2021-09-15 Recreation Parks Commission AgendaAGENDA Recreation & Parks Commission Wednesday, September 15, 2021 6:00 p.m. DUE TO THE COVID-1 9 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? • Residents can watch the meeting live via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U- Verse Channel 99 and/or El Segundo TV at YouTube.com. Access remotely via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device at URL Meeting ID: 967 1887 7966 and Passcode: 051645 If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, use the drop - down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself "anonymous" • Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 967 1887 7966 and Passcode:051645 https://us06web.zoom.us/I/96718877966?pwd=dWw3YnJgWFFUeD15U kNIRU8OaVRYdzO9 NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous • Do not simultaneously use a microphone through Zoom and a cellphone/telephone, this combination results in audio problems. For electronic public comments on a specific agenda item, submit comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: mpalacios(a)elsegundo.org, in the subject line, please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the commission during public communications. All written communication, documents, and email addresses of attendees captured by Zoom software will be considered public documents subject to possible posting on the City's website and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, 310-524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL D. PRESENTATIONS 1. End of Summer Highlights 2. Transportation Services Update 3. EL Segundo Little League Scoreboard Proposal 4. Aquatics and Recreation Fee Study E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Commission business only and that is within the subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Commission — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total. The Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda.) 1M401►&94►k111114-1144z197_1;7 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting of August 18, 2021. (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Approval G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None H. NEW BUSINESS None I. REPORTS 1. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics Subcommittee b. Transportation Subcommittee c. Youth Sports Council 2. STAFF REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent b. Christopher Hentzen, Parks Maintenance Superintendent 3. DIRECTOR REPORT a. Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director 2 J. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Watson Commissioner Stolnack Commissioner Lubs Vice Chairperson Davis Chairperson Motta :�_11a1601;7 z fill z k i Adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 6:00 p.m. This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER — The meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission was called to order by Chairperson Motta at 6:05 p.m. via zoom. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL — via teleconference Commissioner Kelly Watson Present Commissioner Julie Stolnack Present Commissioner Dave Lubs Absent Vice Chairperson Lee Davis Absent Chairperson Bob Motta Present All Commissioners were present via Zoom teleconference ALSO PRESENT — via teleconference Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director Lifan Xu, City Engineer Christopher Hentzen, Parks Superintendent Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst 111111111111101:j4160161'iVAIJZIW-AdIs] Z6'011111►1reml - :Wds]►N4Z11KO1_144Z107_1;1e 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting of June 16, 2021. (Commission Action Required) Chairperson Bob Motta noted a discrepancy under the director report. Melissa congratulated Dave Lubs not Lee Davis for being reappointed. MOTIONED by Chairperson Motta and SECONDED by Commissioner Watson to approve the minutes with the noted changes of the June 16, 2021 meeting. Voice vote followed. MOTION CARRIED 3-0. F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS- None G. NEW BUSINESS — 1. Potential Expansion of the Checkout Building Restroom Improvement Project Motioned by Chairperson Motta and SECONDED by Commissioner Stolnack to approve option 1 of the Checkout Building Restroom Improvement Project. Voice vote followed. MOTION CARRIED 2-1. :=;1406]A&IM 11M"14Z•]I'll &T•]Si11:1401JIMI1111114*1 a. Aquatics: None b. Gateway Committee: None d. Transportation Committee: Transportation is having difficulty hiring appropriate drivers. Together with staff a multi -tier temporary solution will be presented. Doctor dial a ride — Yellow Cab voucher Lunch time shuttle -Lyft agreement Beach Shuttle- METRO micro $1 .00 ride. Airport transportation is pending e. Youth Sports Council: Upcoming meeting August 241h. 2. DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORTS - a. Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director for Arecia Hester • Written report submitted. • Halloween Frolic will be on Saturday, October 301h 12:00pm-5:00pm b. Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent • Written report submitted. • Kelly inquired regarding current tree removals at Recreation Park. Christopher informed her the tree was diseased. Replacement trees will be planted. 3. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR REPORT — Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director • Written report submitted. • Hockey Rink ribbon cutting will be Thursday, August 26. Ribbon cutting will be 4:45 p m. • Have received 588 surveys in August for the Needs Assessment. The third survey which will dive in deeper will be up from September 1 -15'h. • Main Street Car Show sponsored by Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, August 21 Sr. • Art Walk on Saturday, August 281h from 3:00pm-9:00pm. I. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS — Commissioner Watson: Get outside and visit the Farmers Market. We would like to grow the Market and it is a great way to get outside. Commissioner Stolnack: Attended Concerts in the Park and congratulated staff for their great work. Would like to possibly have hometown bands at the Concerts in the Park Commissioner Lubs: Absent Vice Chairperson Davis: Absent Chairperson Motta: None J. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m. The next Regular Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE: September 15, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent SUBJECT: Recreation Division Report Aquatics- August The Plunge continues to be closed through the COVID-19 pandemic. "Please see attached report to review aquatic center activity. Joslyn Center- August Outreach volunteers helped deliver a total of 376 meals in the month of August. Farmers Market There were approximately 1850 visitors attending the market during the month of August. Certified Farmers 7 Food Vendors 21 Craft Vendors 6 Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) The TAC held their monthly meeting on August 2. Thursday, August 19 the Teen Advisory Committee hosted a Teen BBQ and Movie Night at the Fire Circle in Recreation Park. Teens were invited to join the committee members for an afternoon of socializing, barbeque, and an outdoor movie screening of "Luca". 55 teens attended the event, and even more teens came and went throughout the evening to enjoy an opportunity of catching up with friends before school returns. Teen Center On Wednesday, August 25 the El Segundo Teen Center reopened its doors. The Teen Center is open Monday 1:30pm to 8:00pm, Tuesday -Friday 2:30pm-8:00pm, and Saturday 12:00pm to 8:00pm. The Teen Center received a collective attendance of 183 teens in the 6 days of being open in August. Summer Camps August 20 marked the last day of 2021 summer day camps. The department offered 9 weeks of day camps that included both Recreation Staff led programs and contracted programs. The summer camp offerings included Camp Cowabunga, Tiny Tot, Champ Camp Skateboard Camp, and Champ Camp Beach Camp. This summer's day camps brought in a total of 915 registered participants. Clubhouse On Monday, August 2 the Clubhouse reopened to the public for front desk hours and public restrooms. The Clubhouse is open Monday -Friday gam to 4pm, and Saturday 9am to 1 pm. The George E. Gordon Jr. Clubhouse was programmed with recreation activities for a total of 19 days in August and hosted an additional 4 days of reservations. Reservations consisted of 2 days of HR testing, 1 day of Youth Sports Council Meeting, and 1 day for AYSO meeting. These stats do not include contract or staff led program usage. Starting July 6, the clubhouse opened its doors to class participants of adult tap with Carol Well, and adult fitness and Pilates with Victoria Sarnia. The classes had a combined total of 26 adult participants. The summer contract classes concluded at the end of August and were a trial for the additional class offerings that are starting in September. Sports • Tennis Courts are now unlocked • Picnic reservations are available • Special Event Permits are available • Snack Bars are now allowed ACTIVITY # RESERVATIONS Pickleball 727 Tennis 900 Basketball 47 Adult Sports The deadline to register for co-ed 7v7 soccer is Thursday, 9/6/2021. We had a total of 29 teams this summer for the Adult Coed Softball League. Each weeknight has a total of six teams participating with Wednesday being the exception which has five total teams. Monday: 99 participants Tuesday: 94 participants Wednesday: 85 participants (5 teams) Thursday: 91 participants Friday: 90 participants Total: 459 participants Social Media Stats- Facebook — August 2021— 0 New Followers, 2530 Followers Instagram — August 2021 — 28 New Followers, 2003 Followers