2021-11-17 Recreation Parks Commission AgendaAGENDA Recreation & Parks Commission Wednesday, November 17, 2021 6:00 p.m. DUE TO THE COVID-1 9 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE PURSUANT TO AB 361 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? • Residents can watch the meeting live via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U- Verse Channel 99 and/or El Segundo TV at YouTube.com. Access remotely via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device at URL Meeting ID: 967 1887 7966 and Passcode: 051645 If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, use the drop - down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself "anonymous" • Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 967 1887 7966 and Passcode:051645 https://us06web.zoom.us/I/96718877966?pwd=dWw3YnJgWFFUeDl5UkNI RU8OaVRYdzO9 NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous • Do not simultaneously use a microphone through Zoom and a celphone/telephone, this combination results in audio problems. For electronic public comments on a specific agenda item, submit comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: mpalacios(c_elsegundo.org, in the subject line, please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the commission during public communications. • All written communication, documents, and email addresses of attendees captured by Zoom software will be considered public documents subject to possible posting on the City's website and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, 310-524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL D. PRESENTATIONS 1. Holiday Update (Ryan Delgado and Sam Lee) 2. Brett Field Scoreboard Update (Shawn Green) E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Commission business only and that is within the subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Commission — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total. The Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda.) 1�4(61►694z1111111Gk144z197_1111 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Special Meeting of October 20, 2021. (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Approval 2. EXTENSION OF THE TELECONFERENCING METHOD OF PUBLIC MEETINGS in Accordance with Government Code § 54953(e)(3). (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Declaration that local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing and (2) Approval Supporting Document: Resolution of the Recreation and Parks Commission Finding that Certain Conditions Exist to Continue Conducting Public Meetings Via Teleconferencing Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e) MwelzIaIzIH:14oil :11111zI*V None H. NEW BUSINESS 1. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CANCELLATION OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Approval I. REPORTS 1. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics Subcommittee b. Transportation Subcommittee c. Youth Sports Council E 2. STAFF REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent b. Christopher Hentzen, Parks Maintenance Superintendent 3. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director b. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director J. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Watson Commissioner Stolnack Commissioner Lubs Vice Chairperson Davis Chairperson Motta K. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:00 p.m. This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER — The meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission was called to order by Chairperson Motta at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL — via teleconference Commissioner Kelly Watson Present Commissioner Julie Stolnack Present Commissioner Dave Lubs Present Vice Chairperson Lee Davis Present Chairperson Bob Motta Present All Commissioners were present via Zoom teleconference ALSO PRESENT — via teleconference Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director IDim a"7*94z11r_ dIs] ►11415z M E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst, read public communications from a few residents about the need for welcoming public space designed for teen girls. F. CONSENT CALENDAR — 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Special Meeting of October 13, 2021. (Commission Action Required) MOTIONED by Chairperson Motta and SECONDED by Vice -Chairperson Davis to approve the minutes as amended for the October 13, 2021 meeting. Voice vote followed. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None H. NEW BUSINESS — 1. Recreation Parks Needs Assessment by RJM Design Group RJM consultant Zachary Mueting presented survey statistics and summary information about their Recreation Park Needs Assessment analysis and professional recommendations. Commissioners stated they are open to learning more about RJM's recommendation to design and build a new multigenerational community center as well as other proposed improvements, but believe more input from the community is needed in order to make sure the plan meets the needs of residents. Commissioners complimented staff for the high overall satisfaction ratings with programming, recreational facilities and parks, and parks and facilities maintenance. They also pointed out the high community interest in renovating the