the responsibility of the person in charge identified on the permit to enforce the rules and regulations regarding the conduct of the group while on permitted facilities. These rules include but are not limited to: o Use will begin no earlier than 8 am — Monday— Saturday and no earlier than 9 am on Sunday. Use will end at dusk on non- lighted fields and by 10 pm on all lighted fields; except Richmond St. Field, which closes at 9 pm. Please check your permit for specific times you may access the fields. o Use begins and ends at the times stated on the permit, including set-up and clean-up. Groups are not allowed on fields prior to the start time on the permit and are required to have the fields clean, picked up and be off the fields at the ending time indicated on the permit. o Parking is allowed in designated areas only. o Applicant's Field Use Permit must be available during use and presented to any City representative upon request. o Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in City parks, fields, schools, or adjacent areas. (E.S. Municipal Code, SEC 13.04.040) o Selling of food or other items is not allowed without City approval and will be noted on your permit. o Amplified sound is not allowed on any field without City approval and will be noted on your permit. The use of artificial noisemakers, horns, rattles, bells, and whistles by spectators are not allowed. Applicant is responsible for notification to residents adjacent to the field requested during any and all special events. o Permanent banners may not be posted without City approval and will be noted on your permit. o Balls and any other equipment thrown, batted, kicked, or otherwise land on private property must not be retrieved without the property owner's permission. o Property boundary walls and fences are not to be used as backstops at any time. o Portable goals and/or markers are allowed but must be removed daily. o At the conclusion of games or practice each user group is responsible for picking up trash and debris and depositing it into t h e proper trash bins. The field and any adjoining areas affected by a group's use must be picked up and cleared of all trash. o Please leave school and park areas immediately after games and practices safely and quietly, especially after late games. Please practice being good neighbors in our residential neighborhoods. Page 197 of 206 3. Wet Field Policy: Groups may not play on fields closed due to wet field conditions. It is the responsibility of groups to access field closure information by phoning the Recreation, Parks, and Library Department Field Conditions Hotline @ (310) 524-2883 after 12 pm Monday — Friday or after 8 am_ Saturday and Sunday. A secondary update to field conditions may be made by 12pm on Saturday and Sunday. Each field will be assessed individually for closures. a. Non -adherence to any of these rules or City ordinance may result in the retention of a portion or all of the deposit and/or result in the cancellation of current and/or prohibition of future use. Applicant Name: (Print) (Title) Approve (Signature) (Date) d by City Representative: (Print/Signature) (Date & Title) Page 198 of 206 Application and Agreement Request For Use of City of El Segundo Athletic Fields/Facilities in acceFdance wW9 Me joint Use Agreengent between the City of E4 Segundo and E4 Segundo Unif4ed Sch Street and Center Streetfields and athletiefige4ities located within E4 Segundo City fimits afteF 4 p.ng. weekdGys and all dGy on weekends. Submission of Gn Applicwtien and Agreement Request does not Organization Non -Profit #: Name of Applicant Address Home Phone ( J Fax Number ( ) Field/Facility Requested Description of Activity Estimated Attendance El Segundo Recreation Division 401 Sheldon Street, El Segundo CA 90245 Phone310-524-2700 www.elsegundo.org City & zip Day Phone () E-Mail Address Open to the Public Yes_ No Day of Week Dates (s) Start Time - Include Set-up End Time Page 199 of 206 Page 200 of 206 ** Lining/Marking of athletic fields is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by Parks Superintendent ** I verify that the information on this Application and Agreement Request for Use of Athletic Fields / Facilities form is correct as defined in the Athletic Field Use & Allocation Policy and understand the possible consequences if the information is incorrect or misleading within the acceptable boundaries as described in the allocation policy. I have read the Application and Agreement and agree to all provisions listed on this Application, the Athletic Field Use & Allocation Policy, Rules and Regulations and disclaimers applied to issued permits and will communicate this information to our coaches and participants. Signature of Applicant Signature of Organization President or AD Date Date The City of El Segundo does not assume responsibility of liability for claims, damages, or injuries, of whatever nature, which may arise from use of the fields. Dated this day of , 20 Recreation Supervisor or Designee 11 the authorized representative of, do hereby acknowledge that 1 have read the terms and conditions of this field allocation policy,• that the terms and conditions are acceptable, and User Group agrees to abide by, comply with, and accept full and complete responsibility therefore. Dated this day of , 20 By: League President or Authorized Representative Page 201 of 206 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) O Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.9 TITLE: Update on Joint Use Agreement Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file Joint Use Agreement update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The City and the El Segundo Unified School District (District) previously entered into an agreement on September 12, 1990, governing the joint use of public recreation facilities. The agreement was subsequently amended on August 21, 1991, and amended and restated again on December 8, 1992 and 2012. At the September 20, 2022 City Council meeting, staff proposed: (i) a one-year extension of the joint use agreement for public recreation facilities; and (ii) a one-year extension of the joint use agreement for the media studio and equipment during which time staff and District personnel met to discuss potential amendments to the document. In October 2023, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an amendment to the joint use agreement (JUA) for public recreation facilities between the City and District. The term of the JUA is seven years with a reopener after four years. At that meeting, Council also directed staff to return in one year with an update on how the agreement is working to allocate field use in a fair, efficient and practical manner through a strong partnership between the District and the City. Page 202 of 206 Joint Use Agreement October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION: Over the past year, staff has revised and updated field allocation policies related to public recreation facilities. During this time, staff has made concerted efforts to successfully manage field usage requests, with the ever-growing demand for field space and increasing program requests. Recently, it was discovered that the City's typical user groups did not request field space from the District through the process required in the JUA. To address this issue, staff will continue to refine and refresh the City's field allocation request procedure. A web page will be developed that will provide all pertinent information about how both City and school district fields are requested and reserved, how requests are prioritized, how to return unused space, how field use audits will be conducted, etc. In addition, the City will publish links to the District's field reservation system and provide dates for when requests begin and end for each season. Staff from ESUSD and Recreation, Parks and Library have met consistently during the past year as outlined in the JUA. Finally, staff is developing a field use calendar that will be public -facing to show who is on which fields at any given time. Individual participants' privacy will be maintained in accordance to any related law regarding publicly posting field schedules. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Strategy B: Seek opportunities to implement the use of innovative technology to improve services, efficiency, and transparency. Goal 3: Deliver Solution -Oriented Customer Service, Communication, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategy A: Enhance proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public about City services, programs, and issues. PREPARED BY: Chelsea Shafer, Sr. Administrative Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 203 of 206 M M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: October 15, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.10 TITLE: PATCHES Program Quarterly Update RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file the PATCHES Program update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other possible action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: On July 2, 2024, the City of El Segundo initiated the Proactive Approach to Combating Homelessness in El Segundo (PATCHES) program. The program is a comprehensive and collaborative effort to address the challenges surrounding homelessness in the city. It brings together multiple city departments, including the City Manager's Office, Police, Fire, Public Works, Recreation, and Community Development to ensure a coordinated response, with regular communication between members to devise effective solutions. The team works closely with regional service providers such as Harbor Interfaith Services and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to ensure efforts are well-rounded and impactful. PATCHES is a pilot program which will be re-evaluated after six months from its initiation. DISCUSSION: The PATCHES program has been active for three months. During this period, the PATCHES team, consisting of members from several city departments, was established. The team meets once each month to collaborate and identify solutions for issues related to homelessness. The El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) initiated a grant -funded Homeless Outreach Services Team (HOST) detail, which the City Council approved. During this quarter, there have been six details which resulted in contacts Page 204 of 206 PATCHES Program Quarterly Update October 15, 2024 Page 2 of 3 with over 30 individuals experiencing homelessness. The PATCHES program has been coordinating with Harbor Interfaith Services to connect individuals experiencing homelessness with available services and potential shelter or housing placement. During this period, Harbor Interfaith Services Case Managers have had 65 interactions with individuals experiencing homelessness in the City. They were successful in housing four individuals, although one chose not to stay in the housing offered. ESPD has been able to improve the system of tracking calls for service related to homelessness. In July, ESPD handled 287 calls related to homelessness out of 2,700 total calls for service. This accounted for approximately 10.6% of the call volume, with an average of nine calls per day. In August, PD handled 269 calls related to homelessness out of 3,026 total calls for service. This accounted for approximately 9% of the call volume and an average of nine calls per day. In September, ESPD handled 231 calls related to homelessness out of 2899 total calls for service. This accounted for approximately 8% of the call volume with an average of eight calls per day. The PATCHES Team has formed partnerships with surrounding agencies for improved communication and collaboration. On August 22, 2024, members of the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Park Rangers conducted a coordinated cleanup of the encampments on the beach just north of El Segundo. ESPD officers responded to assist and ensure none of the individuals being relocated moved south into El Segundo. On August 29, 2024,the PATCHES team coordinated a joint encampment cleanup on the train tracks in the area of Rosecrans Avenue and Aviation Boulevard with Los Angeles Metro. Some of the encampments returned. On September 10, 2024, PATCHES team members met with BNSF Railway Police, and BNSF contractors fully cleaned those encampments. In total, seven encampments were cleaned, which included the permeant removal of two structures which were being used as living quarters by individuals experiencing homelessness. The City Attorney's Office provides guidance to the PATCHES team and ESPD regarding regulations, enforcement, and legal compliance. The City Attorney's office drafted an ordinance updating to the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) to ensure consistency with the U.S. Supreme Court's June 2024 Grants Pass v. Johnson decision. The City Council adopted the ordinance on September 17, 2024, which includes camping restrictions and additional enforcement mechanisms and incorporates the El Segundo Library's Rules of Conduct into the ESMC to activate additional enforcement tools. The ordinance will go into effect on October 17, 2024. The PATCHES team is collaborating on proposed updates to the Library Rules of Conduct to conform to the ordinance, bolster due process procedures, and address issues related to homelessness at the Library. The Library Board will consider the proposed updated rules on November 12, 2024. The City Manager's Office developed a project management process and database for Page 205 of 206 PATCHES Program Quarterly Update October 15, 2024 Page 3 of 3 the PATCHES team which will assist with maintaining statistics related to homelessness outreach and case management. The software allows police officers to complete an online form to track interactions with people experiencing homelessness. The data from the form is collected in the database and each interaction is tracked. The new system also automates referrals to service providers, such as Harbor Interfaith Services and the Department of Mental Health, and tracks outcomes. Service providers will complete an online form that will go directly to the database, so activity is measured consistently and accurately. Lastly, the City is in the final phases of launching the El Segundo Connect app, an online portal that allows the community to submit information regarding encampments and individuals experiencing homelessness to the PATCHES team. The PATCHES team can use this information to connect individuals experiencing homelessness with much -needed services more efficiently. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 2: Optimize Community Safety and Preparedness Strategy A: Comprehensively address the unsheltered homeless population. PREPARED BY: Luke Muir, Police Lieutenant REVIEWED BY: Saul Rodriguez, Police Chief APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 206 of 206