SERVICES AQUATICS CENTER August Report ..Ttiz1�. Programming $ Number of Participants Starting August 23rd, the Aquatics Center welcomed two new water fitness classes to the pool, Aqua Zumba and S'wetl We are the first pool on the west coast to offer a S'Wet class at our facility. We are happy to offer 16 fitness classes a week! Swim lesson data for August was present on the July report as the registration and start dates overlapped months. Water Fitness Classes August Aerobics $6,488.00 1213 August S'Wet $612.50 57 August Aqua Zumba $322.50 30 Totals $7,423.00 1300 Public Lap Swimming $ Number of Customer Lane Reservations This month we started having two lanes available during lap swim times for drop in participants. It started slow, but is starting to become more and more popular. August Lap Swimming Reservations $13,186.00 7191 Drop In $356.00 222 Totals $13,186.00 7413 Recreation Swim Number of Families $ Number of Individual Participants Aquatics Center Recreation Swim $3,285.00 1086 Hilltop Recreation Swim $1,276.00 1444 Totals $4,561.00 2530 Annual Membership Sales at the Aquatics Center $ Memberships sold Wiseburn Rec IDs Adult ID $435.00 31 Wiseburn ReclDs Senior ID $10.00 2 Wiseburn ReclDs Youth ID $605.00 15 Wiseburn ReclDs Infant ID $10.00 2 El Segundo Rec IDs Adult ID $420.00 33 El Segundo Rec IDs Senior ID $5.00 1 El Segundo Rec IDs Youth ID $230.00 25 Totals $1,715.00 109 Membership Sales Passes Purchased to use towards Lane Rentals Punch Passes 10 Punch Pass $1,671.00 42 20 Punch Pass $2,374.00 31 30 Punch Pass $7,650.00 78 Membership Passes 30 Day $200.00 7 90 Day $970.00 8 Annual $2,600.00 7 Totals $15,465.00 173 Permit Groups Short Lane Hours $ Estimated Participants (4 to 5 per lane) This month most of our permit groups took time off. This allowed for temporary additional time for some of our smaller groups, and some flexibilty with staffing. Alpha 618.00 $9,579.00 2472 Beach Cities 50.00 $775.00 200 SCAQ 552.00 $5,796.00 2760 South Bay United 574.00 $3,949.00 2296 Tower 26 313.00 $3,619.88 1565 Trojan 270.00 $2,322.00 1080 Coastal 220.00 $1,892.00 660 Totals 2597.00 $27,932.88 11033.00 Events $ Number of Days Training Rental Camp Del Corazon $894.00 2 Totals $894.00 2 Total Revenue Estimated Amount of Visitors in August $71,176.88 22276.00 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT "El Segundo 's Backyard" INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE September 15, 2021 TO Recreation and Parks Commission FROM Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT Parks Division Report Parks, Proiects, Improvements • Routine maintenance continues throughout the parks. • Installed trees at Camp Eucalyptus • Prepped Richmond Field and Brett Field for AYSO soccer season. • Review meeting with SCE regarding lease agreement renewal for Independence, Constitution, Washington, and Freedom Parks regarding tree policy. Tree Report • The city tree crew performed trimming/tree removals per requests. • Installed replacement trees at various locations including Memory Row. • Met with West Coast Arborist to kick off Fiscal Year 21/22 contracted work. Initial work to include updating city's tree inventory. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: September 9, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Melissa McCollum, Commuity Services Director SUBJECT: Community Services Updates Recreation Park Needs Assessment El Segundo Herald Ad 9/9/2021 Recreation Park Online Survey #2 is available from September 1-September 15. Paper surveys are available at recreational facilities in El Segundo, the El Segundo Public Library, and Park Vista. This survey will help prioritize projects and determine if the community is open to a new multigenerational center and eventual removal of older facilities to make room for additional outdoor recreation opportunities. The recommendation is being considered due to rising costs for improvements on older facilities, ADA improvement costs, and overall low usage of current buildings. RJM Design Group will make a detailed presentation about Recreation Park Needs Assessment findings and related recommendations at the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting on October 20, 2021. All El Segundo community members are invited and encouraged to attend. Community Highlights — Hockey Rink Ribbon Cutting, Commissioner Kelly Watson's Author Talk, and Art Walk 2021 Successful events this past month include celebration of the Hockey Rink Renovation at Recreation Park, Commissioner Kelly Watson's Author Talk at the El Segundo Public Library, and the Art Walk supported by the City's Cultural Development Fund. � * ,,QC;• ,,q � -erg Local Author Kelly Watson Wednesday, September 1, 7PM 0ME GENG JoM IntheCrxnmuniryR— B for Kelly N'atum's pescn�atirm STRONGER ORGANI ,Mdhnrsskn ofh book, N The Next Smart Step Hm to O:crcomc Gc g,,Smrcviltim. Build a Stronger