Plunge captured in the Multi - Modal survey. REPORTS = ]4Z•]:i&SO]&ilJ:Z•L•L'AI►A111i114*1 a. Aquatics Subcommittee- Continues to work on the Plunge project. b. Transportation Subcommittee - none c. Youth Sports Council- none 2. STAFF REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent • Halloween Frolic will take place on Saturday, October 30th 12:00pm-5:00pm. • Bicycle riding in Recreation Park raises safety and liability concerns and is not permitted in the City's Municipal Code. Related signage and community education will increase throughout the park. Kelly- Inquired on the status of the new Farmers Market employee. Arecia- He is on board and has begun research for expanding vendors. b. Christopher Hentzen, Parks Maintenance Superintendent • The City continues to work with Edison regarding tree removals. C. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director The City will develop a plan of action and include a Landscape Architect to look at what Edison wants to accomplish and the impact on vegetation. Based on the results, the City will create a mitigation plan. The City hopes to have Edison replace the removed trees. For example, if Edison removes a 12-ft tree, they would have to replace it with two b- ft trees. 3. DIRECTOR REPORT a. Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director Scheduled implementation date for Dial -A -Ride and Doctor Dial -A -Ride is November I It. Residents may register for the program at the Joslyn Center. Teen Advisory Board is now accepting applications for the 2022 year. Applications are due November 9'" at 5:00pm. Teen Advisory Committee hosted a Laser Tag event that attracted over 100 teens. Community Services Department is actively recruiting and the Recreation and Parks Commission is encouraged to spread the word and help us expand our team. J. COMMISSIONER COMMENT Commissioner Watson- Thanked Shawn Green for his work on the Richmond Street Fair. Encountered a dog without a leash in the park and approached the owner about using the Dog Park. The individual shared that due to aggressive dogs and people she did not feel safe to use the Dog Park. Commissioner Stolnack- Is excited to see many events return to the City. Congratulated Community Services for the great job. Commissioner Lubs- Extremely happy with the survey results regarding the performance of the Recreation and Parks Department. It shows the City values Recreation. Congratulated the Community Services Department for the great work and dedication. Vice Chairperson Davis- Needs Assessment is very interesting and it is an exciting time to look closely to changes that can be made. He is excited to be part of it. Thanked staff for their work. Chairperson Motta- Thanked the entire staff for all their work. K. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 7:57p.m. The next Regular Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:OOpm p.m. via Zoom. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSOIN FINDING THAT CERTAIN CONDITIONS EXIST TO CONTINUE CONDUCTING PUBLIC MEETINGS VIA TELECONFERENCING PURUSANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54953(e). The Recreation and Parks Commission resolves as follows: SECTION 1: The Recreation and Parks Commission finds and declares as follows: A. On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California due to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. B. This gubernatorial proclamation, among other things, suspended local government emergency declaration, reporting, and extension requirements of Government Code § 8630 for the duration of the COVID- 19 pandemic. C. Effective September 16, 2021, Assembly Bill No. 361 ("AB 361") took effect which, among other things, amends certain provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act ("Brown Act") governing open meetings to allow teleconferencing, including internet-based video conferencing, in a manner similar to previously issued gubernatorial executive orders. D. During a proclaimed state of emergency, AB 361 allows a legislative body, like the Recreation and Parks Commission, to continue utilizing teleconferencing to conduct public meetings under certain circumstances, provided the legislative body makes certain findings. E. After an initial meeting in which certain findings are made, to continue meeting pursuant to AB 361, the legislative body must, every 30 days thereafter, declare that it has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency and either: (1) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person; or (2) state or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. F. On October 5, 2021, the El Segundo City Council adopted Resolution 5275 prohibiting other City legislative bodies from meeting exclusively in person, except as determined by the City Manager or until the City Council provides further direction. The City Council Resolution directed all legislative bodies of the City to consider the adoption of a resolution authorizing the use of teleconferenced meetings pursuant to Government Code § 54953(e). SECTION 2: Teleconferencing. Pursuant to Government Code § 54953(e), the Recreation and Parks Commission finds as follows: A. The state of California continues to be in a declared state of emergency pursuant to Government Code § 8625 (the California Emergency Services Act; see Government