Organiratiem. Bodes ��Il be mailable far pvchmc. Art Walk Bunnie Reiss Mural at 219 W Grand Photo by Mark Knight Protocol for Organized Youth Sports: Appendix S Requirements for youth sports leagues were updated by the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health and went into effect on September 1, 2021. The updated protocol — httD://WWW.Dublichealth.lacountv.aov/media/Coronavirus/does/Drotocols/ReODenina YouthSDorts.Ddf —outlines routine COVID-19 testing guidelines for vaccinated and unvaccinated athletes, staff, coaches, and volunteers. Active Aging Week: October 4-10, 2021 El Segundo's celebration of Active Aging Week is intended to give older adults the opportunity to experience wellness activities and exercise in a safe, supportive environment. It also promotes the benefits of healthier, more active lifestyles across the life span. Please see the attached flyer for descriptions of upcoming Zoom and in person opportunities for exercise, drawing, socializing, and other activities. City Council Commendation The City Council recognized the Community Services Department on September 7, 2021 for "their significant contributions to community wellbeing this summer." See the attached commendation for details about the reach and impact of the Recreation and Library Divisions during the past few months. I echo the City Council's appreciation for every Community Services staff member. It's definitely been a huge team effort during a challenging time. Looking Ahead City Council Agenda Forecast — Upcoming items for consideration include a Plunge Design Agreement, Aquatics & Recreation Fees, and the Recreation Park Needs Assessment Upcoming Recreation & Parks Commission Meetings — Recreation Park Needs Assessment and Aquatics Updates October October 4: • Genealogy Club meets in the Library's Community Room at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 5: • Experts in Arthritis presented by Carol Hahn MSN, RN, RYT, CPT, CDP at 11:00 a.m. in the Library's Community Room. JAI,nAr%esday, n.-+.,ko,- 6: • Chair Yoga/Meditation via Zoom. Contact the Reference Desk for further details. 9:00 a.m. • A Walk in the Park: Low -Intensity Walking and Balance Exercise in a social setting. Meets in Library Park 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Thursday October 7: • BINGO! Join us in the Library's Community Room for a fun morning of BINGO! Prizes included. 11:00 a.m. Friday, October 6 • just Draw with ESMoA. Participate in person or on Zoom. Please contact ESMoA for further information at 424-277-1020, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Saturday, Octr-k­ 0- The Fair on Richmond Street (on Main Street this year) Stroll down Main Street to enjoy the festivities of our community street fair. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, October 10: • Invite a Friend to Coffee and Conversation. *For additional information on any of the events, please contact the Reference Desk at 310-524-2728 or refdesk@elsegundo.org COMMUNITY . •... • ES P L • SERVICES WESTSIDE PACIFIC VILLAGES Humana 1 Citp of (fI :&eguribD, California lom enbattion WHEREAS, Recreation and Library facilities and programs are an integral part of the El Segundo community and are vitally important to establishing and maintaining quality of life, ensuring the physical and emotional health of all citizens; and providing opportunities for children, teens, and adults to connect with nature, books, art, and each other; and WHEREAS, Community Services staff acted quickly and thoughtfully to maintain access to recreational and educational facilities and provide beloved and reimagined experiences during a time of great challenge; and WHEREAS, between June -August 2021, over 9000 people attended the Summer Concert Series, 915 played, learned, and made friends at day camps, 4100 celebrated July 4t" at Rec Park, 635 participated in the Summer Reading Program with 263,949 minutes read, over 19,000 visited the library, 3435 shopped at the Farmer's Market, 19,973 reserved lanes for lap swim, 2539 reserved courts for tennis and pickleball, 459 competed on 29 Adult Softball League teams, 351 participated in outdoor storytimes, a small fairy garden arose outside of the Children's Library, eight poets and artists interacted with residents and visitors during the City's first Art + Dine series, and the Aquatics Center hosted the Olympic Gold Medalist USA Women's National Water Polo Team vs the Bronze Medalist Hungarian National Team as well as the USA Water Polo National Junior Olympics. NOW, THEREFORE, on this 711, day of September, 2021, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby commend all of our Community Services staff for their significant contributions to community wellbeing this summer. Mayor Drew Boyles Mayor Fro 7em Chris 1Timentel Council Mem6erScot Tricot Council Member Lance Giroux Council Member Carol Pirsztuk