Code § 54953(e)(3); see also Governor's Proclamation dated March 4, 2020); B. Based upon the most recent Order of the Health Officer for the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health (dated September 17, 2021 and effective October 7, 2021), masks and social distancing continue to be recommended as necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19 (Government Code § 54953(e)(3)(B)(ii)); C. The circumstances continue to directly impact the ability of the members of the Recreation and Parks Commission to meet safely in person; D. Accordingly, to protect public health, the Recreation and Parks Commission finds that it is in the public interest to conduct its public meetings via teleconference as defined by Government Code § 54953; E. The Recreation and Parks Commission will adhere to all requirements of Government Code § 54953(e) governing teleconferencing during the emergency. SECTION 3: Reporting. Every 30 days following adoption of this Resolution, the Recreation and Parks Commission will reconsider the extension of the teleconferencing method of public meetings in accordance with Government Code § 54953(e)(3). Such determinations may be placed on the consent calendar. SECTION 4: Electronic Signatures. This Resolution may be executed with electronic signatures in accordance with Government Code §16.5. Such electronic signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. SECTION 5: Recordation. The presiding officer of the Recreation and Parks Commission is authorized to sign this Resolution signifying its adoption by the Recreation and Parks Commission. SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13'" day of October, 2021. Chair Bob Motta Recreation and Parks Commission CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE: November 17, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent SUBJECT: Recreation Division Report uatics- October "Please see attached report to review Aquatics Center activity. Joslyn Center- October Outreach volunteers helped deliver a total of 326 meals in the month of November. Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) The TAC held their monthly meeting on October 4. On Saturday, October 16 the Teen Advisory Committee hosted a Laser Tag event! This event brought in over 100 teens, and featured a 10 room laser tag inflatable, music, and refreshments outdoors on Stevenson Field. Additionally, recruitment for the 2022 Teen Advisory Committee began in October, with applications being due on November 9. Teen Center The Teen Center continues to be staffed and open for drop -in use. Throughout October, an overall of 2,636 teens visited the Teen Center and Teen Center Basketball Court. Clubhouse The Clubhouse was reserved a total of 64 times in October for recreation activities, Co-op, meetings, and rentals. 4 room reservations were made for paid rentals, 30 reservations were made for contract classes, 2 reservations for interviews, 1 reservation for a Public Works meeting, and 26 reservations for co-op. New Hires! On October 25, 5 individuals were selected to start new positions as Recreation Specialists to oversee various areas in the Recreation Division. Four candidates were internal applicants who received a promotion, and one was an external candidate. Congratulations to Ruby Vergara, Abigail Flores, Eduardo Herrera, Ryan Booker, and Catherine Galanti! Andrew Booras was promoted to Farmers Market Specialist. Sports ACTIVITY # RESERVATIONS Pickleball 786 Tennis 1303 Adult Sports 2021 Fall Pickleball Leagues enjoyed a 5 week season. 3.0 & 3.5 Mixed Doubles concluded their season on October 27. 3.0 & 3.5 Women's Doubles concluded their season on October 28. Adult Co-ed Kickball and 7v7 Soccer are mid -season. Playoffs for 7V7 will begin in December and championships for kickball will take place in January. Social Media Stats Facebook — October 2021— 10 New Followers, 2548 Followers Instagram — October 2021— 41 New Followers, 2079 Followers 19 RVCES AQUATICS CENTER October Report Programming $ Number of Participants We finished up our first session of Fall lessons, and are now into our 2nd session! Weekdays consist of two days a week group and private swim lessons, and Saturdays consist of private lessons, adaptive lessons, and parent and child group swim lessons! Contract Classes October Aerobics $7,122.00 838 October S'Wet $410.00 47 October Aqua Zumba $150.00 17 Staff Swim Lessons Group Lessons $9,691.60 183 Private Lessons $4,620.00 42 Totals $21,993.60 1127 Public Lap Swimming $ Number of Customer Lane Reservations October Lap Swimming Reservations $11,264.00 6510 Drop In $220.00 179 Totals $11,484.00 6689 Recreation Swim/Youth Events $ Number of Individual Participants With the colder weather coming in, our recreation swim numbers have definitely dropped. One highlight of this month, was our Pumpkin Pool-ooza! We hosted over 200 participants for a floating pumkin patch, decorating table, and Recreation Swim fun! Aquatics Center Recreation Swim $768.00 334 Pumpkin Pool-ooza $980.00 171 Totals $1,748.00 505 Annual Membership Sales at the Aquatics Center $ Memberships sold Wiseburn ReclDs Adult ID $150.00 10 Wiseburn ReclDs Senior ID $5.00 1 Wiseburn ReclDs Youth ID $60.00 6 Wiseburn ReclDs Infant ID $15.00 3 El Segundo ReclDs Adult ID $225.00 15 El Segundo Rec IDs Senior ID $25.00 5 El Segundo ReclDs Youth ID $50.00 5 El Segundo ReclDs Infant ID $5.00 1 Totals $535.00 46 Membership Sales Passes Purchased to use towards Lane Rentals Punch Passes 10 Punch Pass $1,796.00 45 20 Punch Pass $1,484.00 20 30 Punch Pass $6,255.00 61 Membership Passes 30 Day $580.00 13 90 Day $755.00 6 Annual $3,400.00 11 Totals $14,270.00 156 Permit Groups Short Lane Hours $ Estimated Participants (4 to 5 per lane) Alpha 770.50 $11,692.75 3082 Beach Cities 740.00 $12.82 2960 SCAQ 543.00 $6,111.50 2715 South Bay United 787.00 $5,194.00 3148 Tower 26 306.75 $3,475.88 1227 Trojan 395.00 $3,397.00 1580 Coastal 140.00 $1,204.00 420 Totals 3682.25 $31,087.95 15132.00 Events $ Number of Games ESHS Water Polo $0.00 6 South Bay WP Tnt Hosted by ESHS $0.00 20 Loyola High School WP $628.00 2 Totals $628.00 28 Total Revenue Estimated Amount of Visitors in Oct. $81,746.55 23453.00 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ' El Segundo 's Backyard" INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE November 17, 2021 TO Recreation and Parks Commission FROM Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT Parks Division Report Parks, Proiects, Improvements • Routine maintenance continues throughout the parks. • Park staff providing support for City events. • Options for Arena Street curb and sidewalk for Camphor trees under study and review. • Negotiations ongoing with SCE regarding lease agreement renewal for Independence, Constitution, Washington, and Freedom Parks regarding tree policy. • Attended demonstration of a robot mower at Washington Park. Tree Report • The city tree crew performed trimming/tree removals per requests. • Installed replacement trees at various locations. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: November 12, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Melissa McCollum, Commuity Services Director SUBJECT: Community Services Updates Urho Saari Swim Stadium ("Plunge") Update In addition to staff's recent update to City Council on October 19, 2021, El Segundo Media helped share a variety of community updates regarding renovation plans for the Plunge in the last few weeks. Messaging includes: • Planned modernization of the entire facility, including upgrades to the mechanical and filtration systems • Completed conceptual design artfully maintaining the iconic Art Deco fagade while renovating the interior to meet current building and accessibility standards • Movement to the engineering design and fundraising phases • Planned project completion by Spring 2025 • Plunge will remain closed for the duration of the project • Additional information will be shared on the City's website, social media, and future news bulletins Aquatics Fees Update Staff presented the Aquatics Fee Study at the City Council Meeting on November 2, 2021 with a recommendation to "Review the Aquatics Fee Study, retain the existing Aquatics fee structure, and apply the consumer price index (cpi) cost inflator to the Aquatics fees each year as part of the annual Master Fee Schedule update." City Council voted 3-2 not to apply the cpi cost inflator to Aquatics fees. Recreation Park Needs Assessment Update RJM Design Group and staff are scheduled to present the Recreation Park Needs Assessment and Master Plan recommendations to City Council at their meeting on November 16, 2021. Staff's recommendation to City Council includes: 1. Review Proposed Recreation Park Needs Assessment and Master Plan 2. Approve the Proposed Recreation Park Master Plan to serve as a working document for the planning, enhancement, and development of Recreation Park over the next 15 years 3. Direct staff to move forward with improvements to the Teen Center, Skate Park, and basketball courts The estimated cost to implement all of the proposed projects in the Recreation Park Needs Assessment report exceeds $35 million as outlined in the attached Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate. Staff will use this document in preparing the ten-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as part of the Proposed FY 2022-2023 & FY 2023-2024 Biennial Budget preparation process. Potential funding sources for both one-time capital construction and recurring maintenance will need to be developed at a later date. The adopted FY 2021-2022 Capital Improvement Program includes $800,000 for Recreation Park projects. To date, $50,000 was allocated to prepare the Recreation Park Needs Assessment and Master Plan recommendations. This leaves a balance of $750,000 which staff recommends allocating in the following manner: 1. Teen Center - $300,000 (Interior upgrades, including bathrooms) 2. Basketball Courts - $250,000 (Regrade, resurface, and restripe Teen Center court and adjacent paving, repair and repaint surfacing at Recreation Park court, and replace and renovate hoops and fencing) 3. Skate Park - $200,000 (Renovate and refurbish skate features and fencing and remove and replace Skate Park pedestrian lighting) Application for Per Capita Grant Funds City Council will consider adopting a resolution to allow application for Per Capita Grant Funds to receive funding from the Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 68) at their meeting on November 16, 2021. The total grant amount of $188,087 will be allocated to the Acacia Park project. The park was completed in April 2021 with the following funds: Measure W, Wastewater, Park Development, General, and Prop 68.Thank you to Senior Administrative Analyst Monse Palacios for her work securing the grant. Happy Holidays! Thanks to all of the Community Services staff and partners busy preparing for many upcoming events to celebrate the holidays in El Segundo. Here's to a joyous season for all. Save the Date(s) • November 29-December 10, 2021 — Santa's Mailbox at the El Segundo Public Library and Recreation Park Checkout Building (Sponsored by the El Segundo Women's Club) • December 1, 2021 — Menorah Lighting (5:30 PM at the City Hall Plaza) • December 2, 2021 — Tree Lighting (3-7 PM at the City Hall Plaza) A celebration of cultures through food, art, and performance. -a Y) �!. 8 PNI Ci iy 1 1,1 1 �I },. _W 9W The Festival of Holidays is a family -friendly event collaboration On between the Arts and Culture Advisory and the DEI Committeesand is supported by the EI Segundo Cultural Development Program.' .o O` Please contact Cultural Arts Coordinator Sam Lee at slee3@elsegundo.org or 310-524-2771 for information. J �- �CH CII�e oi 4pm -- BollyPop 4:30pm -- Sitarre Spm -- Bob Baker Marionette Theater S:30pm -- Members of the El Segundo High School Symphony Orchestra 6pm -- Ina Buckner Barnette, The Sunshine Storyteller 6:30pm -- KINGTAE of DANNSEKOU Cultural Arts Collective 7pm -- Grupo Folklorico de LMU 7:30pm -- Asano Taiko U.S. %V °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA RJ Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 1. This draft opinion of order of magnitude probable construction cost is based upon the Park Master Plan Illustrative Bubble Diagram for Recreation Park prepared by RJM Design Group for the City of El Segundo Needs Assessment. This estimate is based upon our understanding of the project's scope of work and design goals as outlined in the recommendations associated with the Illustrative Bubble Diagram The costs associated with this estimate are considered "order of magnitude" and are not based on any designs, construction documents or final approved designs. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL Non Phase -Restricted Improvements 1 Restrooms a Renovate Clubhouse Restroom (per Accessibility Report per item 21a) 1 LS Allow NIC b Renovate Joslyn Senior Center Restroom (per Accessibility Report per iteam 24a) 1 LS Allow NIC c Renovate Teen Center Restroom (per Accessibility Report per 23a) 1 LS Allow NIC d Renovate Little League Field Bldg for ADA Improvements Only 1 LS Allow $ 50,000.00 e Renovate Checkout Bldg Restroom 1 LS Allow NIC TOTAL $ 50,000.00 2 Walking Paths a Remove / Repair / Replace Non - Compliant ADA Ramps, Walks, Curb Ramps, and Stairs (Park Main Complex / General Exterior Improvements per Accessibility Report) 1 LS Allow $ 585,792.00 b Remove / Repair / Replace Damaged Concrete with City Standard Concrete Pedestrian Paving 5,000 SF $ 18.00 $ 90,000.00 TOTAL $ 675,792.00 3 Baseball Field / Little League Field / Softball Field a Renovate Field Irrigation - see #20 NIC b Renovate Snack Bar, Announcer's Booth, Equipment Storage Areas 1 LS Allow $ 90,000.00 c Remove and Replace Scoreboards, Bleacher Seating 3 EA $ 35,000.00 $ 105,000.00 d Remove / Replace / Renovate Backstop Fencing, Backstop Netting, Foulline Fencing, Outfield Netting, Batting Cages all Fields 1 LS Allow $ 350,000.00 e Renovate Dugouts, Field Infield and Outfields 1 LS Allow $ 45,000.00 f Remove and Replace Sport Light Fixtures with LED's (6 poles per field) 1 LS Allow $ 360,000.00 TOTAL $ 950,000.00 4 Sport Court Lighting a Renovate / Replace Fixture Lighing with LED's (13 Double, 11 Single fixtures) 1 LS Allow $ 90,000.00 TOTAL $ 90,000.00 5 Park Lighting a Remove and Replace Park Pedestrian Lighting (Poles, Fixtures, Base, Wiring) 15 EA $ 10,000.00 $ 150,000.00 b Remove and Replace Park Vehicular Lighting (Poles, Fixtures, Base, Wiring) 21 EA $ 10,000.00 $ 210,000.00 c Renovate Panel, Transformers, Power POC, etc. 1 LS Allow $ 20,000.00 TOTAL $ 380,000.00 6 Basketball Courts a Remove / Replace / Renovate Hoops and Fencing at Park and Teen Center Courts 1 LS Allow $ 90,000.00 b Restrip / Repaint Surfacing at Park Court 6,060 SF $ 4.00 $ 24,240.00 c Regrade and Resurface and Restrip Court Paving and Adjacent Paving -Teen Center 5,300 SF $ 24.00 $ 127,200.00 TOTAL $ 241,440.00 7 Dog Area / Lawn Bowling a Remove Existing Turf, Fencing, Walkways, Steps, Drainage Channel, Complete 21,400 SF $ 4.00 $ 85,600.00 b Construct New Small Dog and Big Dog Areas with Fencing, Entry Gates, Water, Trash, Seating, Turf, Renovate Irrigation, Complete 21,400 SF $ 12.00 $ 256,800.00 TOTAL $ 342,400.00 8 Pickleball Courts a Remove and Replace Netting and Posts 4 EA $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 b Remove and Replace Bench Seating 8 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 24,000.00 TOTAL $ 26,000.00 %F °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Rj Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 9 Tennis Courts a Remove and Replace Netting and Posts 6 EA $ 600.00 $ 3,600.00 b Remove and Replace Bench Seating 12 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 36,000.00 c Remove and Replace Fencing (Allowance of 800 LF) 800 LF $ 85.00 $ 68,000.00 TOTAL $ 107,600.00 10 Volleyball Courts and Paddle Tennis Courts a Remove and Replace Netting and Posts 2 EA $ 800.00 $ 1,600.00 b Remove and Replace Bench Seating 4 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 c Remove and Replace Fencing (Volleyball and adjacent paddle tennis) 350 LF $ 85.00 $ 29,750.00 TOTAL $ 43,350.00 11 Racquetball / Badminton Indoor Courts / Practice Hitting Wall a Renovate Courts, Complete 1 LS Allow $ 80,000.00 b Resurface Practice Hitting Wall Paving 3,280 SF $ 4.00 $ 13,120.00 TOTAL $ 93,120.00 12 Roller Hockey a Remove and Replace Fencing, Upgrade bleachers and Goals 450 LF $ 90.00 $ 40,500.00 b Construct Concrete paving 1,000 SF $ 16.00 $ 16,000.00 TOTAL $ 56,500.00 13 Skate Park at Teen Center a Renovate / Refurbish Skate Features and Fencing 1 LS Allow $ 80,000.00 b Remove and Replace Skate Park Pedestrian Lighting (Poles, Fixtures, Base, Wiring) 6 EA $ 10,000.00 $ 60,000.00 TOTAL $ 140,000.00 14 Community Garden a Remove and Dispose of Fencing, Paving, DG, Park Amenities, planting and irrigation at Cornhole, Shuffleboard, and Horseshoes footprint (approximate 6,000 sq ft) 1 LS Allow $ 15,000.00 b Furnish and Install New Community Garden, Complete (Fencing, DG paving, 30 Garden Plots with Aisles, Trash, Water, Seating, Material Storage Shed, Equipment Storage Shed) 6,000 SF $ 35.00 $ 210,000.00 TOTAL $ 225,000.00 15 Park Amenities / Site Furnishings a Remove and Dispose of Existing Site Furnishings 1 LS Allow $ 25,000.00 b Furnish and Install Bench Seating (-54) 30 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 90,000.00 c Furnish and Install Picnic Table (47) 30 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 105,000.00 d Furnish and Install Trash Receptacle (-106) 40 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 60,000.00 e Furnish and Install Drinking Fountain with Bottle Filler and/or Dog Bowl (-5) 6 EA $ 8,500.00 $ 51,000.00 f Furnish and Install Pedestal BBQ (-14) 12 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 36,000.00 g Furnish and Install Bike Racks (-0) 6 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 h Furnish and Install Dog Waste Stations (-0) 6 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 9,000.00 TOTAL $ 388,000.00 16 Parking Lots a Slurry and Re -Seal Lots, Stall /ADA Striping and Wheelstops at all Lots 97,000 SF $ 3.00 $ 291,000.00 b Furnish and Install Regulatory / ADA Signage at all Lots 1 LS Allow $ 7,500.00 c Furnish and Install Truncated Domes and Curb Ramps at all Lots (5) 1 LS Allow $ 25,000.00 TOTAL $ 323,500.00 17 Wayfinding Signage a Remove and Dispose of Existing Wayfinding / Risk Mangagement / Field Signage (3) 1 LS Allow $ 15,000.00 b Furnish and Install Information / Regulatory signage for Sport Courts / Park Rules 1 LS Allow $ 15,000.00 c Furnish and Install Park Entry Monument Signage 2 EA $ 35,000.00 $ 70,000.00 d Furnish and Install Park Wayfinding Signage 1 LS Allow $ 15,000.00 TOTAL $ 115,000.00 18 Maintenance Yard a Replace / Construct New'Open Air' Corrigated Steel Equipment+ Material Storage Canopy Structure w/Doors 2,000 SF $ 50.00 $ 100,000.00 b Replace / Furnish and Install New Modular Office / Breakdown Building 800 SF $ 300.00 $ 240,000.00 b lConstruct New 'All Weather Trash Enclosure 1 EA $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 TOTAL $ 390,000.00 %r °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Rj Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 19 Court Storage a Furnish and Install Sun Pac 20' Storage Container adjacent Maintenance Yard 1 EA $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 TOTAL $ 8,000.00 20 Landscaping / Softscape / Irrigation (Entire Park Site) a Remove / Replace / Renovate Irrigation: - - - 1 (2) New Controllers and Points of Connection (Master Valve and Flow Sensor) 2 LS $ 40,000.00 $ 80,000.00 2 Reconfigure Irrigation Zones in Outfields Where Drainage is an Issue 106,900 SF $ 0.75 $ 80,175.00 3 Provide Domestic Water Supply for Washdown 1 LS $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 4 Run New Wires for Current Battery Operated Control Valves 5 EA $ 2,400.00 $ 12,000.00 5 Provide New Irrigation for Currrent Non Irrigated Areas 19,150 SF $ 3.50 $ 67,025.00 6 Remove / Replace / Renovate Irrigation at Turf Removals Areas for Shrub / Groundcovers 58,120 SF $ 3.50 $ 203,420.00 b Remove and replace entire irrigation system; 630,400 SF $ 2.20 $ 1,386,880.00 c Remove /replace / renovate irrigation at ballfields for synthetic turf - 1 Stevenson Baseball Field 100,470 SF $ 0.50 $ 50,235.00 2 Softball Field 44,720 SF $ 0.50 $ 22,360.00 3 George Brett Little League Field 44,365 SF $ 0.50 $ 22,182.50 4 George Brett Little League Field Outfield /Open Turf Areas 36,200 SF $ 0.50 $ 18,100.00 d Remove and Dispose of Turf Areas (non -active play) 58,120 SF $ 0.25 $ 14,530.00 e Provide Soil Preparation / Fine Grading at New Shrub and Groundcover Planting 58,120 SF $ 0.50 $ 29,060.00 f Furnish and Install Shrub Planting (58,120 SF - 75% 48" O.C. Spacing / 25% 36" O.C. Spacing) 5,025 EA $ 20.00 $ 100,500.00 g Furnish and Install 3" Mulch Layer at Shrub and Groundcover Planting 538 CY $ 40.00 $ 21,520.00 h Furnish and Install 24" Box Tree w/Root Barriers and Staking 40 EA $ 500.00 $ 20,000.00 i Furnish and Install 36" Box Tree w/Root Barriers and Staking 20 EA $ 850.00 $ 17,000.00 j 90 Day Maintenance and Weed Eradication 58,120 SF $ 0.35 $ 20,342.00 (DOES NOT INCLUDE b, remove and replace irrigation system or c. synthetic turf) TOTAL $ 685,572.00 (DOES NOT INCLUDE a. renovate existing system or c. synthetic turf) TOTAL $ 2,295,404.00 SUB TOTAL NON PHASE -RESTRICTED IMPROVEMENTS (does not include irrigation system replacement or synthetic turf) $ 5,331,274.00 COST PER ACRE (17): $ 313,604.35 %W °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Rj Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 ITEM DESCRIPTION AL QTY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL Primary Phased Improvements 21 Gordon E. Clubhouse a Renovate Clubhouse for 0-5 year timeline per Facility Condition and Accessibility Report) 1 LS Allow $ 1,841,139.00 b Demolish and Remove Gordon E. Clubhouse and Surrounding Hardscape 10,800 SF $ 14.00 $ 151,200.00 TOTAL $ 1,992,339.00 22 Multi -Generational Community Center Building a Construct New Multi -Generational Community Center Building (10,000-15,000 SF) 12,500 SF $ 700.00 $ 8,750,000.00 b Demolish and Remove Existing Block Wall at Street Level 130 LF $ 12.00 $ 1,560.00 TOTAL $ 8,751,560.00 23 Teen Center Improvements a Renovate Teen Center for 0-5 year timeline per Facility Condition and Accessibility Report) 1 LS Allow $ 671,445.00 b Renovate Teen Center for 5-20 year year timeline per Facility Condition and Accessibility Report 2 LS Allow $ 857,456.00 c Allowance for Non Maintenance Related Improvements 1 LS Allow $ 250,000.00 TOTAL $ 1,778,901.00 24 Joslyn Center and Elevator a Renovate Joslyn Center and Elevator for 0-5 year timeline per Facility Condition and Accessibility Report 1 LS Allow $ 975,239.00 a Demolish and Remove Joslyn Center and Elevator 7,500 SF $ 11.00 $ 82,500.00 TOTAL $ 1,057,739.00 25 Checkout Building a Renovate Checkout Building for 0-5 year timeline per Facility Condition and Accessibility Report 1 LS Allow $ 78,345.00 b Demolish and Remove Checkout Building 1,000 SF $ 10.00 $ 10,000.00 TOTAL $ 88,345.00 26 Outreach Building a Demolish and Remove Outreach Building 800 SF $ 10.00 $ 8,000.00 TOTAL $ 8,000.00 SUBTOTAL PRIMARY PHASED MPROVEMENTS $ 13,676,884.00 %r °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Rj Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL Secondary Phased Improvements 27 Park Skate Spot a Demolish and Remove / Renovate Hardscape Area 5,500 SF $ 2.00 $ 11,000.00 b Construct New Skate Spot with Skateable Features 5,500 SF $ 19.00 $ 104,500.00 TOTAL $ 115,500.00 28 Picnic Areas a Remove / Repair / Replace Walkways and Turf at Picnic Areas 18,000 SF $ 18.00 $ 324,000.00 b lRenovate Fire Pit and Surrounding Area 10,000 SF $ 8.00 $ 80,000.00 TOTAL $ 404,000.00 29 Playgrounds a Demolish Existing Playgrounds (2), Complete b Construct, Furnish and Install New 2-5 and 5-12 Playground Equipment 1 LS Allow $ 250,000.00 c Construct Poured in Place Rubber Surfacing and Concrete Slab for Playgrounds 6,500 SF $ 25.00 $ 162,500.00 d Construct Concrete Bondbeam For Playgrounds 400 LF $ 85.00 $ 34,000.00 e Construct Concrete Walkway / Paving / Hardscape 3,500 SF $ 18.00 $ 63,000.00 f Construct New Low Tubular Steel Fencing 300 LF $ 55.00 $ 16,500.00 g Furnish and Install Overhead Shade Structure (20'x20') 4 EA $ 75,000.00 $ 300,000.00 TOTAL $ 826,000.00 30 Walking Paths a Remove / Repair / Replace Concrete Surrounding Demolished / New Buildings 10,000 SF $ 18.00 $ 180,000.00 TOTAL $ 180,000.00 31 Fitness Stations a Furnish and Install Outdoor Fitness Stations 4 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000.00 b Construct DG Pad and Concrete Curb for Station 320 SF $ 18.00 $ 5,760.00 TOTAL $ 19,760.00 32 Tennis Courts a Construct New Tennis Court with 4 Court Pickleball Overlay 1 LS Allow $ 165,000.00 TOTAL $ 165,000.00 33 Pickleball Courts a See #32a above NIC TOTAL $ 34 Mural Art a Provide in Park or Multi -Generational Building - NIC TOTAL $ - 35 Paddle Tennis / Table Tennis a Relocate Steel Table and Replace Concrete Table with New Steel Table 1 LS Allow $ 3,500.00 TOTAL $ 3,500.00 36 Multi -Use / Flex Programming Space a Demolish and Remove Existing Hardscape and Landscape Areas 56,700 SF $ 2.00 $ 113,400.00 b Construct New Hardscape Paving Areas and Walkways 10,000 SF $ 18.00 $ 180,000.00 c Construct New Open Turf Areas with Trees and Irrigation 46,700 SF $ 5.00 $ 233,500.00 TOTAL $ 526,900.00 37 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Parking a Furnish and Install EV Charging Stations based on Required Number Per New Facility 4 EA $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 TOTAL $ 20,000.00 38 Sand / Beach Volleyball Court or Tennis Court a Construct New Sand / Beach Volleyball Or Tennis Court 1 LS Allow $ 165,000.00 TOTAL $ 165,000.00 39 Batting Cages a Demolish and Dispose of Batting Cages at Little League Field 1 LS $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 b Construct New Batting Cages (2) at Little League Field and Softball Field (1) 3 EA $ 45,000.00 $ 135,000.00 TOTAL $ 143,500.00 arlY°r Recreation Park ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 iI GDESIGN ROUP RjM 40 Soccer Fields a Maintain Existing Overlay at Little League Field 1 LS Allow $ 5,000.00 b Provide Temporary Striping at Open Turf Areas as Needed for Practice Field Overlay 1 LS Allow $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 10,000.00 SUB TOTAL SECONDARY PHASED IMPROVEMENTS $ 2,579,160.00 COST PER ACRE (17): $ 151,715.29 %W °'Y Recreation Park DESIGN MGROUP ELSEGUNDO Rj EL SEGUNDO, CA Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL Design Considerations A Restrooms a Demolish Little League / Park Restroom building, Complete 900 SF $ 11.50 $ 10,350.00 b Furnish and Install New Pre -Fab Restroom (4 stalls) Building with Concrete Paving 1 LS $ 650,000.00 $ 650,000.00 TOTAL $ 660,350.00 B Team Staging Area a Remove Existing Turf and Cap Irrigation 7,125 SF $ 2.00 $ 14,250.00 b Construct New Hardscape Paving 7,125 SF $ 18.00 $ 128,250.00 c Furnish and Install Overhead Shade Structure (20'x20') 1 EA $ 75,000.00 TOTAL $ 217,500.00 C Synthetic Turf a Stevenson Baseball Field Demolish and Remove Existing Ballfield Organics, Earthwork Exports, Sub Surface 1 Drainage, Catch Basins, Storm Drain Lines, Irrigation (provided for in #20c, Pitcher's Mound, 100,470 SF $ 2.00 $ 200,940.00 Rubber, Plates, Anchors, Etc. Provide Site Grading/Earthwork, Erosion Control, Storm Drain Improvements, Synthetic Turf 2 Base and Drainage System, Synthetic Turf, Geotextile Fabric, Concrete Grade Beam, and 100,470 SF $ 15.00 $ 1,507,050.00 Irrigation Quick Couplers TOTAL $ 1,707,990.00 b Softball Field Demolish and Remove Existing Ballfield Organics, Earthwork Exports, Sub Surface 1 Drainage, Catch Basins, Storm Drain Lines, Irrigation (provided for in #20c, Pitcher's Mound, 44,750 SF $ 2.00 $ 89,500.00 Rubber, Plates, Anchors, Etc. Provide Site Grading/Earthwork, Erosion Control, Storm Drain Improvements, Synthetic Turf 2 Base and Drainage System, Base Aggregate, Synthetic Turf, Concrete Grade Beam, and 44,720 SF $ 15.00 $ 670,800.00 Irrigation Quick Couplers TOTAL $ 760,300.00 c George Brett Little League Field Demolish and Remove Existing Ballfield Organics, Earthwork Exports, Sub Surface 1 Drainage, Catch Basins, Storm Drain Lines, Irrigation (provided for in #20c, Pitcher's Mound, 44,365 SF $ 2.00 $ 88,730.00 Rubber, Plates, Anchors, Etc. Provide Site Grading/Earthwork, Erosion Control, Storm Drain Improvements, Synthetic Turf 2 Base and Drainage System, Base Aggregate, Synthetic Turf, Concrete Grade Beam, and 44,365 SF $ 15.00 $ 665,475.00 Irrigation Quick Couplers TOTAL $ 754,205.00 d George Brett Little League Field Outfield Demolish and Remove Existing Ballfield Organics, Earthwork Exports, Sub Surface Drainage, Catch Basins, Storm Drain Lines, Irrigation (provided for in #20c, Pitcher's Mound, 36,200 SF $ 2.00 $ 72,400.00 Rubber, Plates, Anchors, Etc. Provide Site Grading/Earthwork, Erosion Control, Storm Drain Improvements, Synthetic Turf Base and Drainage System, Base Aggregate, Synthetic Turf, Concrete Grade Beam, and 36,200 SF $ 15.00 $ 543,000.00 Irrigation Quick Couplers TOTAL $ 615,400.00 TOTAL ALL FIELDS $ 3,837,895.00 arlY°r Recreation Park ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 RjM iI GDESIGN ROUP D Plaza / Hardscape Expansion a Construct New Hardscape Paving 24,000 SF $ 18.00 $ 432,000.00 b Furnish and Install Overhead Shade Structure (20'x2O') 4 EA $ 75,000.00 $ 300,000.00 c Furnish and Install Picnic Table 4 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000.00 d Furnish and Install Trash Receptacle 2 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 e Furnish and Install Drinking Fountain with Bottle Filler and/or Dog Bowl 1 EA $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 f Furnish and Install Bike Racks 1 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 TOTAL $ 759,500.00 SUBTOTAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION IMPROVEMENTS s 5,475,245.00 COST PER ACRE (17): $ 322,073.24 .I UrlY°r Recreation Park RJGDESIGN ROUP ELSEGUNDO EL SEGUNDO, CA M Order of Magnitude Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 10/13/2021 BASE BID ALL IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL = $ 27,062,563.00 30% CONTINGENCY = $ 8,118, 769.00 ESCALATION FEE 3% PER ANNUM = NIC GRAND TOTAL = $ 35,181,332.00 COST PER ACRE $ 2,069,490.12 Note: The Preceding cost estimate does not include the following: 1. Relocation and or undergrounding of existing utilities/infrastructure, unless indicated. 2. Utility meters and connection fees. 3. Environmental monitoring or mitigation. 4. Hazardous material cleanup and/or removal. 5. Construction management fees. 6. Plan check fees, building permit fees, professional inspection, or testing fees. 7. Design Fees, Project Management Fees, Construction Management Fees, Soft Costs 8. Traffic Control 9. Import OR Export Soil Material All On -Site Utility infrastructure (Sewer,Water, Reclaimed Water, Electrical, Telephone, etc., service and meters are to be provided to the Park Site by Owner. Utility connection and meter fees are not included in the above estimate. THE ABOVE ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE PROFESSIONAL FEES FOR DESIGN SERVICES. RJM HAS PREPARED THIS ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ON THE BASIS OF ITS BEST PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT AND EXPERIENCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. THE ESTIMATE, HOWEVER, REPRESENTS ASSUMPTIONS AND OPINIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION MARKET AND CONTRACTORS' METHODS OF DETERMINING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS OVER WHICH RJM HAS NO CONTROL. IF THE OWNER WISHES GREATER ASSURANCE AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION COST, HE SHALL EMPLOY AN INDEPENDENT COST ESTIMATOR.